The Buzz on Soda History (2024)

The Buzz on Soda History (1)

TexaCola isn't the first soda. But it does have a cool history.

Ah, soda. For as long as you can remember, soda has been there for you. Thirsty on a hot summer day? Have some lone vanilla ice cream that could really use some oomph? Enjoying a delicious meal and need something to wash it down? You already know you're reaching for a bubbly ice-cold soda. But have you ever wondered what had to go down to get that bottle to your table? Buckle up for this ride.

Our story begins in 1767 when a European man named Joseph Priestly figured out how to infuse water with carbon dioxide, creating the first carbonated beverage. Back then people believed carbonated water cured illnesses so "soda" was sold in pharmacies. Pharmacists would mix prescriptions into soda to make it easier for the patients to take.

It wasn't until the creation of root beer in 1876 that soda began to evolve into a drink option. Cola flavored soda entered the market shortly after in 1881. Dr Pepper was created in 1885 and believed to be the first soda as we know it today followed by Coca-Cola one year later.

The story doesn't end there; there have been many modifications to the way soda has been enjoyed between its invention and today. In 1892, Baltimore shop owner William Painter created the crown cork bottle seal to keep carbon dioxide bubbles from escaping the bottle. In 1902, the first vending machines were set up in U.S. providing an easy way for Americans to have access to soda. The state of the soda market dramatically shifted in the 1950s with the creation of the easy-to-open soda can.

The love of soda is still very much alive today seeing that America spends approximately $65 billion in soda a year. So whether you're drinking it from the bottle, mixing it in your whiskey, pouring it over your ice cream, or using it to get rust off your engine, we can all appreciate the contributions made throughout the years to get it into our hands.

The Buzz on Soda History (2024)


What is the oldest soda still sold today? ›

Schweppes (1783)

The oldest soda brand still on the market today is none other than Schweppes. Schweppes was founded initially in 1783 when Jacob Schweppes created carbonated mineral water (via Coca-Cola). The product's notoriety grew, and Schweppes began selling in Geneva and England.

What is the story behind soda? ›

Our story begins in 1767 when a European man named Joseph Priestly figured out how to infuse water with carbon dioxide, creating the first carbonated beverage. Back then people believed carbonated water cured illnesses so "soda" was sold in pharmacies.

What is the history of like soda? ›

Like Cola was a cola soft drink, introduced by the 7 Up company (then under the ownership of Philip Morris), that appeared in the American market in 1982. Its slogan was "Made From The Cola Nut." Like Cola was one of the first attempts at a low-caffeine cola, containing 1% caffeine.

Which came first Sprite or 7Up? ›

7Up is the older of the two, and in fact the original lemon-lime flavored soda. It was invented by a man named Charles Leiper Grigg in 1929. It was originally called “Bib Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda” (catchy) and contained the mood-stabilizing drug lithium citrate—back then was truly a wild time for sodas.

What soda is no longer made? ›

That means that in addition to Mango and Cherry, Fruit Punch, Green Apple, and Red Apple have been quietly discontinued.

Which is older Pepsi or co*ke? ›

co*ke came before Pepsi, although only by a few years. Dr. John S. Pemberton created Coca Cola in 1886 while Pepsi did not come about until 1893.

Who drank soda for 16 years? ›

A 31-year old woman's heart problems and fainting might have had something to do with the fact that she drank only soda for about half her life, according to a report of her case. The woman, who lives in Monaco, a small country near southern France, was brought to a hospital after she fainted.

Is Dr Pepper older than co*ke? ›

Dr Pepper is the oldest soft drink in America. Older than Coca-Cola, in fact, by a full year. It was created in 1885 by a pharmacist, Charles Alderton, in Waco, Texas. And its original name was Waco – it was served there at the soda fountain in the drugstore.

What soda was a medicine? ›

Originally, Coca-Cola was advertised as a health tonic for pain and was created with caffeine from kola nut. But Coca-Cola's classic taste quickly caught on and consumers sipped for enjoyment and not just for its proposed health benefits.

What does England call soda? ›

In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the term "fizzy drink" is common. "Pop" and "fizzy pop" are used in Northern England, South Wales, and the Midlands while "mineral" is used in Ireland.

What is the most loved soda? ›

Coca-Cola is the most popular soda brand in the world with a 43.3% market share. Pepsi follows with a 22.1% market share globally. Diet co*ke is third in line with a market share of 9.4%. Sprite, also part of the Coca-Cola company, has a global market share of 6.5%.

What is the least famous soda? ›

And based on all that, the most unpopular soda in the country is Diet co*ke. The rest of the top five least popular are: Sierra Mist . . . Sunkist . . . 7-Up . . . and Barq's Root Beer. The most popular is regular co*ke, which isn't much of a surprise.

Who owns Mr Pibb? ›

Pibb Xtra, formerly called Mr. Pibb (sometimes styled as Mr. PiBB), is a soft drink created and marketed by The Coca-Cola Company.

Does co*ke own Dr Pepper? ›

Strangely, Dr Pepper is only owned by Coca Cola in its European and South Korean markets. Everywhere else it is sold is managed by the Keurig Dr Pepper company. Oli joined the Latest News team in 2021, taking an interest in economics, world news, and articles that build from his study of history.

Which is the oldest soda? ›

Vernor's boasts the oldest soda in America, but not the world. That belongs to Schweppe's, who created a carbonated mineral water in 1783. Other old sodas include Hires Root Beer (1876), Moxie 1876, Dr. Pepper (1885) Coca-Cola (1886) and Pepsi (1893.

Does Nehi soda still exist? ›

The "Nehi Corporation" name was adopted in 1928 after the Nehi fruit-flavored sodas became popular. In 1955, the company changed its name to Royal Crown Company, after the success of its RC Cola brand. In April 2008, Nehi became a brand of Dr Pepper Snapple Group (now known as Keurig Dr Pepper) in the United States.

What is the oldest major soda? ›

Waco: Where it All Began

Dr Pepper is a “native Texan,” originating at Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store. It is the oldest of the major brand soft drinks in America. Like its flavor, the origin of Dr Pepper is out-of-the-ordinary.

What is the oldest soft drink ever? ›

Schweppe, formed Schweppes in 1783 and began selling the world's first bottled soft drink.

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