Nazi America (2024)

Nazi American Reich

Autonomous Reichsprotectorate
Nazi America (1)
"For The Common Good"
"One People, One Nation, One Leader"
Our Swastika Flag

Nazi America (2)

CapitalNew York City
ContinentNorth America
GovernmentMilitary Occupation (1946-1947)
Nazi Puppet State (1947-1964)
Independent Nazi State (1964)
Head of State and governmentErwin Rommel (Former; 1946-1951)
George Lincoln Rockwell (Former; 1951-1962)
John Smith (Former; 1963-1964)
-1947Formed after West Point Peace Treaty
-September 18th, 1947VA Day
Population80 Million (1962)
CurrencyGerman Reichsmark
Official LanguageEnglish
Waffen SS
Ordnungspolizei (local police forces)
Kriminalpolizei (criminal investigation)
American Reich Bureau of Investigation
Nazi America (3)United States of AmericaUnited States of AmericaNazi America (4)

The American Reich,[1][2] officially known as the Nazi American Reich,[3] was a puppet state of the Greater Nazi Reich, roughly consisting of the eastern and midwestern portions of the former United States and Canada. It bordered the Neutral Zone to the west and Mexico to the south.


  • 1 History
  • 2 Territory
    • 2.1 Flags and Emblems
  • 3 Politics and Policies
    • 3.1 Capital City
    • 3.2 Leadership
    • 3.3 Pledge of Allegiance
    • 3.4 Policies
  • 4 Military, Law Enforcement and Intelligence
    • 4.1 Schutzstaffel (SS)
    • 4.2 Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)
    • 4.3 Sturmabteilung (SA)
    • 4.4 Ordnungspolizei (Order Police)
    • 4.5 Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police)
    • 4.6 Public Health Department Police
    • 4.7 Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
  • 5 Economics and Technology
  • 6 Notable Locations
    • 6.1 New York City
    • 6.2 District of Contamination
    • 6.3 Cincinnati
    • 6.4 Savannah
    • 6.5 New Berlin
    • 6.6 Miami
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 References


The American Reich was established in 1947 with the West Point Peace Treaty, which surrendered all American territory in the east coast to the Greater Nazi Reich, and concluded the Second World War. This treaty was signed two years after the atomic bombing of Washington D.C., which crippled the American war effort against Germany. Though initially victorious, both the German Reich and the Japanese Empire had to fight a hard and tenacious resistance for almost two years before finally suppressing the rebellion and declaring victory on September 18th, 1947. Within the reich, this day was officially celebrated as Victory over America (VA) Day.

Within the terms of the West Point Peace Treaty, the former United States was partitioned between the Greater Nazi Reich and Japanese Empire. The east coast of North America became the American Reich, its capital being New York City. The west coast fell under Japanese control as the Pacific States of America, its capital being San Francisco. In between the two territories was a lawless buffer zone, known as the the Neutral Zone.

Under Nazi rule, the American Reich saw the extermination and/or expulsion of Jewish, African American, and other non-Aryan populations. The Germanification of America was further intensified with the Jahr Null (Year Zero) initiative, which sought to erase all traces of American history, starting with the demolition of the Statue of Liberty.

By 1962, the American Reich was led by Reichsmarschall George Lincoln Rockwell. Rockwell was personally removed from office by Heinrich Himmler after falsely accusing Oberstgruppenführer John Smith of treason against the Reich. Following Rockwell's expulsion, Smith ascended to the rank of Reichsmarschall. Smith's tenure was marked by controversy about his loyalty to the Reich, which piqued when John Smith and Wilhelm Goertzmann planned a plot to overthrow the Nazi regime. The plot was successful, and John Smith became the Reichsführer of a newly independent American Reich.

During Smith's coup d'etat, the Japanese Empire pulled out of the Pacific States, leaving the area to the control of the undersupplied Black Communist Rebellion. This presented an opportunity for the Reich to invade and unite the continent once more from sea to sea, put into fruition with Operation Firecross. This included the invasion of the Neutral Zone as well, which was met with fierce resistance. Just as Operation Firecross was about to be launched, John Smith committed suicide. Upon hearing the news, Wehrmacht general, now the führer, Bill Whitcroft called off the operation, and denounced the Nazi regime by taking off his Nazi Ritterkreuz.

It is unknown what happened to the American Reich following this, although it is possible that the United States of America may have been restored following Whitcroft's decisions.


The American Reich is composed of the eastern and midwestern segments of North America. Although Canada is never mentioned in the series, it is believed that the Reich consists of Canada as well. Many states' borders are separated between Reich and Neutral Zone borders, including Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. The American Reich borders Mexico to the south.

Flags and Emblems[]

The official flag for the American Reich is based on the flag of the former United States, consisting of the same thirteen red and white stripes and the red, white, and blue color scheme. However, instead of the canton consisting of forty-eight stars representing the forty-eight states, there is now a large, white swastika. The flag is used in conjunction with the flag of the Greater Nazi Reich, especially during ceremonies and parades.

The seal of the American Reich is also similar to that of the United States seal, although it now consists of Nazi symbolism. The American Reich seal can be found behind John Smith's desk.

Politics and Policies[]

Capital City[]

The American Reich's capital is New York City, although it works more as a regional capital than a national capital, as the government still takes orders from Berlin. New York City likely was chosen as the capital due to its financial and strategic significance, along with the fact that Washington D.C. was reduced to ashes following its atomic bombing in 1945.


As a Nazi vassal state, the country's head of state and government was the Reichsmarschall, a position that reported directly to the Führer in Berlin. The position was initially held by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, while more recent holders of the position were American-born, including George Lincoln Rockwell and his successor, John Smith. Following the coup d'etat of the Greater Nazi Reich, the American Reich was granted independence, and the position of Reichsmarschall was replaced with Reichsführer, of which John Smith held the position.

Pledge of Allegiance[]

"I swear I will obverse the law, conscientiously fulfill my duties at home and school, be faithful and obedient and pledge absolute allegiance until death, to the leader of the Nazi Empire, Adolf Hitler. Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil."


The Nazis had implemented many of their eugenics policies in the American Reich, favoring a unitary "Aryan" race. Concentration camps were constructed throughout the Reich, imprisoning Jews, African-Americans, hom*osexuals, and anyone else deemed undesirable by the Nazis. Thus, by the events of The Man in the High Castle, no members of these groups are present in the American Reich, and almost all of the population are Whites. Some Japanese people are also present in the nation, and they are considered "Honorary Aryans."

Along with policies favoring the Aryan race, the American Reich also adopted euthanasia, killing all people with mental or physical disabilities, especially hereditary ones, and cremating their remains.

Military, Law Enforcement and Intelligence[]

Schutzstaffel (SS)[]

The Schutzstaffel (SS) served as the primary paramilitary force within the American Reich. They act as the state's main security force, removing all dissidents in America, as well as acting as the nation's protective force, guarding sensitive and secure areas, such as the SS Headquarters in New York City. Other areas include the border with the Neutral Zone, airports, and the Nazi Embassy in San Francisco. They also serve as bodyguards for high-ranking Nazi and American Reich Official's officials.

Uniforms vary considerably due to the various subdivisions within the organization, but the majority of them appear to be black or dark green in colour with SS soldier wearing black military fatigues while officers wear the iconic black tunic. When ordered by John Smith to travel to the Neutral Zone, Waffen-SS operatives wear unmarked, black coats. Ceremonial guards are distinguishable by their black helmet and white gloves. Most SS vehicles, especially those in New York City, bear the inscription GNR Military Police (a rough but modern English translation) on the front and sides.

Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)[]

The Geheime Staatspolizei, or Gestapo for short, is the official secret police force of Nazi Germany. They are responsible for political-based crimes, removing all dissidents, and quelling any opposition to the Nazi state, as well as uncovering any disloyalty to the Führer in the local population.

Sturmabteilung (SA)[]

Although brutally purged and disempowered by Adolf Hitler in 1934, the SA (often known as the "Brownshirts") are still seen to operate in some capacity within the American Reich. In Season 1, they participate in an SS-led attack on the resistance in New York City .

Ordnungspolizei (Order Police)[]

The Orpo are the regular uniformed police of the American Reich. They are composed of local police departments who are responsible for investigating regular, non-political breaches of the law within the American Reich. Some were regular law enforcement agencies in pre-World War II America that have been absorbed into the new Greater Nazi Reich law enforcement structure. For example, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is still seen to be active in New York throughout the series (with some minor uniform changes). Another example is the Missouri Autobahn Patrol, presumably a reorganized Missouri State Highway Patrol, of which a trooper pulls over Joe Blake in Season 1.

Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police)[]

The Kripo are the criminal investigation department. They are said to have taken control of the investigation into the death of Alice Adler in Season 3.

Public Health Department Police[]

The armed wing of the Greater Nazi Reich Public Health Department, responsible for the state sponsored euthanasia program. Officers are seen towards the end of Season 2, when Thomas Smith voluntarily turns himself in to be killed as a result of his genetic defect.

Sicherheitsdienst (SD)[]

The Sicherheitsdienst is the intelligence agency of the SS, which operates throughout the American Reich and the Greater Nazi Reich. It utilizes agents such as the Origami Man to travel into areas like as the Neutral Zone.

An American specific subdivision of the SD is the American Reich Bureau of Investigation, a reformed version of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which conducts intelligence activities exclusively within Nazi America. It was led by Director J. Edgar Hoover.

Economics and Technology[]

The economy of the American Reich is considerably prosperous, being closely tied to that of the rest of the Reich. The Reichsmark is the official currency, replacing the United States Dollar. Much like the rest of the Greater Nazi Reich, the American Reich is home to considerable technological advancements, including high speed Concorde-like jet aircrafts, high speed train systems, and video telephones.

Notable Locations[]

New York City[]

Nazi America (5)

New York City was the largest city of the former United States, and is the capital of the American Reich. It is home to the headquarters of the SS's American branch, along with the government of the American Reich, which is based in the location of the real-life United Nations Headquarters.

District of Contamination[]

Nazi America (6)

The District of Contamination, also known by its former name Washington, District of Columbia. was the former capital city of the United States. On December 11th, 1945, a Heisenberg Device was dropped on the city by the Nazis, resulting in the surrender of the United States Government. This would clear the way for a German invasion of the United States. The city of Washington D.C is now in ruins, with iconic structures like the Lincoln Memorial and Capitol Building being reduced to rubble. Despite this, some people still reside in the area.


Nazi America (14)

Cincinnati is a city in the American Reich, in the state of Ohio. It was the site of a battle between the American Resistance and Wehrmacht during World War II. John Smith witness part of this battle in a dream, in which his son, Thomas Smith, appeared. He watched on as German troops murdered American Jews. Before the Nazis took over America, Smith used to go fishing in Cincinnati.


Savannah is a city in the American Reich, located in Georgia. Following the death of Adolf Hitler, there was a mass uprising led by the resistance across the American Reich, and a large number of SS soldiers were dispatched to quell the rebellions under the command of Gruppenführer Keller. Keller suggested razing Savannah in order to discourage further insurrectionist activity, a plan that the American-born John Smith was less than enthusiastic about. Immediately before leaving for Berlin, Smith instructed Erich Raeder to cancel plans to destroy the city, saying "I won't burn one of our cities."

New Berlin[]

Nazi America (15)

New Berlin is a city in the American Reich, in the state of Missouri. According to the map, the city replaced St Louis, Missouri. Carl was incarcerated in the New Berlin concentration camp before escaping in 1954.


Miami is a city located in the State of Florida. It was shown on many maps throughout the series, although it was never shown onscreen. It is implied that Miami, along with the rest of South Florida, is almost 100% Aryan. There are non-Hispanic Whites, and a few Japanese living there. Cubans, Haitians, and other non-whites wouldn't have been able to come to South Florida due to the racist laws of the American Reich.


Nazi America (16)

The Map of The American Reich.

Nazi America (17)

Nazi Empire War Plan map

Nazi America (18)

VA Day map

Nazi America (19)

School map

Nazi America (20)

Imperial Japanese Navy map


Nazi America (2024)


Nazi America? ›

During World War II, there were indeed a small number of Americans who fought for the Nazis. While it may seem surprising, their motivations varied and were influenced by a combination of factors.

Did any Americans fight for Germany in WWII? ›

During World War II, there were indeed a small number of Americans who fought for the Nazis. While it may seem surprising, their motivations varied and were influenced by a combination of factors.

What does Nazi mean in US history? ›

Na·​zi ˈnät-sē ˈnat- : a member of a German fascist party controlling Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Would Germany have won WWII if the US didn't enter? ›

Although U.S. involvement greatly contributed to the end of WW2, the assumption that Germany would have won if the U.S. didn't enter is debatable. Germany faced significant challenges, including a multi-front war and food shortages, which may have eventually led to their defeat even without U.S. intervention.

What was Germany's reaction to the Pearl Harbor? ›

In response, Hitler declared war on America on 11 December 1941, for Germany was an ally of Japan. This meant that Hitler had gained another strong opponent. From then on, the United States fought with the Allies against Nazi Germany.

Why didn't the US help Germany in ww2? ›

Isolationists believed that World War II was ultimately a dispute between foreign nations and that the United States had no good reason to get involved. The best policy, they claimed, was for the United States to build up its own defenses and avoid antagonizing either side.

Did USA beat Germany in ww2? ›

Berlin fell to the Soviets in May 1945, and with Adolf Hitler dead, the Germans surrendered. The American victorious military effort was strongly supported by civilians on the home front, who provided the military personnel, the munitions, the money, and the morale to fight the war to victory.

What was Nazi Germany called in Germany? ›

Nazi Germany, officially known as the German Reich and later the Greater German Reich, is a term used to describe the German state between 1933 and 1945, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party controlled the country, transforming it into a totalitarian dictatorship.

Why was it called the Third Reich? ›

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler imagined his dictatorial regime as the historical successor to two great German empires. By claiming for his government the mantle of the Third Reich, Hitler attempted to position himself within the larger context of German and European history.

What do the letters in Nazi stand for? ›

To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population, on the same day as Hitler's Hofbräuhaus speech on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).

What if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor? ›

So even if the Japanese hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor, their imperial ambitions for Southeast Asia would eventually bring them into conflict with Uncle Sam. FDR had already persuaded Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act in March 1941 to ensure military aid was being provided to those fighting the Axis Powers.

Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? ›

While there is no single correct or simple reason for the attack, this lesson should help students realize that Japan's motivation for attacking Pearl Harbor was driven by its political self-interests, its scarcity of economic resources and perceived opportunity costs, and America's embargo policy.

Could Russia have won WWII without the US? ›

In his memoirs, Khrushchev described how Stalin stressed the value of Lend-Lease aid: “He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”

What was Japan's biggest mistake in ww2? ›

In the long term, the attack on Pearl Harbor was a grand strategic blunder for Japan. Indeed, Admiral Yamamoto, who conceived it, predicted even success here could not win a war with the United States, because the American industrial capacity was too large.

What was China's reaction to Pearl Harbor? ›

With the news of Pearl Harbor, a great wave of hope spread over China. The Chinese were sure that, even though the Western nations had failed to see that war with Japan was inevitable, at least they were powerful enough to deal summarily with the Japanese once they were involved.

What did America do to Japan after Pearl Harbor? ›

After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan.

Who did the German army soldiers fear the most? ›

By 1944, they feared US artillery barrages, Partisans, the Soviet Katyusha's rocket launchers, Allied airpower, US Destroyers equipped with sonar, Halifax and B-24 Liberator Submarine Hunters, the Soviet T-34, and the Red Army which was out for massive, horrible, bloody revenge.

What did the Germans think of American soldiers? ›

For the most part, the Germans neither respected nor feared American troops. By the time D-Day was over, all that had changed and the Americans had some battle hardened troops who could and did defeat the Germans even when numbers superiority was not on the American Side.

What did the Germans call Americans in WWII? ›

Americans have been and still are called “Amis” (pronounced “Ummies”). When WWII veterans discussed the war, they typically used the singular with an article: “Der Ami” never attacked before dawn, that we knew for sure.” “Der Russe / Der Iwan” (pronounced “Dare Roossey / Dare Eevan”).

Did any Japanese Americans fight in WWII? ›

While their families were confined, more than 33,000 Japanese Americans played a major role in the war effort.

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