The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found in California (2024)

The largest gold nugget ever found in Sierra County, known as the “Monumental,” weighed 103 pounds and was discovered on the Sierra Buttes Mine property at approximately the eighth level in 1869.

You can see what this monumental chunk of gold looked like when it was brought from the ground when you visit the Kentucky Mine Museum, located on Highway 49 just east of Sierra City, to view the life-size on display.

According to Carrol Hayes, whose family purchased the Sierra Buttes Mine in 1904, miners on their way to work at the mine saw a portion of the nugget on the trail after rain had washed away the dirt that had been covering it. They quickly began unearthing the rest of the nugget and couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the “Monumental” chunk of gold.

Experience that same sense of awe when you stop by the Kentucky Mine and Museum, open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, to view the incredible Monumental Nugget!

The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found in California (1)
Photo by "Funnyaccent" channel on Youtube

The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found in California (2)
Photo by "Funnyaccent" channel on Youtube

The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found in California (3)
Photo by "Funnyaccent" channel on Youtube

See also:
The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found In Alaska
Top Spots For Gem Hunting In The US I

Famous Specimens,Gold,USA

The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found in California (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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