Stony Meteorites for Sale (2024)

Stony Meteorites for Sale (1)

There are two types of stony meteorites, CHONDRITES and ACHONDRITES.On this page you will find Chondrites. Stony Meteorites for Sale (2)


  • Chondrite (n) A type of meteorite containing mineral spheres called chondrules. Most Chondrites are believed to originate in the asteroids that orbit the Sun between Jupiter and Mars. Chondrites contain between 2 and 21 percent iron-nickel metal.
  • Chondrule (n) Millimeter-sized mineral spheres found in stony chondrite meteorites. Chondrules are formed by re-melting of mineral grains in the solar nebula. Stony Meteorites for Sale (3)
    Click on the picture to see photos, prices, weights, and instructions on how to order meteorites. We have a separate photo catalog for each locality.
    Stony Meteorites for Sale (4)
  • Chondrites are divided into several groups:

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (5) Stony Meteorites for Sale (6) Stony Meteorites for Sale (7) Stony Meteorites for Sale (8) There are
    See our
    Type Table.
    Ordinary Chondrites Carbonaceous Chondrites Enstatite Chondrites Rumuruti Chondrites

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (9)

    Ordinary Chondrites

    The Ordinary Chondrites are arranged withhigher iron meteorites first. Meteorites designated H have between 15and 19% iron-nickel metal. Those designated L have between 1 and 10% iron-nickel metal. Thosedesignated LL have between 1 and 3% iron-nickel metal. To find outmore, visit our typetable.

    Within the H, L and LL categories, less alteredmeteorites are listed first. (Meteorites that have been lessaltered in space have more visible chondrules.) Those types thatend with the number 3 have the least alteration and the mostvisible chondrules. Those that end with the number 6 have themost alteration and the least visible chondrules.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (10)

    H Chondrites (15-19% metal, 25-30% total iron)

    Bassikounou, Mauritania

    • Classification: H5
    • Weathering Grade: W2
    • Shock :Stage: S1
    • Find November 1996
    Price: $2 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (12)

    Chergach, Mali

    • Classification: H5 ordinary chondrite
    • Fell July 2 or 3 2007
    Price: $3 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (14)

    El Hammami, Mauritania

    • Classification: H5 ordinary chondrite
    • Weathering Grade: W0/1
    • Very fresh
    Price: $3 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (16)

    Zag,Western Sahara or Morocco

    • Classification: H3-6 Chondrite regolith breccia
    • Weathering Grade: W0/1
    • Shock :Stage: S3
    • Witnessed fall 1998, August 4 or 5.
    • Water was found it halite crystals in this meteorite.
    Price: $3 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (18)

    Gao, Burkina Faso

    • Classification: H5 Chondrite
    • Witnessed fall 1960, March 5.
    Price: from about $1/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (20)

    Jilin, China

    • Classification: H5 Chondrite
    • Witnessed fall, 1976, March 8.
    Temporarily unavailable. Waiting to be cut.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (22)

    Juancheng, China

    • Classification: H5 ordinary chondrite
    • Witnessed fall, February 15, 1997.
    Price: About $20 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (24)

    Kabo, Nigeria

    • Classification: H4 ordinary chondrite
    • Witnessed fall, April 25, 1971.
    Price: About $20 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (26)

    Portales Valley, New Mexico, USA

    • Classification: H6 Chondrite
    • Witnessed fall, 1976.
    Temporarily unavailable

    Other H Chondrites Available:

    • Oum Dreyga (Amgala) H3-5 (from ~$5/g)
    • Dimmit, Texas H4
    • Korra Korrabes H3 ($2/g)
    • Lamesa(b) H4 ($10/g)
    • Mangum H4 ($8/g)
    • Thuathe H4/5 (from ~$5/g)
    • Tamdakht H5 (<$3/g)
    • Wellman(f) H3.5 ($4/g)
    • Wiluna H4 (~$10/g)

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (28)

    L Chondrites (1-10% metal, 20-23% total iron)

    DAG 477, Sahara Desert

    • Classificaiton: L6 Chondrite
    • Quite fresh and a good deal.
    • Found 1998
    Price: Less than $2/g.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (30)

    NWA 869, Sahara Desert

    • Type: L3-6 Chondrite
    • Found ?
    Price: $15 and up--
    individuals, fragmens, ends, and slices.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (32)

    NWA 5490, Sahara Desert

    • Type: L3.8 Unequilibrated Chondrite
    Price: ~$4/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (34)

    NWA 5667, Sahara Desert

    • Type: L3 Chondrite
    • Very Fresh
    Price: ~$20/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (36)

    Saratov, Russia

    • Type: L4 Chondrite
    • Shock :Stage: S2
    • Witnessed fall 1918, September 6
    • Great Chondrules.
    Price: ~$3/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (38)

    Gold Basin, Arizona

    • Type: L4 Chondrite
    • Weathering Grade: W2-3
    • Found 1995
    Price: ~$1.50 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (40)

    SAU 001, Oman

    • Type: L4/5 Chondrite
    • Found 2000
    Price: ~$1.50 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (42)

    Etter, Texas, USA

    • Type: L5 Black Chondrite
    • Shock :Stage: S5
    • Found 1965.
    Price: ~$2.50 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (44)

    Goronyo, Nigeria

    • Type: L4 Chondrite
    Price: ~$2/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (46)

    Suizhou, China

    • Type: L6 Chondrite
    • Witnessed fall 1986, April 15
    Price: $4.50/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (48)

    Other L Chodrites Available:

    • Dhofar 008 L3.3 ($40/g)
    • Monze L6 (from$3.50/g)
    • Mount Tazerait (~$12/g)
    • NWA 6910 L3.4 (~$12/g)
    • NWA 7187 L3.6 (~$12/g)

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (49)

    LL Chondrites (1-3% metal, 19-22% total iron)

    NWA 7676, Sahara Desert

    • Type: LL3.5 Unequilibrated Chondrite
    • Weathering Grade: W1
    • Shock :Stage: S2
    • Found 2010

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (51)

    NWA 7936, Sahara Desert

    • Type: LL3.15 Unequilibrated Chondrite
    • Weathering Grade: W1/2
    • Shock :Stage: S2
    • Found 2012
    • Possible pair to Begaa (NWA 4910)
    Price: ~$15 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (53)

    Kilabo (Hadejia), Nigeria

    • Type: LL6 Chondrite
    • Witnessed fall, July 21, 2002
    Price: $7 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (55)

    Other LL Chondrites

    • Hope Creek, LL6 ($10/g)

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (56)

    Carbonaceous Chondrites

    These meteorites contain free carbon. Meteorites are listed in order of type. The type refers to a specific named"type" fall. See our type tablefor an explanation.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (57)

    Tagish Lake, British Columbia, Canada

    • Type: CI2(?)
    • Witnessed Fall, 2000, January 18.
    • Most primitive matter know to man
    • We have the biggest and best specimens
    Price: Specimens from $20-sky's the limit.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (59)

    NWA 6604, Sahara Desert

    • Type: CK4
    • Found 2006
    Price: $25 per gram.
    from ~$10

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (61)

    Allende, Mexico

    • Type: CV3.2 Oxidized
    • Witnessed Fall, 1969, February 8
    • Shock Stage S1
    Price: from $15 per gram
    from ~$25

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (63)

    NWA 3118, Sahara Desert

    • Type: CV3
    • A classic

    Price: $15 per gram
    from about $15

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (65)

    NWA5491, Sahara Desert

    • Type: CV3
    • Found 2007

    Price: $7 per gram
    from about $25

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (67)

    NWA 801, Morocco

    • Type: CR2
    • Found 2001
    Price: about $70 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (69)

    DHO 1432, Oman

    • Type: CR2
    • Found 2006
    Price: about $50 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (71)

    NWA 7184, Sahara desert

    • Type: CR2
    • Found 2006
    Price: about $20 per gram

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (73)

    Dar al Gani 749, DAG190, Libya

    • Type: CO3
    • Found 1999
    Price: ~$7.5 per gram.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (75)

    Moss, Norway

    • Type: CO3
    • Fell July 14, 2006
    Price: from $26

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (77)

    Gujba, Nigeria

    • Type: Bencubbinite
    • Witnessed Fall, 1984, April 3
    • We brought this meteorite to the world and
      we have the best specimens.
    Price: $50/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (79)

    NWA1465, Sahara Desert

    • Type: C3 (ungrouped)
    Price: ~$8 per gram.

    Other Carbonaceous ChondritesAvailable:

    • Kainsaz, Russia, September 13, 1937 fall, CO3.2
    • DAG 978 C3

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (81)

    Enstatite Chondrites

    Enstatite chondrites contain the mineral enstatite. These are very rare and we have only one.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (82)

    Sahara 97072, Sahara Desert

    • Type: EH3 Enstatite Chondrite
    • Very fresh
    • Found 1997
    From about $50

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (84)

    Al Haggounia, Sahara Desert

    • Type: EL3 Enstatite Chondrite
    • Very weathered
    • Found 2006
    From $10

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (86)

    Rumuruti Chondrites

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (87)

    NWA753, Africa

    • Type: R3.9 Rumuruti Chondrite
    • Found 2000
    Price: ~$40/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (89)

    NWA4814, Africa

    • Type: R4 Rumuruti Chondrite
    • Found 2006
    Price: ~$20/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (91)

    NWA6145, Africa

    • Type: R5 Rumuruti Chondrite
    • Very fresh
    • Found 2009
    Price: ~$100/g

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (93)

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (94)

    About Meteorite Names

    With a few exceptions, meteorites take the nameof the place where they fell or were found. For example, theCanyon Diablo meteorite was found near Canyon Diablo, Arizona,the Allende meteorite fell near the town of Allende in Mexico,the Sikhote-Alin meteorite fell in the Sikhote-Alin mountains ofRussia, and so on.

    "Finds" and "Falls"

    When people see a meteorite fall it is called a"fall". When they do not see it fall but recognize iton the Earth, it is a "find".

    Why are so many of the stony meteorites on this page"falls"?

    Stony meteorites look similar to ordinaryrocks. Even though about 95% of the meteorites that fall arestony, they are a minority of those found. Unless someone seesthem fall, it takes an expert to spot one. That is why these areall "falls."

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (95)

    To see our meteorite classification table andlearn about the types of meteorites, click here.

    Stony Meteorites for Sale (96)

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    Stony Meteorites for Sale (2024)


    Are stony meteorites valuable? ›

    Common iron meteorite prices are generally in the range of US$0.50 to US$5.00 per gram. Stone meteorites are much scarcer and priced in the US$2.00 to US$20.00 per gram range for the more common material. It is not unusual for the truly scarce material to exceed US$1,000 per gram.

    How much is a 30 lb meteorite worth? ›

    Meteorite NWA 12691 was found in the Sahara Desert and weighs just under 30 pounds, It is valued at more than $2.5 million.

    What meteorites are worth the most money? ›

    The f*ckang Meteorite

    It is made of nickel-iron laced with olivine crystals which contributes to its beauty. The f*ckang Meteorite is believed to be 4.5 billion years old, which means that it is either older or the same age as Earth. It was discovered in 2000 and is one of the most expensive meteorites found on Earth.

    How much money do you get if you find a meteorite? ›

    Value is determined by many different factors including rarity of type, size, condition, aesthetic appeal, and so on. Meteorites have significant financial value to collectors and scientific value to researchers. Meteorite values can range from a few dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    How do you identify a stony meteorite? ›

    If your specimen isn't magnetic, it probably isn't a meteorite. Streak Test: Scratch your specimen on a ceramic tile. “Unless it is heavily weathered, a stony meteorite typically won't leave a streak mark on the ceramic.” (7) If the streak is black or gray, your sample is likely magnetite.

    Can I sell a meteorite I found? ›

    Are you looking to sell your meteorites or tektites? SkyFall will buy your entire collection, a part of your collection or even an individual specimen. If there was a confirmed meteorite fall in your area, town or village, then jump to Section 3.

    How much is 1lb of meteor worth? ›

    Stone meteorites are worth between $2.00 and $20 per gram but could exceed $1,000 per gram. That means a one pound iron meteorite could be worth more than $2,000 while a one pound stone meteorite could get you $9,000. So how do you know if it's a meteorite?

    How do you get a meteorite appraised? ›

    You may try contacting the Geological Survey of your state, a local college or university or college or a local natural history museum. In addition, there are a few commercial firms that will charge a fee for examining and identifying suspected meteorites.

    How to test meteorite stone? ›

    Streak: if you scratch a meteorite on an unglazed ceramic surface, it should not leave a streak. A dense rock that leaves a black or red streak probably contains the iron minerals magnetite or hematite, respectively, neither of which are typically found in meteorites.

    Are stony metal meteorites the rarest? ›

    Stony-iron meteorites, as their name suggests, consist of almost equal parts silicate minerals and iron-nickel metal. They are the rarest of the three major families and are often considered the most beautiful. Stony-iron meteorites are classified into two subgroups: pallasites and mesosiderites.

    How much is a stony chondrite meteorite worth? ›

    Price: ~$7.5 per gram.

    What is the rarest meteorite stone? ›

    Of the three main types of meteorites, stony-irons are far and away the most rare. Of Victoria's 17 known meteorites, just one falls into this group.

    Why is it illegal to own a meteorite? ›

    Meteorites do not meet the definition of a mineral resource under the general mining and mineral laws. The extraterrestrial origins of meteorites have made them unique and of extreme commercial and scientific value. Therefore, because of their origins they are not subject to the mining and mineral laws.

    Is it illegal to pick up meteorite? ›

    Commercial Collection: Unless otherwise prohibited by laws, regulations, land use plans or closures, meteorites may be commercially collected by individuals possessing a land use permit issued under the authority of the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act (FLPMA).

    How do you know how much a meteorite is worth? ›

    The nature of the meteorite will play a big part in its value. Some unclassified meteorites will sell for around 50 cents per gram. More beautiful stones such as pallasites contain crystals and can look extremely dazzling when they're polished. Those can range all the way up to $40 dollars a gram.

    How common are stony meteorites? ›

    Stony meteorites are by far the most common. More than 95% of meteorites observed to fall to Earth are stony.

    How old are stony-iron meteorites? ›

    Most ordinary chondrites have exposure ages of less than 50 million years, and most carbonaceous chondrites less than 20 million years. Achondrites have ages that cluster between 20 and 30 million years. Iron meteorites have a much broader range of exposure ages, which extend up to about two billion years.

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    Name: Lidia Grady

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