Tips & Tricks for the Perfect Curry | Tilda (2024)

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02 March 2021

With a few simple tricks, you can whip up a deliciously satisfying dish; better than anything the local takeout or supermarket can offer.

How to make the perfect curry

Look for the secret to the perfect curry? While some of us might be tempted to reach for the shop bought pastes and sauces, making your own perfect curry from scratch couldn’t be easier and knowing how to temper the spices and being familiar with the ingredients you are cooking with is key. With a few simple tricks, you can whip up a deliciously satisfying dish; better than anything the local takeout or supermarket can offer.

Sizzle your spice:

Kick off your curry by heating whole spices in hot oil to unleash their flavour. Choose from cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and seeds for the perfect base to your dish. Fresh spices are the best choice and will keep for longer in the freezer.

Healthy choices:

It’s a common misconception that curries have to be unhealthy. For a healthier curry, simply soak almonds in water for an hour and blitz to create an almond paste or choose tomato as an alternative to coconut milk. Spices such as chilli and ginger are packed with health benefits such as antioxidants which help fight viruses and can help boost circulation.

Take your time:

A good curry doesn’t have to take hours but it’s important to allow ingredients such as onions to cook properly, to get the most flavour out of them. Plus, save powered spices like Garam Masala until last. The cooking process reduces the flavour of dried spices so it’s best to wait until you’re almost finished with the heat before adding to your mix.

Season to taste:

Tomato based curries can benefit from a little sugar to take away the acidity and a pinch of salt can also balance the dish. If you accidentally go a little overboard with the seasoning, a twist of lemon juice will neutralise the excess.


Transform your curry with a simple topping! Toasted sesame seeds, desiccated coconut or a sprinkle of fresh pomegranate adds another layer of depth to your creation.


Make curries go further by adding pulses like chickpeas and yellow split peas. Not only will it bulk out the meal, but pulses are great sources of protein and fibre which will give your dish a nutritional boost. Learn why pulses are good for you here. As long as the rice is cooled quickly (i.e run under cold water after cooking) and stored in the fridge, it’s safe to reheat the next day – or you can grab a pack of our handy Steamed Basmati Rice which takes just two minutes in the microwave!

Tips for cooking better curries at home

How to thicken a curry

A popular way to thicken a curry is by adding tomato puree or unflavoured yoghurt. Simply adding tomato puree or yoghurt to your curry during the cooking process creates a smooth and creamy consistency.

Greek yoghurt can serve as a cream substitute. Simply add yoghurt to your curry until it reaches your desired thickness.

Tomato puree works best in tomato-based curries to add thickness and strong flavour. Mix in the tomato puree while cooking until the curry is your preferred consistency. If you do not have tomato puree, diced tomatoes or tomato paste can also be used.

How to make curry less spicy

You can make a curry less spicy by adding coconut milk, cream, yoghurt, or sour cream to your curry dish while cooking.

These cooling ingredients aim to reduce the heat of your curry by spreading out the spice.

Coconut milk is best used in coconut-based curries to complement the flavours. Add the coconut milk to the curry until the spiciness has reduced.

Sour cream, regular cream, and yoghurt can also be added to improve the flavour. Pour in the sour cream, regular cream or yoghurt and taste until you reach the desired spice level.

You can also add more base ingredients to your curry to make it less spicy. Diced potatoes and extra meat help to bulk out the dish and absorb spice.

How to sweeten a curry

A curry can be sweetened by adding honey, syrup, or sugar. These ingredients add flavour and balance to a sour or bitter curry.

Add around one tablespoon of either ingredient to your curry while cooking and taste. Continue to slowly add syrup, honey, or sugar to the dish until a sweet flavour is achieved.

Sweet-tasting vegetables such as sweet potato and butternut squash can also add sweet flavour elements and create balance.

How to give curry depth

You can give a curry depth by adding umami goodness. Umami is one of the basic five tastes and is often described as a meaty, savoury deliciousness that deepens a dish’s flavour.

Natural foods that peak umami taste receptors include tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and roasted spice.

Add umami ingredients sparingly to your curry dish for a deepened and elevated flavour.

When to add spices to curry

It is best to add spices to a curry towards the end of the cooking process to preserve their flavours.

The flavour of dried spice is naturally reduced during cooking so add spices and herbs to the mix from the midway point for optimum taste.

How to cook frozen prawns in a curry

Frozen prawns can be added to curry to create a simple and flavourful dish. Their mild yet sweet flavour makes them a versatile ingredient in a range of curries.

To defrost your frozen prawns, leave them in the fridge overnight or simply place them in a colander over the sink while running cold water over them.

Then add your raw prawns to curry as the last ingredient. You will know when your prawns are cooked as they turn a subtle pink shade.

How to cook a curry in a slow cooker

To cook a curry in a slow cooker you should add all your ingredients and leave them to cook throughout the day.

Add your ingredients and mix well to combine flavours and aromas. Cover the slow cooker with the lid and cook on high. Be sure to check the curry at various points throughout the day so the ingredients do not become overdone.

Use chicken thighs over the breast in a slow cooker as they remain tender for longer. Do not add too much liquid as the water cannot evaporate, leaving you with a watery curry.

For the ultimate curry recipe, why not check out ourPerfect Chicken Curry?

Tips & Tricks for the Perfect Curry | Tilda (2024)


Tips & Tricks for the Perfect Curry | Tilda? ›

Tomato-based curries can benefit from a little sugar to take away the acidity and a pinch of salt can also balance the dish. If you accidentally go a little overboard with the seasoning, a twist of lemon juice will neutralize the excess. Garnish: Transform your curry with a simple topping!

What is the secret to perfect curry? ›

For the best results, always try to use fresh spices. If you open a spice bottle and the powder smells musty, or there's not a burst of aroma, it's best to buy a fresh bottle. If you're grinding up whole spices for curries, lightly toast them in a dry frying pan first to release their fragrance.

How do I make my curry taste better? ›

The easiest way to fix a bland and tasteless curry is by adding spices like red chili powder, cumin, coriander, garam masala, curry leaves and turmeric. Just make a quick tempering and pour over the curry to give it a nice punch of spices and herbs.

What is the secret ingredient for curry? ›

Whether you may be familiar with the differences between curries from various countries, such as Indian versus Japanese curry, and perhaps even know how to make them at home, there's a special flavor enhancer that you may not have thought to add: honey.

What gives depth to curry? ›

Cumin: Warm, earthy and slightly peppery, cumin is a one of those spices for catering that can transform an authentic spicy dish. Its aromatic qualities can boost the depth of a curry. You can use ground cumin, or cumin seeds can be added throughout the cooking process to enhance flavour gradually.

How do restaurants make curry so creamy? ›

The actual sweetness and creaminess of such curries meanwhile, usually comes from fried onions and either cashews and/or dairy products. Instead of (or in addition to) onion, ground coconut may be used. White poppy seeds and/or watermelon seeds are also used in some creamy sauces.

How do you make curry taste like a restaurant? ›

Simple suggestions for restaurant good quality curries:
  1. Fry your onions till they are golden brown.
  2. Fry your spices but don't burn them. ...
  3. Use good quality spices. ...
  4. Seasoning. ...
  5. Use fatty yoghurt (greek style works) in curries to make them richer. ...
  6. Patience. ...
  7. Use a neutral vegetable oil. ...
  8. Experiment.
Jun 24, 2018

Does curry get better the longer you cook it? ›

Let it cook for as long as possible. Simmering a curry allows time for the flavours to infuse; a long, slow simmering time generally produces the best curry. Flavours will continue to infuse even when the curry is taken off the heat, so do allow time for the curry to “rest” and cool down before serving.

How long should you leave a curry to simmer? ›

Add some curry spice paste and gently cook for a few minutes. This allows the spices to release all their • wonderful flavours and aromas. Next add your meat or vegetables and cook until sealed. Finally add some water and leave to simmer for 15-30 mins depending on the recipe.

What adds flavor to curry? ›

A curry mix has a warm, robust spicy taste as a result of combining roasted and grounded coriander seeds, turmeric, cumin and chili peppers. Other spices commonly found within the blend are fenugreek, clove, mustard, black pepper, nutmeg or ginger.

What makes a delicious curry? ›

The most common curry ingredients may include cumin, coriander, turmeric, ginger, garlic, onions, chili peppers, and tomatoes. Usually, curries are prepared with a protein too, such as chicken, lamb, beef, tofu, chickpeas, or lentils.

What is the most important ingredient in curry? ›

The most common ingredient in curry dishes is garlic. Onion, cilantro, tomatoes, vegetable oil, fresh ginger root, white sugar, coconut milk and chicken stock are also common ingredients in curry recipes. For herbs and spices, curry powder, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon and cayenne pepper are popular.

What is the secret to good Indian curry? ›

Slow-cooking your curry can make all the difference. Since onions form the base of most curries, getting them right is crucial. Anjum Anand suggests cooking them slowly, until soft, then increasing the heat to colour them. 'The deeper their colour, the more flavour,' says.

What's missing from my curry? ›

Curries can be bland if you haven't used enough of the base aromatics of garlic, ginger, and onion. The onion should be caramelized in oil until well browned and flavorful. Spices should not be old enough to lose potency and preferably should be toasted and ground yourself.

When to add tomatoes to curry? ›

The sequence for meat / chicken curries is:
  1. Whole spices (if not using spice powders)
  2. Onions.
  3. Ginger and garlic paste.
  4. Meat / chicken.
  5. Turmeric, chilly powder and spice powders.
  6. Tomatoes or beaten yoghurt.
  7. Salt.
Dec 6, 2017

How do you get the strong taste out of curry? ›

Adding citrus or vinegar provides a tangy flavor that balances the heat. Yogurt or sour cream can cool down the curry. Adding a pinch of sugar or ketchup can counteract the spiciness. Starchy foods like potatoes or rice can absorb heat.

How do I make my curry thick and creamy? ›

For a rich and creamy curry, coconut milk or cream can be a fantastic thickening agent. They not only add creaminess but also a delightful tropical flavour. Simply pour in some coconut milk or cream and let it simmer until your sauce reaches the desired consistency.

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