MUI Goku vs Gogeta | Fandom (2024)


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Nerve of the Hybrid Cell·1/14/2019in General

MUI Goku vs Gogeta

At the height of the power weve seen them have on screen (so that's Gogeta Blue when he fought Broly)

(Edited by administrators)

GogetaAutonomous Ultra Instinct (ability)Perfected Ultra InstinctDragon Ball Super: Broly


Nerve of the Hybrid Cell·12/26/2020

Because this is a forum on a random site and not a gun to the head debate to decide the fate of humanity.

Well Zeno is at least high multiversal but I get what you mean. DBH has some crazy feats. I still wonder would a fusion be qualified enough to use UI because it has Goku in the fusion or would it be disqualified because it has Vegeta.

Nerve of the Hybrid Cell·12/27/2020

If it were Gohan or future trunks I would think they would still be able to use it, but vegeta has too much pride to let go


Heh Vegeta, a man after my own heart.



I can use canon to prove how Gogeta wins.

Kelfa reached a higher power level then UI Sign Goku, he still won due to his speed and the auto dodge.

Now, Kefla is a fused Caulifa and Kale. As we know, they are wayyy weaker then Goku and Vegeta, yet them fusing managed to challenge UI Sign Goku.

Now we know that the difference in UI and UI Sign isn’t something ridiculous like 5000x.

So if Gogeta fought UI Goku, his SSJG would be enough to beat UI Sign Goku and challenge Ultra Instinct, and his SSJB form would stomp.

Kelfa > UI Sign Goku (in terms of just power alone)

Goku and Vegeta >>>> Kale and Caulifa

So SSJG Gogeta > UI Sign Goku and SSJB Gogeta > UI Goku

Gogeta could still use SSJB Kaioken or Evolution and before anyone brings out “He would last 2 seconds” a second in anime can literally be a whole fight. 5 minutes in Namek lasted 19 episodes.

(Edited by MonzyMonz)


I'm very late to this argument but I just wanted to throw in some of my ideas and thoughts.

SDBH isn't cannon so I'm not including that in my reasonings and I'm using each character seen power level from when they were shown (as Broly movie takes place an unknown time after TOP, despite there probably not too much time between the two).

I know this point is stated quite often but Broly was said to be weaker than Beerus, and Jiren is said to be stronger than Beerus. That itself should be enough but some people refuse to accept it.

I will take into account that Gogeta Blue was smiling during the majority of the fight meaning that he wasn't at 100% power during their battle. I will assume it was around 60% to 70% power Gogeta was using.

Some people argue that only Goku's speed was increasing in MUI when fighting Jiren but thats why he won the fight, he was faster. So in its own way that is still a bonus to MUI.

Personaly I think that MUI Goku is stronger than Gogeta Blue as Jiren was stronger than Broly by a large amount and MUI would have the speed and reflex advantage without argue. Also MUI was shown to have a large development potential as the entirety of Goku using it he was getting stronger (or just faster if that's what you believe) at a higher rate than just being a saiyan would grant, This would most likely stay the same if he were to fight Gogeta Blue. So even if Gogeta had the power advantage at the start he would quickly be matched if not over-powered.

Personally I think that MUI Goku is stronger than Gogeta Blue to start with, neverminded MUI's growth rate.


Well, Goegta Blue has way higher multipliers, see it at least, MUI goku is maximum 100x srogner than kaiken x 20. But gogeta Blue has higher multipliers because of fusion, like base gogeta is stronger than ssblue goku and Vegeta, how ik. When they fought goku, gogeta in base stood a chance against broly, while in blue form goku and vegeta got stomped on. NOw if we updrage it to blue, its like a million-10 millionx multiplier, MUI GOKU gets STOMPED. But, Mui goku has been show to get stronger and balance with the opponet. LIke MUi goku might be weaker than an opponet, but soon its gets stronger, and stronger, and especiially when he's enraged it gets a bigger boost.But Gogeta BLue STOMMM MUI GOku, BUt MUI GOku is prob equal to gogeta ss2.


Nerve of the Hybrid Cell·12/9/2021

In your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head?

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, ohhhhhhh


The one that beat Fu in a fight and didn't get one-shotted should win.

MUI Goku vs Gogeta | Fandom (2024)


Can Mui Goku beat Gogeta? ›

As a result he can defeat a full power ssj1 Broli, Universe Seed Hearts because he's functioning on the levels of the Gods of Destruction. MUI Goku vastly transcends Ssjb Gogeta since he transcends the Gods of Destruction in power.

Who is stronger Gogeta or UI Goku? ›

that would imply that even a fusion with God Ki doesn't measure up to fully mastering Ultra Instinct which is a technique only mastered by the Angels. Even Beerus can't get Ultra Instinct correctly. Ultra Instinct Goku is stronger and the most overpowered form in the series.

Can anyone beat Goku Mui? ›

Unfortunately not. There's simply too much to hint that even MUI Goku is still behind Beerus. Now it was interesting and even surprising to see that Beerus and even the other gods stand in respect and awe of the Mastered Ultra Instinct form.

What is stronger than Mui Goku? ›

As it stands, Gohan Beast would beat Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku, even with the latter's giant energy avatar. Gohan Beast doesn't operate on a time limit and he can just wait out the clock while Goku exhausts himself and loses the transformation's necessary state of consciousness.

Could Gogeta Blue beat Beerus? ›

Although Goku implied that Broly could be stronger than Beerus, he has never seen Beerus at full power, so going off of the statement would be highly inaccurate. Furthermore, Beerus has moves like Hakai up his sleeve, making his victory against Gogeta even more plausible.

Would Gogeta Blue beat Jiren? ›

No, when they met Jiren it was stated he was stronger than any of the Villians they have ever faced. That includes merged Zamasu who was rivaling Blue Vegito. Blue Vegito/Gogeta would be close or about as strong as the Weakest God of Destruction.

Could Mui Goku beat Broly? ›

Broly Has More Durability Than Goku in His Legendary Super Saiyan Form. This is easily the biggest weakness that Goku encounters while using the Ultra Instinct. It drains his stamina at an exponential level, meaning the longer the fight goes on, the better chance Broly has of winning.

Could Gohan beat Gogeta? ›

Movie wise, Gohan GREATLY outclasses Gogeta. It wasn't even close. It kind of suggest that SS2 Teen Gohan would defeat hypothetical Cell Saga Vegito/Gogeta.

Can Gogeta beat superman? ›

8 Gogeta. The fusion of Goku and Vegeta always has the potential to form one of the strongest – if not the strongest – mortals in the whole multiverse. Consequently, it's not a surprise that he is stronger than Superman. Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta was able to deal with Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan with ease.

Can Hulk beat Mui Goku? ›

Between his ever-increasing strength, durability, and healing factor, Hulk has what it takes to survive Goku's most powerful assaults. Goku could stay out of Hulk's way for a while, but once he gets within the Hulk's grabbing range, the fight is over.

Can Goku mui beat Thor? ›

Rune King Thor wins this. Goku can only use MUI for a few minutes before his body gives out on him. Even if Goku could use it indefinitely, Run King Thor would end the battle by erasing him from existence.

Can Goku mui beat Naruto? ›

The simplest answer, according to many animanga fans, is yes. Sure, Goku might not have Naruto's Tailed Beast Chakra and all the jutsu he happens to cumulate, but he has Zenkai and Hakai. One cannot forget that these techniques have the potential to destroy the realm of space and time.

Does Hyper Sonic beat Mui Goku? ›

So Hyper Sonic stomps everything here (yes, even Steve on /gamemode creative). He can literally double jump and instant kill TUI Xeno/CC Goku (as shown in Sonic 3 & K, and in that game HYPER SONIC is massively weaker than current base Sonic) and one taps Beast Gohan.

Is Goku or Gohan stronger? ›

Dragon Ball Z has provided its fans with many explanations as to why Gohan surpasses Goku in terms of raw power by the end of the series, but the simplest answer can be found in the very first chapter of Dragon Ball.

Can Kratos beat Mui Goku? ›

Boomstick: the reality is that although Kratos has beaten gods and is a god himself , Goku is just simply too strong and is On a Whole different level , he's Beaten people who can destroy entire solar systems , something Kratos hasn't Gotten close too at all.

Can Gogeta reach mui? ›

Gogeta and Vegito can only use MUI when pushed to their limits like Goku in the TOP.

Is mui Goku stronger than ssj4 Gogeta? ›

Stack a 4,000X Multiplier on top of that Same Gogeta, then mathematically speaking there's no way in Hell MUI Goku takes this. It would be similar to how Anime Kefla was stronger than Goku, except the gap would be so big that MUI Goku wouldn't be able to dodge Gogeta like he did Kefla. Obviously SS4 Gogeta wins.

Can Naruto beat Mui Goku? ›

Although Naruto's physical strength isn't on the level of Goku's, he can certainly do well against him in a fight. With Naruto's limitless chakra and other such overpowered abilities at his disposal, like the Six Paths Sage Mode, Naruto would be able to hold his own, at least for a while.

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