80% of Businesses Fail Due To a Lack of Cash. Here are 4 Reasons Why Cash Flow Forecasting Is So Important - ForwardAI (2024)

Cashflow forecasting helps businesses predict when issues may arise and allows them to take action proactively to avoid cash flow gaps.

You might have heard that the biggest cause of business failures iscash flow issues, but to what extent is the severity of this widespread problem? To put things into perspective, more than80%of business failures are due to a lack of cash,20%of small businesses fail within a year, and half fail within five years.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, many businesses can avoid cash flow problems with propercash flow forecasting. Cashflow forecasting helps businesses predict when issues may arise and allows them to take action proactively to avoid cash flow gaps.

That said, many businesses already operate at max bandwidth, and cash flow forecasting isn’t on business owners’ minds. It’s usually already too late when business owners are hit with a financial setback and realize they don’t have enough cash to cover it.

Many business owners don’t realize that thescope of benefitsthat derives from good cash flow forecasting goes light years beyond helping the business plan its operation. If you are still thinking about why you should bother with it, here are a few reasons why you should do cash flow forecasting:

1. It helps businesses avoid cash flow gaps

This is the most straightforward and important reason why cash flow forecasting is crucial.

Here’s a scenario for you: John’s client promised thepaymentwould be deposited by today, but there has been a mix-up, and the bank said John wouldn’t get the money until next week. John is expected to pay his vendors tomorrow, but without receiving the payment from his client, he doesn’t have enough money to pay. The cycle continues.

This is the reason manybusinesses fail.

A cash flow forecast helps businesses avoid this very situation. They can use a forecast to project best-case scenarios, worst-case scenarios and everything in between. They can then use that to make prudent decisions about how much money to spend, where to put it, and when to spend it.

If they think there’s a chance cash may not come in the door, the business could decide to put off a big purchase. Or they could talk to vendors and get an extension on payables. Or they could offer customers a discount to pay their bills early. The forecast gives the business the knowledge they need to take action and avoid difficult cash flow situations.

2. It helps secure loans

Loansare an important part of running any business. Financing can help a business expand, improve its products and workflows, or cover operational costs in a crunch.

However, obtaining financing is easier said than done, especially for businesses with little assets or no credit history. In this case, lenders look at profitability, expenses and cash flow.

A strong cash flow forecast helps a business prove its creditworthiness to lenders. A business can use its cash flow forecast to show that it deservesa loanand is a good credit risk. Or, if your cash flow forecasting shows otherwise, maybe it’s a good time for you to assess internally and improve your cash flow position before going to a lender for a loan.

3. It helps businesses make better decisions

A cash flow forecast gives a business a glimpse into the future. It helps them view when cash is coming in and going out, so they can better plan for the future and make strategic decisions that align with their budgets.

Let’s say a business is considering hiring additional staff or purchasing new equipment. A business might look into how much money they have right now, thinking they could cover the extra expense. But what if the business lost a major client a week from now? Or what if sales suddenly plummeted due to competition?

These are the kind of things that your account balance can’t tell you and are the exact reasons businesses need cash flow forecasting. By understanding their future cash availability, businesses can makeinformed decisionsabout when and how to invest in their growth.

4. It helps businesses set measurable goals

Leveraging cash flow forecasts can help businesses set measurable goals to improve cash flow tangibly and determine the path to better business outcomes.

If a best-case scenario forecast says you can potentially grow your business revenue by 50% by improving your operation with a new equipment purchase, you now have a benchmark number.

Or, if you plan onreducing expensesby 20% by cutting out parts of your business operation, cash flow forecasts can help you see the business and revenue impact of cutting out a project and if the financial cost reduction is in line with your decision. You can now set data-driven business goals, know what outcome to expect, and measure success.

That’s two drastically different examples, but no matter what situation your business is in, cash flow forecasting can help a company set measurable goals.

Forecasting for your business is easier than you think

Here’s the thing about cash flow forecasting: It’s not new, but it used to be a challenging, labor-intensive, and time-consuming job that business owners would task their accountants with. The good news is that innovating technology makes cash flow forecasting easier than ever before. New tools now directly integrate with many cloud-accounting platforms that businesses use, making cash flow forecasting faster, more accurate, and sometimes even for free. Start looking for a solution that works with your accounting platform today, and see the wonders it can do for your business.

80% of Businesses Fail Due To a Lack of Cash. Here are 4 Reasons Why Cash Flow Forecasting Is So Important - ForwardAI (2024)


Why do 80% of businesses fail? ›

Money, or tangentially, cash flow problems. More than 8 in 10 businesses admit to experiencing cash flow problems at some point during their operations. To sum it all up, a study revealed that 82% of businesses fail because of cash flow mismanagement.

Do 82% of businesses that fail because of cash flow problems? ›

According to SCORE, 82% of small businesses fail due to cash flow problems. Cash flow is a blanket term that has many underlying roots. Cash flow is simply a metric that indicates how money is coming in and being spent at your business.

Why is cash flow forecasting important for businesses? ›

Cash flow forecasting involves estimating your future sales and expenses. A cash flow forecast is a vital tool for your business because it will tell you if you'll have enough cash to run the business or expand it. It will also show you when more cash is going out of the business than in.

Is cash flow the reason 82 of small businesses fail? ›

Poor cash flow.

According to SCORE, 82% of all small businesses fail due to cash flow problems. When money gets tight, paying yourself, your bills, the payroll and other financial obligations can be extremely difficult.

Why do 80% of startups fail? ›

Top Reasons Startups Fail

The relatively high startup failure rates are due to various reasons, with the most significant being the absence of a product-market fit, poor marketing strategy formulation and implementation, and cash flow problems.

Why do 90% of businesses fail? ›

Key Takeaways. According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

What are the disadvantages of a cash flow forecast? ›

Drawbacks. The limitations of cash flow forecasts include being unable to account for changing costs, and the accuracy of when money comes into the business. Miscalculations will affect the business which could result in debt.

Why is cashflow so important to a business? ›

Your operating cashflow shows whether or not your business has enough money coming in to pay operating expenses, such as bills and payments to suppliers. It can also show whether or not you have money to grow, or if you need external investment or financing.

How to improve cash flow forecast? ›

  1. Start with good cash flow forecasting. ...
  2. Plan for different scenarios and understand the challenges of your industry. ...
  3. Consider your one-day cash flow value. ...
  4. Provide cash flow training for your team. ...
  5. Communicate effectively within your business. ...
  6. Make sure you get paid promptly. ...
  7. Manage with proper oversight.

How does lack of cash flow affect a business? ›

A sustained period of negative cash flow can make it increasingly hard to pay your bills and cover other expenses. This is because your cash flow affects the amount of money available to fund your business' day-to-day operations, otherwise known as working capital.

Do 82% of businesses that failed cited cash flow problems as a factor in their failure? ›

Losing Focus on Cash Flow

According to a U.S. Bank study, 82 percent of business failures are due to poor cash flow management, or poor understanding of how cash flow contributes to business.

What happens if a business doesn't have enough cash? ›

If the company is not able to raise enough cash in a timely manner to cover its costs, insolvency is imminent. To prevent this from happening, it is important to regularly check the cash flow and plan ahead.

What is the #1 reason why most people fail in business? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

Why do 95% of businesses fail? ›

Surveys of business owners suggest that poor market research, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the target industry were common pitfalls. Bad partnerships and insufficient capital are also big reasons why new companies fail.

Why only 1 percent succeed? ›

First of all, they are lifelong students. People among one percent successful are lifelong learners. While the rest of the people confine themselves to school, college and university education and think that we have gathered all the world by getting a simple degree or have acquired all knowledge.

Why do 95 of startups fail? ›

There are many causes but the basic reason for the failure of a start-up is lack of appropriate mentors, prompters, and guides. They do chase their dreams but fail to take it to its logical conclusion. They lack ideas and perhaps are not aware on how to go step-by-step for a successful start-up.”

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.