Full list of energy saving tips which could slash your bills by up to £1,666 (2024)

MILLIONS of households could slash their bills by up to £1,666 by making some simple energy saving tweaks.

Leaving items on standby and using your appliances inefficiently could be adding hundreds to your bills.


And while theEnergy Price Guaranteemeans a typical family will not pay more than £2,500 a year on bills - many will pay more.

This is because thecap only limits the amount that firms can charge customers per unit of gas and electricity.

So if you use more energy than the average household - expect to pay more than £2,500 a year.

But households worrying about high energy bills can make some simple adjustments to help cut their bills by over £1,000 a year.

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Full list of energy saving tips which could slash your bills by up to £1,666 (3)
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From adjusting your thermostat to lowering your boiler's flow temperature and fitting insulation - we reveal the simple tricks that can help slash your energy bills.

Adjust your thermostat - save £380 a year

It is proven by theEnergy Saving Trustthat reducing the thermostat temperature by 1 degree can reduce your fuel bill by 10%.

Uswitch has previously explained that households could make potential savings of up to £127.70, byturning down the temperatureof the thermostat just one degree.

If you were to turn your thermostat down by three degrees from 23°c to 20°c this winter you could save over £380 on your energy bills.

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Add loft insulation - save £300 a year

Loft insulation can save you up to £300 a year.

As heat rises in your home, it's got to go somewhere, so if the top of your house isn't properly insulated, you'll lose all that precious heat right out of the roof.

If it's a bigger project and you've more area to cover, you don't necessarily have to splash out on the costs alone, as low-income households can make their homes more energy efficient withgrants of up to £10,000from councils.

The money can be put toward measures like cavity wall and loft insulation, underfloor heating, energy efficient doors or the replacement of single-glazed windows, so all the heat-escaping methods are covered.

Seal any draughts - save £200 a year

Setting up draught excluders around your home to block out any unwanted cool air is a cheap solution to slashing down your energy bills.

It means you couldspend as little as £3, that could save you £200 on bills in the long run.

But remember, exactly how much you could save will depend on how draughty your house already is.

Keep your fridge freezer clean and frost-free - save £195 a year

The average fridge freezer uses 166 kWh of energy per year, working out at a cost of £77 a year, according to Uswitch.

While it isn't realistic to turn off your fridge and freezer, there are things you can do to get them working more efficiently.

Keep your fridge freezer clean to save £45 a year - dust on the condenser coils can reduce the efficiency by as much as 25% says Which?.

Failing to defrost it for instance could be adding onan extra £150 a year.

The frost buildup increases the amount of work your freezer's motor has to do.

Turn down your dishwasher temperature - save £146 a year

Your normal dishwasher setting is usually set at a temperature of between 55ºC and 65ºC.

An eco wash or energy saving setting generally uses around 20% to 40% less energy, according to Which?.

They generally run at 45ºC to 50ºC, which means it's cheaper to run but still gets your dishes clean.

These settings usually use less water, but run longer than a standard wash.

According toBosch, using eco-mode compared to the auto programme will save you around 523 kWh of energy over a year.

One kWh of electricity currently costs 28p - so that's a saving of £146.44 over a year.

Adjust your boiler's flow temperature - save £112 a year

Over 10.7million households can save an average of £112 a year by changing the temperatures on theircombination boilers.

Households are being urged to check just how much they can save on theirenergy billswith a simple flick of a button.

But if households were to drop this temperature to 60°C they could slash their gas consumption by 9% - saving households over £100 a year.

Keep computers off standby - save £95 a year

Keeping your computer switched on or on standby could be wasting money.

Loop estimates that failing to turn your computer off could cost you an extra £95 a year.

Turning gadgets like this off at the mains when not in use can help fight these stealthy costs.

Insulate hot water pipes and tanks - save £80 a year

Insulating your water tank and covering any exposed pipes can save the typical home around £80 a year.

It means the sources of your heating and where hot water is stored will stay hot for longer and you won't lose any heat that you may already be paying through the nose for.

For tanks, you can get a jacket of sorts for your hot water tank costing around £15 and is really straightforward to install – just make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Check your radiators - save £75 a year

The average household cansave up to £75 every yearif they have thermostatic radiator valves fitted on all their radiators, according to British Gas.

If you've got aTRV attached to your radiators, you'll be able to limit or turn off the flow of hot water into the radiator.

This can help reduce the amount of gas that yourboilerneeds to burn to heat up the water in your central heating system.

Valves can be picked up for less than £4and they're easy to replace yourself if some of yours are not working.

We've explained what the numbers on radiator knobs mean and how they should be set this winter.

Cut TV costs - save £24 a year

It can be easy to forget toswitch off the tellyin the evening.

And your TV is one of the mostenergy-hungry devicesin the house when left on standby.

But it can mean that its eating up 19% of your total electricity bill.

Experts warn that leaving everyday items like this on - known as the "vampire" or "phantom" load - could beadding as much as £500 a year to your energy billsunnecessarily.

Making sure you turn it offcould save you £24.61 a year.

Wash clothes cooler - save £24 a year

It is estimated that the typical UK household does 270 loads of washing a year. If each load takes an average of one hour, then this puts the annual cost of running your washing machine at £131.04.

But reducing your washing temperatureto 30°C could save you £13 a year while cutting further to 20°C could shave £24 off your annual bill.

Most washing machine models now come with an eco-mode that can be used to save the environment - and some cash.

This setting willuse less waterand means you'll use less energy to heat it when washing your clothes.

Cut Set-top-box costs - save £23 a year

Your Sky box could be pushing your bills up your bills if you choose to leave it on standby overnight.

And it's estimated that households pay £23 a year alone to keep their box on standby, according to British Gas.

But beware that if you do turn off your device at the switch, it won't record any shows while it's turned off.

Keep games consoles off at the switch - save £12 a year

Your Xbox and Playstation use 130 and 120 watts respectively when they’re in use.


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But these consoles still eat up 10 watts when they’re on standby.

It's estimated that households can save an average of £12.17 per year by switching off their game consoles when not in use.

Full list of energy saving tips which could slash your bills by up to £1,666 (2024)


What are the energy saving tips? ›

Top 10 energy saving tips
  • Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  • Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  • Save energy in how you wash and dry clothes. ...
  • Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  • Save energy in the kitchen. ...
  • Manage your heating and cooling.
Nov 17, 2023

How do you slash energy bills? ›

Energy-saving tips to help you reduce your energy bills at home
  1. Turn down your thermostat. ...
  2. Turn the heating flow temperature down. ...
  3. Don't heat empty rooms. ...
  4. Run your heating only when you're at home. ...
  5. Draught proofing. ...
  6. Bleed your radiators. ...
  7. Choose thermal curtains and keep the heat in.
Oct 14, 2023

What are the biggest ways you can save electricity? ›

Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill
  • Turn Down Your Thermostat. It's one of the most effective ways to cut your energy usage. ...
  • Take Care of Your Furnace. ...
  • Keep the Cold Out. ...
  • Turn Down the Tank. ...
  • Cook Smart. ...
  • Think Before You Wash and Dry Clothes. ...
  • Reduce Phantom Load.

How to reduce the electricity bill? ›

Reduce Your Electricity Bill in 5 Simple Steps
  1. Phantom power drain: When appliances steal electricity. ...
  2. Bigger appliances, higher energy bills. ...
  3. Wasting energy: Inefficient bulb and fan use. ...
  4. Less efficient: Older appliances consume more energy. ...
  5. Charge it up, but strategically.
Feb 26, 2024

How to keep electric bill low in summer? ›

10 Ways To Beat The Heat & Save Money On Your Energy Bill This Summer
  1. Give your air conditioner a checkup – or a replacement. ...
  2. Adjust your thermostat. ...
  3. Unplug devices. ...
  4. Use fans instead of A/C. ...
  5. Plants can provide much needed shade. ...
  6. Lower your water heating costs. ...
  7. Use electricity during off-peak hours. ...
  8. Close doors & vents.
Aug 30, 2018

What is the quickest and easiest way to save money on energy bills? ›

This one is easy. To save money, set your thermostat down or up 7 to 10 degrees (depending on the season) when you're asleep or away from home. Doing so for eight hours can lower your annual heating and cooling costs by around 10%.

What are 7 ways to reduce consumption of energy? ›

  • 7 ways you can save energy. Learn more on how to save energy.
  • Heating: turn it down. ...
  • Boiler: adjust the settings. ...
  • Warm air: seal it in. ...
  • Lightbulbs: swap them out. ...
  • Grab a bike. ...
  • Use public transport. ...
  • Drive smarter.

What costs the most on an electric bill? ›

What costs the most on your electric bill? Heating and cooling are by far the greatest energy users in the home, making up around 40% of your electric bill. Other big users are washers, dryers, ovens, and stoves. Electronic devices like laptops and TVs are usually pretty cheap to run, but of course, it can all add up.

Does unplugging appliances save electricity? ›

Yes. Unplugging your appliances can reduce the amount of electricity you use each month and lower your carbon footprint. However, you might not notice much of a cost savings. It depends on how many appliances you unplug and your overall bills.

How to lower electric bill in winter? ›

  1. 15 Ways to Cut Down on Your Home Electric Bill in Winter. ...
  2. Weatherstrip your doors and windows. ...
  3. Switch to a smart thermostat. ...
  4. Close the damper when not using the fireplace. ...
  5. Give your heating system a yearly checkup. ...
  6. Don't block your air vents. ...
  7. Check the insulation in your house. ...
  8. Adjust your water heater's temperature.

How to preserve electricity at home? ›

  1. Turn Off Lights and Electronics When You Aren't Using Them. ...
  2. Replace Traditional Light Bulbs with LEDs. ...
  3. Get a Smart Thermostat. ...
  4. Ensure Your Home is Properly Insulated. ...
  5. Put Decorative Lights on a Timer. ...
  6. Identify and Unplug Energy Vampires. ...
  7. Reduce Appliance Use. ...
  8. Use Less Hot Water.

Does a dishwasher increase the electric bill? ›

In Total, How Much Does It Cost to Run a Dishwasher? A dishwasher's base electricity usage is pleasantly inexpensive. For a 1200-watt model and a load time of one hour, you use 1.2 kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is about 12 cents per load on a 10 cent per kWh electricity plan.

How to check which appliances use the most electricity? ›

Find the wattage of the product.

The wattage listed is the maximum power drawn by the appliance. Many appliances have a range of settings, so the actual amount of power an appliance may consume depends on the setting being used. For example, a radio set at high volume uses more power than one set at low volume.

Does laptop charging increase the electricity bill? ›

Electricity usage of a Laptop, Notebook or Netbook

When charging the laptop battery power consumption will increase 10 to 20 percent, we estimate that 60 watts is average power consumption for a 14-15 inch laptop when plugged in.

What are five 5 easy steps you can take to start saving energy? ›

Relative savings available
  • Before you start. Understand your energy bill. ...
  • Switch off standby. ...
  • Draught-proof windows and doors. ...
  • Turn off lights. ...
  • Careful with your washing. ...
  • Avoid the tumble dryer. ...
  • Spend less time in the shower. ...
  • Swap your bath for a shower.

What are examples of energy savings? ›

Turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging appliances when they're not in use and walking instead of driving are all examples of energy conservation. The two main reasons people conserve energy are to gain more control over their energy bill and reduce the demand on the earth's natural resources.

What is the best first step for reducing energy consumption? ›

The first step to reduce your energy consumption and emissions is to measure and analyze how much energy your plant uses and where it goes. You can conduct an energy audit to identify the sources of energy waste, such as leaks, losses, inefficiencies, or outdated equipment.

Do energy saving devices work? ›

Over the years, we've seen plenty of power-saving scams. They often claim you can reduce or even eliminate your power bill by plugging in their devices around your home. The fact is, there is nothing that you can plug in that will reduce your electricity usage and lower your household power bill.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.