Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (2024)

Fontaine includes plenty of 5-star characters, so players may be wondering if Lyney is worth pulling for in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (1)

Just like Yoimiya and Amber, Lyney is a Pyro Bow user in Genshin Impact. Lyney is the first 5-star character from Fontaine and is known as the Celebrated Magician of the Court of Fontaine. Lyney is a great single-target unit in Genshin Impact. While he’s not the best, he’s still a decent unit that players can count on and build an entire team around him.

With so many new characters coming on the horizon, including the Hydro Archon herself, players likely will wonder, is Lyney worth it? To help players decide, this article will lay out the weaknesses and strengths of the magician.

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Is It Worth Pulling For Lyney In Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (2)

For players that are interested in pulling for Lyney in Genshin Impact, there are some important things to consider before pulling for him, like:

  • Lyney’s damage is strong but complicated
  • Lyney’s teams are Limited

Lyney’s Damage Is Strong But Complicated

Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (3)

It’s always good to see a new Bow character that depends on their Charged attacks to deal damage. Fans would immediately jump to the idea of having a new Ganyu on their roster. However, that’s the case with Lyney in Genshin Impact.

He’s a dedicated single-target unit that can deal massive amounts of Pyro damage to enemies with a small flavor of AoE attacks. His Prop Arrow is responsible for most of his damage since it summons the Grin-Malkin Hat that taunts enemies and deals a massive amount of damage when it's broken or expired, so continuously removing the Hat by using the Charged Level 2 over and over again is the ideal move.

Not only his Charged attacks but also Lyney’s Elemental Skill and Burst are able to deal some massive damage. But, they’re not as reliable as his Prop Arrow since they need 15 seconds of cooldown, which forces players to use them once per rotation.

Lyney’s Teams are Limited

Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (4)

As a DPS Pyro user in Genshin Impact, it’s easy to see Lyney play a role in a Melt or a Vaporize team comp. However, most of his damage comes when he’s paired with Pyro characters like him. So, teaming Lyney up with units like Bennett and Xiangling greatly improves his damage but also limits the variety of teams he can join.

Being in a mono-Pyro team isn’t that bad for Lyney since Pyro units in the game are insanely prolific. Some of them, like Xiangling, might even steal his spotlight during combat. So, for example, having Lyney in a team of Lyney, Xiangling, Bennett, and Kazuha opens the way for a crazy amount of damage that doesn’t need any amplified reaction to help it shine.

Lyney's Strengths And Weaknesses

Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (5)

In the end, players can make a decision based on this summary:

Lyney’s Strengths

  • Notably high pure damage because of his high scaling
  • Can stay on the field without limitations and can smoothly leave it
  • Works perfectly with Meta characters like Bennett and Kazuha in Genshin Impact

Lyney’s Weaknesses

  • It gets tedious to continuously aim his shots on mobile
  • Limited team comps where players are forced to team him with certain characters only
  • Most of his damage is single-target
  • Can get staggered while aiming since his arrows need a lot of time to charge
  • Missed aim shot will be a massive DPS loss

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

More: Genshin Impact: Lumidouce Bell Location

Genshin Impact: Is Lyney Worth It? (2024)
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