Things a small business shouldn't waste money on. (2024)

People are fond of saying “You have to spend money to make money” but you must be sensitive to things a small business shouldn’t waste money on.

While that’s generally true, unfortunately many owners say this right before they are about to bust the budget on an unwise expense.

When money is tight, or you’re just starting out, it’s especially important to allocate your dollars wisely.

And it is very important to avoid using credit for any items that are not absolutely necessary.

Here are ten thingsa small business owner shouldn’t waste money on and probably do not need:

Table of Contents

Custom Websites

There are a lot of fantastic template-based websites available at reasonable prices.

Most new enterprises can get away without hiring an expensive designer.

One I have heard amazing things about is Wix which is great for a “Starter” website.

But consider the extra work to invest in and convert over to a more robust website platform.

We use WordPress because there are thousands of free useful plugins that you cannot get for a Wix website.

GoDaddy offers economical hosting packages with free WordPress themes and templates that can be setup and running within a few hours.

Once your website traffic grows in size you need to consider transitioning to semi-dedicated or dedicated hosting.

Your website is an effective long term investment and will serve you for years and years.

In fact, your website should be your first major investment because

Don’t worry about the process as many premium hosting services will manage the transfer for you FREE.

Don’t forget that Hosting doesn’t have to be expensive either.

TOTS uses37Solutions.comThings a small business shouldn't waste money on. (2)and we couldn’t be happier with our cost or the service we receive.

We use GoDaddy to host our domains and its worth investigating a GoDaddy hosting alternative.

Expedited shipping

Can you wait another day or two for that box of inventory or supplies?

With some planning the answer is YES!!

Save yourself some money and avoid high shipping charges, unless you absolutely must have the items within the next day or so.

Print Advertising

Many businesses advertise because they have been told they should . . . mostly from sales people telling stories selling advertising.

There are so many methods to promote your business through Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest that are free.

And you can learn more with our free eBook offers below.

If your sales are growing, customer marketing strategies are working and the pace of business is comfortable for you, don’t go out and buy ads just because you have been told it is “the thing to do.”

Advertising is definitely one of those things a small business shouldn’t waste money on.

Advertising without a plan

They are told the popular thing to do is print glossy brochures, buy newspaper ads, purchase a radio spot and then wait to see what happens…if anything.

They’re often a waste of money.

Ads work best when you have a clear purpose in mind, and you can track them to see if the desired result is obtained.

Overpriced postage

You don’t need to sign up for online month to month postage services spending money on meters that you rent by the month.

A cheap digital scalecan be purchased for as little as ten dollars and you can easily print postage with no added fees from Paypal as we described in this post.

These are things a small business owner shouldn’t waste money on.

Office supplies that you’ll never use

Not every business needs paper clips, staplers, hole punches and stackable trays.

We only buy one ream of paper at a time and always think twice before we print something.

Today you only need to save receipts for tax purposes.

All other records can be saved digitally in the “Cloud” so avoid filing cabinets to reduce costs.

If you subscribe to Office 365 you get 1TB of Cloud memory free on a service called OneDrive.

They have an App for your handheld device (phone and tablet) that allows you to access your files.

Google gives you 15GB of free Cloud storage on Google Drive with your Gmail account.

Make a list based on your actual needs and don’t be pressured into buying bulk or paying store membership fees if your starting budget is very slim.

Buying or renting space you don’t need

If you can work out of your bedroom or any other place in your home that offers some privacy, do it.

If you can cut thecost of voip callsthat will save you from wasting money.

It’s not glamorous but oh the money you will save!

To keep your work environment fresh use other work space resources like Public Libraries and Coffee Shops.

Promotional items that don’t translate into sales

Personalized tote bags are cute, but will they really sell more of your products, and do really want two hundred of them to hand out?

Promos can work, but choose the item(s) very carefully, be mindful of your budget, and have a plan for placement and distribution.

All new stuff

When just starting out, it is tempting to get new clothes or some new furniture or maybe even a new computer.

Don’t do it!

Just be patient and save your cash for now.

Use the stuff you already own and concentrate on developing, marketing and SELLING your great new product or service.

If you do need something, check Craigslist or post a Kijiji request.


You can create amazing graphics for your website, blog or Facebook page without Paint Shop Pro.

We use for design on a free plan and for stock photography.

Most starter Tax preparation tools are free with upsells for submitting your tax return electronically. has a special once a year – 100 photos from for $50.

The same goes for accounting programs.

Simple, cheap and even free programs, saving you a lot of money, is all you need in the beginning.

I know many owners and bloggers who just use spreadsheets.

Some programs, like FreshBooks, offer a free trial so you can try before you buy.

Many small businesses advertise in a very haphazard fashion because they DO NOT have a strategy or a goal which is certainly not the bestsuccessful small business ideas.

How have you been saving money?

Are you using a budgeting system?

Are there any mistakes that you’ve learned from?

What things things a small business shouldn’t waste money on ondid you find?

Our readers found these articles useful; 9 Ways to Convert your Blog Posts into Social Media Content, Must Listen to Podcasts for Bloggers, Marketing Your Airbnb Listing Online, PayPal – Invoice Templates and How to Make a Meme from Scratch.

Things a small business shouldn't waste money on. (2024)


Things a small business shouldn't waste money on.? ›

Custom Stationary or Promotional Items

What do companies waste the most money on? ›

13 Ways Many Business Owners Waste Money (And What To Do Instead)
  1. Underutilizing Purchased Software. ...
  2. Maintaining Extravagant Office Spaces. ...
  3. Overspending On Staff For Rapid Product Development. ...
  4. Not Automating Administrative Tasks. ...
  5. Employing Ineffective Management Staff. ...
  6. Trying To Manage Marketing With Insufficient Resources.
Feb 8, 2023

What is the biggest mistake small businesses make? ›

It's impossible to provide a comprehensive list of mistakes, but we've put together 10 common areas where pitfalls can happen.
  1. Not Taking the Time to Plan. ...
  2. Forgetting to Set Goals for Your Startup. ...
  3. Trying to Do It All by Yourself. ...
  4. Skipping the Contracts. ...
  5. Overspending or Underspending. ...
  6. Forgetting About Financing.

What most money is wasted on? ›

20 Things People Waste the Most Money on
  • Impulse Buying. Impulse buying is among the leading things people waste the most money on. ...
  • Unused Memberships and Subscriptions. ...
  • Bank Fees. ...
  • Late Fees. ...
  • Credit Card Interest. ...
  • Extended Warranties. ...
  • New Cars. ...
  • Premium Gas.
Apr 26, 2024

How can we avoid money waste? ›

  1. Shop with a goal in mind. We've all been there. ...
  2. Stop spending money at restaurants. Changing how you spend money on food is one of the easiest ways to save money. ...
  3. Resist sales. Who doesn't love a good deal? ...
  4. Swear off debt. ...
  5. Delay gratification. ...
  6. Challenge yourself to reach your new goals.
Apr 5, 2024

What do businesses spend the most money on? ›

Payroll costs - specifically human labor - are usually the largest expenses for a business. People can easily account for 70% of your company's spending. So what does the average employee cost these days?

Who wastes a lot of money? ›

Spendthrift is a noun that means "a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way."

Why 90% of small businesses fail? ›

The relatively high startup failure rates are due to various reasons, with the most significant being the absence of a product-market fit, poor marketing strategy formulation and implementation, and cash flow problems. Why do entrepreneurs fail? In most cases, a business fails due to multiple reasons.

What is the #1 reason small businesses fail? ›

Financial mismanagement and lack of budgeting are pivotal reasons small businesses, particularly in retail, face failure. Effective cash flow management is crucial. Without it, businesses may struggle to cover essential expenses like rent, inventory and salaries.

Why 99% of businesses fail? ›

According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

What poor people waste their money on? ›

20 Things Poor People Waste Money on, According to Suze Orman
  • 20 Things Poor People Waste Money on, According to Suze Orman. ...
  • Lattes and Daily Coffee Shop Runs. ...
  • Dining Out Excessively. ...
  • Bottled Water Obsession. ...
  • Lottery Tickets and Gambling. ...
  • New Cars and “Keeping Up With The Joneses” ...
  • Unused Memberships and Subscriptions.
Apr 20, 2024

What are money wasters? ›

The Bottom Line. Shopping at convenience stores, wasting money on magazines, and high credit card and bank fees are easy ways to waste money. Taking some time to go over your spending habits could be well worth your time. Open a New Bank Account.

What do Americans waste most of their money on? ›

Grant Cardone: Here Are the Top 10 Ways Americans Waste Money
  • Lottery: $100 billion a year.
  • Credit card fees: $120 billion a year.
  • Footwear: $135 billion a year.
  • College: $671 billion a year.
  • Wasted food: $400 billion a year.
  • Streaming: $450 billion a year.
  • Taxes: $2.33 trillion a year.
Aug 22, 2023

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What should I stop spending money on? ›

50 Things to Stop Wasting Your Money On
  • ATM Fees. Paying for ATM fees is like feeding your money into a paper shredder. ...
  • Bottled Water. Not only does bottled water cost more, many cities' tap water is often as clean. ...
  • Bulk Groceries. ...
  • Cell Phone Data. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Fancy Gadgets. ...
  • Flavored Beverages. ...
  • Gasoline.
May 9, 2017

How to cut bills down? ›

Here are some tips on reducing expenses so you can pay off debt.
  1. Start Tracking Your Spending Habits. ...
  2. Get on a Budget. ...
  3. Cancel Unnecessary or Unused Subscriptions. ...
  4. Reduce Electricity Use. ...
  5. Prioritize Sustainability. ...
  6. Lower Your Housing Expenses. ...
  7. Consolidate Your Debt and Lower Interest Rates. ...
  8. Reduce Your Insurance Premiums.

What is the biggest expense for most companies? ›

Payroll. For many businesses, payroll is the biggest expense by far.

What industry wastes the most? ›

The top 7 most polluting industries in 2024
  • The energy industry is the most polluting industry in the world.
  • The transport industry is the second most-polluting industry in the world.
  • Ambient air pollution contributes 4.2 million deaths worldwide annually, according to government data.
Mar 20, 2024

What are the most wasteful companies? ›

The paper states that the top five producers of branded plastic pollution were Coca-Cola Company, which was responsible for 11 per cent of roughly 910,000 branded items, followed by PepsiCo (5%), Nestlé (3%), Danone (3%), and Altria/Philip Morris International (2%).

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.