Kaeya's Gain (2024)

Kaeya's Gain is the third and final part of Kaeya's Story Quest Pavo Ocellus Chapter: Act I - Secret Pirate Treasure.


  • 1 Steps
  • 2 Dialogue
  • 3 Soundtracks
  • 4 Other Languages
  • 5 Change History


  1. Discuss your next step with Paimon
  2. Use the map to find the buried treasure
  3. Enter the depths of the ruin
  4. Defeat the Ruin Guard
  5. Listen to Kaeya explain the truth about the treasure


Kaeya's Gain (1) Quest Description

After much thinking, you finally solved the riddles contained within the intel you were given. The lost Arcadian Ruins are now within your reach!

(Upon reaching the location at Falcon Coast)
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This must be the Arcadian Ruins.
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Is it just me, or does it look... plain?
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon gets it! The perfect disguise is always in plain sight!
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Kaeya's grandpa sure is impressive.
???: *pitter-patter*
Kaeya's Gain (2) Listen, Paimon...
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh! Mice.
Kaeya's Gain (3) You didn't even try, did you?
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: It's no time to get suspicious. We're close!
Media:vo kylq003 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hurry! The treasure is waiting for us!
(After defeating opponents in the ruin)
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Ugh... Is this the end?
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Where are you, my treasure!?
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Let's look around, (Traveler).
(The suspicious individual reveals himself)
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 01.ogg ???: Hahaha... I'll save you the trouble.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 02.ogg ???: How about you let me take over?
Kaeya's Gain (4) The Treasure Hoarders?
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 03.ogg ???: Sharp eye, but too slow.
Kaeya's Gain (5) The black market?
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 04.ogg ???: Well, I did have dealings with them.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 05.ogg ???: But them and their stupid principles... Losers who can't make a fortune.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 06.ogg Izzard: I'm Izzard.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 07.ogg Izzard: I thank you both on behalf of the Treasure Hoarders.
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ugh...
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We've been keeping a low profile, how did word get out?
Kaeya's Gain (6) Low... profile...?
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hmph! Paimon won't let you have the treasure without a fight!
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 08.ogg Izzard: You would be wise to not underestimate us.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 09.ogg Izzard: My gang is just outside waiting for my order.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 10.ogg Izzard: However, they're not as... sociable as me.
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: I'm sorry to rain on your parade...
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: But your gang won't be participating in your current plan.
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: If you'd like to ask why, you can go see them... in Mondstadt Prison.
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Or perhaps you'd prefer to join them permanently?
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 11.ogg Izzard: The Knights...?
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hey, it's Kaeya!
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Kaeya, he wants to steal your treasure! Get him!
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 12.ogg Izzard: Ugh... almost had it!
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Oh, you mean the treasure?
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Sorry, but there wasn't any treasure to begin with.
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: You came all the way... for nothing. Just give it up.
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What?
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: No... treasure?
Media:vo kylq003 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Did Kaeya just say, there isn't any treasure?
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 13.ogg Izzard: Hah. You got me good. Didn't think the Knights would resort to such tactics.
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: A thief has no right to criticize the methods of the Knights of Fav— Wait, what are you...
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 14.ogg Izzard: You're not gonna get me!
(Door unlocks to reveal a Ruin Guard)
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 15.ogg Izzard: Okay... Oh god... Wh—What is this? I didn't mean it!
(A Ruin Guard awakens)
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: Haha... What a troublemaker.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 16.ogg Izzard: You! Knight! You're not gonna watch me die, are ya?
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: Hmm, what an interesting suggestion.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 17.ogg Izzard: Fine! I'll confess and go quietly! Please, just help me!
Media:vo kylq003 4 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: Alright then. Guess I will have to do some overtime work after all.
(After defeating the Ruin Guard)
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 18.ogg Izzard: How embarrassing... Having my life saved by a knight...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Don't forget what you promised... or that thing will be the least of your worries.
Media:vo kylq003 4 izzard 19.ogg Izzard: Hey... Is this how the Knights of Favonius treat the people they catch?
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: I'm just joking. Alright... Let's take him back.
Media:vo kylq003 5 knight 01.ogg Knight of Favonius: Sir! Yes sir!
Media:vo kylq003 5 knight 02.ogg Knight of Favonius: Captain, should we take these two in as well?
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What!?
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Haha, of course not. They are the ones who made this arrest possible.
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Without them spreading our fabricated intel, we wouldn't have been able to catch the Treasure Hoarders.
Kaeya's Gain (7) So the intel is fake.
Kaeya's Gain (8) There is no treasure.
Kaeya's Gain (9) You lied to us?
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: *cries* You're a bad man for lying to me... Shame on the Knights!
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Alright, alright... Stop it already.
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Though the treasure doesn't exist, you did want it for yourself, didn't you?
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Otherwise, you would have informed me of your intentions, no?
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That... well... ah... Hmph!
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Let's go, (Traveler). Paimon's done talking to him!
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: Ha. Just a sec.
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: You did help me out, so you do deserve a reward.
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: This is the "Triumphant Harbinger of Dawn That Points Towards Victory." As its name suggests, it symbolizes light and victory.
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: If you don't mind, I would like to present you with this Harbinger of Dawn as a reward.
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Harbinger of Dawn?
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 12.ogg Kaeya: That's right. It suits a well-cultured and disciplined person such as yourself, wouldn't you say, Paimon?
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well... If the reward is this Harbinger of Dawn...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 13.ogg Kaeya: You'd forgive me, right?
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 14.ogg Kaeya: I'm honored to have such an understanding friend.
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Yes... yes...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 15.ogg Kaeya: You have my apologies for the deception. I will not use the same method twice.
Kaeya's Gain (10) ...Paimon has been completely charmed.
Kaeya's Gain (11) Means you'll use a different method next time?
(If you didn't ask Kaeya for any clues during Mystery of the Arcadian Ruins)
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 16.ogg Kaeya: What a surprise that you solved the puzzles all by yourself and arrived before me.
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: So it was you who left all those clues?
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 17.ogg Kaeya: Indeed. However, even I believed the clues were too vague to be of any help to you.
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 18.ogg Kaeya: I was prepared to answer your questions...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 19.ogg Kaeya: Quite impressive. This was the only thing that I did not anticipate in the entire operation.
Kaeya's Gain (12) It was a cakewalk!
Kaeya's Gain (13) Uh, actually, I tapped into other sources for help...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 20.ogg Kaeya: No matter what you say, I acknowledge your wisdom. After all, wisdom itself does not deceive.
Media:vo kylq003 6 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: But some people do enjoy deceiving others with their wits!
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 21.ogg Kaeya: Hahaha...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 22.ogg Kaeya: What a wonderful day. Now, I have to go interrogate my suspect...
Media:vo kylq003 5 kaeya 23.ogg Kaeya: Please excuse me. Do come visit me at our headquarters when you have the chance.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
13Perilous PathCity of Winds and IdyllsShadow Over Mondstadt, Kaeya's Gain, Mondstadt Glider, Justice, for Books' Sake, The Fond Farewell, Festering Desire (Quest), Archon's Rival, Involuntary Sacrifice, Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage, To Hear Mortal Hearts, The Snowy Past, The Oni's Pride, Sky-Gazers, Land-Walkers, A Centuries-Long Dream, As by a God's Side, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, Dream of Falling, Fragmented Testimony, Shade Upon Red Silk, The Truth Shrouded in Shadow, An Opportunity for Rebirth, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest)
13Knighthood ExcellenceThe Wind and The Star TravelerKaeya's Gain, Outrider Style

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishKaeya's Gain
Kǎiyà de Shōuhuò
Kaeya's Harvest
Kǎiyà de Shōuhuò
Gaia no Shuukaku
Kaeya's Harvest
Korean케이아의 수확
Keia-ui Suhwak
Kaeya's Harvest
SpanishLa ganancia de KaeyaKaeya's Gains
FrenchRécolte de KaeyaKaeya's Harvest
RussianВыгода Кэйи
Vygoda Keyi
Kaeya's Gain
Thaiการเก็บเกี่ยวของ Kaeya
Kan Kep Kiao khong Kaeya
Kaeya's Harvest
VietnameseThu Hoạch Của KaeyaKaeya's Harvest
GermanKaeyas ErfolgKaeya's Success
IndonesianPerolehan KaeyaKaeya's Gain
PortugueseGanância de Kaeya
TurkishKaeya'nın Kazancı
ItalianVantaggio di Kaeya

Change History[]

Kaeya's Gain (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.