The artificial strength of the Russian ruble : The Indicator from Planet Money (2024)




This is THE INDICATOR. I'm Paddy Hirsch. I'm joined today by Planet Money's Erika Beras. Erika, thank you for joining us today.

ERIKA BERAS, BYLINE: Oh, so happy to be here.

HIRSCH: Well, it's a delight to have you. And today, Erika and I are going to talk about the Russian ruble. Back in February, when Russia invaded Ukraine and a coalition of nations imposed sanctions on Russia, President Biden said that Russia's currency, the ruble, would be reduced to rubble. And initially, it looked as though it might go that way. The ruble dropped 50% in value against the dollar, giving Biden an opportunity to gloat a wee bit.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: One ruble is now worth less than one American penny.

BERAS: But just 36 days later, the ruble was right back where it was when the war in Ukraine began, and it was Vladimir Putin who was rubbing his hands with glee. And today the ruble's even higher. In fact, it hasn't been this high since 2015.

HIRSCH: And looking at this remarkable recovery, I can't help think of the supervillain Bane from the "Batman" series. You know who Bane is - big dude wracked with muscle, super strong. He wears the scary mask that makes him sound like a cross between, I don't know, Darth Vader and Prince Charles.


TOM HARDY: (As Bane) Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.

BERAS: But here's the thing about Bane - the reason he is big and muscled and powerful isn't because he works out a lot. It's because he ingests a serum that gives him superhuman strength.

HIRSCH: And guess what - Russia and its currency, the ruble, is just like Bane - well, kind of like Bane. When sanctions hit, Russia went to that cabinet - you know, the one deep in the Kremlin, the one that says in case of emergency, break glass. Well, it went down there, and it busted out the serum, jabbed it into its arm and boom - instant currency strength.

BERAS: On today's show, we're going to tell you what that serum was, how it worked, and a little bit about the side effects.

HIRSCH: Because there are always side effects.

BERAS: Always. That's coming up after the break.


BERAS: We've talked before on the show about Fortress Russia. That was Russia's strategy hatched in 2014 to combat sanctions by hoarding billions of dollars in foreign currency.

HIRSCH: And Fortress Russia was a cunning plan, but it didn't work out so well because the coalition that imposed sanctions blocked Russia's access to that money.

ELINA RIBAKOVA: They were completely unprepared for the freezing of their foreign exchange reserves. So that was a shock, and that was a surprise.

BERAS: Elina Ribakova is deputy chief economist at the Institute of International Finance. She says those restrictions on using that foreign capital increased the likelihood that Russia could default on its debts.

HIRSCH: And that crushed confidence in Russia, and it trashed the ruble, which halved its value. It looked to the world as though Russia was on the ropes. And then...


AIDAN GILLEN: (As Bill Wilson) Who are you?

HARDY: (As Bane) It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.

BERAS: Bane.

HIRSCH: Bane - yes. When the ruble hit the skids and the central bank of Russia found that it couldn't use all of that lovely Fortress Russia cash that it had saved up, it decided on plan B - B for Bane. It broke the glass on that emergency cabinet, and it deployed the serum.

BERAS: A serum known as capital controls - that's when a government or a central bank steps in to stop foreign capital - that's dollars and euros and yen - from flowing out of the country. And Elina says the capital controls adopted by the Kremlin took several forms.

RIBAKOVA: They more than doubled interest rate. And basically, they froze any dollars or euros you had in your bank account. It could have been any foreign bank or domestic bank. So you could no longer have access to it.

HIRSCH: The freeze extended to the ability of Russians to convert rubles into dollars.

RIBAKOVA: If you would like to convert some, you know, rubles since you were worried about the crisis and maybe would like to flee the country, you could not do that either.

BERAS: Government also targeted foreign investors who wanted to cash out of Russia.

RIBAKOVA: So if you make a phone call, I would like to sell Russian stocks and get my money out, they would say, you know what? We're not picking up that phone call.

HIRSCH: These measures - doubling interest rates, freezing accounts and restricting trading - they're not unheard of, but they're highly unusual. I mean, freezing accounts is the kind of thing that countries in really dire economic straits have done in the past. Argentina in 2001 is a good example. They do it to keep as much foreign currency in the country as possible.

BERAS: And in this case, it worked. The dollars and the euros stopped flowing out of Russia, which meant that it did indeed have the foreign currency it needed to service its foreign debt. That put a floor under the ruble and stopped it falling.

HIRSCH: The Kremlin then gave itself a second dose of serum. It ordered all Russian countries doing business overseas and getting paid in foreign currency to convert 80% of those revenues into rubles. This, of course, created instant demand and jacked the ruble higher.

BERAS: The serum of capital controls turned Russia into Bane - big, angry and with a miraculously muscular currency. But Elina says it's not just an artificial shot in the arm that has helped the ruble rise.

RIBAKOVA: Commodities have been skyrocket high. We have unprecedented prices for oil, gas. And about half of total Russia's exports is oil and gas.

HIRSCH: The initial rhetoric from the U.S. and other sanctioning countries was that Russia's ability to make money from oil and gas would be severely curtailed. But that has not happened.

BERAS: European nations have continued to buy gas from Russia. Other non-sanctioning nations like China and India have bought a lot of its oil. And even though Russia has cut its oil price by as much as 30%, it is still making money.

HIRSCH: And that is how the ruble got so strong, so fast. It recovered initially thanks to a series of emergency measures by the government to prop the ruble up artificially.

BERAS: And its recovery has been sustained by the failure of a key sanction on oil and gas that has kept foreign capital, including euros and dollars, flowing into Russia.

HIRSCH: So on the outside, Russia looks pretty healthy right now, just like Bane. But here's the thing about Bane - that serum that he takes to make him strong, the first time he took it, it nearly killed him.

BERAS: Elina says Russia risks something similar. She says a super strong ruble is now hurting the country in several ways - first, by impacting its budget, which is heavily dependent on revenues from oil and gas.

RIBAKOVA: The oil sector gets its money in foreign exchange but pays taxes in local currency in rubles. So as the exchange rate gets stronger, it means fewer rubles go into the budget.

HIRSCH: And while that strong ruble is shrinking Russia's budget at home, it's simultaneously damaging its efforts to sell its goods overseas. I mean, even if Russia can find people willing to buy its stuff, when the ruble is strong, those goods become more expensive. And that makes it a lot harder for it to build new markets.

BERAS: Russia's central bank realizes all of this, which is why it started to cut back on the serum, trying to take the heat out of the ruble. Many of the capital controls are now gone.

HIRSCH: And the question is, will the ruble be able to float without those supports? Or like Bane without his regular injections of serum - and he needs one every 12 hours, by the way - will the currency and financial system crash?

RIBAKOVA: If your economy is contracting, basically collapsing - if nobody wants to trade with you, there is little to celebrate there. You might have a strong currency at the moment, but if anything, it's damaging you.

BERAS: Elina says Russia may continue to tinker with the financial system and the currency to make it look as though everything is functioning normally. But, she says, the currency and the economy are not the same thing. And in Russia, they are becoming increasingly disconnected.

HIRSCH: Yeah. For now, the ruble is strong, and revenues from oil and gas are keeping the Russian economy afloat. And that's encouraging economists to say Russia's economy may shrink just 3.5% in the coming year rather than the 10- or 12% that was originally predicted.

BERAS: But long term, the Russian economy appears to be in deep trouble. By turning away from the West, Russia has set its industry back decades. Auto production, for example, is down 97% because Russian factories can't get the parts they need.

HIRSCH: Those kinds of issues are being replicated right across the Russian economy, and they're problems that a strong currency just can't fix on its own. So the ruble may look good for now. But just like the mask worn by the "Batman" character Bane, the ruble seems increasingly like a facade - disguising an entity in deep decline.


HIRSCH: This episode is produced by Corey Bridges with engineering support from James Willetts. It was fact-checked by Kathryn Yang. The show's senior producer is Viet Le. Kate Concannon edits. And THE INDICATOR is a production of NPR.

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The artificial strength of the Russian ruble : The Indicator from Planet Money (2024)


Why is the ruble gaining strength? ›

The rouble has strengthened sharply since a President Vladimir Putin decree on the mandatory sale of foreign currency for certain exporters was announced last month. The central bank's sharper-than-expected rate hike to 15% in late October also helped the rouble hit a three-month high of 91.6225 this week.

What is the Russian currency backed by? ›

Since 2013, Russia has been preparing for western sanctions and managed to isolate its economy from transactions requiring American dollars. In early 2022, Russia pegged its currency, the ruble, to gold, and 5,000 rubles will now buy an ounce of pure gold.

Is the Russian ruble stronger than the dollar? ›

Russia's ruble is the world's top-performing currency against the dollar in recent weeks. The ruble has jumped more than 10% since hitting a trough of around 100 against the greenback early last month.

What are the factors behind the Russian ruble depreciation? ›

It has been found out that besides the decline of the oil price, also decline of gold price, rise of stock market, increase in interest rates and appreciation of USD played a significant role in depreciation of ruble.

Which currency is doing the best? ›

The highest-valued currency in the world is the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD). Since it was first introduced in 1960, the Kuwaiti dinar has consistently ranked as the world's most valuable currency.

Is the world abandoning the dollar? ›

Key takeaways

While the dollar has maintained its transactional dominance, some de-dollarization is taking place in FX reserves. The greenback is also losing some influence in oil markets, where more sales are now being transacted in non-dollar currencies.

What currency does Russia trade with China? ›

Russia became China's main trading partner, surpassing the goal of US$200 bi in transactions estimated for 2023. In a recent visit to China, Russian deputy prime minister Andrei Belusov stated that, in 2023, the use of the Russian ruble and China's yuan in trade between the two countries reached 95%.

How much is a gallon of milk in Russia? ›

Cost of Living in Russia
co*ke/Pepsi (12 oz small bottle)76.01руб
Water (12 oz small bottle)37.35руб
Milk (regular), (1 gallon)297.12руб
62 more rows

Why is the Russian Ruble failing? ›

Exports — and thus the ruble — have fallen because Western allies have boycotted Russian oil and imposed a price cap on oil exports to non-Western nations. The sanctions prevent insurers or shippers who are mainly based in the West from handling Russian oil above $60 a barrel.

How long can Russia sustain war? ›

The authors concluded Russia could sustain its current rate of attrition for up to three years and maybe longer.

What is the Russian Ruble backed by? ›

In early 2022, Russia pegged its currency, the ruble, to gold, and 5,000 rubles will now buy an ounce of pure gold. The plan was to shift the currency away from a pegged value and into the gold standard itself so the ruble would become a credible gold substitute at a fixed rate.

Why is ruble strengthened? ›

The ruble strengthened on the back of the Bank of Russia key rate increase and a rise in foreign currency sales by exporters. At the end of September, the portion of yuan in export revenues came in at 32% to hit the historical record of $11.6 billion in absolute terms.

How is the ruble doing so well? ›

The ruble has gained 14 percent since the start of October after Moscow reimposed currency controls, hiked interest rates and halted foreign currency interventions. Russia's central bank said Monday it will resume operations under its so-called "budget rule" from January 2024.

Is it a good time to buy Russian rubles? ›

There is no best time to buy Russian Ruble. Currency markets are incredibly complex and therefore unpredictable. GBP / RUB rates change constantly. The best time you can buy Russian Ruble is when it is convenient and you are happy with the service and rate.

What is the dollar to ruble prediction for 2024? ›

USD/RUB exchange rate: Analysts' forecast for 2024 is 92.3 rubles per dollar, 96.2 rubles per dollar for 2025 and 98.3 rubles per dollar for 2026 (revised by −0.6–0.3% compared to the April survey). Brent oil price: According to analysts' expectations, the average Brent oil price in 2024 will be $84 per barrel.

What is the future of the ruble? ›

The Russian Ruble is expected to trade at 92.22 by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 96.17 in 12 months time.

Why is the ruble inflation so high? ›

Supply chain disruption during the coronavirus pandemic helped push up prices, then Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 disrupted global food supplies and drove up energy costs. Food and energy price inflation have been major factors in pushing up prices in general across the world.

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