Aquarius Compatibility: Best and Worst Zodiac Matches for the Eccentric Sign (2024)

Aquarius is a sign known to march to the beat of its own drum, and those with birthdays between January 20 and February 18 aren’t afraid to stand out. A few Aquarius traits include being clever, independent, and altruistic. They also tend to come off as aloof or detached (or even a little wacky), but the air sign is often misunderstood. In relationships, the air sign plays it cool and they aren’t the most affectionate. But their eccentric allure is enough to make anyone wonder: who is Aquarius compatible with?

Symbolized by the water bearer, Aquarius is a natural humanitarian who wants to fill everyone’s cup—especially those they love. Despite their capacity to care for society, when it comes to love, it’s not easy to sweep Aquarius off their feet. They value camaraderie over romance, so they prefer their romantic partners to be their best friends above everything else. “Aquarius people are most compatible with innovative, committed, and humanitarian people,” Erin River Sunday, astrologer and co-host of the Kiss My Astral podcast explains.

“Aquarius people are most compatible with innovative, committed, and humanitarian people,” Erin River Sunday, astrologer

More than not, Aquarius’ partner should make them feel safe and valued by engaging in deep, meaningful conversations and spending quality time with them, too. Keep reading to learn about what Aquarius needs in a match, and how compatible each zodiac sign is with this air sign.

In This Article

  • 01

    Aquarius personality traits
  • 02

    Aquarius compatibility
  • 03

    Aquarius and Aries compatibility
  • 04

    Aquarius and Taurus compatibility
  • 05

    Aquarius and Gemini compatibility
  • 06

    Aquarius and Cancer compatibility
  • 07

    Aquarius and Leo compatibility
  • 08

    Aquarius and Virgo compatibility
  • 09

    Aquarius and Libra compatibility
  • 10

    Aquarius and Scorpio compatibility
  • 11

    Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility
  • 12

    Aquarius and Capricorn compatibility
  • 13

    Aquarius and Aquarius compatibility
  • 14

    Aquarius and Pisces compatibility

Experts In This Article

Key Aquarius Traits

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is referred to as the humanitarian of the zodiac. They’re associated with the eleventh house of community and hope, making them well-known for their friendships and for being champions for societal progress. For these reasons, people born in the sign of Aquarius often possess a desire to help others and make a difference in the world.

It’s hard to pin down an Aquarius. They’re known for being unique little weirdos—and for good reason. Their modern ruling planet, Uranus, is the planet of shock and rebellion, meaning the forward-thinking sign doesn’t subscribe to the status quo. In traditional astrology, though, they’re ruled by Saturn, the strict planet of time and discipline. This combined planetary influence gives the water bearer its enigmatic persona, and they’re as charming as they are puzzling.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, referring to their stubbornness and intellectual qualities, respectively. "As a[fixed] air sign, they’re confident, analytical, progressive, self-reliant, and intelligent,” Emily Newman, astrologer, psychic reader and spiritual healer at The Best of Psychic Readers, says. Their air element deems them intellectual as opposed to emotional, so their potential matches should take note that they aren’t as willing to open up about their feelings as they take time to process them.

"[Aquarius is] confident, analytical, progressive, self-reliant, and intelligent."—astrologer Emily Newman

One of the zodiac's deepest thinkers, Aquarius is in constant search of “life purpose,” and they'll keep searching for answers and clues for self-discovery. They seek innovative ways in which they can touch the lives of others and make them brighter and better—it’s Aquarius’ way to find their “why” and role. Because of that, they’re most compatible with people who share a similar mission.

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Space is incredibly important for Aquarius, who is self-sufficient, even when they have a partner. “Aquarius values independence, and they don’t seek help readily from others or let their inner strife show, and keep emotions inside and hidden behind their tough exteriors,” says Newman.

But while Aquarius can be clever and imaginative, Newman explains that they can also be pessimistic, rebellious, absent-minded, and aggressive. And they tend to overthink and get overwhelmed by incessant thoughts and don’t seem to handle stress and anxiety well.

Which zodiac signs are most compatible with Aquarius?

Capricorn, although they stick to tradition, makes a great match with Aquarius, despite their rebellious tendencies. “Capricorn, like Aquarius in modern astrology, is ruled by Saturn, making these two understand a commitment to the future together,” Sunday says. Aquarius admires Capricorn’s self-sufficiency and ambition, and as Sunday puts it, “They have different ways of moving forward, but they appreciate one another’s stamina and ability to get the job done no matter what.”

Astrologically, fire signs are excellent matches for air signs, as is the case with Leo and Aquarius. They’re sister signs, meaning, “Leo is Aquarius’ opposite sign and while they have a lot of differences, if they can meet in the middle, they’re quite attracted to each other,” Sunday says. “They’re both inherently creative and appreciate being popular amongst the crowd—they just garner attention through different means.” When they can help each other shine, they’re the ultimate power couple.

OK, hear me out. Even though Pisces is a water sign that doesn’t typically complement an air sign like Aquarius, Sunday says the fact that they’re odd individuals is what makes them work so well. Pisces is stuck in their head, but Aquarius is attracted to that level of detachment. “These two appreciate each other’s freak flags and can connect on their mutual quirky energy,” says Sunday.

Which zodiac signs are least compatible with Aquarius?

In terms of compatibility, it should be noted that it’s not the end of the world if you’re not considered a good match astrologically. The same can be said about compatibility; it doesn’t necessarily discern a perfect relationship. That’s because your birth chart is more than your sun sign—it’s composed of different planetary placements, which you should study to determine how well you’ll get along with someone romantically.

Your moon sign, for example, indicates how you process and express your emotions, while your Venus sign denotes your love language, and these are crucial in getting the full scope of astrological compatibility. That said, your sun sign can still give you intel about how you mix with others on a surface level—and these signs are considered to be the least compatible with Aquarius.

Intuitive Cancer often relies on their emotions and hunches to navigate the world, while Aquarius is more of an objective and logical thinker. “Cancer is especially sensitive and can be quite needy while Aquarius needs quite a lot of space,” explains Sunday. Plus, Aquarius is in their own world, which can come off as perpetually aloof, which does not bode well with Cancer’s needs in a relationship. “While Cancer will appreciate Aquarius’ trailblazing ways, they likely need more attention than Aquarius wants to give,” Sunday adds.

While they share an element, which is normally complementary, Sunday says Aquarius natives may grow bored with Libra. “Libras want to be where the party is—and Aquarius is too cool to be on the trendy circuit,” says Sunday. Venus-ruled Libra is a romantic, which isn’t Aquarius’ forte. Sure, they can get lost in a conversation, even if it’s surface level, “but don’t have the same long-term vision,” Sunday explains.

Water sign Scorpio is deep and intense, which is why they are least compatible with Aquarius, a free-spirited sign that isn’t the most emotionally invested in others.“Aquarius and Scorpio are both very stubborn and tend to step on each other’s toes,” explains Sunday. “They easily fall into a pattern of trying to one-up each other and while Scorpios try to act cool they actually like to be quite enmeshed with their people while Aquarius needs a lot more space.”

How does Aquarius compatibility vary with different signs?

Aquarius and Aries Compatibility

Two of the most independent signs in the zodiac, Aquarius and fire sign Aries make a great and strong pairing. Free-spirited Aquarius is drawn to fiery and assertive Aries. For these reasons, Aquarius is very compatible with Aries.

Communication shouldn't be much of a challenge either, because both signs are up-front and honest. “In terms of connections and relationships, both zodiacs are highly mature,” Newman says, where they know what they want and go after it with direction and force—they can work together to get after their goals, too.

The one place communication may falter has to do with emotions because it takes time for Aquarius to open up emotionally and Aries wears many of their emotions on the surface. However, once Aquarius decides they’ve found their “person” and the one that’s worth committing to, they’re loyal and refuse to give up. Aries' passion and commitment are a great balance to this, Newman says.

One potential hiccup is that both signs may struggle with emotional availability so they'll have to work together to meet each other in the middle. But because Aries is so forward-charging, they must be careful not to let their emotions get the better of them when they're angry and to act too hastily. Aquarius does expect the same commitment and loyalty in return, so they might become disappointed and sad when there’s a lack of reciprocation or presence of apathy, where they aren’t given the attention or priority they feel they offer and thus too deserve.

Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility

Despite both being fixed signs, Aquarius and Earth sign Taurus will butt heads and are not very compatible. That’s because Taurus is concerned with the material world while Aquarius thinks abstractly. Plus, Aquarius is an outside-the-box kind of person, which contradicts Taurus’ craving for comfort.

"When these signs interact, they will activate each other's more stubborn inclinations," astrologer Maria Sofia Marmanides says. "Aquarius will not want to budge on what they think or believe and Taurus, who is slow to display their emotions or reveal their thoughts, will not match Aquarius's energy and may be too ‘chill’ for [them]." Aquarius wants a debate partner and someone who will engage with them—Taurus isn't this person. "These two may just push each other's buttons in uncomfortable ways," she adds.

Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility

A fellow air sign, Aquarius and Gemini, go well together. “Gemini, like Aquarius, is ruled by the air element and is a talkative sign with two personalities, and is known for being the sign representative of the twins,” says Newman. Aquarius is quirky and loves to laugh, play, and embrace life’s new experiences and unexpected adventures. There’s enough movement to keep Gemini occupied and having fun.

“An issue may be that Gemini often has difficulty staying with a single individual for long periods of time since they tend to grow bored quickly and easily,” she says. However, Aquarius also craves space and independence, which suits Gemini well, and has an open-minded attitude and approach to life, in general.

Plus, their similar communication styles add benefits for making it easier to discuss more serious matters and understand each other in order to grow stronger together, as a couple. “Aquarius can provide ground for various discussions,” Newman adds, to stimulate Gemini’s mind and to steer serious talks, to help them find a sense of perspective and common ground.

Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility

Cancer, awater sign, is one of the least compatible signs with Aquarius. “In this case, the opposite attracts and fails, as Cancer needs emotional support from their spouses, while Aquarius is more rational or logical and much less emotional,” says Newman. Cancer's whole world revolves around the home and family, and they desire to be with their partner all the time. This can be frustrating for Aquarius, who values freedom, and as such, they can feel stifled by their Cancer partner.

They also have vastly different worldviews and ways of behaving. “Cancer is a conservative sign, whereas Aquarius is a rebellious one,” Newman says. Cancer is much more reserved and restrictive and Aquarius is wild, open-minded, and spontaneous. Newman says the difference is too great for the relationship to ever really work.

Aquarius and Leo Compatibility

Leo sits opposite Aquarius in the zodiac wheel, meaning they’re sister signs. Meaning, that an Aquarius-Leo couple may share key differences, but because of that, they can balance the other out. According to Marmanides, Aquarius and Leo are a case of opposites attracting. A luminous, confident fire sign, Leos shares Aquarius' need to help and please others.

However, they totally differ in their approaches. "Leos want to entertain and bring people joy and achieve that by putting themselves at the center," Marmanides explains. "Aquarius wants to help people by making systems better and does so by centering other people." These two could balance each other nicely if they do the work to understand each other, Marmanides says.

Aquarius and Virgo Compatibility

Virgo is an Earth sign, which isn’t typically a good match with Aquarius unless both are willing to put in the work. It’ll have to be a lot of work, too, because Virgos differ greatly from Aquarius due to their need for perfectionism, organization, and extraordinarily high standards. Virgo is neat, technical, and detail-oriented—not traits that big-picture Aquarius excels at.

But according to Newman, Virgo and Aquarius can actually be a very successful match because while they have totally different approaches, they're both ambitious, hard-working, smart, and curious. They may make great friends.

Romantically, however, problems could arise because of how they go after what they want. Newman says that because Virgos tend to imagine visions and goals with their ideals in place and then set high, exacting standards to achieve them, they’re hard on themselves— and even more so on their partner (even if unintentional or not understood). This behavior may come off as judgmental and unaccepting and while Aquarius is already not apt to open up emotionally, they could be made to feel vulnerable and unloved.

Aquarius and Libra Compatibility

Libra is a pretty compatible match for Aquarius. Libra's charm, kindness, and generosity make the fellow air sign care deeply about connecting with other people. This passion may lead them to develop a vast network of social connections, or really put their time and energy toward advocating for or giving back to others.

Societal improvement is top of mind for Aquarius, so they'd feel right at home helping Libra—and debating and considering all the questions that come up along the way. "These two signs together can be quite a formidable force when it comes to social justice and community building," Marmanides says.

Their collaboration can overcome obstacles so long as they continue to communicate effectively. "Romantically, each will have to learn how to open up and share their personal feelings more but as friends or partners, they can easily succeed at whatever joint venture they put their minds together on,” adds Marmanides.

Aquarius and Scorpio Compatibility

While Aquarius and Scorpio would be intrigued by each other's intelligence, this pairing would be intense. They are square to each other, which means tension exists between them; however, Marmanides says "passion and sparks will definitely be flying between the two, and they will naturally feed each other's innate curiosity and fascination with other people."

They also have different communication styles. "What can happen is a battle of wills and trust issues can surface as Aquarius's need for socializing will conflict with Scorpio's desire to keep their circle small," she explains. While Aquarius talks through topics at least but keeps feelings and emotions surface-level, water sign Scorpio dives deep and gets intimate which would be tough for Aquarius, who often struggles to be vulnerable.

Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility

Fire sign Sagittarius is one of the best compatible signs with Aquarius, as they both have a sense of passion and love of life that’s contagious. “Both of these signs are emotionally independent and complement each other, and they are similar in their enjoyment of new experiences and adventures,” says Newman.

They’re both resilient truth-seekers who will stop at nothing from expanding their minds. Plus, Aquarius and Sagittarius people are dedicated to improving and strengthening their own independence and personal development, and they can work together to be there for each other, without being too codependent and clingy (a turn-off for both signs).

Aquarius and Capricorn Compatibility

On its face, an Aquarius and Capricorn pairing seems like a total mismatch because of how different the temperaments of these two signs are. "Where Aquarius is bold and innovative and willing to shake up the status quo, Capricorn as a sign is often designated as the embodiment of the status quo or at least, ingrained, immovable structures and systems," she says. Very different from Aquarius who will do anything to stand out above the rest.

However, Marmanides says that while they'll this pair will have its challenges, they could actually really work. Two Saturn-ruled signs that can share a cusp, Aquarius and Capricorn can find commonality in their shared pragmatism and efficiency. "If these two can be honest with each other, this will work," she adds.

Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility

Aquarius is accepting of all, but it’s not very often that they feel understood by others. That’s why two Aquarius people together can be a beautiful thing—they can relate to each others’ unique qualities which can often feel isolating. "When an Aquarius meets another Aquarius, it's often a symbiotic feeling, like recognizing a person from your home country while you're traveling abroad, and there's an instant recognition that you both deep down feel a bit like a fish out of water," she says. "Two Aquariuses will celebrate each other's eccentricities and quirks."

Marmanides adds that two Aquariuses together will find a willing and enthusiastic partner in exploring new places and ideas. "As long as they don't compete with each other, this pairing can work very well," she says. They can work together to seek innovation—and maybe even save the world.

Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility

On the surface, a Pisces-Aquarius couple doesn’t seem like they would work. Pisces may be too sensitive for detached Aquarius, who may struggle to meet the water sign’s emotional needs. But despite their differences, they both are hopeful, abstract thinkers who have more in common than it seems.

For starters, Pisces tends to retreat to their solitude, allowing Aquarius to tend to their own alone time. Space to be their own people is fundamental to each of the sign’s personal growth. Pisces wears rose-colored glasses and can inspire Aquarius to remain optimistic in their quest to change the world around them, along with collaborating innovation together.

The caveat? Aquarius can be dismissive of Pisces’ colorful emotions which can drive a wedge between them if the water bearer is unwilling to understand them on that level. “It's conceivable that Pisces may be hurt by Aquarius' actions regularly, with the thinking that Aquarians do know and comprehend what is upsetting Pisces and is thus required of them, as a way to offer support; yet, they just choose to ignore it and don’t care,” says Newman.

But if Aquarius is captivated enough by a Pisces, which is easy with the water sign’s dreamy allure, a Pisces-Aquarius couple can take on challenges and leave a long-lasting mark on the world.

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Tags: Astrology, Relationship Tips, Spiritual Health

Aquarius Compatibility: Best and Worst Zodiac Matches for the Eccentric Sign (2024)


Aquarius Compatibility: Best and Worst Zodiac Matches for the Eccentric Sign? ›

Aquarius Compatibility: Best and Worst Matches for Aquarius Zodiac Sign. If you were born between January 20 and February 18, your zodiac sign is Aquarius — which means you'll gel with air signs Gemini and Libra and struggle with Taurus, Cancer

Cancer (♋︎) (Greek: Καρκίνος, romanized: Karkínos, Latin for the "Crab") is the fourth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Cancer. It spans from 90° to 120° celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between approximately June 22 and July 22. › wiki › Cancer_(astrology)
, and Scorpio; Aquarius-Aquarius love is something of a mystery as well.

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Low Aquarius Compatibility: Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn. Four star signs are known for having low Aquarius compatibility. These signs are Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn.

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Incompatible signs:

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) might find themselves intrigued by Aquarians but aren't typically built for long-term relationships with the water bearer.

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Aquarians value freedom and intellectual connection in love. Compatible with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. With the right partner, they find love and support for their true selves.

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Cancer. Cancer and Aquarius. Water signs are known for being emotional, so Cancer's need for affection and validation doesn't align with Aquarius. “Aquarius can be more distant and impartial, which can sometimes lead to conflicts between the two signs,” Stardust says.

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Earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn are traditional, which Aquarius finds stifling. Water signs like Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio force the logically-minded Aquarius to wade through intense emotions.

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Leo and Aquarius

Leo's need for admiration, validation, and traditional romance may clash with Aquarius' independent, unpredictable, and sometimes aloof nature. Their conflicting desires and approaches to love can lead to power struggles, disagreements, and heartbreak.

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What signs should Aquarius avoid? Cancer is not the best match for Aquarius, because they may be super sensitive to how blunt Aquarius is. Cancer is very tied to the home and family, while Aquarians pride themselves on their independence, and they may like to change up where they're living every couple of years.

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Libra and Aquarius' chemistry will always triumph over their couple's obstacles. Aquarius and Scorpio have a fantastic love match. Both signs are drawn to one another by nature.

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Aquarius Zodiac Enemies

Pisces and Sagittarius are considered to be enemies of Aquarius because Pisces look for straight answers which Aquarius often refuses to provide. And, Sagittarius are like free birds and do not give much attention to Aquarius which frustrates them in turn.

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Who is the perfect soulmate for Aquarius? While several zodiac signs feature personalities that play well with the Aquarian's unique vibe, Gemini and Sagittarius are undoubtedly the most compatible.

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According to Monahan, “Sagittarius' love of adventure is super attractive to Aquarius, who revels in spontaneity. This is a marriage that will constantly be booking intrepid holidays away.” Both Aquarius and Sagittarius are also extremely non-judgmental, so they tend to get along very well.

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According to Monahan, Aquarius can't stand the superficial and need to connect with someone intellectually. They also tend to favor people who have progressive ideals like them. Many times, Aquarians will find themselves falling in love with a friend or someone in their social circle who shares their interests.

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Aquarius' most compatible soulmates include fellow air signs Gemini and Libra. Both signs match Aquarius' open-mindedness and intellectual nature. Fire signs Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries are also extremely compatible with Aquarius. Their bold, adventurous nature is sure to capture Aquarius' heart.

What are Aquarius attracted to physically? ›

Here's a quick answer: Aquarius is most physically attracted to people who stand out from the crowd with unusual or eccentric style.

What are the three types of Aquarius? ›

The Three Types Of Aquarius Sun
  • Aquarius with Capricorn Mercury: Detached. This is the Aquarius that is more prone to long moments of silence. ...
  • Aquarius with Aquarius Mercury: Idea driven. ...
  • Aquarius with Pisces Mercury: Worldbuilder.
Jan 4, 2023

Who is Aquarius number 1 enemy? ›

Aquarius Zodiac Enemies

Pisces and Sagittarius are considered to be enemies of Aquarius because Pisces look for straight answers which Aquarius often refuses to provide. And, Sagittarius are like free birds and do not give much attention to Aquarius which frustrates them in turn.

What to avoid Aquarius? ›

Top 7 Things NOT To Say to an Aquarius
  • Call Them Aloof or Cold.
  • Stupid!! Aquarians pride themselves on their brains. You'll lose an Aquarian friend faster if you don't respect their mental prowess. Children of the water-bearer are known for their love of personal space, independence, general weird humor, and quirkiness.
Jun 8, 2015

What signs do Aquarius find attractive? ›

An Aquarius will appreciate a Leo's friendliness and warmth, and these two may love mingling with people and expanding their social circle together. Taurus is another sign that Aquarius finds attractive. Taurus is very calm and patient, and they have a grounding energy that Aquarius likes to be around.

What is unlucky for Aquarius? ›

Yes, colors like fiery reds, blacks, and greys are considered unlucky for Aquarians.

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