Envy (FMA 2003) (2024)

Envy (FMA 2003) (1)
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The reason you're still around, the only reason I haven't killed you is that we were told not to. But I can never forgive you, and there will never be a time when I'm able to forgive you, FOR CARRYING THAT BASTARD'S BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS!
~ Envy to Edward Elric

Envy is the secondary antagonist of the Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 series. He is the son of Hohenheim and Dante and the half-brother of Edward and Alphonse Elric. He is also the first Homunculus and Dante's top enforcer.

In the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise, Envy's manga and 2009 anime counterpart was pitiful. However, the 2003 anime version is an even bigger sad*st than the original and gets his fun out of ruining people's lives.

He is voiced by Mayumi Yamaguchi in Japanese and Wendy Powell, the same voice actress who voiced the 2009 anime counterpart, as well as Mike McFarland, who voiced Envy's true form, in English.


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
  • 3 History
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 External Links
  • 8 Navigation


This version of Envy is drastically different than his manga counterpart, where instead of being envious of humanity as a whole, he is rather particularly jealous of the fatherly love that Ed and Al received, and is known for his unhealthy grudge towards his "father" who he attempts to (and eventually succeeds) kill throughout the series.

He is extremely cruel, aggressive, manipulative, and sad*stic, gleefully causing all forms of suffering, whilst showing no remorse whatsoever. Because of that, he has absolutely no love for anyone (including his homunculi brethren), and has clashed with his own allies (with the exception of Dante herself, due to the power she has over him), often verbally and sometimes physically abusing them.

The animosity Envy had felt towards Hohenheim stems from both lack of acknowledgment (in regards to being his son), and the abandonment he had suffered moments after being created (the reason why he rejects his true form). In fact, the resentment he felt was so great to the point that he willingly threw himself into "The Gate" to cross over and personally kill him (while completely disregarding Ed's advice). In the movie, he was still callous and bent on revenge, with Dietlinde Eckhart exclaiming that Hohenheim was the only means of soothing him, and was later satisfied in killing his "father", despite knowing that he would also be transmuted as well in the process.

Unlike most of the other homunculi, Envy has no desire whatsoever to become human.

He is also arrogant and egotistical, as he shown when he sheds his disguise as Father Cornello, and shows his true form, he calls it "adorable", as if he is proud of his true form the he is with other disguises.

However, in spite of his utter sadism and his jealousy with Hotunheim, this version of Envy is actually quite intelligent, charismatic, persuasive, and perspicacious, perhaps far more so than the original Envy. He knows how to manipulate and deceive others into doing his (or Dante's) bidding. A perfect example of this is when he manipulated Wrath into joining him by feeding him fragments of the Philosopher's Stone, and offering him a chance of learning his true past. This is what made Wrath later become quite childish, but evil and manipulative in return. Also, while Envy otherwise lacks morals, he does look shocked after finding out what Dante did to Gluttony.

Powers and Abilities[]

Envy has the ability to shape-shift, he can even change his limbs into a weapon. He uses this power as a form of infiltration or to taunt enemies (i.e. playing on their weaknesses). He also has the typical homunculi strength, speed, and resilience.

Unlike his manga counterpart, this version of Envy is far more skilled in combat, his attacks range from simple punches and kicks to Capoeira-like techniques. He is also very gymnastic, able to do somersaults with grace and as a form of evading his opponent's attacks. As a testament to his might, he knocked down Pride (an opponent who is implied to be deadlier than himself), and had to be distracted by Wrath in order for Ed to pin him down or land a hit on him.

As a dragon in the movie, Envy's forced to outright eschew his former fighting style and opts to use his powerful jaws and massive body, quickly overpowering Ed in their brief fight and nearly killed him (he had also used his tail to fell one of the planes used to capture him). Furthermore, because he traveled through "The Gate", his body was used as material to open it (evident when his body was glowing with alchemic marks, after Dietlinde Eckhart touches him).


In the 2003 anime series, Envy is the first Homunculus created. As in this (radically different) storyline, Homunculi are created after a human transmutation, which only produce and alchemic "clone" of the deceased one. He was created almost 400 years before the beginning of the series by Dante (this storyline's main villain) and Hohenheim, in an effort to revive their late son who died of mercury poisoning.

Envy played a key role and is responsible for sealing Greed inside of the 5th laboratory. He had also helped recruit some of the other homunculi (like Wrath).

Envy remains at Dante's side and plans to someday kill Hohenheim (who abandoned him and Dante after realizing that their son would never truly return) for not recognizing him as a son. He is also extremely jealous of the protagonists of the series, Edward and Alphonse Elric the sons of Hohenheim (for receiving the parental love that he never got). Because of this, he rejects his true form and pretends to have forgotten it. He harbors a fierce hatred for humans, wanting to kill as many of them as possible and would stop at nothing to kill his "father" and "brothers".

Envy even explicitly stated that his real reason for carrying out Dante's dirty work is for the sole pleasure of seeing humans die and suffer. After his final battle against Edward Elric, in which he reveals his true face to distract Edward and then stabs him in the heart, killing him. Envy later meets Ed at "The Gate", after failing to stop Alphonse from reviving his brother with the Philosopher's Stone, and learns that Hohenheim is on the other side of the gate. Envy forces his way in by transforming into Edward, his original form, and lastly a huge snake-like dragon, and goes beyond the Gate of Truth into the real world, where his "father" has been banished.

During the two-year gap between the end of the anime and with Conqueror of Shamballa, Envy was captured by the Thule Society. With alchemy nullified on Earth, leaving him in the dragon form that he crossed The Gate as, the Thule Society intends to use him as a literal Ouroboros to open a physical Gate and transfer their soldiers to the other side to "Shamballa". Hohenheim was imprisoned and offered to Envy as a sacrifice; a human chew-toy to keep the "Great Serpent" calm as they formulated their plans.

Around the time of Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, Envy escaped and took shelter in an abandoned castle, only to cross paths with his younger half-brother Edward once again. In their ensuing fight with Envy having the advantage, the serpentine homunculus was attacked on all sides by the Thule Society with gun-mounted stakes and planes, who recaptured him and managed to get a small regiment of soldiers to the other side for a short time. In the end, it was Hohenheim who took his own life using Envy as his means, enabling Ed to return to his own world in a final act of redemption for his sins, using Envy's body as material to create a gate between the two worlds. Thus, Envy's goal of killing Hohenheim was finally fulfilled, ultimately at the cost of his own life. He was the seventh and final Homunculus to die in the series.

It is unknown whether or not Envy forgave Hohenheim before his death, though it is unlikely.


That will have to wait. So sorry. I wanna see the look on that little pip squeak's face when they see our Wrath.
~ Envy showing his sadism to Sloth.
Don't play dumb, you know who I mean! The bastard who's me, the way you made Greed and Pride! The one who's been jerking me around.
~ Envy demanding Dante to know where Hohunheim is at.
They won't. I want to witness their faces as I take the Philosopher's Stone away from them. I want to witness them lose everything.
~ Envy to Dante.
I've come to kill him! Take me to Hohenheim of Light! Stop messing with me! You'll do as I tell you! You're taking me to see Hohenheim! To that bastard!! TO MY FATHER!!!
~ Envy as he goes through The Gate to the other side.


Envy (FMA 2003) (2)


Envy (FMA 2003) (3)

Envy and his mother Dante.

Envy (FMA 2003) (4)

Envy kills Edward in front of Alphonse, Wrath, Rose and her child.

Envy (FMA 2003) (5)

Envy tries to stop Alphonse from reviving Edward.

Envy (FMA 2003) (6)

Envy gets sent to The Gate.

Envy (FMA 2003) (7)

Envy (FMA 2003) (8)

Envy (FMA 2003) (9)


  • Envy and Pride are the only two Homunculi in the 2003 anime whose personalities are more horrid and disturbing than their original counterparts.
    • Also the two are the only homunculi that are aware of Dante's true motive.
  • In Conqueror of Shamballa, Envy had lost his shape-shifting powers and remains stuck in his dragon form, due to the lack of alchemy in that world. However, he can still speak as a dragon, but cannot move his mouth in the form of human tongue.
    • Even as a dragon, Envy retains the voice of his preferred form (possibly as a way to make the viewers recognize that it is indeed Envy). It is also worth noting that Envy as a dragon tends to snarl and roar.
    • Another thing to mention is how Envy's psychological state in his dragon form shifts from the arrogant trash-talker he was in the series towards more of a deranged animal.
  • Envy is a male in the 2003 version, due to him being based off of Hohenheim's son, unlike his manga counterpart. This carries over to Brotherhood (despite it following the manga more closely) due to use of male pronouns. Also, like Edward Elric, his true form's hair is blonde with golden-colored eyes.
  • Envy is referred to as "The Great Serpent" or "The Dragon" in the movie, but only Ed and Hohenheim referred to him as Envy. Furthermore, his dragon form is a reference to the Leviathan (being the sin of Envy). Interestingly, the Thule Society's plans were to use him as a literal Ouroboros (reflecting the tattoo on each of the Homunculi).
  • Envy's true form somewhat resembles Father's third "perfect form" - both resemble young Hohenheim, whom they are born of.
  • Interestingly, Envy is the only villainous character in the series to not suffer any form of comeuppance for his actions and truly attain his goal.
  • Due to Alphonse breaking free and using the stone to revive his brother, Edward, Envy was the cause of Dante losing the stone.
  • Envy is similar to Fafnir in Norse mythology (albeit in a varied order):
    • Both are evil individuals.
    • Both have a desire to kill their fathers.
    • Both became dragons and are trapped in said form that is slowly eating away their sanity.
    • Both were sought out by a 3rd party that played a part in their ultimate doom.
    • Both achieved their goals in the end (yet cursed with unsatisfaction), which ultimately led to their downfall.
    • Both are dwarfs - Fefnir is a true dwarf, whereas the definition of a homunculus (not the character themselves) is a small artificially made human.
  • Unlike his manga counterpart, this version of Envy had no hand in starting the Ishvalan War.

External Links[]


Envy (FMA 2003) (10) Villains

Members:Pride (2003) |Lust (2003 & 2017) |Envy (2003) |Greed |Sloth (2003) |Gluttony |Wrath (2003)
Others:Mannequin Soldiers

State Military
Basque Grand |Major General Hakuro |Frank Archer |Gold Toothed Doctor |Isaac McDougal |Lieutenant General Raven |Majhal |Shou Tucker (2003 & 2017) |Solf J. Kimblee (2003) |Yoki

Church of Leto
Father Cornello |Chimera

Crichton Family
Ashleigh Crichton |Security Chief Atlas

Adolf Hitler |Dietlinde Eckhart

Truth |Scar |Barry the Chopper (2003) |Dante |Bald |Mugear |Camilla |King of Xerxes

Envy (FMA 2003) (2024)


What happened to Envy FMA 2003? ›

In the end, it was Hohenheim who sacrificed his own life, using Envy as his means and enabling Ed to return to his own world in a final act of redemption for his sins. Thus, Envy finally realized his sole desire to kill his father, ultimately at the cost of his own life.

Which FMA is more accurate? ›

Such was the case with Fullmetal Alchemist, with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood being the more accurate of the two anime shows. Given its nature as a better take on the manga, many fans debate which anime series to watch, and in what order.

What does Envy really look like fma? ›

Although already formidable in his human form, Envy can assume a much larger, chimeric shape with a serpentine body, multiple pairs of legs, long human-like hair, a dog-like head and six pupils in its left eye.

Who is the weakest homunculus in Fullmetal Alchemist? ›

Gluttony seems like the weakest homunculus in Fullmetal Alchemist, but that's because he clearly was never meant to fight like Wrath or Lust.

Is Envy Ed and Al's brother? ›

In the first anime

During his battle against the homunculi, Edward is killed by Envy, who is revealed to be Edward and Alphose's half-brother, but Alphonse trades himself for his brother's revival.

Why did Envy turn into a dragon? ›

Envy is similar to Fafnir in Norse mythology (albeit in a varied order): Both are evil individuals. Both have a desire to kill their fathers. Both became dragons and are trapped in said form that is slowly eating away their sanity.

Which is darker, FMA or FMAB? ›

Generally speaking, the Fullmetal Alchemist anime is considerably darker in tone compared to its 2009 counterpart. While the latter doesn't exactly shy away from the mature and darker themes of the story, the atmosphere of the original anime tends to make the atmosphere more sinister.

Is FMAB more accurate than FMA? ›

Due to divergences from the source material, a new version of the anime was made titled Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood that was more accurate.

Who is the strongest sin in FMA? ›

Pride, The Powerful Narcissist

Pride is the first homunculus created by Father and is undoubtedly the strongest among the seven homunculi. Pride's true form was the most shocking for viewers since he was first depicted as an adorable child.

Why is pride a baby FMAB? ›

(This most likely due to the fact that Pride is the first born homunculus.) It is revealed that his child-like body is in fact a mere shell which contains his real shadowy body, which Father created at the image of his own primal form.

Is FMAB written by a woman? ›

Hiromu Arakawa (荒川 弘, Arakawa Hiromu, born May 8, 1973) is a Japanese manga artist. She is best known for the manga series Fullmetal Alchemist (2001–2010), which became a hit both domestically and internationally, and was adapted into two anime television series.

Who is the strongest hom*onculus in FMA? ›

Pride's powers are the most deceptive and the most dangerous in the series, and for that reason, he's definitely the most powerful of Father's Homunculi. He also manages to survive the series in some form, which is more than the others can say.

Why did Pride eat Gluttony? ›

Seeing how dangerous their situation is, Pride remorselessly devours Gluttony to gain his sense of smell as well as his remaining lives and energy.

Who is the hated character in Fullmetal Alchemist? ›

Even though Shou Tucker is a minor antagonist, he is arguably the most evil character in Fullmetal Alchemist, primarily due to his unethical experimentation to his family members and proudly bragging about it.

What happened to Envy FMA? ›

Death by Irony: Envy commits suicide after Ed accurately calls it out on the fact that its hatred for humans stems from the fact that it secretly, well, envies humans and their ability to overcome hardships by bonding with and supporting each other.

What happened at the end of Edward Elric 2003? ›

At the end of Brotherhood, Ed performs a human transmutation on himself so that Al can return to his original human body in exchange for his ability to use alchemy. Yet even though Ed cannot use alchemy anymore, his ending was wholesome. Ed confesses his love to Winry, and they get married with children.

What happened to Rose in FMA 2003? ›

During the genocide in Reole, many of her people were slaughtered and she was captured by the military and assaulted and raped by a soldier. Due to the trauma of those experiences, she became mute and some time later gave birth to a son, who is implied to be born of that rape.

Who killed Winry's parents in FMA 2003? ›

In Rush Valley, Winry meets the Elrics' teacher Izumi Curtis and learns how her stillborn son became the homunculus Wrath. Winry continues traveling with the Elrics until she learns that her parents were killed in the Ishvalan massacre by Ed's superior Roy Mustang on military orders.

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