Germany media guide (2024)

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Germany media guide (1)Image source, Getty Images

Germany's competitive television market is the largest in Europe, with more than 38 million TV households.

The many regional and national public broadcasters - organised in line with the federal political structure - vie for audiences with powerful commercial operators. Each of Germany's 16 regions regulates its own private and public broadcasting.

The national public broadcasters are TV networks Das Erste and ZDF, and Deutschlandradio. Public TV and radio are funded by a "broadcasting contribution" paid by each household. Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany's international broadcaster.

Germany is home to some of the world's largest media conglomerates, including Bertelsmann and the publisher Axel Springer. The top free-to-air commercial TV networks are operated by RTL Group and ProSiebenSat1 Media.

Germans are avid newspaper readers and the non-tabloid press is a trusted news source. There are several national newspapers, but the press is strongest at the regional and local level. Bild tabloid is the best-selling daily.

Media freedom is enshrined in the constitution. While the press and broadcasters are free and independent, the display of swastikas and statements endorsing Nazism are illegal.

There were 79.1 million internet users by July 2022, comprising 94% of the population ( The leading social network is Facebook, with more than 46 million users.



  • ARD - organisation of regional public broadcasters; operates Das Erste, the main national public TV channel
  • ZDF - operates second national public TV channel
  • n-tv - commercial, rolling-news
  • Welt - commercial, rolling news
  • RTL - major commercial broadcaster
  • ProSiebenSat.1 - major commercial broadcaster
  • DW-TV - public, international; in German, English, Spanish, Arabic
  • Sky - pay-TV operator


  • ARD - umbrella organisation of public radio services, including those of individual regions
  • Deutschlandradio - operates national public stations Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur, both offering current affairs and cultural programmes
  • Deutsche Welle - international radio, services in many languages

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Germany media guide (2024)


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Deutsche Welle
TypeBroadcasting news and discussions
Broadcast areaWorldwide
AffiliatesWorld Radio Network
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Total daily media consumption in Germany across all media genres in 2023 amounted to 11 hours and 9 minutes, showing a decline of 11 minutes over the previous year (2022: 11 hours and 20 minutes).

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Radio, books and newspapers still remain the types of media which attract the broadest user group with at least occasional usage in Germany. During a survey conducted in 2022, 90 percent of German media users listened to the radio and 86 percent read books.

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Süddeutsche Zeitung – Germany's largest quality daily newspaper.

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Das Erste is Germany's first public channel. As well as news, some of its most popular shows are Tatort, a crime series, Sandmännchen, a children's programme, soap operas including Marienhof and Lindenstraße and some sports events.

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Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany's international broadcaster. It has a substantial number of German TV programs available to watch. Most shows will have subtitles, just click on the UT.

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Hamburg can rightfully be called Germany's media capital.

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A national press exists on one level in the form of Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich), Die Welt (Berlin), and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, together with regional newspapers (e.g., the Stuttgarter Zeitung, the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Essen), and the Frankfurter Rundschau), which also command international ...

What do Germans use for social media? ›

Facebook is the undisputed leader of German social media, with a market share of over 90% and more than 27 million users, 41% of whom use the site weekly. This platform is particularly useful for its advertising potential. Without an active presence on Facebook, you'll limit your online reach from the start.

What is the main German news site? ›

Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany's international broadcaster and one of the most successful and relevant international media outlets, providing journalistic content in several languages worldwide.

What is the national newspaper of Germany? ›

Die Welt ("The World") is a German national daily newspaper, published as a broadsheet by Axel Springer SE.

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Berliner Morgenpost is a German newspaper, based and mainly read in Berlin, where it is one of the most read daily newspapers.

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It is also called by many different names by other European nations, including, La Manche in French, Engelse Kanaal in Dutch, Armelkanal in German, El canal de la mancha in Spanish and Mor Udd in Welsh.

How can I watch BBC in Germany? ›

To watch BBC iPlayer in Germany while using your Android device, all you need to do is:
  1. Subscribe to PureVPN.
  2. Get our Android app..
  3. Connect to a UK server.
  4. Download the BBC iPlayer from the Play Store and log in or sign up.
  5. There you go, enjoy limitless access to BBC iPlayer on Android devices!

Is Deutsche Welle free? ›

With the free courses from DW (Deutsche Welle), a German media outlet, students can learn German at their own pace through videos, audio clips and podcasts, or using traditional methods with worksheets they can print out. The site includes German language courses for beginners and advanced levels.

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