How To Make Money From Selling Used Socks In 2023 (2024)

Is selling used socks a viable side business venture?

I can tell you that rather than putting your filthy socks in the washing machine, you can earn some extra cash by selling them online.

Many people, both men and women sell their old socks online to supplement their income.

I mean, it’s not any more strange than selling feet pics.

Given the present global economic crisis, I believe many individuals are seeking methods to supplement their income.

Why not try making some additional cash by selling your used, filthy socks online?

How To Make Money From Selling Used Socks In 2023 (1)

Table of Contents

How do you go about selling used socks on the internet?

To begin, sell your socks on websites that offer worn underwear, socks, stockings, bras, and shoes.

To sell your used things, I suggest you only go on trusted websites.

A lot of shady things happen in this area of the internet, so it’s best to always give yourself the upper hand.

Related Reading: How To Sell Feet Pics – Learn The Goofy Way To Make Money

What exactly do they mean when people say “used socks?”

Think of soiled, sweaty, and stinky socks that you take off after a long run or a sweaty gym session.

Many customers like to purchase stinky socks that have been used for a long time.

The more you wear them, the better. Weird, we know.

Other popular products to sell include ankle, foot, and leg warmers and fishnet stockings, knee highs, and legwarmers.

How much can you charge customers for your used socks?

The amount you can charge for a pair of worn socks is determined by how long you’ve worn them and what sort of activities you did while wearing them.

I suggest looking at other people’s prices for the same or comparable pair to get an idea of how much to charge.

Prices range from $3 to more than $200 per pair, with an average selling price of $10 to $30.

Each sale you make may result in a commission for specific websites.

Selling socks is all about establishing a brand, so to speak.

You can set yourself apart by making people want to buy your used socks and not others.

Can you really make a significant side income by selling used socks on the internet?

You might make an extra few hundred dollars per month if you advertise yourself and put in the time and effort, and some sellers make over a thousand dollars per month selling socks online.

As I said, they managed to set themselves apart from the competition.

They might engage in specific activities while wearing the socks they sell, or they bank on their looks for advertisem*nts.

Many sellers get into the foot fetish market after being complimented on their feet.

Strange, we know, but they get ‘fans’.

Some even hop on a site like OnlyFans to make money from the relationship.

If you’d like, you can learn all about this process here.

Sidenote: I will answer all of your questions over on YouTube. Just choose a video, watch it completely, and ask away in the comments. It's like free consulting. See you there!

How To Make Money From Selling Used Socks In 2023 (2)

You can sell socks on a variety of websites and mailing lists.

Sellers and buyers find used socks on eBay, Craigslist, Gumtree, Locanto, and Facebook.

Make careful to read the website’s terms and conditions before listing your used socks for sale on any of the websites listed above.

Your account may be suspended or possibly banned if you are discovered to be breaking their rules.

However, the used item selling game is not as shady as you might think.

While some fishy things are going on here and there, it’s generally a solid marketplace.

You may even create your own blog and sell your old socks there.

If you wish to start a blog, Lyrical Hosting will assist you in doing so.

Related Reading: Best Side Hustles For College Students – Learn Other Ways Of Making Money Here.

Is it essential to gain repeat customers?

The thought is always welcome.

More than anything else, think of your customers as business partners.

Keep in touch with some of the customers who have given you positive feedback and try to sell a few more pairs of used socks.

Just keep in mind that it’s a business partnership, and you’re not compelled to do anything you don’t want to.

Some Tips For Selling Your Used Socks Online

  • Use a fake name. Never ever use your real name if you decide to sell these kinds of items.
  • Never give out your personal information to buyers and potential buyers. Protect your identity by keeping your phone number, address, and place of work to yourself.
  • It’s never required to show your face when you sell these items. If you’re not comfortable doing so, you can post pictures of just your feet.
  • Flirting might be a good tactic for some, but I suggest keeping transactions with your buyers strictly professional to avoid any confusion.
  • If you have a high-end camera, then great! Take quality photos of you wearing the socks you’re selling.
  • Write great descriptions for the items you’re selling. Describe what you did in those socks in great detail to entice buyers.
  • Wrap your goods well. If possible, use bubble wrap and vacuum bags. Sealing the socks in that type of bag will preserve the socks’ smell.

Where You Can Sell Used Socks Online

Related Reading: How to Make $1000 A Month – Click Here To Learn More.

Final Thoughts

Look into the websites further to discover what vendors and customers have to say about their experiences selling or purchasing used socks.

Do you think you’d be willing to try selling your old socks online to get some additional cash?

I hope you find this article to be helpful.

I commend you for trying out a new side hustle!

Related Reading: How To Make An Extra 1000 A Month – Learn How To Make More Money.

How To Make Money From Selling Used Socks In 2023 (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.