How Much Does Toilet Installation And Replacement Cost In 2024? (2024)

Are you in need of a new toilet? If so, you’re probably wondering how much it’s going to cost. Toilets, by themselves, can cost between $100 and $450 at home improvement stores and labor costs can vary, depending on the plumber and the amount of work needed. The total costs including labor and materials can range between $225 and $700 averagingat $375.

Average Cost to Install a Toilet
Average Cost$375
Highest Cost$225
Lowest Cost$700


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Toilet Installation or Replacement Cost Breakdown

By Type of Toilet

There are several types of toilets but the most common are one-piece, two-piece, high-tank, in-wall and integrated toilets. Those types can be further differentiated by how they flush. Toilets can be single flush, dual-flush or touchless flush.

  • One-piece toilets: Can cost as low as $100 and as much as $5,000 for some models. Most cost between $250 and $600 with the average cost around $500.
  • Two-piece toilets: Can cost as low as $100 with the most expensive toilets costing around $3,000. Most average around $100 to $300.
  • High-tank toilets: Have a tank that sits high above the toilet, think “The Godfather” where Michael retrieves the gun in the restaurant. These old-style toilets can cost more than $1,000.
  • Integrated toilets: Include a bidet, which has become more fashionable in recent years. Integrated toilets can start around $300 and rise to more than $5,000. Usually, integrated toilets cost between $300 and $800.

To replace a one-piece toilet, the cost can range between $200 for the toilet and labor, and up to $850, depending on the cost of the toilet and amount of labor needed to install it.

Two-piece toilets can cost between $300 for installation and the toilet, up to $1,000.

By Labor

Labor costs to install a toilet will vary by toilet type and the amount of work needed to complete the job. Your seal might need work or a plumber might discover additional issues when they start to install a toilet. On average, the cost to install a toilet ranges between $400 and $800.

  • One-piece toilet labor costs range from $100 to $300.
  • Two-piece toilets cost slightly more to install than one-piece toilets because of the additional labor. A two-piece toilet typically costs $200 to $300 to install. A corner toilet will cost around the same to install as a two-piece toilet.
  • Wall-hung toilet labor costs range between $400 and $900 to install because it must get connected to the studs, which requires removing drywall. The job can take between four to six hours, depending on the amount of work needed.

Additional costs can include repairing a corroded waste pipe.

Average Cost to Replace a Toilet
Average Cost$800
Highest Cost$1,000
Lowest Cost$600

Factors That Affect the Cost of Toilet Installation or Replacement

Toilet Type

The type of toilet that you choose will affect the price of the installation and replacement. One-piece and two-piece toilets share a similar cost, but a two-piece costs slightly more to install. A wall mount toilet will cost more to install because it needs to connect to studs and a high tank toilet will cost more to install.


A quick glance at a home improvement store website can reveal the broad range of costs for toilets. Basic toilets can start at $100 while name brand toilets with additional features can easily cost more than $1,000 to start.


Labor to install a toilet can start at $100 to $250 for a one-piece toilet and range up to $400 to $900 for a wall-hung toilet.

Old Toilet Removal

Old toilets can be stubborn to remove and depending on how much trouble they present, it can increase the cost of your toilet replacement project. Old wax seals can cause headaches and need additional work.


The location of your toilet can affect the price of the installation. A new toilet might require additional pipework if you’re putting it in a new position or adding one to a new space.

Flooring and Drywall Replacement

Toilet removal and installation can sometimes require flooring and drywall work. Depending on how the toilet sits on the floor, old tiles might need to be removed. If the toilet is a wall mount, you might need drywall removed and replaced.

Additional Plumbing Work

Once you have a plumber start on the toilet replacement, they might notice other issues that need repairing on top of installing your new toilet. That means additional costs, and you can’t get around those.


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4 Signs That You Need a New Toilet

1. Leaks

A leaky toilet usually indicates the need for a new toilet. Be sure to inspect where the leak is coming from before you decide to get a new toilet. A leak near the seal might indicate a worn wax seal, while a leak from the tank signals a need for a new toilet instead.

2. Clogs

A toilet that clogs frequently is not only annoying, it can also mean it’s time for a new toilet. Your toilet isn’t flushing properly and tinkering with the parts in the tank won’t solve the issue.

3. Wobbling

A toilet can wobble if the bolts loosen or the wax seal starts breaking down. But wobbling can also mean a leaking toilet where it has saturated the floor or the floor has started to rot because of water damage.

4. Cracks

If you start to notice puddles of water around the base of your toilet, check the bowl and the tank for cracks. If you have a crack, it could mean your toilet will continue to run because it will try to fill the tank. Cracks lead to leaks, which lead to floor damage.

DIY Toilet Installation vs. Hiring a Professional

Replacing a toilet and installing a new one doesn’t require a ton of expertise, but when it comes to repairing items in your home that connect to water, you might want to call a pro.
If you choose to replace your own toilet, you’re likely going to need a helper to move the toilet because they’re bulky and heavy. Plus, the last thing you want to do is clean up a bunch of broken porcelain, should break the toilet.

If you haven’t installed a toilet before, or have limited knowledge of installing a toilet, you might encounter unanticipated things like needing to shim the toilet so it’s level.

It won’t take a pro long to install a toilet so you shouldn’t have to worry about exorbitant labor costs, plus you can rest easy knowing you’ve gotten your toilet installed properly.


THIS IS AN ADVERTIsem*nT AND NOT EDITORIAL CONTENT. Please note that we do receive compensation for any products you buy or sign up to via this advertisem*nt, and that compensation impacts the ranking and placement of any offers listed herein. We do not present information about every offer available. The information and savings numbers depicted above are for demonstration purposes only, and your results may vary.

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Tips to Save Money on Toilet Installation Costs

A toilet is one of those things in your home that usually goes without a second thought. It’s easy to forget that toilets will start to leak, stain, clog and even fall apart unless you fix them. Depending on the age of your current toilet and its condition, installing a new one can be cost-saving or very costly. Here’s how to save money on your toilet installation costs:

Multiple Quotes

When replacing a toilet, you want to ensure the job is done right. Therefore, getting as many quotes as possible from qualified professionals is important, so be sure to research local plumbers and ask for references when calling for an estimate.

Hire a Professional

While it may seem like a good idea to save money by installing your own toilet, hiring a professional is often the wiser choice. They’ll be able to provide expert advice on which type of toilet will serve your household best, understand how to install it so that it functions properly, and help prevent future issues.

Install Multiple Toilets

If you need to replace many toilets in your home, replacing them all at once can be less expensive instead of spreading the cost out over time. For example, many plumbers will charge less per toilet if they install multiple toilets simultaneously.


When shopping for a toilet, stick to the basics. While the extra features of a smart toilet are tempting, sticking with a basic one- or two-piece toilet will save a considerable amount of money.

To arrive at the average costs in this article, a number of providers and cost databases were surveyed on national and local levels. All averaged figures were correct at the time of publication and may be subject to change.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much should I spend on a toilet?

The cost of a toilet ranges but most toilets cost around $500 on average. Labor to install a toilet can run between $100 to $200, depending on the type of toilet that you buy.

Is it cheaper to fix a toilet or replace it?

Knowing whether to fix or replace a toilet will depend on the repairs needed to fix it. Sometimes, toilet repairs are easy to do on your own, but if you’ve tried to fix it and didn’t come up with a solution, have someone take a look at it. A pro can recommend whether it’s cheaper to fix a toilet or get a new one.

How often should a toilet be replaced?

Most toilets have a lifespan of 25 years, but breakdowns can occur prior to that and lead to a toilet replacement.

How much does it cost to repair a toilet?

Average toilet repairs can range from $100 to $250, depending on what needs to be fixed. Some problems, such as leaks and clogs, can be more costly.

How Much Does Toilet Installation And Replacement Cost In 2024? (2024)
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