8 Traits that Modern Girls Find Attractive in Guys - The Boca Raton Tribune (2024)

Attractiveness is a Universal Unicode, created by our minds and subconscious to detect beautiful likeable traits in other people. Women dedicate a lot of time to finding what men species are decent, and which are better to keep on a long distance. There is a widespread misconception that due to women’s logic the standards for men are unbearably high, so there is no need to cooperate anyway. But, only delusional people will believe that women are the ultimate judges. Believe me, most of us are struggling to find a clever, nice and loveable boyfriend that is currently single. Getting relationship advice from https://www.groenerekenkamer.com definitely helps. I honestly hate when salty gentlemen start rambling about how women are in need of their money, just because they can’t acquire basic human traits, so they monetize the whole concept of relationships. So let me break it down for you quickly:

  1. Women love caring and brave men. I think that this trait comes first every time. If we will divide men and women on a physical and social level, we all are extremely different. Women are gentle and fertile by nature, so we always feel the need to hide behind someone’s back. A man has to be a man. Notice how appearance does not come first, but what you do in order to protect! Did you notice when a couple of people find themselves in a dangerous situation, they automatically become closer. From now they are attached, because a man is responsible for both of your lives. Besides that, caring is extremely sexy and important. And don’t you dare to say you don’t like those wet grateful eyes!
  2. Women love funny men. See, ladies are more bubbly and cute by nature, but men are great comedians. There is no sexism, just straight truth. There have been made several researches on this topic, but the phenomenon of men’s sense of humor is still unexplained. When we feel anxious and lonely, who besides a good guy can make our mood go from zero to hundred in a minute? A nice joke is a conversation booster, and a woman will definitely understand that her life won’t be boring and pessimistic with such a person.
  3. Women like lively men. Just like you guys out there, we love to feel the spirit inside the person we are talking to. Of course, we all get sad and closed from time to time, but frozen people create the image of not even trying to impress. If you stare at the wall and sigh every second, we will be great psychologists, we will definitely try to find out what’s going on, but men who PREFER such a lifestyle without any reason, just out of bore, are really plain and unattractive. Be happy, spread positive vibes, and you can be one of the greatest people alive!
  4. Women appreciate confident men. Why do you think girls prefer douchebags, while nice guys finish last? This happens because confidence is very attractive by its nature. People, who gained some stability and assurance in their deeds are horribly sexy. While one guy can be all sweet and innocent, she will be having fun with a dumber guy, because both of us want to simply enjoy life, not drowning in somebody’s insecurities. But don’t think it’s a dead end, women are actually more insecure and worried because of the attention. Remember that being a person in society is a constant work, so don’t be lazy and do what you gotta do!
  5. Women like talented men. It’s a no-brainer. If a guy plays a guitar, cooks or mends stuff in the house we can only appreciate your hands. But what if one doesn’t have a particular talent? No worries, it’s not the ultimate skills that make us admire, but the willing to do something in life. You don’t have to be a fitness coach in order to jog. Being involved and having fun with life is that matters the most.
  6. Women love sharing men. By sharing I don’t mean rich or ready to buy stuff. Again, materialistic side will not be included here from the principle. What I am talking about is the readiness to share everything you have with a person you like. When a man wants you to be a part of his routine, time, when he wants to give the last piece of cake – those things are very sweet. Paying is an obligation for a lot of men, but sharing means much more, because it involves your emotions, thoughts and dreams.
  7. Women like men who are good around children, relatives, pets, etc. If you’ll ask what Ukrainian women like in men, everyone will answer that respect and affection is crucial. When I see a guy who is rude and disrespectful with friends, yells at his mother, he is instantly in a personal black list. Those people create an image of cold and immature brats, but sweet and genuinely caring men definitely know how to unlock gates to the women heart.

8. Women get crazy because of smart men. Don’t look at the position of this trait in a list, because it might be one of the biggest turn-ons for women. If a guy knows how to work with software, tells you about history, biology, knows about cinema and music, has a good taste in clothes and choices, it makes him smart. You don’t need to be a book-worm, but I can tell you, intelligence and clever moves in life are bigger than anything for women.


8 Traits that Modern Girls Find Attractive in Guys - The Boca Raton Tribune (2024)
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