Technical Issues and Troubleshooting (2024)


  • 1 Technical Issues
    • 1.1 In-Game Letters/Numbers Disappearing.
    • 1.2 Game Saves Are Weird (No/Old Ascension Levels. Run Is Not Saved)
    • 1.3 The Game Launches and the MegaCrit logo appears, But Nothing Else
    • 1.4 The Game Does Not Load At All
      • 1.4.1 Verify the integrity of game files.
      • 1.4.2 Update audio/video drivers.
    • 1.5 Troubleshooting Slay the Spire
      • 1.5.1 SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat Launches The Game And It Works.
      • 1.5.2 SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat Produces An Error And The Game Does Not Launch
    • 1.6 Slay the Spire Troubleshoot Errors
      • 1.6.1 System Locale Error
      • 1.6.2 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError

Technical Issues[]

In-Game Letters/Numbers Disappearing.[]

This indicates that the computer is low on memory/out of memory (RAM or video memory).

  • Restart the game.
  • Close other programs.
  • Lower in-game settings.

Game Saves Are Weird (No/Old Ascension Levels. Run Is Not Saved)[]

This might be because Steam Cloud save file is interfering with your local save file.

  • Run SlayTheSpire.exe as administrator:
    • Right-click on SlayTheSpire.exe .
    • Choose Properties.
    • Choose Compatibility tab.
    • Choose Settings.
    • Check Run this program as an administrator
    • Now SlayTheSpire.exe should be run with administrator rights every time.
  • To disable Steam Cloud, do the following:
    • Open Steam.
    • Browse your Library.
    • Right-click on Slay the Spire.
    • Choose Properties.
    • Select Update tab
    • Choose Verify Integrity of Game Files.
    • Under Steam Cloud, uncheck Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for Slay the Spire.
      • Your Steam Cloud save files can be found in (...)\Steam\userdata\<ID>\646570\remote.

The Game Launches and the MegaCrit logo appears, But Nothing Else[]

  • Disable overlays, like Discord, NVidia ShadowPlay/Geforce Experience/GSync, Duet (screen display program).

The Game Does Not Load At All[]

The following are basic methods that should be attempted first in case Slay the Spire does not load at all.

Verify the integrity of game files.[]

  • Open Steam.
  • Browse your Library.
  • Right-click on Slay the Spire.
  • Choose Properties.
  • Select Local Files tab.
  • Choose Verify Integrity of Game Files.

Update audio/video drivers.[]

  • Open Device Manager in Windows:
    • Updating audio device:
      • Choose Sound, Video and Game controllers.
      • Right-click on your audio device.
      • Choose Update driver.
      • Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
        • Alternatively, if you have found a more up-to-date driver yourself, you can select Browse my computer for driver software.
    • Updating video card:
      • Choose Sound, Video and Game controllers.
      • Right-click on your video card.
      • Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
        • Alternatively, if you have found a more up-to-date driver yourself, you can select Browse my computer for driver software.

If both failed to fix the problem, please continue to Troubleshooting Slay the Spire.

Troubleshooting Slay the Spire[]

  • Go to the install folder of Slay the Spire.
    • It should be at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire
      • If you are not sure, you can browse the folder following these steps:
        • Open Steam.
        • Browse your Library.
        • Right-click on Slay the Spire.
        • Choose Properties.
        • Select Local Files tab.
        • Choose Browse Local Files.
        • This should open File Explorer window for ...\Steam\steamapps\common\SlayTheSpire
  • Run SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat.

Instead of in installation package, SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat can be found in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/

Running SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat should produce one of the two results:

SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat Launches The Game And It Works.[]

This often means you have to run SlayTheSpire.exe as an administrator.

  • Right-click on SlayTheSpire.exe.
  • Choose Properties.
  • Choose Compatibility tab.
  • Choose Settings.
  • Check Run this program as an administrator.

Now SlayTheSpire.exe should be run with administrator rights every time.

SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat Produces An Error And The Game Does Not Launch[]

Continue to Slay the Spire Troubleshoot Errors.

Slay the Spire Troubleshoot Errors[]

Observe your troubleshoot.log to pinpoint the problem. You can find the log in (...)\SlayTheSpire\sendToDevs\troubleshoot.log. See what is in troubleshoot.log and follow the solution accordingly.


The install files for SlayTheSpire can be found as follows:

  • Open Steam.
  • Browse your Library.
  • Right-click on Slay the Spire.
  • Choose Properties.
  • Select Local Files tab.
  • Choose Browse Local Files.
  • Right-click on SlayTheSpire app.
  • Choose Show Package Contents.
  • Choose Contents.
  • Choose Resources.

Apart from the lack of SlayTheSpireTroubleshoot.bat, there should be folders and files identical to the Windows version.

System Locale Error[]

If the following is displayed in troubleshoot.log:

ERROR Unable to invoke factory method in class org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.action.IfFileName for element IfFileName:... Caused by: java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: Cp65001

See Also

This means you should change your System Locale to English (United States). Do the following:

  • Open Windows Settings.
  • Choose Time & Language.
  • Choose Language tab.
  • Choose Administrative language settings. It should be by the top right side.
  • New window called Region should appear, and is on the Administrative tab by default.
  • Choose Change system locale...
  • Choose English (United States).
  • Click OK on all windows to confirm changes.

You might need to restart before the effect takes place.


If the following is displayed in troubleshoot.log:


See what follows, and follow the instruction accordingly.

If java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError is followed by a file path with weird characters, for example:

C:\Users\??????\AppData\Local\Temp\libgdx??????\dc0f0009\lwjgl64.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

Notably, it ends with "Can't find dependent libraries". The "??????" in the file path may come in the form of boxes, or a name with a question mark in it, which is not exactly the same to your Windows username. It means that your Windows account username contains special, non-ASCII characters.

Instruction for "Can't find dependent libraries"
What Are ASCII Characters?
ASCII characters consist of the standard English alphabets and numbers (A-Z, a-z, 0-9).
What Should I Be Aware Of When Creating A Username?

This error is usually caused by a username that uses a different character set (e.g. Chinese, Korean, Arabic) that are not ASCII characters, or a username that contains special accented letters (e.g. é, ç, ñ, ö, etc.). To avoid this error, you should avoid putting those characters in your username and use only ASCII characters.

It is also strongly advised to avoid special characters (space, symbols such as!@#$%^&*()_-, etc.), since they might cause the same error as well.

The main concern with this error is that you need an account with an appropriate name, containing only ASCII characters.

  • Username Fix Mod
    • You can subscribe to Username Fix Mod by Alchyr.
    • Remember that, as per all mod, you need to subscribe to ModTheSpire first.
    • As of now, this method only works on Windows.
    • Be sure to read the detailed instructions on how to use this mod here.
  • New User Profile
    • Make a new Windows user profile with the username only containing ASCII characters. Then use this user profile to play Slay the Spire.
      • Open Windows Settings.
      • Choose Accounts.
      • Choose Family & other users tab.
      • Choose Add someone else to this PC.
      • Choose I don't have this person's sign-in information.
      • Choose Add a user without a Microsoft account.
      • Enter name, password and password hints.
        • Make sure that this name contains only ASCII characters.
      • Click Next. This should successfully create a new account on your computer.
      • Log out of your current account and log into the new account.
  • Change Windows Account Username
    • Change the name of your user profile to use ASCII characters only:
      • First, check if your Windows account username contains special, non-ASCII characters or not.
        • Press Windows + R to bring up the Run window.
        • Type in cmd and press Enter or click OK. This should launch Windows Command Prompt, a small black window.
          • Alternatively, you can also search for Command Prompt in your taskbar Search bar.
        • In Command Prompt, type echo %username% and see what it returns.
        • This is your username used by the system. If this name contains special, non-ASCII characters characters (see above), you need to change it.
      • To change your user profile name, do the following.
        • Press Windows + R to bring up the Run window.
        • Type in netplwiz and press Enter or click OK. This should launch Windows User Accounts window.
        • Look for your account in the Users tab.
          • It should be the one with the same name you got from checking your username with echo %username%.
        • Click on the account to select it.
        • Click Properties.
        • Change the Username to something using only ASCII characters.
        • Click Apply and OK.
        • Log out of your account and then log back in.
          • You can check whether the username has been changed correctly by doing echo %username% in the Command Prompt again.
        • Launch Slay the Spire. Hopefully, it will create a correct folder and can access it.
    • If the Users\<username> folder still shows the old username, and Slay the Spire does not start and produces the same error message in the log, we need to perform some additional steps (see also). Continue to Change Windows Account Username - Advanced below.


The steps below are advanced as it requires a change in the Registry. Make a backup of your Registry and be very careful when changing something inside of it. Perform these steps at your own risk!

  • Change Windows Account Username - Advanced
    • Log into a different administrator account, as you cannot do the following changes when logged in on the same account. Create a new administrator account if necessary. This account can be deleted once you are done (see also).
Creating A New Administrator Account
  • Open Windows Settings.
  • Choose Accounts.
  • Choose Family & other users tab.
  • Choose Add someone else to this PC.
  • Choose I don't have this person's sign-in information.
  • Choose Add a user without a Microsoft account.
  • Enter name, password and password hints.
  • Click Next. This should successfully create a new account on your computer.
  • In Settings > Accounts > Family & other users you should now see the new account.
  • Select the account you want to make an administrator.
  • Under Account type, select Administrator.
  • Click OK.
  • Log out of your current account and log into the new administrator account.
  • Rename the C:\Users\<old username> folder to the new username.


Make a backup of your Registry before performing the following step (see also).

Backing Up Your Registry
  • Press Windows + R to bring up Run window.
  • Type in regedit and press Enter or click OK. This should launch the Windows Registry window.
  • Select File.
  • Choose Export.
  • In Export range, check All.
  • Type in a File name and store it somewhere safe.
  • Change the Registry key:
    • Press Windows + R to bring up Run window.
    • Type in regedit and press Enter or click OK. This should launch Windows Registry window.
    • Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking a small arrow to the left of the text.
    • Expand SOFTWARE by clicking a small arrow to the left of the text.
    • Expand Microsoft by clicking a small arrow to the left of the text.
    • Expand Windows NT by clicking a small arrow to the left of the text.
    • Expand CurrentVersion by clicking a small arrow to the left of the text.
    • Expand ProfileList by clicking a small arrow to the left of the text.
    • Click on your <User SID>.
      • The User SID is usually one with the longer string of texts.
    • The right panel displays the list of Registry keys contained in the directory. Find one named ProfileImagePath.
      • Its Data registry value should be C:\Users\<old username>. If it is not, try looking at another User SID.
    • Modify the registry value of ProfileImagePath from the old path name (C:\Users\<old username>) to the new path name (C:\Users\<new username>).
      • Right-click on ProfileImagePath.
      • Choose Modify... . This should bring up the Edit String window.
      • Change the Value data field to the new path name (C:\Users\<new username>).
      • Click OK.
  • Log out of your Windows account and log in again using the user whose name has been changed and try to start Slay the Spire again.

If java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError is followed by a correct file path, but with "Access is denied" at the end, for example:

C:\Users\<username\AppData\Local\Temp\libgdx<username>\dc0f0009\lwjgl64.dll: Access is denied

It means that permissions for the files that are necessary to run the game might be restricted.

Instruction for "Access is denied"
  • Go to the mentioned path: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\libgdx<username>\dc0f0009\
  • Check the file permissions of the DLL files in that folder (lwjgl64.dll and OpenAL64.dll):
    • Right-click the file.
    • Go to Properties.
    • Click on Security tab.
    • Click your Windows username.
    • Check in the Permissions box whether it has check marks on Allow for all entries (except for Special permissions, this one can be empty)
  • If you have checked and see that there are check marks that are missing:
    • Click Edit...
    • select your Windows username.
    • tick the Allow boxes for all entries (except for Special permissions).

—When Playing With Mods—

After the above, if you get the message "Could not connect to Steam":

  • Go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\steamworks4j\96ad60e5
  • Check the permissions for steam_api64.dll and steamworks4j64.dll.
  • Adjust them if needed in the same way as described above for lwjgl64.dll and OpenAL64.dll.
Instruction for "rosetta error: /var/db/oah/.../libsteamworks4j.dylib.aot: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 1"
  • The problem happens with version 2.3.4 on MacOS 16.2 or higher. So the fix is to opt into the 2.3.3 beta.
  • From the Steam launcher, mouse over STS
    • Right-click STS.
    • Go to Properties.
    • Click on BETAS.
    • Select v2.3.3 - 2022-12-01
    • Let the game update.
Technical Issues and Troubleshooting (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.