The Incredible Uses of Denatured Alcohol (2024)

Denatured alcohol has a variety of uses. It’s referred to as “denatured” alcohol because it includes ingredients not made for consumption and toxic if consumed. Not only can it be used as a clean-burning fuel for marine and camping stoves, it works well as a cleaner and sanitizing agent in a variety of commercial and industrial environments. Because denaturing the alcohol doesn’t alter the ethanol molecule, it makes an excellent solvent for many other projects.

Worldwide Janitor’sDenatured Alcohol contains Isopropanol and Methanol and is sold in a case of four, 1-gallon bottles. Because it is considered a hazardous material, additional shipping costs will be added to the order when shipped via UPS. Our packaging of this product is the best cost saver for people looking to buy in bulk, large amounts at a time, having it shipped via a freight carrier.

Glass Cleaner

Diluted properly, denatured alcohol works well as a window cleaner, leaving a streak-free shine. Mix the diluted denatured alcohol in a spray bottle. Spray it on windows and use a squeegee to clean them. Use a lint-free cloth or paper towel to wipe any additional cleaner off of the windows. Because denatured alcohol evaporates quickly, you’ll be able to see the results of cleaning the windows almost immediately.

General Cleaner and Sanitizer

Denatured alcohol can be diluted to assist in general cleaning and sanitizing. This includes toilets, bathroom stalls, sinks, kitchens and almost any other hard surface. Dilute the denatured alcohol with equal parts of warm water. Wearing gloves, dip a clean rag in the mixture and wipe down areas such as tables, sinks, stoves and countertops. Denatured alcohol can be poured directly into the toilet, then scrubbed and flushed to sanitize the bowl. It can also clean mirrors using a lint-free cloth or paper towel. It can also be used to sanitize areas such as receptacles for liquid hand soap, hand towels and to sanitize door handles.

Remove Ink Stains

Ink stains are common in office settings. Pretreating an ink stain with denatured alcohol can assist in removing the stain from clothes and other textiles such as curtains and upholstery. Before using it, test a hidden area of the textile to ensure the denatured alcohol won’t ruin it. If it’s safe, use a small amount of denatured alcohol on the stain and a clean, cotton or textured rag to scrub the stain. Allow it to work for a few minutes, then remove the denatured alcohol with a clean, damp rag.

Remove Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew can be a nuisance, especially in commercial and industrial buildings susceptible to high levels of humidity. This includes underground basem*nts, industrial and commercial facilities near water, such as the ocean, lakes and other areas with high humidity levels. Equal parts of denatured alcohol and water sprayed directly onto mold and mildew will eliminate it. Spray the mold or mildew with the denatured alcohol mixture. Allow it to soak for a few minutes, then wipe the surface with a clean damp rag and allow it to dry. You may choose to use an industrial fan to assist the drying process. Because mold and mildew can eventually destroy structures, staying ahead of it is critical.

Cleaner for Metal Parts

Unlike other cleaners that may tarnish metal parts and other surfaces, denatured alcohol is an excellent choice to clean metal parts and surfaces. Because it evaporates so quickly, it won’t ruin the metal, but clean and sanitize it properly. This includes stainless steel appliances used in commercial kitchens and many other mechanical parts on cars. Some companies that manufacture the parts recommend using denatured alcohol to clean them.

Assist in Removing Tape and Other Sticky Substances from Surfaces and Floors

Many commercial and industrial facilities use tape on windows, refrigerators and other areas to hang signs or post information for customers and employees. The tape often leaves a sticky residue. Other substances, such as gum and food can create more work while cleaning floors. Wipe the sticky substance with denatured and a dry cloth. Allow it to saturate the spot. Use a tool, such as a metal-edged paint scraper lightly to remove sticky substance. Repeat the process if necessary.

Cleaner for Untreated Wood and Mixing with Shellac

Untreated wood needs to be cleaned before treating the wood with a stain, shellac or paint. Denatured alcohol assists in cleaning the wood after sanding it to prepare it for other projects. Wear protective gloves and treat the wood outside in a dry area. Use a lint-free cloth and wipe the wood with undiluted denatured alcohol. The denatured alcohol will dry quickly and clean the wood. After the wood is dry, stain, paint or install the untreated wood.

Not often used because it’s been replaced with polyurethane and other resins, shellac works best if thinned with denatured alcohol. Mixing denatured alcohol and shellac in equal parts can make cleaning dust, finishing or resurfacing porous wood an easy job. Use a cheese cloth or lint-free towel to apply it. Stop hinges from tarnishing over time by using equal parts of shellac and denatured alcohol. It also works well as a primer for wood to allow the wood to absorb the shellac more evenly. If you use shellac, always have denatured alcohol to assist it on wood surfaces you plan on refinishing.

The Incredible Uses of Denatured Alcohol (2024)


The Incredible Uses of Denatured Alcohol? ›

One of the most common uses of denatured alcohol is as a cleaning agent. Denatured alcohol can remove dirt, grease, glue, wax, and other types of grime from a variety of hard surfaces, such as wood, glass, and plastic. Denatured alcohol can be utilized to fuel small camping stoves and oil heaters.

What is completely denatured alcohol used for? ›

Denatured alcohol is used as a solvent and as fuel for alcohol burners and camping stoves. Because of the diversity of industrial uses for denatured alcohol, hundreds of additives and denaturing methods have been used. The main additive usually is 10% methanol (methyl alcohol), hence the name methylated spirits.

What does denatured alcohol do to wood? ›

Denatured alcohol assists in cleaning the wood after sanding it to prepare it for other projects. Wear protective gloves and treat the wood outside in a dry area. Use a lint-free cloth and wipe the wood with undiluted denatured alcohol. The denatured alcohol will dry quickly and clean the wood.

Is denatured alcohol good for cleaning? ›

Denatured alcohol is widely known for its anti-bacterial properties. This makes it an ideal cleaning agent. It can be used on a variety of hard surfaces, such as wood, plastic, and glass. Its capacity as a solvent also enables it to dissolve grease and stains, as well as remove light scratches from some surfaces.

Will denatured alcohol clean glass? ›

Detergents, dish soaps, multi-purpose cleaners, some window cleaners, ammonia and even denatured alcohol should not be used to clean glass.

Will denatured alcohol damage wood floors? ›

Alcohol, denatured or not, and mineral spirits, with or without the most toxic ingredients, are both solvents, but they don't necessarily dissolve the same things. Denatured alcohol can damage some wood finishes. Mineral spirits, though, is probably safe.

Is denatured alcohol just rubbing alcohol? ›

Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and denatured alcohol are not the same. They share some similarities, but have different chemical structures and have different uses. They are similar in that they can NOT be consumed by humans. They are both toxic if ingested.

What are the disadvantages of denatured alcohol? ›

However, while denatured alcohol isn't toxic at the levels needed for cosmetics, it can cause excessive dryness and disturb the natural barrier on your skin. Some studies suggest that denatured alcohol on skin may also cause breakouts, skin irritation, and redness.

Why do painters use denatured alcohol? ›

Denatured alcohol is a versatile solvent, stain-remover, thinner and cleaner: As a solvent, it thins shellac, lacquers, resins and inks. It's used to clean up oil- and shellac-based paints off equipment and tools. You can simply soak a brush in a bowl or bucket of denatured alcohol, then wipe with a rag or paper towel.

Will denatured alcohol damage rubber? ›

Common uses of denatured alcohol include industrial solvents, fuel for marine stoves, fuel for camp stoves, and cleaning agent for glass and windows. When exposed to denatured alcohol, rubber materials can experience swelling, softening, and hardening.

What cleans better denatured alcohol or acetone? ›

​For example, you'll find that acetone is good for removing stubborn stains on porcelain, paint, and melted plastic on surfaces. On the other hand, denatured alcohol is best for cleaning plastic and dissolving the finish on surfaces without damaging the underlying paint.

Does denatured alcohol clean stainless steel? ›

Metal parts and surfaces can be cleaned with denatured alcohol. It won't corrode the metal because it evaporates so quickly, but it will clean and sanitize it properly. Stainless steel appliances utilized in commercial kitchens, as well as many other mechanical parts on automobiles, fall into this category.

What is another name for denatured alcohol? ›

Denatured alcohol, also known as methylated spirits, is a type of alcohol that has been chemically altered to make it unfit for consumption. It is a mixture of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and other chemicals, such as methanol or isopropyl alcohol.

Will denatured alcohol remove wood stains? ›

Are you sick of stubborn, gunky messes when stripping wood stain? Here's a great DIY hack for you! Use denatured alcohol to strip wood stain for a gunk-free, totally easy experience!

Can you use denatured alcohol to clean mirrors? ›

To thoroughly address the worst spots of your mirror, treat the deposits with rubbing/denatured alcohol before applying the glass cleaner solution. All you need to do is simply dip a clean and soft rag in the alcohol and then apply it to the worst spots on your mirror.

How do you make window cleaner with denatured alcohol? ›

One part denatured alcohol and 2 parts water. Your windows will really shine !

What are examples of completely denatured alcohol? ›

These processes are used to denature alcohol in products not intended for human consumption but for which the rules on completely denatured alcohol are not suitable. Examples of such products include cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products, bio-fuels, screen wash, anti-freeze, inks, cleaning materials etc.

What is completely denatured alcohol? ›

Completely Denatured Alcohol (CDA) is alcohol that has been so thoroughly denatured that the product is utterly unfit for beverage use, and the denaturants used are very nearly inseparable from the alcohol.

Will denatured alcohol damage plastic? ›

When denatured alcohol evaporates, it leaves behind a residue that can affect the sensitive parts of a computer. Similarly, some of the other chemicals in denatured alcohol can be corrosive to plastics. Denatured alcohol can also be found in cosmetics, but most often it finds use as an industrial chemical.

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