DIY Debt Settlement: How to Negotiate with Creditors (2024)

Home » Credit Card Debt Relief » What Is Debt Settlement? » Tips to Negotiate with Creditors on Your Own

It’s not easy to rationalize the next late payment notice or harassing call from a creditor or collection agency as an opportunity to lower your debt. Not when your initial instinct is to bury your head and ignore yet another unwelcome contact.

Just know you’re still going to be buried in debt when you look up again, and that you possibly passed up a chance to negotiate a reduction in the amount you owe.

You can learn how to settle a debt in collections with a Do-It-Yourself approach that isn’t anywhere near as daunting as the Do-It-Yourself bathroom remodel you’ve been putting off for years. But depending on your financial situation – and the kind of debt involved – trying to negotiate a settlement directly with creditors might be a good alternative while providing a way to stop collection calls.

What is a DIY debt settlement? A DIY debt settlement is an agreement where the creditor accepts less than what is owed from the borrower, and the debt is regarded as paid in full.

If you’re drowning in credit card debt, a call to a nonprofit credit counseling agency can help you choose the debt-relief option best suited to your circ*mstances. If appropriate, the counselor can help you learn the proper approach to dealing directly with creditors before considering a more drastic option, such as filing bankruptcy.

There are effective negotiating strategies at your disposal, some of them specific to what type of debt you need to settle.

Determine If Negotiation Is Right for You

You can’t make the determination about what’s right for you until you’ve calculated how much you owe and how much time you realistically would need to pay off your debts without going through debt settlement.

Total it up. Get a calendar out. Don’t ballpark it. Be honest in your assessment.

If the period required is unrealistic or virtually impossible given other financial obligations, negotiating with creditors might be the best choice.

You shouldn’t expect to get debt relief overnight, but creditors and collection agencies might be more willing to negotiate with you than you think if you are months behind in payments.

Why? In many cases, they are incentivized to reach a settlement out of concern they might end up getting nothing, and having to write off the entire debt.

Dealing directly with creditors would save you the expense of paying a for-profit debt settlement company to negotiate on your behalf. Even the reputable debt settlement companies can overpromise on the terms and the timetable for debt relief. The DIY savings could be significant, as some debt settlement companies charge 20%-25% of the enrolled debt.

Set Your Terms

Once you’ve decided to pursue debt settlement on your own, it’s time for another assessment. How much can you afford to pay on a particular debt? Take time to determine a realistic figure, but it should be 50% or higher.

The last thing you want to do is ask a creditor to negotiate a settlement with you and still not be able to meet the terms of the new agreement because you didn’t accurately assess your repayment capability. A single missed payment could scuttle the entire deal and take (further) dead aim at your credit score.

It’s also in your best interest to have a lump sum of money to offer in settlement. Lump sum payments not only typically cost less than monthly repayment plans but often creditors are more willing to negotiate a settlement with you if they see the immediate and tangible payback a lump sum represents.

Depending on the type of debt, you might offer a lump sum equal to 30% of your outstanding balance. Expect that offer to be rejected. It’s a negotiation after all.

But if the creditor insists on a repayment of 50% or higher – and you have multiple creditors – hold off and make the same offer to another lender. Or call back and talk with a different representative.

You may not feel you’re negotiating from a leveraged position, but, again, creditors and collection agencies (that have often purchased those debts for pennies on the dollar) are often motivated to save time, cut losses and reach settlements.

Tell the Truth and Keep a Consistent Story

Make a list of the reasons you’ve fallen behind in payments. Debt often results from hardships such as job loss, divorce, medical bills. Put them down on paper to use as a reference when you’re negotiating a debt settlement with a creditor.

While lenders might have financial bottom lines motivating them to reach a settlement, they are people, too, people who may have gone through similar challenges in their lives. Keep it polite.

If a creditor trusts that your story constitutes legitimate hardship – and being consistent with the facts affecting your situation helps build that trust – they could be willing to negotiate a friendlier settlement.

The person taking your call on behalf of the creditor is charged with getting as much money as possible out of the settlement. So be patient. Your offer isn’t likely to get accepted on the first attempt. It may take multiple phone calls.

Learn Your Rights Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

In the event you deal with an unfriendly collector, it’s important to know your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and, specifically, what that collector can’t do under law.

Some examples:

  • Threaten you with arrest.
  • Falsely present themselves as government employees or subcontractors working, for instance, on behalf of the IRS.
  • Force you to repay debts you don’t owe.
  • Shame you publicly.
  • Use harassing tactics.

If you’re subject to, and feel intimidated, by these tactics, write the company and insist it ceases contact. By law, it must honor your request.

Keep Detailed Communication Notes

Make notes on every phone contact you have, whether it’s related to a debt settlement negotiation you initiated or a debt collection phone call you received.

The notes should include:

  • Full names of people you speak with.
  • Time of the call.
  • How long the call went and what you spoke about.
  • What was the tone of the conversation? Was it contentious?

If you are trying to settle debts with multiple creditors, having a record of the calls – including as many specifics as possible – can only help you deliver a consistent message and perhaps reach a speedier settlement.

It’s even more important to keep a log of phone calls if collection agencies become contentious or lapse into bullying on the part of debt collectors.

The same is true of email and regular mail correspondence. Be organized. Keep all communication from each creditor in a file you can access and easily review.

In the event you’re contacted about a debt that doesn’t seem familiar, don’t assume that it’s something you allowed to fall through the cracks. Ask the creditor for proof you owe the debt. Take no action on paying it until the creditor provides proof you owe it.

Negotiate with Creditors Directly

Don’t wait for collection agencies to come after you. Go directly to the original creditor and see if you can negotiate a deal with them.

One clear benefit to negotiating directly with creditors is the opportunity to settle your debt for less before the creditor turns the outstanding balance over to a collection agency.

That’s not going to happen with one or two missed payments, but if a creditor concludes over a number of months that you’re ignoring your debt and don’t demonstrate the intention to pay back what you owe, they might sell your debt to a collection agency without notice.

Your debt being turned over to a collection agency is a blow to your credit score, where the notation changes from “missed payments” to “collection amounts.”

You may still try to negotiate a settlement with the collections agency but you are further down the road in an attempt to reach a more amicable solution.

Get All Agreements in Writing

Whether you’re negotiating directly with a creditor, or dealing with a collection agency, get any agreement in writing. You’ve gone to the great effort of keeping notes and tracking conversations. The final step is to formally document the agreement.

Failure to do so could expose you to getting tracked down about the same debt at a later date. After the sometimes challenging and labor-heavy negotiations to settle what you owe, the last thing you want is to have to go through the process again because you don’t have a written record of the agreement.

Debt Negotiation Alternatives

Some borrowers may have had a bad experience with trying to settle debt with a creditor and don’t want to go through the process again. It’s more likely that borrowers who decide against settling debts themselves are simply not well positioned to do so.

This typically happens when a borrower’s debt is too much for them to see a way out through negotiation or they don’t have access to a lump sum of money to offer creditors in a settlement.

In other cases, borrowers may want to avoid the negative effects debt settlement has on credit. This may be something to consider if you plan to get a loan for a house or car in the near future.

In those cases, there are available options for debt relief:

A Debt Management Plan

A Debt Management Plan (DMP) is a tool offered by nonprofit credit counseling agencies that helps facilitate an agreement between a borrower and creditors.

You make one consolidated lump payment each month to the nonprofit agency. The agency then sends that payment to your creditors, who might offer reduced interest rates on credit cards to 8 percent, maybe less.

Another benefit of a debt management plan is that the monthly payment is calculated at an affordable rate based on the consumer’s budget. And credit score isn’t a factor in qualifying.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation rolls multiple debts – often high interest debts such as credit cards – into a single payment often at a lower interest rate.

One reasonable way to consolidate debt is through a balance transfer credit card, especially if you can pay down the debt during the promotional 0% interest period. However, in most cases, you will need a credit score above 680 to qualify for one of these.

Another is a debt consolidation loan. These are fixed rate loans that get paid back in installments over a set period of time, usually 3-5 years. Debt consolidation loans make more allowances for borrowers with lower credit scores (at higher interest rates, of course.)

In each case, borrowers can save money over time, but true saving requires the discipline to resist charging more money to credit cards during this critical payback period.


You wouldn’t be the first to feel entirely overwhelmed by debt and consider filing bankruptcy. Creditors may be more open to a negotiated debt settlement if they believe bankruptcy is a looming option.

But before you consider it seriously – and it should be thoroughly researched because it’s a major financial decision – it’s important to understand the different options and ramifications.

Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help you get out from under the bulk of your unsecured debt. Just know that you must first meet qualifying standards and that filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a negative mark on your credit report for 10 years.

This type of bankruptcy can affect future loans – both your ability to secure a loan and the interest rate you’d be offered.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a repayment plan administered by a bankruptcy court trustee. It allows for payment of key debts over a period of years.

One benefit of Chapter 13 bankruptcy versus Chapter 7 is that it allows you to keep your property while you’re paying off debt. While Chapter 7, also known as “liquidation bankruptcy” can be completed in four to six months, Chapter 13 takes 3-5 years. Chapter 13 stays on your credit report for seven years.

Consult a Credit Counselor

Settling debt can be an overwhelming challenge. A phone call to a credit counseling agency can help you determine whether negotiating debt settlement directly with creditors is the best option for you.

InCharge Debt Solutions is a nonprofit credit counseling agency that has years of experience helping people navigate debt settlement if they choose not to pursue it on their own or their circ*mstances preclude it.

Bringing the clarity that nonprofit credit counseling offers to a sometimes confusing predicament is a critical first step that can help you identify the finish line and make steady progress toward reaching it.

DIY Debt Settlement: How to Negotiate with Creditors (2024)


DIY Debt Settlement: How to Negotiate with Creditors? ›

You can hire a debt settlement company who will negotiate with your creditor for a fee, or you can cut out the middleman and do it yourself. Debt settlement is commonly used when the borrower can no longer afford the high interest on credit card debt, coupled with the amount owed.

Can I negotiate debt settlement yourself? ›

You can hire a debt settlement company who will negotiate with your creditor for a fee, or you can cut out the middleman and do it yourself. Debt settlement is commonly used when the borrower can no longer afford the high interest on credit card debt, coupled with the amount owed.

What to say to creditors to settle debt? ›

“As for the negotiations, be persistent and persuasive,” Schwab says. “Write down your arguments beforehand and make them sympathetic to your case.” Share any truthful reasons you may be having a hard time and show that you want to pay as much debt as you can.

What percentage should I offer to settle debt? ›

What Percentage Should You Offer to Settle Debt? Consider starting debt settlement negotiations by offering to pay a lump sum of 25% or 30% of your outstanding balance in exchange for debt forgiveness. However, expect the creditor to counter with a request for a greater amount.

How much will creditors accept as settlement? ›

Depending on how much you owe, your current monthly contributions towards the debt, and the length of time the debt has been held for, you may be able to negotiate a settlement figure of around 30% of the total amount owed. However, some creditors will take a much harsher view and will expect a figure closer to 70%.

What is the lowest a creditor will settle for? ›

Depending on the situation, debt settlement offers might range from 10% to 80% of what you owe.

How to deal with creditors when you can't pay? ›

Here is a list of some alternatives to consider when negotiating with your creditors:
  1. Reduce the monthly payment.
  2. Refinance the loan.
  3. Defer a payment for a short time if you expect your income will increase soon.
  4. Reduce or drop late charges.
  5. Pay only interest on the loan until you can resume making monthly payments.

What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? ›

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

How do I make a debt settlement offer? ›

These are the steps to follow:
  1. Work out what you can offer the people you owe.
  2. Send your offer to them in writing.
  3. Ask them to confirm they accept your offer in writing. ...
  4. Keep any letters your creditors send you about the settlement offer. ...
  5. Negotiate with your creditors if you need to.

What if a debt collector won't negotiate? ›

If your creditor refuses to negotiate, or won't negotiate, it's in your best interest to get help. There are many other ways creditors can legally collect money that they're owed, and you shouldn't put yourself in an emotionally damaging situation trying to work through the debt negotiation process alone.

What is the average debt settlement cost? ›

Debt settlement costs vary from one company to another, but it's common to pay 15% to 25% of the debt the company negotiates on your behalf. The right debt relief company might be able to negotiate with your creditors and convince them to accept less than you owe—typically in a lump sum—to satisfy your debt.

Will a debt collector take 50%? ›

Some want 75%–80% of what you owe. Others will take 50%, while others might settle for one-third or less. If you can afford it, proposing a lump-sum settlement is generally the best option—and the one most collectors will readily agree to.

Can I do debt settlement on my own? ›

Tips to Negotiate with Creditors on Your Own. It is possible to negotiate directly with creditors and settle your debt for less than you owe, but you may want the help of a professional. A quick counseling session from a certified credit counselor can help you discover your options and choose the right path forward.

How to write a letter to negotiate with a creditor? ›

Your debt settlement proposal letter must be formal and clearly state your intentions and what you expect from your creditors. You should also include all the key information your creditor will need to locate your account on their system, which includes: Your full name used on the account. Your full address.

Will a debt collector settle for 30%? ›

Concisely portraying the financial hardship that made you unable to pay your bills can make the creditor more sympathetic to your case. Start by lowballing, and try to work toward a middle ground. If you know you can only pay 50% of your original debt, try offering around 30%.

Is it better to settle debt on your own? ›

While there are no guaranteed results with debt settlement — through a company or on your own — you'll at least save yourself time and fees if you go it on your own.

Do it yourself debt relief pros and cons? ›

Understanding the Process of Debt Settlement
Pros of DIY Debt SettlementCons of DIY Debt Settlement
Total control of the processTotal responsibility for the process
Potential faster repayment of debtRequires more time, patience, effort, and negotiating skill than you may have at hand
2 more rows

How do you negotiate a debt after being sued? ›

Negotiate a payment plan or settlement directly with the card issuer. If you're facing a credit card lawsuit, you also have the option to try and negotiate a settlement or payment plan directly with the credit card issuer or the collection agency representing them.

What is a reasonable full and final settlement offer? ›

It depends on what you can afford. Your full and final settlement should offer equal amounts to each creditor. For example: Your lump sum is 75% of your total debt. You should offer each creditor 75% of what you owe them.

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