KFC has created a console that's more powerful than the PS5 and has a built-in 'chicken chamber' to keep your meal warm (2024)

Kate Duffy

Updated ·3 min read

KFC has created a console that's more powerful than the PS5 and has a built-in 'chicken chamber' to keep your meal warm (1)

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Fast-food chain KFC has created a new high-end gaming console that comes with a built-in "chicken chamber" to keep your chicken warm while you play.

KFC has teamed up with CoolerMaster to create the "KFConsole," the chicken chain said in a statement on Tuesday. It is essentially a high-end gaming PC with components made by Intel, Asus, and Seagate.

It's a powerful machine: KFC claims it can run games at 4K resolution at 240 frames per second - more than the PlayStation 5 or Xbox One can manage. It can also run virtual reality games, KFC said.

The bucket-like console has a cooling system that transfers the heat produced by the components to the chicken chamber, helping to keep the hardware cool and the finger lickin' chicken warm.

"The Bargain Bucket-shaped machine features the world's first built in chicken chamber, which is kitted out to keep its contents hot, ready for consumption during intense gaming sessions," KFC said.

KFC has created a console that's more powerful than the PS5 and has a built-in 'chicken chamber' to keep your meal warm (2)

Cooler Master didn't immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment. An Intel spokesperson said they don't have anything additional to share at this stage beyond the details on the Cooler Master website.

The cost and release date of the KFConsole haven't yet been announced.

The console has smooth gameplay with 240 frames per second frame rate, 4K display compatibility, and can run virtual reality games, according to Cooler Master's website.

It also includes an Intel Nuc 9 Extreme Compute Element and two Seagate BarraCuda 1TB SSD drives for storage, Cooler Master said.

—KFC Gaming (@kfcgaming) December 22, 2020

"This machine is capable of running games at top-level specs, all on top of keeping your meal warm for you to enjoy during your gaming experience... what's not to like?" said Mark Cheevers, PR & social media lead at KFC UK & Ireland, in the statement.

"If Sony or Microsoft want any tips on how to engineer a chicken chamber for their efforts next time, they'd be welcome to get in touch," he said.

Stephen James, global PR & influencer manager at Cooler Master, said in the press release: "When we were approached by KFC Gaming to make the KFConsole, we jumped at the chance to get involved and enter the console war."

"The KFConsole has been custom built with the gamer at the front of mind. The last thing we want is anyone to go hungry while playing!" he added.

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One Twitter used responded to KFC's tweet asking how Cyberpunk, which has now sold more than 13 million copies, will run on the console. KFC replied: "It runs better than any console."

This isn't the only mind-boggling invention KFC has come up with in recent years.

In February, the food chain collaborated with Crocs to create shoes with fried chicken painted on them, topped with a chicken-scented charm. The shoes sold out within half an hour after their launch in July.

KFC announced the release of its 11 Herbs & Spices Firelog in December 2018 - basically a log that smells like fried chicken.

Read the original article on Business Insider

KFC has created a console that's more powerful than the PS5 and has a built-in 'chicken chamber' to keep your meal warm (2024)
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