A Mortician Tells What It's Like To Work With Dead Bodies Every Day (2024)

A man who works in amortuary led a Reddit threadto give a glimpse into what it's liketo deal with issues of mortality on a daily basis.

From the strangest requests he's ever had to what happens during cremation and embalming practices where the body is temporarily preserved for viewing purposes, here'sthe closest most of us will ever get to knowing what it's like to work in a morgue.

A Mortician Tells What It's Like To Work With Dead Bodies Every Day (1)

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NOTE: Reddit uses anonymous sources, which we can't verify. We've slightly edited questions and answers for clarity.

Q: What is the strangest request that you've ever received for a funeral service?

A: We had a dead clown one time. This person was buried in full clown costume with makeup and all. The whole family was clowns. All the friends were clowns. And at the family's request, the funeral directors were clowns too. They supplied costumes and did our makeup. Family and friends had one tear drop painted on near the eye. Definitely my strangest.


They were all sad clowns with a tear.

Q: Any other funerals that stand out in your memory?

A:One time we had a person who did some acting and modeling in California. A hand model. The family came in early to set up pictures and things.

I showed them in, helped them get started then left them. I came back about 10 minutes later to check on them and just about every picture they put up was this person's hands from the various ads they did. There were some family photos, but most were a pair of hands.


Q: What is the most embarrassing thing you've done to a cadaver?

A:I had this guy to prep one time. He had an intubater ... this tube down his throat and was taped on his face. One piece of the tape was across his mustache. When I took the tape off, most of his mustache came with it. So I shaved it. The wife was super pissed. She threatened to sue unless we fixed it.

So what am I to do? I went to a costume shop and bought a pack of fake mustaches. We had a picture of him, but none of these mustaches worked. I picked the best possible match and put it on him. We then called her to come look. We were nervous. It was bad. So she comes in and absolutely loves it! I couldn't believe it. She then turned super sweet and hugged me.

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Q: When you cremate someone, how often do the ashes from previous customers make it into the current customer's mix?


A: There is some co-mingling involved, although very minimal. It is unavoidable since you can't get every single grain out. As long as you sweep it properly after each person, it is very minimal.

Q: What exactly happens to the eyes during an embalming? Do you glue the lips of the dead person together?

A:The eyes usually start to flatten after death. Think of an old grape. They do, however, remain with the decedent. We don't remove them. You can use what is called an eye cap to put over the flattened eyeball to recreate the natural curvature of the eye. You can also inject tissue builder directly into the eyeball and fill it up. And sometimes, the embalming fluid will fill the eye to normal size.

Yes, the eyes and lips are glued together.


Q: Will there ever be a job you refuse to do?

A:I've seen pictures and have heard about people being embalmed and placed on a motorcycle, stood up in the corner, in a recliner ... This all seems ridiculous and disrespectful to me. Especially if the deceased did not request it. I say I would refuse to do this to someone, but who knows? I mean, if the family really wants it.

Q: Did you go into the business by your own choice?

A:Yes, I did. I was fascinated by the industry as a kid. When I was 12, there was a bad head on collision near my house and a man in a truck didn't make it. My family and I were standing around with all the other neighbors when the coroner arrived. He pronounced him deceased, then they took him out and put him on a stretcher and his head turned to the side looking straight at me. I remember being curious as to what happens to people when they die, as far as the physical body.


Q: Are women creeped out by your career choice?

A:Some are. I like to date other morticians or nurses. They seem to understand and are over the whole novelty of it.

Q: Would you be embalmed yourself? Or would you want to be cremated?

A:I'm ok with being embalmed and buried. I'm also ok with being cremated. I will let my family choose the method which best suits them at the time.


Q: What kind of person would make a good mortician?

A:It's funny. I was a waiter for many years in my younger days. I always say, if you can be a successful waiter, you can be a successful funeral director. They are similar in many ways. They both wait on families and provide what should be excellent customer service. The only difference is that one puts a pizza in the oven and the other puts a body in the oven.

A Mortician Tells What It's Like To Work With Dead Bodies Every Day (2024)


Do morticians work with dead bodies? ›

An embalmer is someone who prepares bodies for burial by sanitizing and preserving them. A mortician is someone who works with the bereaved, helps plan funerals, and oversees the burial process.

What does a mortician do on a daily basis? ›

Morticians or undertakers prepare a deceased's remains for funerals. They may cremate or preserve the body, making it presentable with makeup, clothing, and hair styling techniques. They assist with urn or casket selection and transport the body to and from the funeral home.

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Forensic pathologists practice medicine in the finest tradition of preventive medicine and public health by making the study of the dead benefit the living.

Do morticians glue their eyes shut? ›

Before the embalming begins, the body is washed in a disinfectant solution. Limbs are massaged to relieve the stiffening of the joints and muscles. Any necessary shaving would also take place at this time. Your loved ones eyes are closed using glue or plastic eye caps that sit on the eye and hold the eyelid in place.

Is it safe to touch a dead body at a funeral? ›

If you are afraid, have someone accompany you to the casket. When viewing the body, it is totally okay to touch the hand of your loved one or even give a kiss on the cheek. However, you should avoid attempting to hug the body. The body will feel cold to the touch.

Do morticians cut open bodies? ›

A small incision is made just above the navel, and a long needle called a trocar is placed inside the abdominal and thoracic cavities of the remains. The funeral director aspirates both the abdominal and thoracic cavities. Aspiration is the removal of blood and other bodily fluids, through suction.

How much do morticians make highest paid? ›

Funeral Director And Mortician Salary in California
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$78,952$38
75th Percentile$75,000$36
25th Percentile$51,800$25

Can morticians make 6 figures? ›

This means that, with the right training and education, you can earn upwards of six figures over the length of your funeral service career. There is job security in this field.

What do morticians do with the blood? ›

What Do Funeral Homes Do with the Blood from the Dead Body? The funeral home drains off the blood via the veins. They then send the blood and other fluids such as lymph into the municipal sewage system. In turn, the waste disposal officers treat these fluids before entering the town's wastewater system.

Why do morticians remove the tongue? ›

"I remove your tongue during an autopsy. We need to make sure you didn't bite down on it, make sure you don't have drugs in the back of your throat." Begin your day with a curated outlook of top news around the world and why it matters.

Do morticians empty the bowels? ›

I then puncture the internal organs to drain the fluid. I remove the contents of the intestines, bowels and bladder, too, as these can give off gases and smell. I don't come into contact with the fluids. It's very clean and tidy.

Are eyes removed during embalming? ›

Eyes and lips are not sewn or glued shut. During the embalming process, an "eye cap" is placed under each eyelid and over the eyeball. The eyes themselves may soften a little over time, but the eye cap helps to retain the shape of the eye.

Do morticians glue their mouth shut? ›

The mouth can be closed by suture or by using a device that involves placing two small tacks (one anchored in the mandible and the other in the maxilla) in the jaw. The tacks have wires that are then twisted together to hold the mouth closed. This is almost always done because, when relaxed, the mouth stays open.

Why do funeral directors sew the mouth shut? ›

Setting the features is a mortuary term for the closing of the eyes and the mouth of a deceased person such that the cadaver is presentable as being in a state of rest and repose, and thus more suitable for viewing.

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Because of the cremation chamber's high heat, some bodies go into what's called a pugilistic stance, meaning the elbows, knees, and fists clench from dehydration due to the extreme heat. The pugilistic stance may make the body appear shorter or stiffer, but it will not make the body sit up.

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In most cases, local governments use direct cremation to dispose of unclaimed bodies and the cremains are stored for a set period of time. After being stored the cremains may be scattered. The Cremation Society of North America has estimated that there are currently 2 million unclaimed cremated remains in the U.S.

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A mixture of these chemicals is known as embalming fluid, and is used to preserve deceased individuals, sometimes only until the funeral, other times indefinitely. Typical embalming fluid contains a mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol, humectants and wetting agents, and other solvents that can be used.

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Coroners are trained pathologists who use their knowledge of anatomy and their practical skills to examine bodies and provide the cause of death to the police. Coroners typically work for the local government and are hired or appointed to their official position.

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The oral and nasal cavities are swabbed clean, checked for any purge material, then the throat area is packed with cotton. A common method of mouth closure is via needle injector. A needle with a barbed tip and with a wire attached is driven into the maxilla, behind the teeth, and another driven into the mandible.

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