Letter to Creditors Requesting That They Forgive Debt - Sample Template Letter (2024)

[Today’s Date]

[Creditor Name]
[1 Downtown Street]
[City, Province Postal Code]



Dear [Creditor]:

My current income from [CPP, OAS, Disability Pension, Government Assistance, etc.] is not enough for me to be able to make any payments towards my alleged debt at this time. Due to my [medical condition/disability/age], I do not foresee any changes to my financial situation or employment status that would put me in a position to make payments any time in the future.

Please find attached [doctor’s letter(s), counsellor’s letter, case worker’s letter of support, description of condition and explanation how this affects your ability to work, any information you feel supports your statement of inability to pay now and in the future], as well as a copy of my [proof of income] and a monthly expense sheet.

I respectfully request that you forgive my alleged debt, as my condition precludes any employment, and my current and future income does not support any debt repayment.

Please respond to my request in writing to the address below at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your understanding of my situation.

This communication is provided solely for the purposes of notifying you to communicate in writing only and does not constitute an acknowledgement of the alleged debt described above.


[your name]
[complete mailing address]
[phone number]
[account number]

Letter to Creditors Requesting That They Forgive Debt - Sample Template Letter (2024)


How to write a letter of forgiveness to a creditor? ›

I respectfully request that you forgive my alleged debt, as my condition precludes any employment, and my current and future income does not support any debt repayment. Please respond to my request in writing to the address below at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your understanding of my situation.

How to write a letter of debt relief? ›

Write a debt settlement letter to your creditor. Explain your current situation and how much you can pay upfront. Also, provide them with a clear description of what you expect in return, such as the removal of missed payments or the account shown as paid in full on your report.

How to write a settlement letter to creditors? ›

Your debt settlement proposal letter must be formal and clearly state your intentions, as well as what you expect from your creditors. You should also include all the key information your creditor will need to locate your account on their system, which includes: Your full name used on the account. Your full address.

How do I write a letter to creditor to forgive late payments? ›

I truly believe that it doesn't reflect my creditworthiness and commitment to repaying my debts. It would help me immensely if you could give me a second chance and make a goodwill adjustment to remove the late [payment/payments] on [date/dates]. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope you'll approve my request.

What is an example of debt forgiveness? ›

For example, if you work in public service or for a nonprofit organization for a certain length of time and make regular payments, the remaining balance might be forgiven through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program or PSLF. Income-Driven Repayment plans consider your income and family size.

What to say to creditors to settle debt? ›

Tell the Truth and Keep a Consistent Story

Make a list of the reasons you've fallen behind in payments. Debt often results from hardships such as job loss, divorce, medical bills. Put them down on paper to use as a reference when you're negotiating a debt settlement with a creditor.

How do I write a debt explanation letter? ›

Letter of Explanation Template
  1. Provide all details the best you can, including correct dates and dollar amounts.
  2. Explain how and when all situations were resolved. If they are not resolved, explain that as well.
  3. Detail why problems won't happen again.

What is an example of a letter to creditors? ›

I am requesting that you accept payments of $______________paid on the__________. I assure you that I will add no further debt until my financial situation improves. I will begin making normal payments again as soon as possible. I regret that I have to ask for this consideration and hope that you will understand.

How do I write a motivational letter for payment relief? ›

I have taken a careful look at my financial situation. I have set up a realistic minimum budget for my living expenses and have developed a debt repayment program. I am hoping you will accept a reduced payment of per month. Amounts will be increased as soon as possible until the debt is totally paid.

What is a letter of satisfaction of debt? ›

Satisfaction and release is a document stating that a consumer has paid the full amount of debt that was owed to a creditor under a court judgment. A satisfaction and release prevents creditors from attempting to recover more money from the borrower or consumer.

What is the legal document to settle a debt? ›

A debt settlement agreement allows the lender to forgive part of what a debtor owes if it receives an immediate settlement amount. The agreement is meant to release both parties from their obligations.

What is the first debt recovery letter? ›

A debt recovery letter before action will inform the business that owes you money of your intention to pursue the debt through legal action, and is usually the first stage of a debt recovery process.

How do you negotiate debt recovery? ›

Negotiating with debt collectors can help you reduce the amount of money you owe, sometimes significantly. It's crucial to recognize that the amounts owed are rarely set in stone, and adept negotiation can result in a more favorable agreement, ultimately benefiting your financial well-being.

What is a hardship letter for debt? ›

A hardship letter explains to a lender the circ*mstances that have made you unable to keep up with your debt payments. The letter provides specific details such as the date the hardship began, the cause and how long you expect it to continue. Many creditors will require a hardship letter if you request help.

What is an example of a hardship letter to creditors? ›

Because my income has dropped considerably I can no longer afford the terms of the original loan. As a loyal customer of your financial institution, I'd like to ask for the following: ▪ A lower interest rate amount of NO MORE THAN 6% ▪ Accept lower payments of $ _________ per month.

Can I ask my creditors to write off my debt? ›

You can ask the people you owe to write of your debts if this sounds like you. Some creditors may agree if: They understand you will not be able to pay. They see you have no assets to sell.

How do I write a financial hardship letter to a creditor? ›

Your hardship letter should include the following essential steps:
  1. Write an introduction. ...
  2. Detail your hardship. ...
  3. Highlight how you're being proactive about your financial situation. ...
  4. State your request. ...
  5. Provide assurance of financial recovery. ...
  6. Submit supporting documentation.
Jul 11, 2023

What is a credit forgiveness letter? ›

A goodwill letter is a formal letter to a creditor or lender, such as a bank or credit card company, to request forgiveness for a late payment or other negative item on your credit report. In the letter, you typically: Explain the circ*mstances that led to the late payment or issue.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.