Packing List for Mexico | Vallarta Adventures (2024)

With all your travel planning, from booking flights and accommodations to choosing your tours and daily itineraries, sometimes the hardest part of preparing for an international trip is deciding what to pack. Bring too much, and you’ll be lugging stuffed suitcases through the airport and won’t have room for souvenirs; forget something essential, unavailable, or expensive at your destination, and you’ll be out of luck.

Travelers headed to Puerto Vallarta may wonder about what to pack for Mexico, as well as what to wear in Mexico and its unique climate. To help you out, we’ve put together this packing list for Mexico: the essential must-haves to bring so you can get the most out of your trip to Puerto Vallarta.

Sunscreen and Bug Spray

Packing List for Mexico | Vallarta Adventures (1)

Sure, you can buy these in Mexico, but they’ll be cheaper at home, and you don’t want to search out the nearest drug store after you’ve just arrived and are longing to hit the sandy beach or hotel infinity pool. Make sure you buy brands that are biodegradable. Some ingredients in sunscreen and bug spray are toxic to marine life, so choosing biodegradable options helps protect the local environment. Plus, some snorkeling and sea adventure tours only allow biodegradable sunscreen.

Bathing Suit and Cover-Up

OK, a swimming suit is an obvious choice for your packing list for Mexico, especially Puerto Vallarta. If you plan to spend plenty of time in the water, you might want at least two or three so you can have one drying out or in the wash and one to wear the next day. A cover-up is a must-have too—bathing suits are fine around the resort or beach, but it’s nice to have something comfortable to cover up with so you can stroll from the sand to the city streets or head to a restaurant. Men can easily transition from beach to shore with a classy T-shirt.

Shirts and Tank Tops

Packing List for Mexico | Vallarta Adventures (2)

Puerto Vallarta is warm and humid, so come prepared—pack T-shirts and plenty of tank tops to stay comfortable on outdoor adventures on land and during shopping and strolls. Pack a few nicer shirts for dinner, and more casual shirts than you think you’ll need so you can change if you get sweaty. If you’re planning a sunset sail or late dinner, a sweater will be nice, especially in the winter months.

Skirts and Shorts

If you’re wondering what else to wear in Mexico, pack some shorts and skirts so you can stay cool and comfortable and feel classy. If you’re a woman, shorts and skirts are simple to pair with your swimming suit and a cover-up. And if you’re headed into town to party, pack an outfit or two fit for the club, keeping in mind that dancing in a crowd combined with the humidity will make you grateful for something cool to wear.

Water Shoes

Packing List for Mexico | Vallarta Adventures (3)

It´s highly advisable to bring a pair of water shoes if your feet are sensitive. Sometimes you may find irregular rocky formations, branches, and sticks along through the coasts. So to avoid any possible pinch and enjoy the warm waters of Puerto Vallarta, don´t forget to bring them.

Medications and First Aid

Speaking of staying healthy, don’t forget your prescription medications. It will help to pack along some over-the-counter medicines as well, such as a pain reliever, antacid, and dramamine to fight stomach issues and motion sickness. You can find these and more in Mexico, but it’s helpful to have some ready to go in your bag. Bring along some bandages and moleskin for minor scrapes and blisters.

Waterproof Day Bag

Packing List for Mexico | Vallarta Adventures (4)

For day trips out on a yacht or snorkeling adventure, an afternoon at the beach, or even just lounging at the resort, you’ll need a reliable bag to tote along with you. Pick one that’s waterproof, so if it gets splashed in the boat while you’re snorkeling it’s not a big deal. Depending on your adventure for the day, you’ll want to pack along water, snacks, a towel, swimsuit cover-up, and extra cash.

Coin Purse

In Mexico, many vendors take only cash. It helps to have an extra small purse or pouch that you keep stocked with small coins and bills as you go out and about. Some tourists in Mexico prefer to keep their cash and other valuables in a pouch around their necks and under their shirts to protect it from pickpockets.

These essentials will help you get your packing list for Mexico started. If you’re worried about forgetting something, remember that Puerto Vallarta isn’t a fishing village in the jungle; it’s a world-class destination that hosts thousands of international guests. Chances are, you can find what you need.

See our blog for more Puerto Vallarta travel tips. To explore more of Puerto Vallarta, check out the tours Vallarta Adventures has to offer.

Packing List for Mexico | Vallarta Adventures (2024)


How to pack for 7 days in Mexico? ›

Mexico Packing List
  1. Travel Backpack. You don't need to travel with just a daypack like I did, but it is much easier to navigate Mexico without dragging a suitcase behind you. ...
  2. Shorts or Skirt. ...
  3. Shoes: Sandals and Sneakers. ...
  4. Tank Tops or T-Shirts. ...
  5. Bathing Suit. ...
  6. Bug Spray and Sunscreen. ...
  7. Medications. ...
  8. Sarong or Quick-Dry Towel.
Sep 2, 2023

What not to bring to Cancun? ›

You are not allowed to bring food, fruits and/or products that are not "company" packed and sealed. And if you are bringing food or products they are allowed only if you need them because of a special diet or for medical reasons. The same rule applies to medicine.

What to pack for a week trip to Puerto Vallarta? ›

Puerto Vallarta is warm and humid, so come prepared—pack T-shirts and plenty of tank tops to stay comfortable on outdoor adventures on land and during shopping and strolls. Pack a few nicer shirts for dinner, and more casual shirts than you think you'll need so you can change if you get sweaty.

Should I pack jeans for Mexico? ›

Mexican style includes everything from traditional dresses to fashionable jeans and stylish tops. Most Mexicans dress more modestly, including wearing jeans and pants even in the warmest months. Packing dresses, lightweight long pants, and capris will help you blend in more, especially outside of coastal areas.

How many outfits do I need for a 7 day trip? ›

Do the clothing countdown: If you need a mantra to help streamline your wardrobe, use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for a weeklong trip: Limit yourself to no more than five sets of socks and underwear, four tops, three bottoms, two pairs of shoes and one hat.

How much money do I need for 7 days in Mexico? ›

For budget travelers, you can expect to spend around $30 to $50 per day in Mexico, including accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. For mid-range travelers, you can expect to spend around $80 to $150 per day, depending on your preferences and activities.

What not to wear when traveling to Mexico? ›

You may want to avoid wearing shorts in these places, and cleavage revealing tops or tank tops. In order to avoid attracting unnecessary attention on your vacation, you can wear long skirts made of lighter material, light-weight pants or jeans, and tops that are not very revealing.

Can I bring ibuprofen to Mexico? ›

Passengers traveling with medications for personal use will be authorized to enter Mexican territory only if they have a medical prescription or a letter from their doctor that mentions the amount of substance necessary for the patient during their trip to Mexico, the amount that the patient will take to Mexico and the ...

What foods to avoid when traveling to Mexico? ›

Avoid fresh salsas, condiments, and other sauces made from raw fruits or vegetables. Avoid eating raw meat or seafood, including items “cooked” with citrus juice, vinegar, or other acidic liquid (such as ceviche).

Do I need bug spray in Puerto Vallarta? ›

Mosquito bites can, however, cause great discomfort, just as sunburn, and the two combined can ruin an otherwise splendid vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Our advice is to avoid both. According to what we have discovered, apply sunscreen first and then spray repellent to afford excellent protection.

How to dress in Puerto Vallarta? ›

Shorts and skirts: Shorts and skirts are perfect for the warm weather in Puerto Vallarta. Sandals and flip-flops: The weather is perfect for sandals and flip-flops, so make sure to pack a few pairs. Swimwear: The weather is hot, so it's a great time to hit the beach and take a dip in the ocean.

How much should I pack for a 7 day vacation? ›

Using a carry-on is more convenient and limits your space to squeeze in unnecessary extras. Follow the 5-4-3-2-1 rule. For a week-long trip, pack up to five tops, four bottoms, three accessories, two pairs of shoes, and one swimsuit. Lay out what you think you'll need, then edit.

What to wear on a plane to Mexico? ›

Wear lots of layers!!!

I like to wear clothes with lots of layers so that I can easily adjust what I'm wearing if it's hot or cold. I usually wear both a scarf and jacket to the airport with a light T-shirt or dress underneath, so that I can take both of them off once I arrive.

What shoes should I bring to Mexico? ›

If hiking through nature or up pyramids, sneakers and hiking boots are a must. You may also want to bring at least one pair of closed-toed dress shoes for going out to more upscale restaurants and clubs, particularly if you plan on spending time in a city.

Should you roll or fold jeans in suitcase? ›

By combining folding, rolling and using packing cubes, you get the best of all worlds. Folding button-downs, jeans, formal dresses and dress pants allows you to prevent wrinkles. Rolling the rest of your clothes helps you make the most of the gaps in your suitcase that folding can leave.

How much peso should I bring to Mexico for a week? ›

If you are extremely budget conscious, you might be able to get by on 2,500 to 3,000 pesos (not including lodging expenses). On the other hand, one could easily spend 15,000 or more. It depends on where you eat, what you drink and the activities you enjoy.

What medication should I bring to Mexico? ›

Over-the-counter medicines
  • Diarrhea medicine (Imodium or Pepto-Bismol)
  • Antacid.
  • Antihistamine.
  • Motion sickness medicine.
  • Cough drops, cough suppressant, or expectorant.
  • Decongestant.
  • Pain and fever medicine (acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen)
  • Mild laxative.

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