Black Mountain (2024)

"City of the Dead"

Travelers along the Long 15 have complained to NCR rangers that caravans have been harassed and attacked by fearsome super mutants living in the irradiated ruins of Black Mountain.Fallout: New Vegas loading screens

Black Mountain is a location in the Mojave Wasteland that serves as a radio station for the State of Utobitha. It can be located on the main map easily by spotting the winding road roughly east of Goodsprings and Sloan. Neil's shack is situated at the bottom of the mountain and marks the start of the road.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Layout
  • 3 Notable loot
  • 4 Endings
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Appearances
  • 7 Behind the scenes
  • 8 Bugs
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 References


Black Mountain, a dominant feature of the area, was unoccupied for over a century after the Great War. The satellite array was a pre-War communications array and monitoring station focused on China's satellite network.[1] When the bombs fell, it was shielded from a direct strike by the mountain but became highly irradiated.[2] Following the fall of the Master, many of the first generation super mutants headed east. At Black Mountain, they discovered the array was still operational and the mountain provided a secluded and defensible place in which to settle.[3]

Over time, nightkin and the more thuggish second generation super mutants trickled into Black Mountain and this eventually caused problems. The de facto leader of the community was Marcus, from Broken Hills. Due to the influx of mentally unstable super mutants, including one particular nightkin named Tabitha, Marcus was pushed out of the group at Black Mountain. He left with a small group and went on to found Jacobstown.[4]

Tabitha progressively turned the satellite array into a fortress against any and all outsiders. She quickly convinced the lower-intelligence super mutants and schizophrenic nightkin that she is a prophet, subsequently founding the "State of Utobitha" and ordering humans to be killed on sight.[5][6] Tabitha now uses the array to broadcast her radio program's ramblings throughout much of the Wasteland.[Non-canon 1]


On the road to Black Mountain, there is an overturned satellite dish that is used as a makeshift camp. It contains several trunks, two of which contain several hundred caps. There is also a transceiver, whereupon passing a 75 Speech check, Tabitha will declare death to all "dumb-dumbs," and after which the transceiver will stop working.

When entering the radio facility via the road, the closest building to the player character will be the prison building. Inside there is an imprisoned ghoul mechanic named Raul Tejada, who is a potential companion. The door to his room is locked, and the Courier must either have a Science skill of 100 to hack the nearby terminal, a key to open the door, or must access the second terminal near the building's entrance to read entry 6. This gives the Courier the password, which is "123456789," to unlock the door without hacking the terminal.

The storage building is located between the prison building and the broadcast building, and it contains several random items, a Nuka-Cola vending machine, locked chests, and a broken Mister Handy robot by the name of Rhonda (requires 60 Science to fix).

The broadcast building is at the far end of the property and is identifiable from the single satellite dish on the roof. The building is two floors high and has two doors on the ground floor, one of which is inaccessible from the outside. Once entering the building, the other door can be accessed, it leads to a staircase which then leads to Tabitha's room. A key is required to access her room, which can be found underneath the staircase. The door to the first floor inside the fence can be interacted with from the outside, potentially granting access to the top floor while bypassing most of the enemies.

Notable loot


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Narrated by Neil

#SlideVoice-over narrationIn-game condition

Black Mountain (4)

Though some super mutants and nightkin continued to journey to the legendary Utobitha, they found little trace of its existence. Some eventually found their way to Jacobstown, but many wandered off into the wastes, confused and disheartened.Kill Tabitha

Black Mountain (7)

Tabitha and Rhonda went east, through Caesar's land. Occasionally tales of their exploits found their way back west, though few believed them. Eventually the stories concerning the duo were collected and published, and proved to be quite popular with children.Repair Tabitha's robot, Rhonda.

Black Mountain (10)

Black Mountain Radio continued to broadcast its peculiar form of propaganda. Raul Tejada faced his execution each day, though pardoned in the end. Travelers venturing too near Black Mountain continue to be harassed by Tabitha's followers.Do not approach Black Mountain.

Black Mountain (13)

Tabitha, enraged by Raul's escape, took the remaining nightkin of Black Mountain with her and vanished without a trace. Travelers in the region soon learned to avoid the roads at night, as caravans were repeatedly attacked by unseen assailants.Release Raul, do not complete Crazy, Crazy, Crazy.


  • When arriving at or standing around Black Mountain, the sound of thunder can be heard.
  • By fast traveling or returning to Black Mountain, super mutant masters will spawn, generally in groups of threes. They will not be hostile to the player character, and cannot be spoken to. Killing one will not cause the others to attack. This is in line with Neil stating that super mutants are still streaming in, and he is going to stay and direct them to Jacobstown. The nightkin encountered will still be hostile however.
  • If the Courier enters the storage room and doesn't fix Rhonda within three in-game days, she will disappear and won't come back. To repair Rhonda, don't enter the storage room until a 60 Science skill is achieved.
  • The ambiance that plays at Black Mountain is the same ambiance that plays at Necropolis from Fallout, "City of the Dead".


Black Mountain appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes

Black Mountain is located in the same geographical area as the real world Black Mountain, within the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area near Henderson, Nevada.


  • Black Mountain (16) When using the terminal in the prison building, the screen may become blurred but not bring up the monitor interface for the computer. This will fix itself by leaving the building and re-entering but using scoped weapons will now show the image of the computer terminal. [verified]
  • Black Mountain (17) Black Mountain (18) When climbing back down the mountain after reuniting Tabitha with Rhonda, it is possible that attacking any nightkin or centaur will cause Rhonda and Tabitha to join the fight and attack you. After the original attackers are dead they will disappear altogether. Fast traveling to Jacobstown will show that Tabitha is still hostile to the player. [verified]
  • Black Mountain (19) When fast traveling or climbing the mountain normally, random non-player characters will spawn at Tabitha's compound or in the crater area. They will be non-hostile to both the super mutants/nightkin and to the player. If the player starts a fight with the mutants/nightkin, they will not join regardless of faction reputation. [verified]
  • Black Mountain (20) When meeting Neil for the mission that begins with him, you may be given the optional task to meet him by the overturned satellite dish. Meeting him there, he will ask if you are ready. No matter what reply you give him ("Let's go" or the equivalent of "No not yet. There's some things I have to do first"), he will always respond to the latter. A possible fix for this is telling Neil you're ready to go BEFORE you talk to the super mutant on the radio. [verified]
  • Black Mountain (21) Black Mountain (22) A variety of non-player characters may spawn on the roads on your way to the summit including, Sunny Smiles, an NCR trooper, a Powder Ganger, some Boomers, and a Great Khan. They won't be attacked by the super mutants if you're around them, they will go straight to you and completely disregard the other non-player characters. [verified]
  • Black Mountain (23) Black Mountain (24) Sometimes the nightkin sniper will not spawn, making it impossible to get Annabelle.[verified]
  • Black Mountain (25) The back door to the ground floor of the broadcast building can be entered from outside the fence. [verified]
  • Black Mountain (26) Black Mountain (27) Black Mountain (28) Sometimes a deathclaw may spawn in the crater at Black Mountain or along the winding road leading up the mountain. [verified]


Black Mountain (29)

Black Mountain (30)

Collapsed satellite dish

Black Mountain (31)

Collapsed satellite dish interior

Black Mountain (32)

Radio tower platform

Black Mountain (33)

Looking towards New Vegas

Black Mountain (34)

Main buildings

Black Mountain (35)

Nightkin with Annabelle


  1. Black Mountain terminal entries; broadcast tower terminal, Log 672
  2. Black Mountain terminal entries; broadcast tower terminal, Log 675
  3. Black Mountain terminal entries; broadcast tower terminal, Log 676
  4. Black Mountain terminal entries; Tabitha's terminal, Alone at last!
  5. The Courier: "What makes this a "dangerous place?""
    Neil: "You must've heard her radio broadcasts? Though why a human would follow her invitation here is beyond me... unless you didn't listen very closely. The voice on the radio belongs to Tabitha, the "supreme commander" of Black Mountain - or, as she calls it, the "State of Utobitha." She took control of this place almost two years ago. The Super Mutants here do whatever she says - and she says humans are to be killed on sight."
    (Neil's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "How did Tabitha end up in control?"
    Neil: "For years, Black Mountain was a peaceful community. Its leader, Marcus, broadcast an invitation to Mutants throughout the wasteland. That's how I found Black Mountain. So did others, most of them second generation Mutants. Marcus welcomed everyone - that was his mistake. The community ended up being mostly second gen - not very bright, but easy to influence. Fine, until the Nightkin came along, led by Tabitha... In a week she had most of the second-gens thinking she was some kind of prophet - and that she should be broadcasting her "truth," not Marcus. Marcus saw what was coming and decided to leave before things got out of hand. He smashed the radio and left to found Jacobstown."

    (Neil's dialogue)


  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp. 398-401: "Black Mountain: A slightly unhinged Super Mutant named Tabatha (and also Rhonda) has installed herself (with the indentured help of a Ghoul named Raul) in this mountain-top radar installation, and is broadcasting her particular brand of insanity throughout much of the Wasteland. There are two ways to reach her lair; both of which are covered in the side quest."


Major Faction locations

BoomersNellis Air Force Base (Biodiesel refinery· Loyal's house· Mess hall & munitions storage· Nellis Boomer museum· Nellis children's barracks· Nellis medical station· Nellis men's barracks· Nellis schoolhouse· Nellis women's barracks· Nellis workshop· Pearl's barracks)· Nellis hangars· Nellis array
Brotherhood of SteelBrotherhood of Steel safehouse· Hidden Valley (Hidden Valley bunker)
Caesar's LegionCaesar's Legion safehouse· Cottonwood Cove (Boat to Dry Wells· Cottonwood Cove HQ· Cottonwood Cove mess hall· Cottonwood Cove restroom· Cottonwood Cove shack· Cottonwood Cove storage)· Dry Wells· Legate's camp (Legate's war tent)· Legion raid camp· Nelson (Nelson barracks· Nelson house)· Techatticup Mine· The Fort (Caesar's tent· Legion arena· Weather monitoring station)
Crimson CaravanCrimson Caravan Company (Caravaneer barracks· Crimson Caravan main office· Guard barracks)
Followers of the ApocalypseFollower's outpost· Followers safehouse· New Vegas medical clinic· Old Mormon Fort
Great KhansMakeshift Great Khan camp· Red Rock Canyon (Great Khan longhouse)· Red Rock drug lab· Great Khan encampment· Great Khan supply cave
Powder GangersPowder Ganger camp east· Powder Ganger camp north· Powder Ganger camp south· Powder Ganger camp west· NCR Correctional Facility (Cell block A· Cell block B· NCR CF administration· Visitors center)
New California Republic188 trading post· Aerotech Office Park (Aerotech suite 200· Aerotech suite 300· Aerotech tent)· Bitter Springs· Boulder City (Boulder City ruins· Boulder City train station· Big Horn Saloon· Great Khan hideout)· Camp Forlorn Hope (Barracks· Command center· Jail· Medical center· Mess hall· Shack· Storage shed)· Camp Golf (Camp Golf mess tent· Camp Golf tent· Misfits' tent· House Resort)· Camp Guardian (Guardian Peak· Camp Guardian caves)· Camp McCarran (Terminal building· Concourse· Supply shack)· Camp Searchlight (Searchlight east church· Searchlight west church· Searchlight church basem*nt· Searchlight Elementary School· Searchlight fire station· Searchlight home· Searchlight police station· Searchlight NCR storage)· HELIOS One· Hoover Dam (Hoover Dam checkpoint· Hoover Dam intake towers· Hoover Dam offices· Hoover Dam lower level· Hoover Dam power plant 01· Hoover Dam power plant 02· Hoover Dam power plant 03· Hoover Dam power plant 04· Hoover Dam tower· Hoover Dam visitor center· Oliver's compound)· Long 15· Mojave Outpost (Gate to Long 15· Mojave Outpost barracks)· NCR Ranger safehouse· NCR sharecropper farms· (Greenhouse· Sharecropper barracks)· Ranger Station Alpha· Ranger Station Bravo· Ranger Station Charlie· Ranger Station Delta· Ranger Station Echo· Ranger Station Foxtrot· Sloan (Mess hall· Machine shop· Mining office· Worker barracks)·

Independent Towns

GoodspringsGoodsprings cave· Goodsprings Cemetery· Goodsprings source· Doc Mitchell's house· Goodsprings gas station· Goodsprings General Store· Goodsprings home· Goodsprings schoolhouse· Prospector Saloon· Victor's shack
JacobstownJacobstown lodge· Jacobstown bungalow
NiptonGood Luck trailer park· Nipton Town Hall· Nipton General Store· Nipton Hotel· Nipton house
NovacBoone's room· Cliff Briscoe's bungalow· Dinky the T-Rex· Dino Bite gift shop· Dino Dee-lite front desk· Dino Dee-lite Motel· Dino Dee-lite motel room· Jeannie May Crawford's house· Manny Vargas' room· McBride house· Novac house· No-bark's shack· Ranger Andy's bungalow
PrimmBison Steve Hotel· Deputy Beagle's residence· Nash residence· NCR tent· Primm house· Primm sheriff's office· Vikki and Vance Casino· El Diablo rollercoaster

New Vegas

FreesideAtomic Wrangler Casino (Atomic Wrangler corner room)· Cerulean Robotics· Freeside's east gate· Freeside's north gate· Fremont Street· King's School of Impersonation· Mick & Ralph's· Old Mormon Fort· Ruined store· Silver Rush
New Vegas sewersNorth sewers· Central sewers· East central sewers· Sealed sewers
New Vegas StripGomorrah (Big Sal's office· Brimstone· Gomorrah courtyard· Joana's room)· Las Vegas Boulevard· Lucky 38 (Lucky 38 basem*nt· Lucky 38 control room· Lucky 38 co*cktail lounge· Lucky 38 penthouse· Lucky 38 presidential suite)· Las Vegas Boulevard station· Michael Angelo's workshop· NCR Embassy· NCR Military Police HQ· The Strip North Gate· The Tops (The Aces· The Tops High Roller suite· The Tops presidential suite· The Tops courtyard)· Ultra-Luxe (Bon Vivant suite· The Gourmand)· Vault 21
North Vegas SquareThe Gray
WestsideCasa Madrid Apartments· Klamath Bob's liquor store· North cistern· Westside Co-op· Miguel's Pawn Shop· Westside south entrance· Westside west entrance


Vault 3· Vault 11· Vault 19· Vault 21· Vault 22· Vault 34· Securitron vault

Mojave Wasteland individual locations

Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker· Allied Technologies offices· Ant mound· Bitter Springs recreation area· Black Mountain (Broadcast building· Prison building· Storage building)· Black Rock cave· Bloodborne cave·Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals· Bonnie Springs· Boulder Beach Campground· Bradley's shack· Brewer's Beer Bootlegging· Broc flower cave· Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch· California Sunset Drive-in· Callville Bay· Cannibal Johnson's cave· Canyon wreckage· Cap counterfeiting shack· Cassidy Caravans wreckage· Cazador nest· Charleston Cave· Chance's Map· Clark Field· Cliffside prospector camp· Cottonwood crater· Cottonwood overlook· Coyote den· Coyote Mines· Crashed B-29· Coyote Tail Ridge· Crashed vertibird· Crescent Canyon west· Crescent Canyon east· Dead Wind Cavern· Deserted shack· Durable Dunn's sacked caravan· East pump station· El Dorado Dry Lake· El Dorado substation· El Dorado gas & service· El Rey Motel· Emergency service railyard· Fields' shack· Fire Root Cavern· Fisherman's Pride shack· Gibson scrap yard· Griffin Wares sacked caravan· Grub n' Gulp rest stop· Gun Runners· Gypsum train yard· H&H Tools factory· Harper's shack· Hidden supply cave· Highway 95 Viper's encampment· Horowitz farmstead· Hunter's farm· Ivanpah Dry Lake· Ivanpah race track· Jack Rabbit Springs· Jean Sky Diving· Junction 15 railway station· Lake Las Vegas· Lake Mead Cave· Lone Wolf Radio· Lucky Jim Mine· Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm· Mesquite Mountains camp site· Mesquite Mountains crater· Mojave Drive-in· Mole rat ranch· Monte Carlo Suites· Morning Star Cavern· Mountain Shadows campground· Neil's shack· Nevada Highway Patrol station· New Vegas Steel· Nipton Road pit stop· Nipton Road reststop· Nopah cave· Northern passage· Old nuclear test site· Poseidon gas station· Primm Pass· Quarry Junction· Raided farmstead· Raul's shack· Remnants bunker· REPCONN headquarters· REPCONN test site· Ruby Hill Mine· Samson rock crushing plant· Scavenger platform· Scorpion gulch· Searchlight Airport· Searchlight East gold mine· Searchlight North gold mine· Silver Peak Mine· Smith Mesa prospector camp· Sniper's nest· Snyder prospector camp· South cistern· South Vegas ruins· South Vegas ruins east entrance· South Vegas ruins west entrance· Southern Nevada wind farm· Spring Mt. Ranch State Park· Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters· The Basincreek Building· The Devil's Gullet· The Devil's Throat· The Prospector's Den· The Thorn· Toxic dump site· Tribal village· Walking Box Cavern· West pump station· Whittaker farmstead· Wolfhorn ranch· Wrecked Highwayman· Yangtze Memorial

Mojave Wasteland unmarked locations

Abandoned home· Abandoned shack· Abandoned warehouse· Bitter Springs cemetery· Bootjack Cavern· Camp Guardian cave· Camp Guardian caves· Carlyle St. Clair's house· Crashed cargo plane· Hidden cazador nest· Chance's grave· Central sewers· Deathclaw promontory· East central sewers· Fabulous New Vegas sign· Gibson's shack· Great Khan armory· Great Khan supply cave· Griffith Peak· Gypsum quarry office· Highway 95· Isaac's house· Interstate 15· Lake Mead· Lakelurk cove· Mercenary camp· Mesquite Mountains lean-to· Mojave house· New Vegas home· North sewers· Nuclear test shack· Orion Moreno's house· REPCONN test site checkpoint· Ringo's caravan· River bank alcove· Scorpion burrow· Sealed sewers· Sealed train tunnel· Sunken Sunset Sarsaparilla truck· Train tunnel· Violet and Violetta trailer compound· Viper Gang ambush· Wins hideout· Zapp's Neon Signs· Colorado River

Wild Wasteland locations

Jimmy's well· The One

Add-on locations

Sierra MadreMedical District (Villa clinic)· Puesta del Sol (Puesta del Sol switching station· Ruined building· Ruined cafe· Ruined store· Service route)· Residential District· Salida del Sol (Campanas del Sol· Salida del Sol courtyard)· Sierra Madre Casino & Resort (Cantina Madrid· Executive suites· Sierra Madre casino· Sierra Madre lobby· Sierra Madre vault· Tampico)· Villa (Villa police station)
Zion CanyonAngel cave· Ant burrow· Bighorn Bluff· Burial mounds· Caterpillar's Mound· Clear Water docks· Crashed scout bus· Court Fork overlook· Crossroad cavern· Cueva Guarache· Dagger's Point· Dead Horses camp· East Fork Bridge· Eastern Virgin· Fallen Rock cave· Zion General Store· Ghost Den· Glass Chime cave· Half Mouse cave· Morning Glory cave· Northern passage· North Fork Bridge· North Fork campground· Old Rockville Bridge· Patriarchs' Campground· Pine Creek tunnel· Ranger Substation Eagle· Ranger Substation Osprey· Ranger Substation Peregrine· Red Rapids docks· Sorrows camp· Sorrows Fork campground· Southern passage· Stone Bones cave· Sun Sentinels· Sweet Flower cave· The Aerie· The Bend Bridge· The Spine· The Red Gate· Three Marys· Two Skies cave· Vault 22 dwellers' guard camp· Virgin River· Virgin Fork campground· White Bird's cave· Wind Wall docks· Yao guai cave· Zion Canyon· Zion fishing lodge· Zion Ranger station· Zion Valley welcome booth
Big EmptyBig MT· Big MT east tunnel· Big MT north tunnel· Big MT west tunnel· Construction site· Elijah's Watch· Forbidden Zone dome entrance· Hazmat testing ground· Higgs Village· Little Yangtze· Loading station· Magnetohydraulics complex· Mojave Drive-in· Mysterious cave· Saturnite alloy research facility· Securitron de-construction plant· Signal Hills Transmitter· The Cuckoo's Nest· The Sink· The Think Tank· Waste disintegration platform· X-2 transmitter antenna array· X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch· X-7b "Boom Town" target zone· X-8 research center· X-12 research center· X-13 research facility· X-17 meteorological station· X-22 botanical garden· X-66 Hexcrete archipelago· Y-0 research center· Y-17 medical facility· Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab· Z-14 Pepsinae DNA splicing lab· Z-38 lightwave dynamics research· Z-43 innovative toxins plant· Ulysses' Point
The DivideAshton silo control station· Boxwood Hotel roof· Cave of the Abaddon· Collapsed overpass tunnel entrance· Junction 7 rest stop· High Road· Hopeville armory· Hopeville men's barracks· Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters· Hopeville Missile Base - East entrance· Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station· Hopeville Missile Base - West entrance· Hopeville silo bunker entrance· Hopeville women's barracks· Marked men camp· Marked men base· Marked men guard outpost· Marked men supply outpost· Pass to canyon wreckage· Path to the Courier's Mile· Ruined highway interchange· Sunstone Tower roof· The Courier's Mile· The Crow's Nest· Third Street Municipal Building· Ulysses' Temple· Waste disposal station· Wastewater treatment plant

Cut Black Mountain (36) locations

Calada· Corn Creek Dunes· Devil Peak· Dry Lake· East Las Vegas· Elephant Hill· Floyd Lamb State Park· Garnet· Gomorrah 3rd floor· Las Vegas Academy· Las Vegas Bay Campground· Las Vegas Dunes· Malpais Legionnaire Camp· Mountain Springs· Mt. Perkins· Mummy Mountain· Northwest sewers· Pahrump· Piute Point· Ripley· Sandy Valley· Southwest sewers· Spring Mountains Recreation Area· Summerlin· Sunrise Mountain· Underpass· Valley of Fire· Wheaton Springs· Vault 24· Vault 74
Parentheses () denote sub-locations, italics denote unmarked locations.
Black Mountain (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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