Flower (2024)

Susan “Flower” Montero is the ghost of a hippie from the 1960s. She appears in the American sitcom Ghosts.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 History
    • 1.2 Death
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 References



She had three brothers growing up and was on her high school basketball team in the episode Ghostwriter. At one game, she had 20 points in the first half, but then didn't score any after that cause I got super high at halftime with our point guard." She fouled out of every game because she can be very aggressive and has sharp elbows.

Her oldest brother whom she called Robby fought in the Vietnam War and she believed that he was dead due to thinking the acronym MIA meant "Murdered In Action". She expressed remorse about their last encounter since she choose the cult over her actual family, Jay's Friends. Flower says that he showed up, and he tried to get her to come home. So the cult banned him from the property and barred Flower from ever speaking to him again.

By her own confession, she has been part of several communes and cults in her lifetime and has enjoyed experimenting with recreational substances, such as weed and cocaine. To the other ghosts, she has explained the main differences between the two was that the commune still let her wear shoes and contact her family, which the cult did not.[1] In both communities, she was married and in a "throuple" (a romantic relationship between three people).[2]

Once, she took acid to save the snow leopards as a protest in The Tree. She was always finding ways to protest and save the environment. She also supports women owning businesses. Flower also talks about she protested the war in Vietnam.

In 1968, while a part of the commune, Flower took part in a bank robbery with the objective of giving the stolen money to the poor. Afterward, they made her take an "eternal blood oath" to never talk about it, although she's repeatedly shared the story with her fellow ghosts since her death.[1]

She mentions she used to be whippets from a Danish guy at Dead shows. She also mentions that she's never been to Denmark in The Baby Bjorn and met David Crosby.

She dated a man named Michael while she was in law school. On her last one-on-one date with him he was in the hospital dying. They were planning on getting married once they graduated. Flower mentions that she had a fear of someone else leaving her, which is why she's been apart of throples as mentioned in A Date To Remember. She mentions since then she's been on a dates with multiple people at a time including as many people you can fit into a VW bus.

Flower thinks that more drugs is usually the answer. She was a muse for David Crosby and his back hair looked like a sweater vest in Weekend From Hell. She also notes vitamin C enhances the effects of when someone walks through her.

In the cult her thing was interpreting dreams and tracking down runners as noted in The Christmas Spirit.


Not long after the bank robbery, while at a music festival, Flower (while under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms and therefore high) and a boyfriend wandered through a forest and ended up on the grounds of Woodstone Mansion, where they came across a bear. As it raised its arms to attack, Flower was high and thought it just wanted a "bear hug." Instead, it slashed and killed her.[3]

In Possession, Flower reveals her ghost ability is to leave the people she passes through with a discombobulated state or "acid trip," similar to her personal recurring flashbacks. She can even suggest things like wall paper and coloring books that distract her to further distract her victims. This condition only seems to last an hour.


Flower has long dark brown hair, generally a bit wild and not brushed. She wears rose-tinted glasses with oversized round frames, a blue necklace, a red ring on her left middle finger and turquoise ring on her right index finger, dangling silver earrings, and several bracelets on her left wrist made of various beads, fabric, &c. Her skirt is long and full-bodied, the fabric patchwork from many colorful and patterned fabrics. Her top is a crocheted tank-top with a blue flower or sunburst shape on the chest. Her shoes are brown Birkenstock-style sandals. She sports unshaven armpits, a coral pink lipstick, and is usually smiling crookedly with a spaced-out look on her face.

Her death is visible on her body in the form of bloody bear claw marks on her back and right shoulder. She has blood under her right jaw and on her fingernails, and her upper arms are smudged with dirt.


Flower was a member of the counter-culture revolution of the 1960s, typically identified as a "hippie" or "Flower child." In D&D she says that she is a pacifist. She died trying to hug a bear while high on acid, so she remains forgetful and in a sort of drugged-out bliss in her afterlife.


  • "Why do we have to make the livings leave? It just seems like such a bummer." (Hello!)
  • "Yeah, and the Man tried to make us wear bras and shave our pits. Drop acid, not bombs!" (Viking Funeral)


  • She is noticeably absent in the episodes: Halloween, Alberta's Fan, and Jay's Sister.
  • Flower's actress, Sheila Carrasco, allegedly fought to keep her armpit hair for the part.
  • Her real name is Susan Montero.[1]
    • The surname was on a shortlist of last names that Sheila sent into the producers when asked for input. Montero was a family name she included to honor her Chilean heritage.[4]
    • In the older draft of the script for the Pilot. Flower had an different last name and her ghost power was revealed much earlier on.
  • In the episode The Perfect Assistant she mentions she had an uncle that ordered her weed, gives her advice, and stared too long at her friends.
  • She starts to test what she can and can't walk through or sit on in the episode The Baby Bjorn.
  • She doesn't like tomatoes which is first mentioned in Flower's Article.
  • Flower has slept with a bass player before saying that he had incredible nimble fingers in The Christmas Spirit.
  • She like horses[5]
  • Flower is a fan of Country Joe and the Fish as mentioned in Alberta's Descendant.


Flower (1)


Flower (2024)
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