Georgia State Gun Laws and Regulations Explained | NRA-ILA (2024)


No state permit is required for the purchase or possession of a shotgun, rifle, or handgun.


Employee Parking Lot Storage

Pursuant to Georgia Code 16-11-135, no private or public employer, including the state and its political subdivisions, shall condition employment upon any agreement by a prospective employee that prohibits an employee from entering the parking lot and access thereto when the employee’s privately owned motor vehicle contains a firearm that is locked out of sight within the trunk, glove box, or other enclosed compartment or area within such privately owned motor vehicle, provided that the employee possesses a Georgia firearms license.

Exceptions to this include, searches by certified law enforcement officers pursuant to valid search warrants or valid warrantless searches based upon probable cause under exigent circ*mstances; vehicles owned or leased by an employer; any situation in which a reasonable person would believe that accessing a locked vehicle of an employee is necessary to prevent an immediate threat to human health, life, or safety; when an employee consents to a search of his or her locked privately owned vehicle by licensed private security officers for loss prevention purposes based on probable cause that the employee unlawfully possesses employer property.

Areas where this shall not apply include, an employer providing employees with a secure parking area which restricts general public access through the use of a gate, security station, security officers, or other similar means which limit public access; any penal institution, correctional institution, detention facility, diversion center, jail, or similar place of confinement or confinement alternative; facilities associated with electric generation; any United States Department of Defense contractor, if such contractor operates any facility on or contiguous with a United States military base or installation or within one mile of an airport; an employee who is restricted from carrying or possessing a firearm on the employer’s premises due to a completed or pending disciplinary action; parking lots contiguous to facilities providing natural gas transmission, liquid petroleum transmission, water storage and supply, and law enforcement services determined to be so vital to the State of Georgia, by a written determination of the Georgia Department of Homeland Security; any area used for parking on a temporary basis.

Dealer Background Checks

A gun dealer shall not sell or deliver any handgun to another person, other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, licensed dealer or licensed collector, until an instant criminal history background check is conducted and approved by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The information required to be provided includes one photo identification, name, birth date, gender, race, social security or other identification number of such potential buyer or transferee. A $5.00 fee to cover the costs of each check will be collected. Antiques and replicas, curio and relic firearms as defined by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and holders of a permit or license to carry a pistol are exempt from the instant check.Georgia Code 16-11-172(a)

Possession by a Minor

Pursuant to Georgia Code 16-11-132, it is unlawful to furnish a handgun to a person under 18 or for a person under 18 to possess a handgun.

Under the following circ*mstances, a parent or legal guardian may furnish, and a minor may possess, a handgun: attending a hunter education or firearms safety course; engaging in practice or target shooting at an established shooting range authorized by the jurisdiction where it is located; engaging in organized competition or practicing for a performance by a group organized under 26 U.S.C. 501 (c)(3); lawful hunting or fishing with the permission of the land owner if, whenever the handgun is loaded, it is carried only in an open and fully exposed manner; traveling to and from the above activities if the handgun is not loaded2; or on real property under the control of the minor’s parent, legal guardian or grandparent with the permission of the minor’s parent or legal guardian to possess the handgun. The above exceptions do not apply to a minor who has been convicted of a forcible crime or adjudicated delinquent for an offense which would constitute a forcible crime.

Possession by a Felon

It is unlawful for any person convicted of a felony to possess, receive, or transport any firearm.Georgia Code 16-11-131



Possession by a Minor (Under 18)

It is unlawfulfor a minor to possess a handgun or for a person to furnish a handgun to a minor. Georgia Code 16-11-132,

Possession by a Felon

It is unlawful for any person convicted of a felony to possess, receive, or transport any firearm.Georgia Code 16-11-131


Employee Parking Lot Storage

Pursuant to Georgia Code 16-11-135, no private or public employer, including the state and its political subdivisions, shall condition employment upon any agreement by a prospective employee that prohibits an employee from entering the parking lot and access thereto when the employee’s privately owned motor vehicle contains a firearm that is locked out of sight within the trunk, glove box, or other enclosed compartment or area within such privately owned motor vehicle, provided that the employee possesses a Georgia firearms license.

Exceptions to this include, searches by certified law enforcement officers pursuant to valid search warrants or valid warrantless searches based upon probable cause under exigent circ*mstances; vehicles owned or leased by an employer; any situation in which a reasonable person would believe that accessing a locked vehicle of an employee is necessary to prevent an immediate threat to human health, life, or safety; when an employee consents to a search of his or her locked privately owned vehicle by licensed private security officers for loss prevention purposes based on probable cause that the employee unlawfully possesses employer property.

Areas where this shall not apply include, an employer providing employees with a secure parking area which restricts general public access through the use of a gate, security station, security officers, or other similar means which limit public access; any penal institution, correctional institution, detention facility, diversion center, jail, or similar place of confinement or confinement alternative; facilities associated with electric generation; any United States Department of Defense contractor, if such contractor operates any facility on or contiguous with a United States military base or installation or within one mile of an airport; an employee who is restricted from carrying or possessing a firearm on the employer’s premises due to a completed or pending disciplinary action; parking lots contiguous to facilities providing natural gas transmission, liquid petroleum transmission, water storage and supply, and law enforcement services determined to be so vital to the State of Georgia, by a written determination of the Georgia Department of Homeland Security; any area used for parking on a temporary basis.

Possession by a Minor

A parent or legal guardian may furnish, and a minor may possess, a handgun under the following circ*mstances:

Attending a hunter education or firearms safety course; engaging in practice or target shooting at an established shooting range authorized by the jurisdiction where it is located;

Engaging in organized competition or practicing for a performance by a group organized under 26 U.S.C. 501 (c)(3); lawful hunting or fishing with the permission of the land owner if, whenever the handgun is loaded, it is carried only in an open and fully exposed manner;

Traveling to and from the above activities if the handgun is not loaded2;

On real property under the control of the minor’s parent, legal guardian or grandparent with the permission of the minor’s parent or legal guardian to possess the handgun.

The above do not apply to a minor who has been convicted of a forcible crime or adjudicated delinquent for an offense which would constitute a forcible crime.



Pursuant to Georgia Code 16-11-126(a), any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry on his or her person a weapon or long gun on his or her property or inside his or her home, motor vehicle, or place of business without a valid weapons carry license.


Aperson licensed to carry a handgun in any state whose laws recognize aGeorgialicense is authorized to carry a handgun in Georgia, but only while the licensee is not a Georgia resident. The license holder shall carry the handgun in compliance with Georgia laws.Georgia Code 16-11-129(e) and

* Virginia and Wisconsin recognize only those Georgia licenses issued to persons 21 years of age or older.Georgia recognizes all Virginia and Wisconsin licenses.


License to CarryExceptions

No license is required, pursuant to Georgia Code 16-11-126, for:

1. Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry on his or her person a long gun without a valid weapons carry license, provided that if the long gun is loaded, it shall only be carried in an open and fully exposed manner.

2.Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry any handgun provided that it is enclosed in a case and unloaded.

3.Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun who is eligible for a weapons carry license may transport a handgun or long gun in any private passenger motor vehicle; provided, however, that private property owners or persons in legal control of property through a lease, rental agreement, licensing agreement, contract, or any other agreement to control access to such property shall have the right to forbid possession of a weapon or long gun on their property, except as provided in Code Section 16-22-135.

4. Any person licensed to carry a handgun or weapon in any other state whose laws recognize and give effect to a license issued pursuant to this part shall be authorized to carry a weapon in this state, but only while the licensee is not a resident of this state; provided, however, that such licensee shall carry the weapon in compliance with the laws of this state.

5.Any person with a valid hunting or fishing license on his or her person, or any person not required by law to have a hunting or fishing license, who is engaged in legal hunting, fishing, or sport shooting when the person has the permission of the owner of the land on which the activities are being conducted may have or carry on his or her person a handgun or long gun without a valid weapons carry license while hunting, fishing, or engaging in sport shooting.

6.Notwithstanding Code Sections 12-3-10, 27-3-1.1, 27-3-6,and 16-12-122through 16-12-127, any person with a valid weapons carry license may carry a weapon in all parks, historic sites, or recreational areas, as such term is defined in Code Section 12-3-10, including all publicly owned buildings located in such parks, historic sites, and recreational areas, in wildlife management areas, and on public transportation; provided, however, that a person shall not carry a handgun into a place where it is prohibited by federal law.

License Prohibitions

Georgia Code 16-11-129 prohibits the issuance of a license to:

1. Anyone under 21 years of age, unless he or she:

(i) Is at least 18 years of age;

(ii) Provides proof that he or she has completed basic training in the armed forces of the United States; and

(iii) Provides proof that he or she is actively serving in the armed forces of the United States or has been honorably discharged from such service.

2. Any person who is a fugitive from justice or who has felony charges, forcible misdemeanor or weapons violations charges pending against him.

3. Any person convicted of a felony who has not been pardoned by the President, the States Board of Pardons and Paroles, or any person or agency empowered to grant pardons.

4. Any person convicted of forcible misdemeanor who has not been free of supervision for at least five years.

5. Any person convicted of a weapons carrying violation, who has not been free of supervision for at least three years.

6. Any person who has been hospitalized for in patient treatment in any mental hospital or alcohol or drug treatment center within five years of the date of application.

7. Any person who has been convicted of a controlled substance or other dangerous drug offense.

Application Process

After the judge has received the application the applicant must go to a designated local law enforcement agency for fingerprinting. The law enforcement agency may charge a $5.00 fingerprinting fee. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation may charge a fee to cover the costs of the criminal records search. The law enforcement agency must investigate the applicant (including a federal and state criminal record check) and must report any negative findings back to the judge within 30 days. A report is not required if no derogatory information bearing on the applicant’s eligibility is discovered. The judge shall issue the license not later than 10 days after the judge receives the report of the application if no facts establishing ineligibility are found and the judge determines the applicant has met all qualifications and is of “good moral character.” If the applicant has been hospitalized at a mental hospital or alcohol or drug treatment center within 5 years of his application for a license to carry, the judge has discretion, after considering the recommendation of the Superintendent of the hospital or treatment center, to issue or deny the license. The applicant shall pay a fee of $3 to reimburse costs associated with obtaining a report.

If the applicant has been hospitalized at a mental hospital or alcohol or drug treatment center within 5 years of his application for a license to carry, the judge has discretion, after considering the recommendation of the Superintendent of the hospital or treatment center, to issue or deny the license.


National Firearms Act "Firearms"

Georgia Code 16-11-122 and 16-11-124(4) prohibit the possession of a short barreled rifle or shotgun, silencer, explosive device, or machine gun.1

Exempt from this prohibition are persons authorized to possess such an item because he has registered it in accordance with the National Firearms Act. Also exempt is any such item that has been modified to the extent that it is inoperative - an example of the requisite modification is a weapon with the barrel “filled with lead.”

Range Protection

No sport shooting range shall be or shall become a nuisance, either public or private, solely as a result of changed conditions in or around the locality of such range if the range has been in operation for one year since the date on which it commenced operation as a sport shooting range. Subsequent physical expansion of the range or expansion of the types of firearms in use at the range shall not establish a new date of commencement of operations.


Georgia Code 41-1-9 defines a“Sport shooting range” as an area designated and operated by a person for the sport shooting of firearms and not available for such use by the general public without payment of a fee, membership contribution, or dues or by invitation of an authorized person, or any area so designated and operated by a unit of government, regardless of the terms of admission thereto.

No sport shooting range shall be or shall become a nuisance, either public or private, solely as a result of changed conditions in or around the locality of such range if the range has been in operation for one year since the date on which it commenced operation as a sport shooting range. Subsequent physical expansion of the range or expansion of the types of firearms in use at the range shall not establish a new date of commencement of operations for purposes of this Code section.

No sport shooting range or unit of government or person owning, operating, or using a sport shooting range for the sport shooting of firearms shall be subject to any action for civil or criminal liability, damages, abatement, or injunctive relief resulting from or relating to noise generated by the operation of the range if the range remains in compliance with noise control or nuisance abatement rules, regulations, statutes, or ordinances applicable to the range on the date on which it commenced operation.

No rules, regulations, statutes, or ordinances relating to noise control, noise pollution, or noise abatement adopted or enacted by a unit of government shall be applied retroactively to prohibit conduct at a sport shooting range, which conduct was lawful and being engaged in prior to the adoption or enactment of such rules, regulations, statutes, or ordinances.


Miscellaneous Provisions

It is unlawful to: point a firearm at another person; discharge a firearm within 50 yards of a public highway or street; discharge a firearm on the property of another person without the property owner’s permission; possess a firearm during the commission of most crimes; while hunting, use a firearm in a manner that endangers another person; or discharge a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Georgia Code 16-11-173 prohibits a county or municipal corporation, from regulating in any manner, by zoning, ordinance, resolution, or other enactment, gun shows, the possession, ownership, transport, carrying, transfer, sale, purchase, licensing, or registration of firearms, components of firearms, firearms dealers, or dealers in firearms components.


Standing to Bring Suit

The authority to bring suit and right to recover against any firearms or ammunition manufacturer, trade association, or dealer by or on behalf of any governmental unit created by or pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly or the Constitution, or any department, agency, or authority thereof, for damages, abatement or injunctive relief resulting from or relating to the lawful design, manufacture, marketing, or sale of firearms or ammunition to the public shall be reserved exclusively to the state. This paragraph shall not prohibit a political subdivision or local government authority from bringing an action against a firearms or ammunition manufacturer or dealer for breach of contract or warranty as to firearms or ammunition purchased by the political subdivision or local government authority.


Footnote 1

Georgia Code 16-11-121 has an unusual definition of machine gun: “. . . any weapon which shoots or is designed to shoot, automatically, more than six shots, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.” Regardless of Georgia’s definition, federal law strictly governs, among many other things, weapons which fire more than one shot by a single function of the trigger.

Footnote 2

For the purposes of Georgia Code 16-11-132(a), ahandgun is considered loaded if there is a cartridge in the chamber or cylinder of the handgun.

Georgia State Gun Laws and Regulations Explained | NRA-ILA (2024)


Georgia State Gun Laws and Regulations Explained | NRA-ILA? ›

Pursuant to Georgia Code 16-11-126(a), any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry on his or her person a weapon or long gun on his or her property or inside his or her home, motor vehicle, or place of business without a valid weapons carry license.

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The NRA is among the most influential advocacy groups in U.S. politics. The NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is its lobbying division, which manages its political action committee (PAC), the Political Victory Fund (PVF).

Can you conceal carry in Georgia without a permit now? ›

In 2022, Georgia enacted “permitless carry” legislation that repealed longstanding protections that had previously required people to obtain a license (called a “weapons carry license”), pursuant to a fingerprint background check, in order to be eligible to carry concealed loaded firearms in public spaces in Georgia.

Can you carry a gun in your car in Georgia without a license? ›

Georgia generally allows anyone who is not prohibited from possessing firearms to have or carry a firearm on their person inside their motor vehicle.

What disqualifies you from owning a gun in Georgia? ›

A misdemeanor conviction of any crime involving domestic or family violence will prevent you from being able to legally possess a firearm. A temporary protective order (TPO), which is typically in place for 12 months, will also prohibit you from legally possessing a firearm for that 12 month period.

Which NRA membership is best? ›

Your one-year NRA membership is just $45 and unlocks all of NRA's member benefits, giving you access to hundreds of dollars in savings. And if you'd like to save even more, choose a two-year membership for $75, a three-year membership for $100, or, for the best value, a five-year membership for only $150.

What's the difference between NRA and Goa? ›

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a gun rights organization in the United States. It makes efforts to differentiate itself from the larger National Rifle Association (NRA) and has publicly criticized the NRA on multiple occasions for what it considers to be compromising on gun rights.

Is Georgia an open carry state? ›

Is open carry permitted in Georgia? Yes. Open carry is allowed with a Georgia Weapons Carry License or a permit from a state Georgia recognizes. Open carry is not addressed in the constitutional carry bill that was signed into law on April 12, 2022.

Is Georgia a stand your ground state? ›

Georgia is what is known as a “Stand Your Ground” state. Here, there is no duty to retreat from imminent danger before defending yourself or others. As long as the threat is reasonably imminent, you can use force to protect yourself without being required to first try to get away from the threat.

Can I carry my gun from Georgia to Florida? ›

Effective July 1, 2023, the state of Florida acknowledges all concealed firearm licenses lawfully issued by another state.

What is the new gun law in Georgia? ›

The Georgia Constitutional Carry Act, passed in 2022, allows “lawful” gun owners to carry a concealed weapon in most public places without getting a weapons carry license from the state. Gov. Brian Kemp championed the measure, known as “permitless carry,” as a way to “build a safer, stronger Georgia.”

Can I drive with a loaded gun in GA? ›

Can I keep a Loaded Gun in My Car in G.A.? According to Georgia liberal firearm transportation laws, you can carry your weapon in your car when loaded if you have a weapons carry permit.

Can you go to jail for having an unregistered gun in Georgia? ›

Penalty for Unlawful Possession of a Firearm in Georgia

A person convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm in Georgia will be guilty of a felony. The punishment will be a prison term of five years. In addition to the lengthy prison term, a felony conviction can have lasting consequences.

Do I have to register my gun in GA? ›

Gun Ownership in Georgia

The state does not require a permit to purchase a gun or pose any mandates that owners need to register their firearms once officially in their possession. There are some exceptions to who is allowed to own a gun in Georgia.

Can you point a gun at someone on your property in Georgia? ›

Under O.C.G.A. §16-11-102, it is illegal to intentionally and without legal justification point or aim a gun or pistol at another. It is immaterial whether the gun or pistol is loaded or unloaded.

What is the penalty for carrying a gun without a permit in Georgia? ›

The penalties range from misdemeanor charges to felony charges with lengthy prison terms and extensive fines.

What is the difference between NRA Associate and regular membership? ›

What is the difference between Regular and Associate Memberships? Associate Membership has all the benefits of Regular Membership except Associate Members do not receive a magazine, cannot participate in NRA elections, and cannot hold office within the NRA.

What is the difference between the NRA and the firearms policy coalition? ›

Unlike the NRA and other legacy gun rights groups, the coalition does not venerate law enforcement. It is skeptical of government power. In its literature and on social media, the group emphasizes the primacy of natural rights, including what it insists is the essentially inviolable right to bear arms in self-defense.

Is there an alternative to the NRA? ›

NAGR is a rival to the more moderate National Rifle Association of America (NRA) and considers itself to be a more "conservative alternative" to the NRA. The group spends most of its energy focused on lawmakers and moderates who are deemed too compromising on Second Amendment issues.

Are donations to NRA-ILA tax deductible? ›

Please enter CVV. Contributions to NRA-ILA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income tax purposes. For specific state by state disclosures, please click here.

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