Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (2024)

Looking for the best gondola ride in Venice? In this article, we share our top tips for a better Venice gondola experience. Find out!

A Venetian gondola ride is a real bucket-list experience. And, as cliché as it sounds, no trip to Venice would be complete without a gondola ride. It’s like visiting New York and not going to the Statue of Liberty or going to Paris and not visiting the top of the Eiffel Tower…

So even if you have just 1 day in Venice, a ride on a traditional Venetian gondola is one of the experiences that you really shouldn’t miss!

For centuries, black gondolas have been the unmistakable symbol of Venice. Even people who’ve never been to Italy would identify the city just by seeing a picture of a black gondola. Venetian gondolas and canals are among the most iconic and most recognizable images in the world.

If you are wondering if it’s worth taking a gondola ride in Venice, how much it costs, where to (not) do it, or how to make the most of your experience, then read on. In this article, we share some tips and useful info that should help you avoid disappointment and have a truly unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience. Find out!

TIP: If you want to prebook a gondola ride in Venice, based on our readers’ feedback, we recommend this highly-rated private gondola tour. It starts close to St. Mark’s Square and – among other places – takes you under the Bridge Of Sighs.

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (1)

Tips for Venice gondola:

1. Know what to expect

Already in the 13th century, Venice started to ban horses in the busiest parts of the city. Gradually, gondolas became a popular means of transportation, especially among the upper classes.

However, today, Venetian gondolas are no longer used as a means of transportation. So don’t just walk up to a gondolier asking him to bring you to San Marco’s Square or to Rialto Bridge. For that, you’ll either have to take a water taxi, a vaporetto (public water bus), or walk.

You can ask the gondolier to drop you off at a different place than where you started, but usually, they won’t go out of their usual route in order to bring you somewhere.

Nowadays, gondolas are mainly used for the entertainment of tourists – for sightseeing, romantic evenings, or simply to experience Venice in a similar way as people have done for centuries.

There are quite some rules and regulations meant to ensure a similar ‘authentic’ experience for all tourists and fair business for gondoliers.

For example, gondoliers have their own standing places and the routes they take. They are also required to wear the same ‘uniform’ – black pants, a striped shirt, closed dark shoes, and a banded straw hat. And even gondola ride times and prices are uniform everywhere in Venice. More about it below.

Even the size, shape, and color of an official Venetian gondola used for work is fixed. It has evolved over hundreds of years and is strictly regulated.

For example, already in the early 17th century, it was decided that all Venetian work gondolas should be black. The current shape of the gondola has remained unchanged since the beginning of the 20th century… The only thing that differs is how each gondolier chooses to decorate their gondola.

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (2)

2. Don’t take the first gondola you see

Even though all Venetian gondolas and gondoliers look pretty much the same and they all charge the same prices, your gondola ride will be unique depending on where you take a gondola.

They can be found all over Venice and take different routes. So even if you’ve been on a gondola in Venice before, chances are very small that your second experience will be similar to the first one. It depends so much on where your ride starts.

I don’t think that you can have a really ‘bad’ gondola ride anywhere in Venice. But I also think that it will be more special if your gondola route includes a combination of some quieter places and impressive landmarks.

So for the best gondola ride in Venice, I recommend choosing a route that includes some smaller canals as well as a part of the Grand Canal southwest of Rialto Bridge. It’s here that you get to see the most impressive Venetian palaces dating from the 13-18th centuries, the glory days of the Republic of Venice.

At the same time, you don’t want to take a gondola that only tours the busy Grand Canal or the waters close to St. Mark’s Square and skips smaller and quieter canals. Because you’d miss that special experience of riding Venetian gondola on the narrow canals, under bridges, and past the more authentic parts of Venice.

Furthermore, it’s usually so busy on the Grand Canal and at St. Mark’s Square that there’s not much authenticity left. Instead of telling you about the sights along the way or singing, your gondolier will be occupied with the bumper-to-bumper ride and trying to avoid crashing with the other gondolas or boats.

On the other hand, if you want to see St. Mark’s Square and the Doge’s Palace from the water and sail under the famous Bridge of Sighs, you should take a gondola ride starting near St. Mark’s Square.

TIP: Make sure to ask a gondolier which route they take. We recommend waiting to take a gondola until you’re quite close to the Grand Canal, but not directly at it. On our most recent visit to Venice, we took a gondola at Ponte San Polo (see map) and it was just perfect. Our route included some very quiet canals, but also a small part of the Grand Canal. We loved it!

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (3)
Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (4)

3. Choose a friendly gondolier

In my view, a big part of your experience will depend on which gondolier you choose.

A friendly chap willing to talk to you and tell you more about the sights along the way will make your ride so much more pleasant. Sometimes, gondoliers also take a picture of you in the gondola or sing a song along the way…

Whereas if you take a gondola with someone who is in a bad mood or spending his time on a smartphone, it might ruin the whole experience.

So talk to the gondoliers before you get on the boat, get the feel of how friendly they are, and don’t be afraid to walk away and find somebody else if they look and sound overly arrogant.

TIP: Gondoliers will be more friendly and relaxed when it’s quiet and they are not too tired. For that, it’s best to avoid busy times and summer heat. Below, you can find our recommendation for the best time for a gondola ride in Venice.

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4. Go in the morning

If you are visiting Venice in spring or in summer, the best time to go on a gondola is in the morning before it becomes too hot. There is no shade on the gondolas, so you’ll be in full sun all the time. Our gondolier said that it gets so warm during the day that it’s just not pleasant. It might be different in the lower season, but in summer – try to avoid going on a gondola in the middle of the day.

Furthermore, not many tourists take gondolas in the morning. So it’s much quieter on the canals and gondoliers are more relaxed and friendlier. We were the first clients of the day and our gondolier was super enthusiastic and very friendly, but without overdoing it (if you know what I mean).

He also took his time on the Grand Canal so our ride was longer than expected. And he even sang a nice romantic Italian serenade without us having to ask for it. It felt more spontaneous and more authentic.

Alternatively, you can also choose to take a Venetian gondola ride in the early evening, at sunset, or even in the dark. However, gondoliers will be more tired in the evening. You should also know that rates are higher after 7 PM. So if you’re hoping for a romantic gondola ride at sunset, be prepared to pay more. More info about how much it costs – below.

READ ALSO: Venice One Day Itinerary

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (6)

5. Bring cash & don’t negotiate

As already mentioned, the gondola business is highly regulated in Venice. The prices of gondola rides are the same all over the city, determined by the ‘comune’ of Venice, and non-negotiable.

At the moment of the last update in 2024, a 30-minute gondola ride in Venice costs 90 EUR during the day and 110 EUR in the evening or at night (from 7 PM to 3 AM). Evening/night rides are officially a bit longer – 35 minutes. This is the price you pay for a private gondola that can be shared with up to 5 people.

In the past, the number of passengers allowed was 6, but now Venetian gondolas only allow bookings for 5. Recently, the city has introduced a limit of 5 passengers in a gondola due to safety concerns…

The duration of your Venetian gondola ride is 30-35 minutes. However, it will also depend on how busy it is on the canals. So on a quiet day, your gondolier might cover their standard route in 20-25 minutes, whereas if it’s busier, it might take longer.

If you want to take a longer trip, the price will depend on the duration of your ride. It will be calculated proportionally. So a 1-hour trip will likely cost over 200 EUR.

Because the rates are set by the city, you cannot negotiate the price of a standard 30-minute gondola ride. But if you are going on a longer tour and it’s not very busy that day, you might be able to agree on a somewhat lower price. Make sure to do it in advance, before you get on the boat, and don’t count on it.

Good to know: Unless you pre-book a gondola tour, you’ll have to pay cash for your gondola ride. So make sure you have enough money on you.

Private Venice gondola tours that you can pre-book online are usually a bit more expensive than the official rates. Shared tours are usually cheaper online. The only reason to book a private gondola tour in advance would be if you are short on time and want to be absolutely sure that you can do it at a specific time and place. If you do want to book your gondola tour in Venice, you can find the best deals here.

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (7)

If you are traveling on your own or just with two people and find the gondola price too high, you can also opt for a shared gondola ride. Ideally, you find 2-4 other people to share a ride with.

However, since it’s usually a bit difficult to arrange your own ‘group’ on the go, you may want to pre-book a shared gondola tour. It costs more than 1/5th of the price of a private tour, but that’s because you won’t always have a full gondola and it’s hard to know that in advance (for you, but also for the gondolier).

TIP: For a really cheap gondola ride in Venice, you may try the traghetto gondola service called “parade ferries”. It’s a ferry service used mainly by locals who want to get from one side of the Grand Canal to the other – so not to navigate the canals but to cross them. For just 2.5 EUR, you can cross the Grand Canal in a real Venetian gondola.

You can find this service at the following locations: Dogana, Santa Maria del Giglio, San Tomà, Riva del Vin, Riva del Carbon, and Santa Sofia. It’s the cheapest way to ride a gondola in Venice!

However, you can’t compare this short ferry experience with a regular gondola ride.

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7. Just do it!

If you are wondering whether Venice gondola rides are worth it, I’d say go for it (just don’t forget to take our tips into consideration)! Yes, it’s expensive, touristy, and all those things…

But there is only one place in the world where you can take an authentic Venetian gondola through the picturesque canals of a stunning floating city, and that’s Venice. And how often will you be in Venice? For most people, it’s truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

If you don’t take a gondola ride in Venice, you’ll probably end up regretting it later on. At the end of the day, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, don’t we?! And so my advice is not to miss this bucket list opportunity. If done right, it will make your whole trip to Venice so much more special!

Our experience: We’ve been to Venice several times and have taken a gondola ride twice. As I said before, no two experiences will be the same, but we enjoyed both rides very much. It remains a truly special experience and I’d absolutely do it again next time we are in Venice.

READ ALSO: & Venice Itinerary for 3 Days

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (9)

Venice Gondola with Kids

I couldn’t publish this article without adding this small section for families. If you are wondering whether you can take a gondola in Venice with kids, yes, absolutely!

Taking a gondola is safe and kids will be just as impressed with all the sights around them as you.

We even saw gondolas with young kids in a stroller in them. By the way, check out our post on Venice with a baby or a toddler if planning to visit the city with very young kids!

Our experience: On our most recent trip to Venice, we took a gondola ride with our three boys (age 9, 9, 11) and I thought they might find it too boring. But I haven’t seen them as quiet, as impressed, and as interested in something for a long time! They all loved it! The special boat with all its decorations, the singing gondolier, the centuries-old palazzos on the water… Our kids truly enjoyed the gondola ride in Venice! I’m sure that it will be one of the few things they’ll remember from the city even many years later.

Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (10)

So, these are our top tips for a gondola ride in Venice. I hope that this will help you have a better experience and truly enjoy your gondola tour. Below, you can find an overview with some frequently asked questions and our answers.

Venice Gondola FAQs

How much does a gondola ride in Venice cost in 2024?

The standard 30-minute gondola ride in Venice costs 90 EUR during the day and 110 EUR in the evening or at night (from 7 PM to 3 AM). This is the fixed price you pay for a private gondola ride and not per person.

How to get a cheap gondola ride in Venice?

There are three ways to get a cheaper gondola ride in Venice: 1. You can share a gondola with other people and split the cost. 2. You can book a shared gondola tour. 3. You can take a gondola-ferry service used to get from one side of the Grand Canal to the other. For more info, see our tip #6 above.

Is gondola ride in Venice worth it?

Yes, agondolaride inVeniceis absolutelyworth it! While it is not cheap and it can feel a bit touristy, it’s a real bucket-list experience that you really have to do when visitingVenice. Furthermore, going on a gondola allows you to explore places that you wouldn’t see otherwise.

What is the best gondola ride in Venice?

There is no one best gondola ride in Venice. So much depends on the gondolier, his mood, and on the location where you take the gondola. We recommend taking a gondola at one of the smaller canals southwest of Rialto Bridge (ask if the route also includes Grand Canal), or not too far from St Mark’s Square (ask if the route passes the Bridge of Sighs).

When is the best time for a gondola ride in Venice?

We recommend going for a gondola ride in the morning. It’s not too busy on the canals, gondoliers are rested and in a good mood, and it’s also not as hot as it gets during the day. For a more romantic experience, go in the evening, but beware that it costs more and you are likely to get a shorter and less personalized ride because the demand is high.

Do you have to book a gondola ride?

No, you don’t have to book a gondola ride in Venice in advance. While there are tours available (and can be recommended if you are in a hurry and want to be sure you have the time and the place you want), you can usually easily get a gondola without any advance booking. See tip #5 for more information.

READ ALSO: How to Visit Venice by Car & How to See the Best of Venice in One Day

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  • Best Places to Visit in Italy
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TIP: If you are planning a trip to Italy and are looking for more info and inspiration, make sure to check our Italy travel guide. It contains tons of articles and destination guides based on our many trips to the various parts of Italy.

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Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience (2024)


Gondola Ride in Venice (2024): 7 Tips for a Better Experience? ›

Gondolas are part of the history and tradition in Venice. Most people find gondolas worth it because it's something different to do and it's an iconic way to explore Venice.

Is it worth doing a gondola ride in Venice? ›

Gondolas are part of the history and tradition in Venice. Most people find gondolas worth it because it's something different to do and it's an iconic way to explore Venice.

Do you tip a gondolier in Venice? ›

(While not required or even expected, if your gondolier does the full 35 minutes and entertains you en route, a 5–10 percent tip is appreciated; if he's surly or rushes through the trip, skip it.)

What is the best time to take a gondola ride in Venice? ›

Venice gondola rides are best enjoyed in the early morning or late afternoon of a weekday, specially during the lean season (from October to April). This ensures lesser crowds at the boarding points and a more relaxed ride experience.

Where is the best place to start a gondola ride in Venice? ›

Marks Square. A popular boarding point, this is where you can board your gondola rides from. It is right next to the iconic Piazza San Marco and Doge's Palace, offering immediate access to a gondola ride after sightseeing. Look for the distinctive red poles marking official gondola stations.

What do you wear on a gondola in Venice? ›

In both hot and rainy months, carrying an umbrella is advisable. Given that the gondolas have no shade, go for a ride before or after the sun's out so you can have a pleasant experience. While there is no strict dress code for a gondola ride, you can opt for a more formal attire if you're going after sunset.

Is it better to pre book a gondola in Venice? ›

Yes. the cost of the ride is fixed and set by the City of Venice and the Gondoliers' Association: during the day it's 80 Euro every 30 minutes, per boat. But if you add an unnecessary booking service on top of the ride... it's a Free Market World. Anyway Rest assured that the Gondolier always gets 80 Euro.

Do gondolas in Venice take credit cards? ›

- Please bring cash on the day to cover the gondola ride, as they do not take credit cards. - Alternatively, during busy times (afternoons and weekends) , you may purchase tickets in advance from the official agency websites to avoid needing to wait for an available Gondola , which is included in your shoot time.

How many people fit in a gondola in Venice? ›

How many people can fit in a gondola? The gondola can carry a maximum of 5 people, including children.

How many days before a gondola ride can be booked? ›

Ticket bookings open at 5pm every evening and tourists can book tickets up to two days prior to their visit, according to the official release by the corporation.

Are gondolas cash only? ›

Good to know: Unless you pre-book a gondola tour, you'll have to pay cash for your gondola ride. So make sure you have enough money on you. Private Venice gondola tours that you can pre-book online are usually a bit more expensive than the official rates.

How much should I pay for a gondola ride in Venice? ›

The price of a gondola ride in Venice is 90 euros during the day (from 9am to 7pm) and 110 euros at night time (from 7pm to 3am). The price is for up to 5 people and the gondola ride usually lasts 30 minutes but it's possible to extend it by paying a surcharge calculated by reference to the time.

Which phase of gondola ride is best? ›

If you are interested in experiencing the gondola ride, you can consider booking the ticket for Phase 2. The gondola ride offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, and it's a popular activity among tourists.

What foods to eat in Venice? ›

10 Best Local Dishes from Venice
  • Sarde in saor. A centuries-old Venetian staple starter. ...
  • Baccala mantecato. A starter of slow-cooked and blended fish on bread. ...
  • See also. 10 Best Local Restaurants in Venice. ...
  • Risotto al nero di seppia. Seafood risotto with squid ink. ...
  • Risi e bisi. ...
  • Bigoli in salsa. ...
  • Fegato alla Veneziana. ...
  • Buranelli.

Why is gondola ride so expensive? ›

Venice is a city unlike any other in the world, visited by millions of people every year, a significant number of which desire to go on a gondola tour. There are, however, only 260-290 work gondolas in Venice, making it possible to set a high fixed price and barely see a drop in demand.

How to reserve gondola in Venice? ›

Easy online Gondola ride booking!
  1. Select your tour (type and duration) from the list of available tours and Gondola rides in booking form. ...
  2. Click "book online" button to calculate the all-inclusive total amount and select the option (shared or private).

How much should you pay for a gondola ride in Venice? ›

The price of a gondola ride in Venice is 90 euros during the day (from 9am to 7pm) and 110 euros at night time (from 7pm to 3am). The price is for up to 5 people and the gondola ride usually lasts 30 minutes but it's possible to extend it by paying a surcharge calculated by reference to the time.

Is gondola ride better during day or night? ›

Know before you go on a night gondola ride in Venice

While night rides offer a calmer and less-crowded experience, they are also costlier. Prices post 7pm are at a surcharge of €20 i.e. €100.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.