Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (2024)

You probably instinctively know there’s a relationship between colors and emotions. You might have worn red to intimidate your enemies (it works for athletes). Or painted a room pale blue to feel calm. Maybe you dyed your hair black as a teenager to evoke gloomy, existential angst and inner turmoil (or to anger your parents). There’s even a term, “dopamine dressing,” to describe the mood-boosting benefits of wearing certain colors.

“Color is closely associated with emotions,” London College of Fashion lecturer Maria Costantino told Harper’s Bazaar. “It colors our language—we say we are ‘feeling blue,’ ‘seeing red,’ ‘green with envy’ or ‘in the pink.’”

But how we react to different colors isn’t always black and white (see what we did there?). It often depends on our psychology, biological conditioning and cultural background.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (1)

Designers and brand owners need to understand the basics of color theory, color symbolism and the psychology of color to communicate effectively to their audience. Up to 90% of people base their first impressions of a product on color alone. And the wrong colors could send the wrong message—like using white to convey freshness in a culture where it represents death.

Basically, color matters!

So, let’s look at how different groups of colors make us feel, then see how individual colors can be used to evoke specific emotions.

Warm and cool colors

The way we respond to color depends on its brightness, shade or tint, and whether it’s cool or warm-toned. There’s a subtle but important difference between fiery red and earth red, right?

But with so many colors to choose from, where do you start? Narrowing them down to categories can help.

Warm colors—red, orange and yellow

Red, orange and yellow are all warm colors and are generally thought to evoke feelings of happiness, optimism, energy and passion. Yellow-y sunshine might lift your mood, while red roses might get you in the mood.

Warm colors also rev you up! They can signal danger or make you take action, like the color of stop signs, caution tape or the agitated faces of disgruntled airline passengers. Red can even make you hungry, which is why it’s a favorite with fast food chains.

Cool colors—green, blue and purple

Green, blue and purple are cool colors; they can be seen as calming, soothing, nurturing, subdued or even sad (e.g., blues music, the “baby blues” or Picasso’s Blue Period). They’re often popular with brands promoting health, beauty or security.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (2)
Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (3)

Colors and emotions: a quick guide

Happy colors—yellow, orange, pink, red, peach, light pink and lilac

Happy colors are usually thought to be bright, warm shades, like yellow, orange, pink and red, or pastels, like peach, light pink and lilac. The brighter and lighter the color, the happier and more optimistic it can make you feel. Combining lots of colors together can feel joyful and exuberant, like the Holi festival, or maybe a little chaotic and overwhelming, like an overcrowded city street.

Sad colors—gray, brown, beige and dark blue

Sad colors are usually dark, muted and neutral, such as gray, brown, beige and certain shades of blue and green. In Western cultures, black is often considered the color of mourning, whereas in some East Asian countries, it’s white.

Calming colors—blue, green, baby blue, lilac, mint, white and gray

Want to chill out? Turn to cool colors, like blue and green, cool-toned pastels like baby blue, lilac and mint, and neutral tones, like white and gray. Pared-back designs that use fewer colors tend to be more calming.

Energizing colors—bright red, yellow, neon green, turquoise, magenta and emerald green

Want to get fired up? Strong, bright, highly pigmented and neon colors can have an energizing effect on our emotions. They’re bold and stand out from their surroundings, which is why they can make us feel that way too.

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Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (7)

How different colors make us feel

Let’s dive into the colors and emotions.

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Pink
  • Brown
  • Black
  • White
  • Gray

Red—passionate, energetic, angry, dangerous, lucky

Red makes you feel passionate and energized. It’s often associated with passion and love, as well as anger and danger (there’s a thin line between love and hate, after all). In China and other East Asian cultures, red is associated with joy and good luck, which is why it’s the color of the Lunar New Year.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (8)
Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (9)

Orange—energetic, enthusiastic, lively, happy

Orange is an energetic attention-grabber, like red, but isn’t as overpowering. It’s inviting and cheerful, and a popular option for brands asking their audience to take action—like “buy this product!” or “sign up for this newsletter!”—but in a fun, friendly way.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (10)
Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (11)

Yellow—happy, spontaneous, cheerful, optimistic

Yellow is reminiscent of sunshine and smiley faces and is often used to make people feel positive. It’s flamboyant and joyful. Think twice about using too much yellow in your design because it reflects a lot of light and can be a bit hard on the eyes.

Green—fresh, balanced, calm

Green can make you feel optimistic, refreshed or relaxed, probably because of its association with nature. Green is easy on the eyes and can be used to create balance in a design. It’s a great color for brands that want to depict growth (in the US, especially, where money is green), security or inspire possibility (i.e., you’ve got the green light to go!).

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Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (15)

Blue—secure, relaxed, spiritual, calm, cold

Blue is the “king of colors,” as we’ve mentioned in our article “Logo colors: what’s best for your brand?” It evokes feelings of calm and trustworthiness, which is why it’s a favorite with big corporations (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, to name a few). It also appears in more than half of all logo designs.

Dark blue is popular with corporations because it feels so safe and professional. But using too much blue can feel cold and disengaged. Light blues are considered more relaxing and friendly.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (16)
Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (17)

Purple—creative, mysterious, royal, luxurious

Purple is associated with mystery, creativity, royalty and wealth, a combination that might explain its popularity in the cryptocurrency industry. Lighter shades of purple are often used to soothe or calm, so it’s a favorite with health and beauty brands.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (18)
Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (19)

Pink—playful, romantic, tender, cute, fun

Traditionally, pink evokes romance, sweetness and tenderness. It can often make us feel playful or romantic. But pink can also be modern, like millennial pink, or outrageous, showy and even rebellious, like hot pink.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (20)
Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (21)

Brown—warm, grounded, practical, comforted

Brown creates a sense of stability, comfort and support (much like your morning coffee). It’s warm and friendly, practical and dependable, and can also represent the old-fashioned, vintage or well-established.

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Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (23)

Black—sophisticated, classic, serious

Black evokes power, luxury and elegance, but can also stand for professionalism, neutrality and simplicity, like Steve Jobs’ ever-present black turtleneck or the “little black dress.” It can feel bold, powerful and mysterious, like “black magic,” Darth Vader’s all-black ensemble or the black robes of a Japanese ninja (at least in popular media). In certain contexts and cultures, the color black can also refer to mourning or sadness.

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Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (25)

White—simple, peaceful, elegant, cold

Using a lot of white in design creates a minimalist aesthetic—fresh and comforting in its simplicity. In many cultures, white refers to innocence or peacefulness (think baby clothes and white doves). Too much white can feel cold, impersonal and overly sanitized, like a blindingly white hospital ward. In Eastern cultures, white is worn at funerals.

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Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (27)

Gray—serious, professional, reliable

Gray can be seen as a mature, responsible or neutral color, which is why you might feel super-professional and reliable wearing a gray suit to work instead of bright orange. Gray is sometimes seen as a lighter, less formal alternative to black. On the other hand, it can also be seen as indecisive, conventional and (alas) boring.

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Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (29)

Colors and emotions are inextricably linked

Whether you’re designing a logo, building a brand, or putting together the perfect revenge outfit for your school reunion, remember that colors can change how you feel and how others perceive you. Colors can be subjective, too: a neon yellow logo that makes one person happy might give another person a headache. So choose carefully, and always ask for help from an expert if you need it!

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This article was originally written by Allison S. Gremillion and published in 2019. It has been updated with new examples and information.

Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors (2024)


Color and emotions: How Color Impacts Emotions and Behaviors? ›

Warm colors like red, yellow and orange evoke higher arousal emotions, such as love, passion, happiness, and anger. Cool colors, like blue, green and purple are linked to calmness, sadness and indifference. Colors can trigger these arousal states and emotions.

How colors impact your emotions and Behaviour? ›

Muted shades can pique feelings of love, passion, and sensuality, while bright hues may trigger anger, strength, and power. It's a warm, generally positive, motivating color that encourages people to act and gives shy, soft-spoken folks more confidence.

How color has the effect on our emotions answer? ›

While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, some color effects have universal meanings. Colors in the red area of the color spectrum are known as warm colors and include red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility.

What are the colors of emotions? ›

Colors that are associated with emotions are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Generally red is associated with anger. Orange is associated with fear. Green is associated with well-being.

How does color impact the way we perceive things? ›

One example of the link between colour and emotion is the common perception that red, orange, yellow, and brown hues are “warm,” while the blues, greens, and grays are “cold.” The red, orange, and yellow hues are said to induce excitement, cheerfulness, stimulation, and aggression; the blues and greens security, calm, ...

How the colour influences the Behaviour? ›

Warm colors like red, yellow and orange evoke higher arousal emotions, such as love, passion, happiness, and anger. Cool colors, like blue, green and purple are linked to calmness, sadness and indifference. Colors can trigger these arousal states and emotions.

What color has the strongest effect on our emotions? ›

In color psychology, red provokes the strongest emotions of any color. While cool colors like green and blue are generally considered peaceful and calming, the color red is considered the warmest and most contradictory of the colors.

Why is color important in our life? ›

Color is so much more than meets the eye. Color impacts our moods, stimulates our minds and influences how we feel about products and the companies that make them. Color influences how we experience the world around us.

How do colors represent personality? ›

Red: represents action, energy, likes practical results. Green: represents persuading and communicating with people. Blue: represents innovation, creativity, and working with ideas. Yellow: represents order, repeatability, procedures, and systems.

How do colors affect the brain? ›

There are three main colors that affect you, those colors being red, blue, and yellow. Red makes you feel strong emotions, blue makes you feel calmer emotions, and yellow brings feelings of happiness because it's often compared in people's minds to the sun.

What color makes people happy? ›

Happy colours are bright, warm colours like yellow, orange, pink and red. Pastel colours like peach, light pink or lilac can also have an uplifting effect on your mood. The brighter and lighter a colour, the more happy and optimistic it will make you feel.

What color is anxiety? ›

Yellow was most often associated with a normal mood and grey with an anxious or depressed mood. Different shades of the same color had completely different positive or negative connotations. Reproducibility was exceptionally high when color choice was recorded in positive, neutral or negative terms.

What do the colors symbolize? ›

🔴Red: Passion, Love, Anger. 🔵Blue: Calm, Strength, Trust. Yellow: Happiness, Hope, Deceit. Green: New Beginnings, Abundance, Peace.

How color influences perceptions and behaviors? ›

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Color influences perceptions that are not obvious, such as the taste of food. Colors have qualities that can cause certain emotions in people. How color influences individuals may differ depending on age, gender, and culture.

How does color affect our senses? ›

Color is so powerful that it can override what our other senses are telling us to be true, causing us to taste sweetness that isn't really there, experience flavors that aren't present, and accept or reject foods simply based on their shade.

How do colors affect the way people think? ›

The color green seems to make positive emotions stronger and negative emotions weaker. White and pink may have similar effects, but researchers are still studying those. Meanwhile, the color red seems to have the opposite effect and make negative emotions -- like those linked to failure and danger -- more intense.

What are the four psychological colors? ›

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung built on the work of Hippocrates and defined the four temperaments in terms of colors: Cool Blue, Earth Green, Sunshine Yellow and Fiery Red.

How to test if color affects mood? ›

You might locate rooms with different colors in your school, or perhaps use a photography studio with different color backgrounds. Once you got that figured out, ask your test subject to sit in the the room and to tell you how they feel and what kind of feelings they get from the color of the surroundings. Record this.

How do colors affect children's behavior? ›

Color selection can cause children to become excitable and hyperactive or bored and uninterested. Research shows that lighter colors, such as yellow and blue, elicit positive feelings while darker colors such as deep blue, black, or gray create negative emotions.

What color represents anxiety? ›

Yellow was most often associated with a normal mood and grey with an anxious or depressed mood. Different shades of the same color had completely different positive or negative connotations. Reproducibility was exceptionally high when color choice was recorded in positive, neutral or negative terms.

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