Beerus vs Superman (2024)

  • The Italian Writer

  • Skyblazero

  • Beerus vs Superman (1)



DBZ vs DC! Many people think of aliens as scary and dangerous , but sometimes they could come to save the day!.


Aliens , just the thought gives me the creeps ,but ya know , maybe not all aliens are bad.

Boomstick: like Beerus the god of destruction!

Wiz: and SupermanПолужирный the man of steel!

Boomstick: he’s wiz and I’m boomstick and it’s our jobs to anylaze their armors , Weapons and skills To find out who would win a death battle!.


  • Beerus vs Superman (2)


Wiz: one day , Their was a purple cat on a planet and his name was Beerus .

Boomstick: yeah , a purple cat that sneezes and destroys planets! , if having a purple pet cat isn’t weird enough! , imagine having one that can sneeze planets away!.

Wiz: well , that’s one of a bunch of feats , Beerus woke up after over 100 year lap , in search for the super saiyan god .

Boomstick: he was gonna go to planet vegeta to see that , but he learned that frieza has destroyed planet vegeta and later learned that it was goku who turned into a super saiyan and defeated frieza , resulting in the destruction of namek.

Wiz: Well anyways , long story short Beerus goes to earth a faces off against Goku when Goku eventually becomes a super saiyan god , although Goku was unsuccessful in beating Beerus , Beerus doesn’t destroy earth and goes back to his own planet , later deciding to live on earth to enjoy the foods on earth.

Boomstick: Beerus is extremely powerful , Beerus has one skill called Haki, which basically let’s beerus erase them from existence.

Wiz: wow that’s pretty dam crazy!

Beerus vs Superman (3)

Boomstick:Going onto speed , Beerus can move planet to planet at 3/4th the speed of Whis and Whis flew planet to plant in a mere matter of seconds and when you size up the dragon ball universe , but just to show the math.

Wiz: as you could see , the size is 590px = 1.76x10^27 , so whis would have had to travel , 1.488x10^27 m because 499px = 1.488x10^27 m , now Beerus should scale to 3/4th of the speed of whis , so this would at least put him in The trillions of times faster than light .

Boomstick: so another words , Beerus is MFTL+ and at least a trillion times faster than light.

Wiz: that’s one way of putting it , you could also scale his ap and durability while we are here!.

Boomstick: in the battle of the gods saga , Beerus and Goku as a super saiyan god , we’re fighting and their fist clashes were so strong that it’s stated if they kept on going , the entire universe would have been destroyed .

Wiz: that would put Beerus at Universe Level , But he should also be as strong as toppo , vegeta , jiren and Goku , toppo destroyed the tournament of power arena and a warped dimension which was of a infinite size .

Boomstick: that’s basically enough to give Beerus universe level+ power and durability.

Wiz: well that’s all we need to know , let’s get into the death battle!.


  • Beerus vs Superman (4)


Boomstick: Superman also known as Kal-El , being one of the strongest men on the planet and is one of the last living kryptonians.

Wiz:under the name of Clark Kent , as a civilian and Karl-El or Superman in the justice league , let’s talk about why they dont call him the Mann of steel for nothing .

Boomstick: now just to be clear , we will Be using post crisis Superman for this fight , with that’s out of the way , Superman has crazy powers , like his lazer vision and is a pretty good martial artist .

Wiz: Superman can also use his ice breath , but more impressive abilities, Superman is known to move a planet outside of the universe , can create illusions of himself and can regenerate pretty well.

Boomstick: how good is his regeneration?

Wiz: his regeneration is pretty good , he could also nullify powers by using his heat vision .

Boomstick: now that’s a hefty about of abilities and there is many more , but what about his other stats?

Wiz: simple , in terms of stats you could easily scale Superman to Doomsday and Cyborg Superman, who easily can destroy solar systems.

Boomstick: wow , that’s pretty strong , now let’s discuss durability.

Wiz: well pretty simlair to power , Superman can take hits from doomsday , so it’s safe to say that he has solar system level and possibly multi galaxy level durability.

Boomstick: well , let’s talk about speed now , Superman was able to fly from Vega to earth in a short period of time.

Wiz: now measuring the distance of the official DC Universe , this would make Superman MFTL+ and roughly 170 trillion times Faster than light.

Boomstick: that’s pretty dam crazy

Wiz: well let’s go into the math , just to prove that’s Superman is really 170 trillion times faster than light.

Boomstick: post crisis Adam takes Superman very far into space , we can calculate a universe in dc , to be 170 trillion miles , so one since Adam and Superman could fly across it , this would make Superman 170 trillion times faster than light.

Wiz: that’s crazy , Superman can also dodge lazers from darksied , which is not only pretty fast within itself , but it can erase people Fromm existence and Superman resisted it .

Boomstick: well that’s pretty op if I do say so myself.

Wiz: okay , now let’s go into the death battle!.


Boomstick: okay now that we have seen the Combatants stats.

Wiz: it’s time for a death battle!!!!

Death Battle![]

It was a sunny morning in metropolis city , until a light came from the sky , Beerus is sitting on a boat enjoying his ice cream sunday , until Batman accidentally bumps into Beerus and drops his ice cream.

Beerus: grrrrrr , You Make Me Mad!!!!!

Batman: oh no...

Beerus gets enraged and starts firing ki blasts all over the boat , causing many civilians on the boat run onto the deck , Batman Punches Beerus in the face , but Beerus kicks Batman and Batman falls into the water , suddenly a man with a red cape and blue clothing shoes up.

Superman: having fun are we?

Beerus: you want to get it the way too! , fine I guess I’ll have to destroy earth!.

Superman: not as long as I’m around!

Beerus: alright fine , let’s Fight!


Beerus rushes at superman and punches him in the face, making his nose slightly bleed , Superman responds by using his ice vision , shooting a beam of ice from his eyes at Beerus , Beerus grabs the beam with his hand .

Beerus: I was hoping for more than a morning warmup!

Superman: I pitty you!.

At blinding speeds Superman rushes at Beerus and punches him in the face , Superman then shoots his lazer visons at Beerus , Causing a huge explosion in the city , the two start clashing fists at blinding speeds , Beerus teleports behind Superman and tries to neck chop him , but Superman grabs his arm.

Superman: doing something with this?

Superman takes his other arm and punches Beerus , Knocking him all the way across metropolis, Beerus starts firing ki blasts at Superman, But Superman dodges the ki blasts and creates a illusion of himself , making himself look bigger , Beerus charges up purple ki.


The sound of the attack goes off , but the attack fails , Superman stops his illusion and grabs Beerus by the neck .

Superman: So are we done here?

Superman Punches Beerus back into a building, causing the building to collapse, Superman than shoots 5 lazer beams , causing a huge explosion below , Beerus comes out of the smoke when it clears.

Beerus:Alright let’s see how you do at this speed!.

Beerus charges at Superman and punches him into the sky , the two start clashing fists in the sky away from metropolis city , Beerus kicks Superman in the face , as Superman Punches Beerus in the gut , the two keep exchanging hits , until Beerus grabs Superman’s fist .


The attack goes off , but still to no effect , Beerus backs down a minute and thinks ,a moment of silence is heard in the sky .

Beerus: how does a mortal resist a power like this? , who are you , another god of destruction?

Superman: no , im not a god of destruction, I am a man of peace , to being peace to all living creatures and to defend my home from you!.

Beerus: tell you what , if you win , then I’ll leave and you will never see my face on this planet again , but if I win , your earth will be destroyed!.

A silent oath was said , as the man of steel jumped at Beerus and tried to punch him , but Beerus grabs his arm and pokes him in the head with his nail , Superman goes behind Beerus and kicks him in the back , the two start clashing fists again , until eventually they get to the atmosphere of earth , Beerus teleports behind Superman and grabs him by the neck with both arms , Superman uses his ice vision and freezes Beerus , before shooting 5 more lazers out of his eyes , causing a massive explosion in space .

Beerus: let’s see how you handle this!

Beerus creates a giant ball of fire in his hand and launches the attack at Superman, Superman puts his hand on the attack , trying to deflect it back at Beerus , Beerus shoots a beam at the ball of fire to make it even more powerful, just as Beerus thinks the battle is over , Superman absorbs the sunlight from the attack and pushes the ball of fire back at Beerus , causing massive explosion, all of the justice league look in the sky as a massive explosion blinds them.


Beerus comes out of the smoke , only to find out that Superman became even more powerful after absorbing the attack , although Beerus was fazed , he was not severely injured.

Beerus: not bad , not bad at all! , but let’s end this!.

Beerus rushes at Superman , Superman uses his Infinite Mass Punch , The clash causes a massive punching sound to be heard , everyone of earth tries blocking their ears due to the sound , Beerus gets mad and kicks Superman in the face , Beerus then shoots a volley of ki blasts at Superman, causing another explosion, Superman uses his freeze breath , but Beerus counters by firing another volley of ki blasts at Superman, Beerus then creates a sphere of judgement, another orange ball comes from Beerus hand and he fires it at Superman, Superman tries to absorb the attack again , but this time there’s no sunlight , Superman yells in anger , as he struggles to push the attack away.

Superman:it’s too much!

Eventually the ball explodes and causing a blinding display of light all throughout earth , Superman passes out and falls down to the earths atmosphere, Beerus follows Superman down , until he falls in the floor of metropolis city , Beerus takes a Ki blast and puts it to Superman’s Head , Superman wakes up and Beerus powers down the attack and yawns , much to Superman and the entire justice Leagues surprise .

Beerus: im tired , I need a nap , whis let’s leave this place and go home.

Whis: yes my lord.

Whis and Beerus teleport away in a blinding flash of light , leaving a tired Superman with the justice league.

Superman: why did he not kill me or destroy earth?



Wiz: well , that was awesome and who would have thought Beerus would win?

Boomstick: yeah , well before explaining why Beerus wins , we have to explain a few things about Superman

Wiz: lets talk about the arugements for post crisis Superman being Universal or even mulitversal , is That Superman was able to defeat S'ivaa , who should be multiversal, the only problem with this feat , is that Superman wasn’t really doing much here , it was orion who was taking damage for Superman , if anyone should be compared to S'ivaa it should be Orion not Superman , so scaling Superman to someone who he barley fought is a little iffy.

Boomstick: next one down the list is that post crisis Superman should scale to pre crisis Superman who is multiversal and there are a few issues with this as well , mostly how canon it is.

Wiz: besides the issue on multiple people writing Superman, there is also the fact that there isn’t much to confirm post crisis Superman fighting pre crisis Superman as canon or to say it has canon validly.

Boomstick: by this logic you could scale emperor joker to post crisis Superman and say that post crisis Superman is Complex Multiversal and has Immeasurable Speed , because post crisis Superman was able to injure emperor joker , even though it’s clear that emperor joker was holding back , by the same scaling you could scale krillin to super Saiyan blue Goku and say he’s universal , because krillin was able to keep up with ssgss Goku and you could also scale tien to krillin and aruge all the Z fighters to be Universal, even though krillin and tien aren’t portrayed as being nearly as strong as ssgss Goku.

Wiz: lastly is that post crisis Superman should scale to time trapper superboy prime who has a multiversal feat ,but all we really see them do is punch time trapper and not much other than that to suggest he scales.

Boomstick: But wiz wasn’t Superman able to knock out Orion?

Wiz: remember the Orion who he knocked out was a avatar so it’s unknown weather the avatar is comparable to the real Orion.

Boomstick: I suppose that makes sense .

Wiz: With that out of the way , we could talk about why Beerus won , Beerus was stronger , more durable and more experienced than Superman.

Boomstick: while Superman resisted and even had counters to many of his attacks like hakai and his fire based ki and he was faster , via being in the sextillions of MFTL , while Beerus was only in the Quadrillions, his speed wasn’t enough .

Wiz: Superman’s strongest feats include keeping up with Doomsday who is Solar System Level To Multi Galaxy Level , Beerus casually nearly destroyed the universe and in his fight with Goku and they were going to destroy the universe , if they kept going .

Boomstick:Superman was Faster , but his speed and restiances were only going to get him so far , once Beerus landed a few good blows , the man of steel was out for the count.

Wiz: yeah , I guess speed wasn’t going to do much with a gap that huge!.

Boomstick:if this fight was only based on power , Beerus would have won the fight in seconds , but Superman’s speed and haxes kept Beerus on his toes , but it was only a matter of time , until he made the wrong move.

Wiz: but boomstick can’t Superman just teleport Beerus out of the universe and end the fight?

Boomstick: no wiz , he’s only done that to planets , so we don’t really know if he could do that to living beings , if this was cosmic armor Superman or strange vistor Superman , Beerus won’t have lasted a second , but against post crisis Superman , Beerus had a much higher chance to win.

Wiz: well I’m all out , I guess Superman just wasn’t dragon ball super enough to win!.

Boomstick: The Winner Is Beerus!.

  • Beerus vs Superman (5)


A God of Destruction vs A Man of Steel. Who will win?

Beerus vs Superman (6)


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Beerus
  • 3 Superman
  • 4 Introduction
  • 5 Pre-Fight
  • 6 Fight
  • 7 Results


Skyblazero: These is a Battle between two really OverPowered Characters.

Matt: These guys are a God of Destruction.

Deadpool: And a Man of Steel.

Anti-Sky: These guys are Beerus, Dragon Ball's Universe 7's God of Destruction!

Skyblazero: And Superman, DC Comics's Man of Steel!

Matt: Im Matt, hes Sky, hes Deadpool N hes Anti-Sky.

Deadpool: And its our job to analyze their weapons, armors and skills to see who would win a DEATH BATTLE!


Skyblazero: Beerus, Dragon Ball's OP Cat who is Universe 7's Destruction God.

Deadpool: Maybe he it seems a Purple Cat but believe it or not its deadly.


Anti-Sky: Beerus woke up after OVER 100 Years Lap and that was in search of the Super Saiyan God!

Deadpool: Thats me!

Skyblazero: Nop thats not u.

Deadpool: Well....

Matt: Beerus was gonna go to the Planet Vegeta to see the Super Saiyan God, but Beerus learned Frieza destroyed the Planet and later learned that Goku was the one who turned into a Super Saiyan, defeatin Frieza, resultin in the Destruction of Namek!

Skyblazero: Beerus then goes to earth a faces off against Son Goku when Goku turns into a Super Saiyan God, but The Super Saiyan God was unsuccesful--

Deadpool: In defeatin the most OP Purple Cat ever!

Skyblazero: Yes... But Beerus dont destroyed the earth going back to its own planet later decidin to live in earth to enjoy the delicious foods on earth.

Deadpool: He might like my Chimichangas!

Skyblazero: I guess.

Deadpool: Well... As we was sayin Beerus is POWERFUL!!!

Matt: Beerus has a Technique powerful is the Hakai which lets Beerus erase from existence!

Skyblazero: Also fought with the Super Saiyan God Goku and their first clashes were so strong that its stated if they kept on goin, the godamn entire universe would be destroyed!

Deadpool: Lets do it Matt!

Matt: Sure!

They collides blows only to see they hits eachother's face knocking both at the ground.

Anti-Sky laughs.

Anti-Sky: Well, Beerus also knows about Martial Arts, has God-Ki, defeated Goku, Vegeta, Buu, And Gotenks, flew between Galaxies in Minutes meanin he is quite fast to be a Cat, and also survived a Planet Sized Explosion!

Matt: Beerus also has the Ultra Instinct he used to fight with the 11 Gods of Destruction who decided to team up to fight him, but Beerus doesnt have complete mastery about the technique...

Skyblazero: Also Beerus has Ki Blasts able to destroy Solar Systems, can form clones, can hear people from great distances away, can deflect, cancel or redirect energy attacks at will, and has an Attack named Destruction which destroy things in slow screamin agony and anything apparently including physical gods and ghosts!

Matt: And the Sphere of the Destruction creates 2 mediumsize flamin energy spheres in its hands and brings them above its head creatin one single energy Sphere--


Skyblazero: That should destroy the earth but Goku absorbed this.

Matt: Also the Wrath of the God of Destruction allows Beerus hold out the index finger of its left hand and then fires a Yellow Energy Wave from its Fingertip and the God of Destruction's Wrath where he unleashes multiple ki blasts in all direction from their aura!

Skyblazero: Also the Cataclysmic Orb where claps its Hands Togheter creatin a purplecolored atomshaped energy sphere that Beerus holds on the tip of its finger.

Matt: Also is able to bounce with its hands feet tail anywhere on its body and launches the attack kickin it like a Soccer Ball towards the opponent!

Skyblazero: This can inflict a huge amount of damage and he claimin it cannot be deflected or crushed and can create a large number of these attacks.

Deadpool: And when he physically hits one the rest of them also launch and also can create a largescale version!

Skyblazero: But Beerus is incredibly lazy despite of its amazing power, and lacks of selfcontrol and sometimes acts childish and gets angry over small things when Beerus doesnt get its way and was going to destroy the Earth over not gettin a Cup of Pudding.

Matt: But lets dont mess up with the most OP Purple Cat ever!

Beerus: Hakai!


Skyblazero: Superman... Aka Kal-El is the strongest men on the Planet And also is one of the last livin Kryptonians Alive.

Deadpool: Superman is under the name of Clark Kent as a Civilian N Also Kal-El or Superman in the Amazing and also the Avengers's Rivals. The Justice League!

Anti-Sky: Superman is surprisingly a Good Martial Artist!

Matt: Also has something more awesome...

Matt and Deadpool: A GODAMN LASER VISION!

Skyblazero: Superman also does has Regeneration.

Deadpool: Also can nullify powers with its Heat Vision!

Skyblazero: Superman also has a Frost Breath.

Deadpool: And Superman can create Illusions of himself!

Anti-Sky: Superman also can move a planet outside of the universe and is able to fly fromVega to Earth In a Short Godamn Period of Time!

Matt: Superman too has Dodged Darkseid's Lasers and this Lasers are able to erase People from Existence but... Superman can resist This! How so amazing!

Skyblazero: Superman also tanked Blows of Doomsday aswell.

Matt: Superman also has Super Hearin, X-Ray Vision, with the exception of lead, Telescopic Vision, Microscopic Vision, Electro Magnetic Spectrum Vision, Tetha Vision and can see a Persons Aura!

Skyblazero: He also has a Genius Intellect, a super brain, perfect photographic memory, its a Master Tactician, a Technological Genius, can read n memorize DNA And taught all remainin Kryptonian knowledge by Jor-El.

Anti-Sky: And the Infinite Mass Punch, this has acceleration to near light speed creates relativistic mass, impact equivalent to 10 octillion megatons, uses alot of energy, is a planet busting, and the speed force regulates durability if necesary ensuring survival!

Skyblazero: Superman maybe powerful but has its Weaknesses. Its vulnerable to Kryptonite N Magic, reliant on constant solar radiation, and spens more time protecting others than improving skills but lets dont mess up with the Man Of Steel!

Superman: Well, I believe in the truth, but I'm also a big fan of justice.


Skyblazero: Alright, lets end with this debate once and for all.

Deadpool: Its time for a DEATH BATTLE!


Beerus was fighting with the Z-Fighters. He angered Tossed Vegeta thru Mountains Flickin its Finger, punched Gohan twice and then kicked him away and Angered punched Buu away.

Beerus was angered he see Goku and both flied punchin eachother makin earthquakes until Beerus kicks Goku punchin him many times until Beerus got angered since Goku punched its Face so Beerus angered punches a bunch of times the Saiyan until begins to kick him weakening Goku until Beerus angered grabs its Face giving knees at its Stomach making Goku spit at Beerus' Face. Beerus angered removed the spit of its Face tossing Goku thru mountains knocking him.


Beerus was in the air piss off holdin a Massive Glowing Ball of Yellow Ki Energy Over its head. However, we can see Superman was flyin around of this lookin Beerus and the hurt Z-Fighters with a serious face.

Superman then asked.

Superman: Hey I dont know what are u doing right now but if u dont stop I will stop u!

Beerus: Well, i think one last fight in the earth isnt gonna be somethin wrong...

Beerus cancels its Ki Ball wanted to use to destroy the earth. He slowly flied at Superman smilin.

Beerus: I go to the earth in search of a worty opponent but everyone i faced isnt that opponent. Do u think you could gimme entertnaiment facin u?

Superman: I dont want to give u entertnaiment fighting with u but im a Big fan of the Justice and I will stop your attempt to destroy the Earth!

Beerus: Excellent. Lets begin this!

Both looks seriously eachother. Both decides to fly at eachother readied to fight,



Both flied at the air punching eachother, makin earthquakes shockin the Z-Fighters. Both blocks eachother's punches until Superman flied punching Beerus many times with massive blows until he spins its Fist to UpperCut Beerus at high heights and then punch him at the ground.

The Z-Fighters was more shocked than Before because of Superman. Beerus slowly gets up smilin.

Beerus: Finally, the worty opponent i was searchin is in my eyes!

Superman: Your done?

Beerus: I have More than that!

Beerus shoots Ki Blasts at Superman which Superman dodged flyin out of them as the Ki Blasts makes explosions destroys nearly streets and throwin a Blow sends Beerus thru a Building.

Superman: Lets stop with this.

Beerus: No, i want to have fun!

Superman sighs as Beerus throws blows at Superman and sends him to fly with a Kick thru a Mountain destroying it.

Beerus then claps its hands togheter creatin the Cataclysmic Orb creatin a large number of them kickin them as Soccer Balls at the Man of Steel inflicting a huge amount of damage in him.

Superman: Well, your more stronger than i thought but i dont will let you destroy the earth!

Beerus flies at Superman aimin its hand at him.

Beerus: Hakai!

Superman used the attack but Superman tanks it shocking Beerus.

Beerus: How you can tank this kind of power?

Superman: I have do that before...

Beerus angered tries to hit Superman who blocked counterin with its own blow sends Beerus away and Superman hits Beerus at the Space. Superman chases him only to see Beerus uses the God of Destructions Wrath unleashing multiple Ki Blasts in all direction from their aura Superman was flying out of them as this destroyed Solar Systems.

Superman flew punching Beerus, Beerus angered flied back at him and both trading blows until Beerus punched Superman twice and give a massive blow sends him away and Beerus uses the Wrath of the God of Destruction firing the Yellow Energy Wave sending Superman at the earth.

Superman then put a serious exprettion. He flew at teh space only to see Beerus with a Serious exprettion. He used the Sphere of the Destruction.


He threw this at Superman. He collided with its Laser Vision. Both attacks clashes until Superman's outclassed Beerus'.

Beerus: WHAT THE?!


The attack landed on Beerus. Beerus shocked screamed in Pain as he landed into a Planet got blow up. Beerus got disinegrated and he died.


Superman flied at the earth. The Z-Fighters sees this shocked supposing he defeated Beerus.


Matt: Holy!

Deadpool: Superman was stronger and faster.

Skyblazero: He is too more smarter.

Anti-Sky: He also tanked Darkseid's Lasers erases people from existence so he can tank the Hakai!

Skyblazero: Superman also with its Heat Vision can nullify Beerus' Powers and win.

Anti-Sky: It seems Beerus has to end into a Godly Way more stronger than the Steel!

Skyblazero: The winner is: Superman

Beerus vs Superman (2024)


Who is stronger Beerus or Superman? ›

Beerus has got the Destructor Energy which in itself makes him a lot stronger than Superman. Moreover, in the manga, Beerus has been shown to be capable of tapping into Ultra Instinct. While it's not perfect, it is enough for him to trump Superman when it comes to strength and power.

Would Superman beat Whis? ›

Whis is an extremely strong fighter, able to use Ultra Instinct at all times, which means he is almost impossible to hit. He is also in possession of an Angel Staff so he has access to powers like time rewind and hyper speed travel. Superman would not even land a punch on someone as agile and aware as Whis.

Who can defeat Beerus easily? ›

Bulma has a secret weapon to stop Beerus - a candy that gives her control over someone's bowels. Beerus loves Earth's food and regularly visits, making him an easy target for Bulma's candy. If Bulma forces Beerus to have diarrhea, he will be too preoccupied to destroy Earth, making her the only one who can defeat him.

Can Zeno beat Superman? ›

If Superman cannot survive the erasure of his own universe, what chance does he stand against Zeno's Erase ability? Considering that Superman cannot hurt Zeno nor survive his single technique, Zeno would absolutely defeat Superman, even at his strongest.

Can Beerus beat Thanos? ›

Thanos doesn't have enough firepower to put Beerus down for good. Thanos might be known to destroy planets and solar systems with effort, Beerus can destroy solar systems with ease.

How strong is 100% Beerus? ›

His Hakai Ki is able to amplify his power yet again and become even stronger than before, however in the manga it is repeatedly stated that Vegito blue is stronger. Vegito blue has a power level of 10.8 Septillion, therefore Beerus most likely has a power level of 10.7 Septillion.

Who is Beerus 1st strongest enemy? ›

Monaka was initially described as being a hero of his home world planet, Wagashi. At some point in his past, he was said to have fought against the God of Destruction Beerus. He managed to cause Beerus trouble, which makes him later claim Monaka as the strongest fighter he's ever faced.

Can Saitama defeat Beerus? ›

Beerus, no question. Saitama's best feats (getting kicked to the moon and jumping back to earth, splitting a life wiping energy beam, destroying a giant meteor etc) would barely place him at Namek Saga levels by DB standards.

Who killed Lord Beerus? ›

Unfortunately, Goku accidentally killed him. Lord Beerus made his first appearance in Dragon Ball Super Chapter 1 by Akira Toriyama and Toyotarou. In the chapter, Beerus is searching for a being that was prophesied to eventually kill him, a being known as a Super Saiyan God.

Could Vegeta beat Superman? ›

Although Vegeta belongs to a warrior race, he is not completely invulnerable and even in his Super Saiyan Blue form, his strength is nowhere near that of Superman. Vegeta would be wise to avoid catching one of Superman's punches head-on.

Is Superman stronger than Broly? ›

The only thing going in Superman's favor is that in Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form, his strength falls just short of the mark but in case Broly can rise to a greater power, as Saiyans usually do, then Superman will be in deep trouble. Regardless, Superman has enough ammunition in his right hook to trouble Broly.

Can Thor beat Zeno? ›

UNLESS IVE COMPLETELY MISSED SOMETHING THEN ID ARGUE THOR TAKES THE WIN HERE WITHOUT QUESTION!!! In my opinion they are simply too far apart in overall stats, abilities and even cosmology for there to be any other outcome here.

Who can surpass Beerus? ›

As the main character, Goku eventually surpassing Beerus is all but guaranteed. After all, Goku's journey is one of encountering and overcoming obstacles. It was demonstrated with Demon King Piccolo, then Frieza, then Kid Buu. Beerus is yet another obstacle for Goku to overcome.

Can Goku beat the strongest Superman? ›

while goku is extremely powerful, he would not be able to even hurt superman whose only weakness is magic and kryptonite. goku cannot use magic and if anything, the ki blasts are a form of uv light which would help superman. the only way he could defeat superman would be with the powerpole.

Who has beaten Beerus? ›

He and Whis leave Earth and travel home. Whis defeats Beerus with a single chop. At his temple, Beerus notes that the Oracle Fish's prophesy was a bit exaggerated and tells Whis that Gokū and Vegeta will become formidable foes before long.

Who is strongest Goku or Superman? ›

However, within the world of Dragon Ball, Goku has already proven his superiority to Suppaman, who is considered Dragon Ball's equivalent of Superman. Suppaman may look like Superman, but he lacks the strength and abilities to match Goku, showing that Goku is the undeniable champion within the confines of Dragon Ball.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.