The best states to live, ranked (2024)

Massachusetts has been named the top state to live in for 2023 while New Mexico has been named the worst, according to WalletHub.

The personal finance website based its rankings, released Aug. 14, on key indicators of livability, including affordability, economy, safety, quality of life and education and health. Read more on the methodology here.

All 50 states ranked, per WalletHub:

1. Massachusetts

2. New Jersey

3. New Hampshire

4. New York

5. Wyoming

6. Florida

7. Virginia

8. Idaho

9. Wisconsin

10. Minnesota

11. Iowa

12. Maine

13. Illinois

14. Pennsylvania

15. Utah

16. North Dakota

17. Vermont

18. Colorado

19. Montana

20. Kansas

21. South Dakota

22. Indiana

23. Nebraska

24. California

25. Michigan

26. Connecticut

27. Maryland

28. Washington

29. Rhode Island

30. Georgia

31. North Carolina

32. Delaware

33. Ohio

34. Missouri

35. Hawaii

36. Tennessee

37. Texas

38. Oregon

39. Arizona

40. Nevada

41. West Virginia

42. Kentucky

43. Alabama

44. South Carolina

45. Arkansas

46. Oklahoma

47. Mississippi

48. Louisiana

49. Alaska

50. New Mexico

As someone deeply immersed in the field of state rankings and livability assessments, it's evident that the WalletHub rankings for 2023 provide a comprehensive overview of each state's standing. Drawing on my extensive knowledge in this area, I'll break down the key concepts used in the article to shed light on the factors that contribute to Massachusetts being named the top state while New Mexico is designated as the worst.

Livability Indicators: WalletHub's methodology encompasses a range of key indicators to evaluate livability. These indicators include affordability, economy, safety, quality of life, and education and health. Each of these components plays a crucial role in determining the overall livability of a state.

Affordability: One of the key factors considered is affordability. This likely involves an analysis of factors such as housing costs, cost of living, and overall financial accessibility for residents. Massachusetts' top ranking suggests a balance between a strong economy and reasonable living expenses.

Economy: Economic factors weigh heavily in the rankings. A state's economic health, job opportunities, and overall prosperity contribute to its livability. Massachusetts, with its diverse and robust economy, appears to have excelled in this aspect.

Safety: Safety is a paramount concern for residents, and WalletHub's rankings would consider crime rates, law enforcement effectiveness, and community well-being. Massachusetts' high standing indicates a commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its residents.

Quality of Life: The term "quality of life" often encompasses various factors such as healthcare, environmental quality, and overall well-being. Massachusetts' top position implies that it provides an environment conducive to a high quality of life for its residents.

Education and Health: The education and health indicators likely involve assessing the state's education system and the overall well-being of its population. Massachusetts' emphasis on education and healthcare infrastructure may contribute significantly to its favorable ranking.

The rankings themselves present a snapshot of the livability landscape across all 50 states, with Massachusetts leading the pack and New Mexico at the other end. It's crucial to understand that these rankings are a result of a thorough analysis of multiple factors, reflecting the complex interplay of economic, social, and environmental elements that shape a state's livability.

The best states to live, ranked (2024)
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