Religion and Shaving - A Guide – Executive Shaving (2024)

Some faiths require the removal of body and facial hair whilst others do not.

Hair removal may be mandatory in some religions for instance on reaching a certain age or at the death of a relative or spouse, whilst removal of hair is forbidden within others.


Throughout the Islamic world, hair removal is considered in the context of religious law. Amongst Muslims, hair removal is part of an impulse towards general purity and cleanliness and includes the trimming of nails and the removing of armpit and pubic hair. Both men and women should remove armpit and pubic hair at least every forty days. A beard is desirable for Muslim men and women can remove 'unnatural' facial hair but should not reshape eyebrows for reasons of vanity.

The Hanafi branch of Islam, which includes the Sunni Turks, demands that every part of the body - every part! - be free from hair. Therefore, at each hamam visit, women waxed their body with waxes madeof sugar and various herbs.

Men preferred razor blades and hair-removing ointments.

During the Ottoman period, removing body hair was more important to Moslem men and women than it is in the modern world.

Hinduism and India

In India, head shaving is practised by many Hindus and seems to have more ritual significance than any other kind of hair removal.

Chudakarana Samskara: Head Shaving

Both Hindu boys and girls undergo a ritual at about four years old in which they have their heads shaved. Hair is seen as an adornment so by shaving the head, the child confronts his or her bare ego. It teaches humbleness and devotion. Children with shaved heads are seen as innocent and holy and are treated with great respect.

Shaving the head can also be seen as an act of humility for adults. For example, at the Kumbha Mela the first ritual observed by most pilgrims is the mundana ceremony, the shaving of the head. Hair is considered the symbol of vanity, and in order to receive the full benefits of a pilgrimage to a holy place, one must first give up vanity. Thus, the pilgrims believe that the hair should be shaven from the head in a gesture of surrender and humility.

Hindu men have their heads shaven only when somebody elderly dies in the house and women were shaven headed only when they are widows and not otherwise.


The Sikh religion forbids cutting or shaving any bodily hair. Orthodox Sikhs always carry a dagger with them, lest someone try to force them to do something against their religion. The dagger is considered one of the five "outer badges." The others are wearing hair and beard unshorn; wearing a turban; wearing knee-length pants; and wearing a steel bracelet on the right wrist."

Sikhs seem to have reacted against shaving and depilation, possibly because of its association with the Hindu caste system. This has led to what one writer calls an "anti-depilatory taboo" as a reaction to certain rites of renunciation or sannyasa that were prevalent throughout the Punjab (and indeed the rest of India) at that time. In the initiation rites undertaken by the Hindu sannyasi, he would, having found a Guru or spiritual teacher, have his beard, moustache, and head entirely shaved.


There is a head shaving ritual for boys in Burma, somewhat like the Hindu version.

Thai Buddhists have a head shaving ritual for purification of the newborn.

Head shaving is part of the process of becoming a Buddhist monk. The Head Shaving Ceremony is about renunciation from common mundane life and all its illusory pleasures. By renouncing not only one's old sense-desire based lifestyle but also all attachments, one enters into a monastic lifestyle aimed at the attainment of Buddhahood. The Buddha also renounced his home-life at a young age by leaving his palace and cutting off his long hair.

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Religion and Shaving - A Guide – Executive Shaving (2024)


What religion doesn t allow you to show your shaved head? ›

Religions such as Orthodox Judaism, Rastafarianism, and Sikhism all prohibit haircuts, the removal of facial hair, or a combination of the two due to beliefs that hair is sacred or a gift from God.

What is the Islamic ruling on shaving? ›

Muslim men and women are required by the Sunnah to shave their pubic hair and axillae. Also, Muslim men are not supposed to shave their beards, but are encouraged to shave their moustaches, according to the Sunnah.

Can we shave your private parts while fasting? ›

Summary of answer. There is nothing wrong with cutting nails or shaving the pubic hair while fasting.

Are Muslims allowed to shave their beard? ›

Many Muslim scholars now do not see the beard as an obligation and do shave their beards. Muslims learn about the Prophet's views on facial hair not from the Koran, but through hadith - or sayings - attributed to Muhammad.

What christianity is it where you don t cut your hair? ›

A: Apostolic Pentecostals are the strictest of all the Pentecostal groups, according to Synan. Like most Pentecostals, they do not use alcohol or tobacco. They generally don't watch TV or movies either. Women who are Apostolic Pentecostals also wear long dresses, and they don't cut their hair or wear makeup.

Why can't Jews shave with a razor? ›

Judaism prohibits shaving with a razor on the basis of a rabbinic interpretation of Leviticus 19:27, which states, "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard." The Mishnah interprets this as a prohibition on using a razor on the beard.

Do Muslims have to shave their private parts? ›

The religious etiquettes of Islam specify that removal of pubic hair should be initiated at menarche, and done at least once every 40 days [13, 20].

Can my wife shave my pubes in Islam? ›

Pubic Hair & Shaving for Women

As per the article's opening hadith, it is advised for Muslim men and women to remove pubic hair and armpit hair as a way to remain clean.

When should you not shave down there? ›

If there is an infection

Whether is a yeast infection, bacterial vaginitis, or something else, you must avoid shaving down there. Shaving can spread the infection. In fact, you need to notify your doctor about the same.

Is it Haram to shave your legs? ›

In our opinion, the original ruling of shaving leg hair for both men and women is permissible. The reason for this is that there is no commandment to shave it nor is there a prohibition to keep it.

What country is not allowed to have a beard? ›

Tajikistan. Beards are discouraged by the government for most men in Tajikistan in a stated effort to battle radicalism. Only clean-shaven men can apply for a passport. Beards are often forcibly shaved off by police officers.

Why do Muslims wear caps? ›

It is often worn for cultural or religious purposes; for example, some Muslims believe that the Islamic prophet Muhammad used to keep his head covered, therefore making it mustahabb (i.e., it is commendable to cover the head in order to emulate him).

How much pubic hair to remove in Islam? ›

It is mustahabb to remove the hair from the front and back, indeed it is more important to remove the hair from the back, lest any faeces get stuck to it and cannot be removed by cleaning it with water or with stones, tissues, etc. Depilatory agents (waxing, sugaring, etc.)

Do you have to shave your bum hair in Islam? ›

This is not part of the Sunan al-Fitrah, but if there are too many hairs then they should be removed, so that they do not get contaminated with any impurity when using the toilet.

What's the best way to shave pubic hair for guys? ›

The key to shaving pubes is to use short strokes with gentle pressure. You can shave in any direction that feels comfortable, but shaving “with the grain” will help to avoid excess shaving irritation. Clean the blade in water every 2-3 strokes to keep your hair from blocking the blades.

Why did Jesus not cut his hair? ›

Early Christians might have favored the long-haired Jesus because they identified that hairstyle with water gods. There have also been suggestions that early portraitists confused Jesus of Nazareth with the religious order of the Nazirites, who vowed not to cut their hair.

Does the Bible say uncut hair? ›

Paul's expectation was that women would have uncut hair that grows however long nature has determined, and that men would have cut hair that did not 'cover' their heads and thus is distinctly masculine.”

Does the Bible say about hair loss? ›

Biblical accounts of hair loss

The second mention of hair loss lies in Leviticus 13:40-41, which proclaims that “a man has lost his hair and he is bald, he is clean.

What culture is not allowed to shave? ›

Sikhs. The Sikh religion forbids cutting or shaving any bodily hair.

What does a beard symbolize in the Bible? ›

Although beards appear repeatedly in religious texts, God never explicitly tells us why they're so holy. In the absence of any divine exposition, many theologians have posited that a hairy face is a symbol of masculinity bestowed upon men by God.

What religions must have beards? ›

“Sikhs are allowed to wear beards and turbans because it actually is a religious requirement of their faith that they do so. Kesh, or 'uncut hair' is one of the five religious requirements of baptized Sikhs.

How often should a woman shave her pubic hair? ›

To keep the pubic area smooth and hairless, you'll need to shave regularly, even daily. Consider if this is worth the trouble; it may become tedious after four or five weeks.

What happens if you never shave your pubic hair? ›

You're Less Likely To Get Rashes

If you don't shave, those things aren't really a possibility anymore, leaving you and your lady parts in peace. Indeed, Dweck listed infected hair follicles (folliculitis), rashes, and irritation (razor burn) as some of the most common issues she sees from patients who shave.

Why do men shave their pubic hair? ›

There's no need to feel self-conscious about why you do it, either: men trim the hedges for numerous reasons, from cleaning up before sex to keeping it neat and tidy so that hair doesn't stick out of clothes. But don't feel like you need to groom at all. Pubic hair maintenance is totally up to you.

Can you wax pubic hair in Islam? ›

So, if waxing the private parts is done by anyone other than the lawfully married partner, it shall be definitely considered as sinful and therefore haram; so never even contemplate such an activity. All safe methods to remove unwanted hair from the body are permissible in Islam.

Do you have to remove pubic hair after period in Islam? ›

Removing the pubic hair, whether by plucking, using a depilatory agent, shaving or cutting, is one of the actions dictated by the fitrah and encouraged by Islam, but it is not restricted to or required at the end of every period.

Can we remove leg hair in Islam? ›

As for parts of the body that are not mentioned directly in the Quran or Sunnah, the majority of the scholars say that it is permissible for both men and women to decide whether to leave alone or remove this hair from places like the legs or the arms.

Do most girls shave down there? ›

About 75 percent of women stick to removing hair from the front and the bikini line. More than 60 percent of babes have gone completely bare. Men are grooming too, with about 50 percent reporting regular manscaping, according to a recent study.

What percent of females shave their pubic hair? ›

Pubic Hair Trends

According to the researchers, when asked if they removed their pubic hair, 80% of women and 39% of men removed their pubic hair near the time of the survey. Also, 3% of women and 21% of men had never removed their pubic hair.

At what age does pubic hair stop growing? ›

Pubic hair may extend out to their thighs, and some girls may have a line of hair up to their belly button. Most girls attain their peak height by age 16, but some may continue growing through age 20.

Is it haram to wax? ›

It is haram to remove, and here it applies to the waxing of eyebrows, and it is seen as a great sin. It is also not permitted to do for someone else to do this – as changing someone's appearance is not allowed.

Can we cut pubic hair with scissors in Islam? ›

It's permissible to cut the hair of the backside but not necessary. However, if the hair becomes too much and there is a risk of stool clinging onto it then it's a must. Only Allah knows best.

How do you get rid of public hair? ›

Removing pubic hair at home
  1. Shaving. Shaving is the quick and easy option for pubic hair removal, and it should be painless. ...
  2. Waxing. While shaving is quickest and easiest for everyday, if you're looking for a longer-lasting finish before a holiday, you can buy bikini wax strips. ...
  3. Tweezing. ...
  4. Electrolysis. ...
  5. Laser hair removal.
Sep 1, 2022

What religion in America has beards? ›

Amish, also called Amish Mennonite, member of a Christian group in North America, primarily the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church.

Why can't US soldiers have beards? ›

Excluding limited exemptions for religious accommodation, the United States Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps have policies that prohibit beards on the basis of hygiene and the necessity of a good seal for chemical weapon protective masks.

Why are there no beards in Russia? ›

In 1698, Tsar Peter I of Russia instituted a beard tax as part of an effort to bring Russian society in line with Western European models. To enforce the ban on beards, the tsar empowered police to forcibly and publicly shave those who refused to pay the tax.

Why do Muslims wear a hood? ›

For Islamic women who choose to wear the hijab it allows them to retain their modesty, morals and freedom of choice. They choose to cover because they believe it is liberating and allows them to avoid harassment.

What religion covers their hair? ›

Most Hindu, Muslim and Sikh women cover their heads outside the home.

What religion do girls wear caps? ›

A kapp (/kɒp/, Pennsylvania German from German Kappe meaning cap, cover, hood) is a Christian headcovering worn by many women of certain Anabaptist Christian denominations (especially among Mennonites, Amish, Schwarzenau Brethren and River Brethren of the Old Order Anabaptist and Conservative Anabaptist traditions), as ...

What religions don't show their hair? ›

Among women, wearing a head covering outside the home is a common practice among Muslims (89%), Sikhs (86%) and Hindus (59%).

What religion shaves their head? ›

It's an important custom in Hinduism, as the ritual of shaving one's head allows you to be closer to God, demonstrating a total submission, whereby all of your arrogance and vanity has been removed. The final ceremonial haircut takes place when a family member dies.

What religions do you shave your head? ›

In Buddhism, tonsure is a part of the rite of becoming a monk. This involves shaving the head and face.

Why is shaving not allowed in Islam? ›

For others, the hadith is religious law and shaving the beard is seen as haram. According to Sheikh Ibn Taymiyah, those who imitate the kuffar on the outside- even by shaving the beard- will begin to imitate their bad deeds, habits, and beliefs, thus leading them on a slippery slope of non-belief.

What are the religious reasons for covering hair? ›

The commonality in most religions is that head coverings are viewed as a sign of modesty, and/or embody both religious customs and practical purposes.

What religions require men to cover their hair? ›

both Islam and Hinduism. For religious reasons, practicing Sikhs do not cut their hair. Sikh men wrap their long hair with a turban called a pagri (see photo a), a practice that typically takes 10- 15 minutes.

Can Christians cover their hair? ›

To be covered he then only forbids, when a man is praying; but the wearing of long hair he discourages at all times. John Chrysostom held that to be disobedient to the Christian teaching on veiling was harmful and sinful: "… the business of whether to cover one's head was legislated by nature (see 1 Cor 11:14–15).

What does shaving hair symbolize? ›

More commonly, shaven heads have been associated with trauma, brutality and the loss of individuality or strength. In biblical legend, Samson was deprived of his incredible power and killed when his hair was cut off while he was asleep. In ancient Greece shaved heads were a mark of the slave.

Why are Romans clean shaven? ›

Grooming was fundamental for the creation of a Roman. Hair was cut and combed – it is one of the main features of statues of famous emperors. Like cleanliness obtained by going to the baths, grooming created by a barber was an essential element in what it was to be a Roman.

Why do Catholics shave their head? ›

Tonsure (/ˈtɒnʃər/) is the practice of cutting or shaving some or all of the hair on the scalp as a sign of religious devotion or humility. The term originates from the Latin word tonsura (meaning "clipping" or "shearing") and referred to a specific practice in medieval Catholicism, abandoned by papal order in 1972.

What religions require facial hair? ›

Some religions (such as some sects of Islam, and Sikhism) have considered a full beard to be essential and mandate it as part of their observance.

Is it a sin for a woman to shave her legs in Islam? ›

In our opinion, the original ruling of shaving leg hair for both men and women is permissible. The reason for this is that there is no commandment to shave it nor is there a prohibition to keep it.

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