Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (2024)

Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, and also serves as its supreme leader.
She is well-versed in the art of war, is good at strategizing, and has keen insights into military affairs. She is also adept at handling domestic affairs, diplomacy, and other matters.
Still, this unfathomable leader has a mysterious side to her...

—Description from the Official Website[1]


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Official Introduction
  • 4 Character Stories
    • 4.1 Character Details
    • 4.2 Character Story 1
    • 4.3 Character Story 2
    • 4.4 Character Story 3
    • 4.5 Character Story 4
    • 4.6 Character Story 5
    • 4.7 Secret Notes
    • 4.8 Vision
  • 5 Namecard
  • 6 Constellation
  • 7 Quests and Events
    • 7.1 Archon Quests
    • 7.2 Story Quests
    • 7.3 Events
    • 7.4 Web Events
  • 8 Character Trials
    • 8.1 Quests
    • 8.2 Events
    • 8.3 Test Run Events
  • 9 Character Mentions
    • 9.1 Character Stories
    • 9.2 Character Voice-Overs
  • 10 Mail
  • 11 Trivia
    • 11.1 Etymology
  • 12 Other Languages
    • 12.1 Character Title: Pearl of Wisdom
  • 13 References
  • 14 Navigation


The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island. All of the island's affairs are at this young lady's fingertips.

—In-game character attributes and profile page text

As the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, Kokomi handles almost all of the affairs on the island herself. While she is not content with such a burden, having preferred to be a military advisor, she nonetheless takes the mantle to give her people the hope and happiness they deserve. Like Jean, Kokomi easily burns herself out completing her tasks and tries to keep it hidden from others to avoid worrying them.

Along with handling all sorts of affairs, Kokomi is a skilled strategist that thinks of all potential scenarios and how to handle them as a result of reading plenty of military books, although she also enjoys casual reading. Kujou Sara remarks that her planning prevented the Tenryou Commission from claiming full victory over the Watatsumi Army. She continues this habit even outside of military affairs. As a result of the role she plays, she is universally beloved by her people.


Kokomi uses the medium female model. She has long, pale salmon pink hair and light indigo eyes with no pupil and a large white highlight at the top of her iris.

Official Introduction

Her Excellency, Sangonomiya, is an astute strategist. She can accurately predict enemy movements from thousands of miles of way. When we fought against the Shogun's army, what we lacked in manpower and weaponry, we more than made up for with Her Excellency's tactical prowess. Were it not for Her Excellency, not a single one of Watatsumi Island's victories would have been possible.

The Divine Priestess and supreme leader of Watatsumi Island [sic]

Many believe Sangonomiya Kokomi to be an enigmatic, shrewd leader. However, she always has a quiet smile on her face, and while she gets things done in an orderly fashion, she will sometimes do so over laughter and light conversation.

Having read many military treatises from all over Teyvat since she was a child, Kokomi has a talent for strategy and is capable of outwitting opponents through clever stratagems. Although Watatsumi Island lacks manpower and materiel, its people have managed to turn the tide of battle many times thanks to Kokomi's tactical prowess. Whether in battle, trade, diplomacy, or internal affairs, Kokomi will do her best. Her achievements have won her the respect of Watatsumi Island's various factions.

"Never fear, Her Excellency Sangonomiya is here," has become a popular saying amongst the people of Watatsumi Island.

However, few people know that Kokomi's biggest aspiration has always been to merely be an adviser behind the scenes. Socializing with others is in fact a most tiring task for her. Her hands shake every time she gives a speech, and she entertains thoughts of retreating into herself every time work starts piling up. She enjoys herself most while holed up at home after finishing her work, face buried in her military strategy books.

To reach a lofty post at such a young age is considered a great achievement, but for Kokomi, the higher up one is on the mountain, the more treacherous the path.

The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island.
All of the island's affairs are at this young lady's fingertips.

The desire to protect Watatsumi Island lives on in the bloodline of the Sangonomiya Clan. The current heir to this bloodline is known as the Divine Priestess. The meaning behind this is as such: to inherit the will of a god in a mortal's body, and to defend this land and its people in that god's stead.

Character Stories

Character Details

The inhabitants of Watatsumi Island once lived in Enkanomiya, at the bottom of the sea.

It was only by the grace of the god Orobaxi bringing them up to the surface that the civilization of Watatsumi Island exists today.

When Orobaxi was slain by the Electro Archon, its body was left as a skeleton and its resentment permeated the land, giving rise to Tatarigami.

Yet its desire to protect Watatsumi Island never faded. This will lives on in the bloodline of the Sangonomiya Clan, and follows them from generation to generation.

The current heir to this bloodline is known as the Divine Priestess.

The meaning behind this is as such: to inherit the will of a god in a mortal's body, and to defend this land and its people in that god's stead.

Character Story 1

Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (1) Friendship Lv. 2

The day Kokomi ascended to the role of Divine Priestess, countless inhabitants of Watatsumi Island came to Sangonomiya Shrine of their own accord to see her.

Surprise, suspicion, confusion, chuckles... Their expressions were strange, all on account of her overly-young appearance in their eyes.

Plots were hatched and questions were endless. The ambitious planned to make their move. The storm was approaching, and all was not at peace on Watatsumi Island.

Yet all went back to business as usual not long after Kokomi ascended to her position.

She was fair in distributing rewards and punishments alike, appreciated the contributions of the people, and was militarily skilled. Her many abilities quickly won the hearts of most of the people.

"Things will be alright as long as Her Excellency is here" soon became the most widespread saying on the island.

Character Story 2

Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (2) Friendship Lv. 3

There are many factors involved in deciding victory or defeat.

Terrain, weather, differences in military strength and equipment quality... All of these require careful consideration.

Those who study the details too closely tend to miss changes on the field, and most who speak of strategy speak of it in a vacuum.

Only those who can grasp both the big picture and the small details can create miracles on the battlefield.

And behind all this lies countless hours of hard work delving into the reasons behind one's failures.

Few if any ever persevere to the end, but Kokomi was not only good at this but also possessed a unique tactical style.

"Manipulate the larger strategic situation to force the other side to give up, and to win wars with the least amount of cost possible."

Character Story 3

Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (3) Friendship Lv. 4

Whether on the battlefield or off it, Kokomi tries to "know thy enemy" as much as possible.

She tends to predict all possible scenarios beforehand and devise strategies to address them, which are then delivered as directives to those who enforce her will.

This has given rise to the issue of some of these directives being rather thick and heavy, but this method has guaranteed the stable development of Watatsumi Island.

Today, Watatsumi Island moves each day towards greater prosperity, and as more talented people have been appointed to office, the directives that Kokomi has to deliver have decreased.

As far as she is concerned, that is something worth celebrating.

Character Story 4

Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (4) Friendship Lv. 5

When Kokomi has the time to spare, she will go on walks on Watatsumi Island alone.

She often tries to avoid crowds, pacing slowly through the violet forests, sometimes sitting by the seaside and looking out into the distance.

The sun and the moon rise over the sea, the stars shine in their skies, and the sound of the waves is pleasing to the ear, relaxing the soul.

Sometimes she will even place a seashell on her head, only to put it back where she found it when she leaves.

In her mind, perhaps some wandering crab will burrow its way inside and call this shell home.

Sometimes, Kokomi will also go diving, enjoying the calm atmosphere by herself, her worries sinking into the ocean depths as schools of fish swim all around her.

Kokomi treasures every sight there is to be seen on Watatsumi Island, and she remembers the name of every person.

Sadly, while scenery remains, people's hearts are complex and changeable.

Victory is simple enough to attain compared to the mammoth task of making sure that everyone lives happily.

This dilemma has always troubled her.

Character Story 5

Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (5) Friendship Lv. 6

Kokomi has been well-read since she was young, and has a particular love for military treatises.

As such, Kokomi has a broad store of knowledge to be used in every field.

But another result of her constantly being buried in such treatises of war and illustrated military texts is that Kokomi lacks skill in social interaction. She does not know when it started, but interacting with people eventually became tiresome to her.

Having ascended to the role of Divine Priestess, Kokomi had no choice but to learn many things that she wasn't any good at before, whether it was dealing with people or performing duties that she had little interest in.

However, forcing herself to do things she holds little love for is a serious drain on her energy reserves, leaving her feeling quite exhausted.

As such, Kokomi set up an "energy" system of measurement for herself. When she does things she enjoys, her energy levels will increase, and the reverse is true when she trudges through unenjoyable slogs.

When she runs out of this energy, Kokomi will temporarily put her duties as the Divine Priestess aside and resume being an ordinary homebody.

Engrossing herself in the close reading of a book on military strategy, walling herself off from the rest of the world — thus does Kokomi reclaim a temporary respite from her busy existence.

These moments are of utmost value to her.

Secret Notes

Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (6) Friendship Lv. 4Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (7) Warriors' Dreams Like Spring Grass Renewing

"As the ruler is, so shall the people be."

This precept was something Kokomi heard from her mother a long time ago.

The Divine Priestess' role is one of utmost importance to Watatsumi Island, and its people's eyes are always upon her every move.

The things she loves will be in fashion, and the things she dislikes, the people will also distance themselves from.

Kokomi, in truth, has no wish to affect the people's lives, and as such has rarely ever revealed much of her personal likes or dislikes.

She treats all things with an egalitarian manner, and holds "fairness of judgment" and "justice in dispensing rewards and punishment" to be her guiding principles.

However, these are not necessarily her true feelings, and so she prepared a book of secret notes for herself.

Here, she records the fluctuations in both her energy levels and mood.

When the night deepens and the world falls silent, Kokomi will open this book and write the day's experiences, whether they be joyous, sad, or frustrating.

...Of course, this object is for her eyes only — and so it must remain.


Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (8) Friendship Lv. 6

A leader with a strong will can lead those around them in a clear direction.

However, Kokomi lacks such strong ideals. Instead, she respects the will of the people and wishes that they can each find their own way.

Just as the vast ocean can accommodate countless souls and their individual desires, so does Kokomi wish her rule could be.

When the Vision Hunt Decree came about, the resentment of the people turned into cries of revolt, and so Kokomi led them in raising the banner of resistance.

And once the war was over, the hearts of the people turned towards peace and stability, and so did Kokomi direct her energies towards governance and economics.

But what was the source of this toil? Was this the role of the Divine Priestess speaking? Or was this a product of her own sense of duty? Or perhaps... it was a bit of both?

As the Divine Priestess, Kokomi naturally has her own Vision. And ever since the day she looked out at the sea outside Sangonomiya Shrine, her wish has never once changed—

"I wish to protect all of Watatsumi Island and allow its people to lead happy lives."


Sangonomiya Kokomi: The Deep
Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (9)Obtain:
Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sangonomiya KokomiDescription:
All Watatsumi islanders know this tale: that deep beneath the waves lies their former home.


Dracaena Somnolenta
Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (10)Story Chapter:
Dracaena SomnolentaMeaning:
Sleeping Dragoness

Quests and Events

Archon Quests

Story Quests


Web Events

Character Trials



Test Run Events

Character Mentions

Character Stories

As "a great shrine maiden of a different faith":

Character Voice-Overs




  • Kokomi is the first character to have a negative CRIT Rate by default. As such, she cannot deal CRIT DMG without artifacts to bring this value to positive.
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi is known by these aliases or titles:
    • Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island
    • Her Excellency
    • Sole of the Deep (pen name)
  • Kokomi can be seen reading one of the volumes of the Inazuman book collection A Legend of Sword during one of her idle animations. It also seems from one of her voice lines that she is a big fan of the series.[2]
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi is mentioned in the descriptions of the following 3 Furnishings:


  • Sangonomiya Kokomi, like other Inazuman characters with their full names listed, is arranged in the traditional Japanese order of surname listed before given name. Sangonomiya (Japanese: 珊瑚宮) means "coral shrine," and Kokomi (Japanese: 心海) literally means "mind sea," which compares the beating of the heart with the rippling of the sea.
    • The Japanese character refers to an abstract term that describes human conscience or emotion in a spiritual sense, but is usually translated as "heart," "soul," or "mind." In Kokomi's case, this may reflect her cunning and strategical prowess, as well as how she represents the people of Watatsumi Island.
  • In the Japanese Translation, Her title of "Divine Priestess" (Japanese: 神の巫女) uses part of the same Kanji as Arahitogami (Japanese: 現人神). Arahitogami's are a deity/god who has taken a human form.
  • Kokomi's constellation name, Dracaena Somnolenta (Chinese: 眠龙座 Miánlóng-zuò, "Sleeping Dragon Constellation"; Japanese: 睡竜座 Suiryou-za, "Sleeping Dragon Constellation"), is likely a reference to the Chinese politician Zhuge Liang (181–234 AD), who was known for being a great military strategist and was nicknamed "Hidden Dragon" (Chinese: 伏龙 Fúlóng; Japanese: 伏龍 f*ckuryou) or "Crouching Dragon" (Chinese: 卧龙 Wòlóng; Japanese: 臥龍 Garyou).
  • As a talented strategist and an avid reader, most of Sangonomiya Kokomi's stories and abilities refer to East Asian classics in military, philosophy, and poetry. See each article for details.

Other Languages

Character Title: Pearl of Wisdom

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPearl of Wisdom
Zhēnzhū zhī Zhì
Wisdom of Pearl
Zhēnzhū zhī Zhì
Shinju no Chi
Pearl Wisdom
Korean진주진주 지혜지혜
Jinju-ui Jihye
Wisdom of Pearl
SpanishLa Perla de la SabiduríaThe Pearl of Wisdom
FrenchPerle de connaissancePearl of Knowledge
RussianЖемчужина мудрости
Zhemchuzhina mudrosti
Pearl of Wisdom
Khai-muk haeng Pan-ya
Pearl of Wisdom
VietnameseTrí Tuệ Trân ChâuPearl Wisdom
GermanPerle der WeisheitPearl of Wisdom
IndonesianPearl of Wisdom
PortuguesePérolas de SabedoriaPearls of Wisdom
TurkishBilgelik İncisi
ItalianPerla di saggezzaPearl of Wisdom


  1. Official Genshin Impact Website: Sangonomiya Kokomi
  2. Sangonomiya Kokomi'sVoice-Over: About Sangonomiya Kokomi: Relaxing


Sangonomiya Kokomi/Lore (2024)


What is Kokomi's backstory? ›

The young Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island and a descendant of the Sangonomiya Clan, Kokomi is in charge of most of Watatsumi's affairs, shouldering heavy responsibilities alone in hopes for giving Watatsumi Island's people the hopes and happiness that they desire.

Who is Kokomi in love with? ›

Kokomi, being the prettiest girl in school and the whole world, essentially has all of the boys at PK Academy in her pocket since they are willing to do whatever she wants. However, she has rejected them all, since she is infatuated with Kusuo but not the rest of the school.

Is Kokomi a fish or a dragon? ›

She is the reborned original hydro archon of the old seven before the gods invaded tevyat without her knowing about it lol. That's why her banner translates to "Sleeping Dragoness". That means Kokomi is the reincarnation of the hydro dragonlord.

What God does Sangonomiya Kokomi believe in? ›

Kokomi was the young head of the Sangonomiya Clan who governed Watatsumi Island and led her people in the worship of the Watatsumi Omikami, a Serpent God that was killed by the God of Eternity Beelzebul in ancient times.

Is Childe married to Kokomi? ›

Childe and Kokomi were isekai'ed from China into what their current bodies are known as (Childe and Kokomi). Kokomi's real name is Mu Tianxing.

Who is Kokomi a descendant of? ›

Sangonomiya Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island. She is a descendant of the Sangonomiya Clan, which oversees most of Watatsumi's affairs.

Who has a crush on Lumine? ›

So, based on Genshin canon, and as one who uses Lumine as the Traveler, it's really established now there are two canon potential boyfriends, or boys who are interested in a romantic(ish) way, in Lumine. From what I see, it's Xiao and Lyney.

Is Xiao in love with Traveler? ›

Xiao is so in love with traveler and no one will Ever convince me otherwise Genshin Impact | HoYoLAB.

Who is Kokomi shipped with? ›

Kokomi & Gorou: It's a cute ship and really the only ship Kokomi has that makes any sense in canon. Most of her other ships rely on her being with people that have responsibilities elsewhere, resulting in them not spending a lot of time together.

Is Kokomi a goddess? ›

Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, and also serves as its supreme leader.

What does Kokomi call Gorou? ›

Gorou calls Kokomi one of her titles, 'Her Excellency', saying if it wasn't for Kokomi, then not a single one of Watatsumi Island's victories would have been possible. Kokomi classifies Gorou as an exceptional general, stating that he's sincere, determined, and courageous.

What does Sangonomiya Kokomi dislike? ›

This is a secret, of course. If the words ever get out that Kokomi dislikes seafood, then the people would avoid it altogether. As the Divine Priestess, Kokomi doesn't want to discourage her subjects over her personal preference. On the other hand, her favorite food is the Bird Egg Sushi.

How does Kazuha know Kokomi? ›

Kazuha and Kokomi are both from Inazuma, and they know each other since Kazuha was formerly affiliated with the Watatsumi Army, an organization led by Kokomi.

Is Kokomi a princess? ›

Original art of Genshin Impacts Kokomi, inspired by her normal attacks.

What is Kokomi based off of? ›

Kokomi is based off of the Pig Dragon. Pig Dragons are basically the Beta Design of the Chinese Dragon. They are called such because they are pudgy and round. They are often curled up in a fetal position.

What is Kokomi supposed to be? ›

Kuromi (クロミ, Kuromi) is My Melody's rival, who is a white rabbit or imp-like creature wearing a black jester's hat with a pink skull on the front and a black devil's tail. The skull's facial expression changes to match Kuromi's mood. Fittingly, her birthday is Halloween (October 31st).

What creature is Kokomi Genshin? ›

Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, and also serves as its supreme leader. She is well-versed in the art of war, is good at strategizing, and has keen insights into military affairs. She is also adept at handling domestic affairs, diplomacy, and other matters.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.