Getting around Seville (2024)

Getting around Seville is very easy, whether you decide to walk everywhere (my recommended option) or take advantage of the city’s trusty public transportation network.

While a huge chunk of the city can be seen on foot, the availability of taxis, buses and city bikes throughout Seville means you can save valuable time during your stay here, especially if you’re only in town for a quick weekend trip! Apart from its efficiency and cleanliness, it takes you everywhere you’d like to go both in and out of the city, especially if you plan to do a day trip.

Even if the central areas are walkable and I always recommend going on foot whenever it’s possible to appreciate and get to know the city, it’s also nice to have some alternatives if you plan to go further away or you suddenly feel tired.

7 pro travel tips to getting around Seville

  • Seville is a compact city with a well-developed transport network. It’s very easy to get around.
  • Walking is the best way to get around.
  • Bicycles are a great way to get around Seville. The city is mostly flat and the drivers are sane. If you enjoy cycling, I strongly recommend renting a bicycle to explore the city.
  • Buses and trains are less convenient, but cover almost the whole city.
  • Taxis are available everywhere and reasonably priced.
  • A great way to have a complete overview of Seville is catching a hop on hop off tourist bus.

Getting around Seville by bike

With more than 100 km (62 mi) of pathways and a city center resembling a narrow maze, Seville is a great place to use a bicycle. Moreover, Seville is totally flat so you don’t have to worry about your physical condition as you’ll rarely face a slope.

One of the best ways to enjoy Seville tourism your own way is using Sevici, the municipal bike rental.

Additionally, you can always hire one at a bike on rent shop if you plan to stay for a long period or use your own one (buy a second hand one or borrow it from a friend). And don’t forget to follow some practical advice to avoid bad surprises

Moving around Seville by bus

With more than 400 vehicles and 50 lines, Seville has a very wide bus network. Buses are red, and they are clean, safe and efficient. Each one has air-conditioning, and you’ll find that they all have disabled access.

Seville buses are managed by a public company, TUSSAM (Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla, Sociedad Anónima Municipal), and they can take you almost anywhere you’d like. Buses circulate in their own lanes, except in the rare case of a narrow street, which helps them to avoid most of the traffic.

Getting around by taxi

Seville taxis are easily recognizable: all are white, with a diagonal yellow stripe on the front doors. With more than 12,500 taxis you won’t have any problem finding one, except in obvious situations (e.g. late at night during weekends or on days when it’s pouring down).

Contrary to other European cities such as Paris, you can catch a taxi whenever you want. There is no need to go to a taxi rank, raise your hand and the first one arriving will stop for you.

Moving around Seville by tourist bus

Buying a ticket of an open top tour bus is a great choice to visit Seville. It’s very practical if you are in a hurry and it will provide a good taste of the city while you’re there. There are two companies offering this service (Seville Tour and Sevirama).

The bus will drive through the main and sights and you’ll get an explanation of each of them in your preferred language. Additionally, both companies offer a one hour guided walking tour in both Spanish and English.

Getting around Seville by subway

The Seville metro is relatively new and the network will be extended over the next few years. It currently has one line that crosses the city from West to East and it links the center with some of the suburbs and other parts of Seville.

The subway is also connected to a short tram stretch crossing the center from the Prado bus station to the City Hall. This tram is perfect for Seville tourism as it links the Seville University, the Hotel Alfonso XIII, the Archivo de Indias, the Cathedral and the Plaza Nueva where the shopping area starts.

Moving around Seville by horse drawn carriage

It is definitely the most romantic way to experience Seville tourism and a whole bunch of beautiful attractions. You can book a horse drawn carriage tour in several spots around the center of Seville and the driver will arrange an itinerary where you’ll enjoy the city in a very relaxed and pleasant ride.

I suggest booking it at dusk when the light is absolutely gorgeous. The only disadvantage is that it will cost you a little bit more than any of the other options.

Getting around Seville by car

Seville is NOT an easy place to drive, not because people drive like crazy – quite the contrary in fact, but because directions and the city plan are very confusing. A large part of the city center is for pedestrians only and in general it is very easy to get lost. Don’t hesitate to catch a bus, rent a bike or walk (my favorite).

You shouldn’t rent a car in Seville unless you plan to do a side trip or head for somewhere else in Spain.

But if you do, because you intend to go on a road trip, I’ve put up a complete guide on renting a car in Spain.

Take a Guadalquivir River boat cruise

Most charming cities in Europe share a common feature: they are bathed by a river. London, Paris, Rome, Budapest, Saint Petersburg, Prague, Vienna… and countless others indulge their visitors with magnificent views from one riverbed to the other.

But it can get even better as sometimes you can also enjoy a nice boat cruise. Were you wondering if you can do so in Seville? Tourism sometimes rules the economy and Seville offers you the chance to admire it from the Guadalquivir river!

Getting around Seville (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.