obelus (2024)

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In printing, a symbol (†) used as a reference mark in printed matter, or to indicate that a person is deceased; also called dagger. Obelus is also the name for a mark (– or ÷) used in ancient manuscripts to mark a word or passage as spurious, corrupt, or doubtful.

Recorded from late Middle English, the word comes via Latin from Greek obelos ‘pointed pillar’, also ‘critical mark’.

Reference entries

in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable(2)Length: 69 words


in The Oxford Companion to the BookLength: 70 words


in Encyclopedia of the Middle AgesLength: 180 words

obelus (2024)


Why is the obelus not used? ›

Because it's ambiguous. In some parts of Northern Europe, the same symbol occasionally denoted subtraction. Its use was never particularly widespread in mathematics. It somehow caught on as notation used in teaching arithmetic in English-speaking countries.

What is the obelus symbol in math? ›

In mathematics

The form of the obelus as a horizontal line with a dot above and a dot below, ÷, was first used as a symbol for division by the Swiss mathematician Johann Rahn in his book Teutsche Algebra in 1659. This gave rise to the modern mathematical symbol ÷, used in anglophone countries as a division sign.

What is obelus math dictionary? ›

In math, an obelus is a symbol that means "divided by," while in an ancient text it's an editorial mark on a line or word that is incorrect or doubtful.

What is the solidus symbol in math? ›

The solidus (or slash, slant, shilling mark, or virgule) is a versatile symbol that has mathematical as well as textual functions. Use a solidus to express a quotient in text when you do not need to use a displayed equation. lifetime by the expression 1/t = 1/tB + 2 S/D.

What is the third word in PEMDAS? ›

PEMDAS stands for P- Parentheses, E- Exponents, M- Multiplication, D- Division, A- Addition, and S- Subtraction.

What is the shift 6 symbol called? ›

Caret is the name used familiarly for the character ^ (the circumflex and a circumflex accent) provided on most QWERTY keyboards by typing ⇧ Shift + 6 .

How do you type ➗? ›

In Microsoft Windows, this division sign is produced with Alt+0247 (or 246 with no zero) on the number pad, or by pressing Alt Gr + ⇧ Shift + + when an appropriate keyboard layout is in use. In classic Mac OS and macOS, it is produced with ⌥ Option + / .

What is the ⊙ symbol in math? ›

Hadamard Product

This circle-dot symbol can mean a few different things, depending on context. Typically in machine learning literature, it refers to the Hadamard product (component-wise multiplication for matrices).

What does ⨂ mean in math? ›

⨂ is the Kronecker product of two matrices. In this post I used the Kronecker product to understand the model matrices in mixed effects models. A∗=AH=ˉAT is the Hermitian or conjugate transpose of a matrix A.

Who invented algebra? ›

Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi: The Father of Algebra | Lowell Milken Center.

What does (;) mean in math? ›

A semicolon represented by ';' usually separates parameters and variables from one another. Parameters are defined in functions, for example, f (x1, x2, x3 ; y1, y2, y3) = x1 + x2 - x3 * y1 / y2 + y3. A semicolon may also be used to separate algebraic expressions, like ax + by = 5m; cx + dy = 6n.

What does the sideways 8 mean in algebra? ›

The infinity symbol, a figure eight on its side, variously signifies the concept of limitlessness or eternity, especially as used notationally in mathematics and metaphorically with respect to love.

What is the symbol for ∇ in math? ›

The nabla is used in vector calculus as part of three distinct differential operators: the gradient (∇), the divergence (∇⋅), and the curl (∇×). The last of these uses the cross product and thus makes sense only in three dimensions; the first two are fully general.

What does ∥ mean in geometry? ›

The symbol for parallel is ∥. The symbol for angle is ∠. The symbol for perpendicular is ⊥. The symbol for congruent is ≅.

What does this symbol mean ∉? ›

The not-element-of symbol looks like the element-of symbol except that a forward slash runs through it (∉). The not-element-of symbol is read as "is not an element of," "is not a member of," "is not in" or "does not belong to." For example, the following expression indicates that 7 is not an element of set A: 7 ∉ A.

What symbol is not used to show multiplication? ›

Use the multiplication sign (×), not the letter x, to indicate the mathematical operation.

Is the division symbol outdated? ›

In mathematics

The ISO 80000-2 standard for mathematical notation recommends only the solidus / or "fraction bar" for division, or the "colon" : for ratios; it says that the ÷ sign "should not be used" for division.

What does the obelus tattoo mean? ›

The dagger symbol originated from a variant of the obelus, originally depicted by a plain line − or a line with one or two dots ÷. It represented an iron roasting spit, a dart, or the sharp end of a javelin, symbolizing the skewering or cutting out of dubious matter.

When was obelus first used? ›

The obelus (÷) was first used as a division symbol by Johann Rahn (or Rhonius) (1622-1676) in 1659 in Teutsche Algebra (Cajori vol. 2, page 211).

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