Top 10 Reasons Why Investment Banking is a Great Career for You (2024)

Investment banking offers opulent and excellent amenities, making it a rewarding career choice. People intentionally involve themselves to land this difficult job. Raising funds for a company or organization is the responsibility of investment bankers, which sounds incredibly tempting. Due to a variety of factors, the work offers incredible potential for growth. Do you want to know the reasons? If so, welcome to this article 10 reasons why investment banking is a great career for you, which will provide you with detailed explanations on why working in investment banking would be a great career choice.

Top 10 Reasons Why Investment Banking is a Great Career for You (1)

Investment Banking-Explanation, History and Lifestyle:

One of the most lucrative sectors of the finance business is investment banking. Investment banking brought in $39 billion in income in 2018, and that was just in the US. You are not alone if the term “investment banking” sounds odd to you. Or to put it another way, the complexity of this high-stakes industry continues to confound even financial experts. Even said, it’s understandable why so many people aspire to be the next Wolf of Wall Street given that wages start at $1,40,000 per year. Some people just want to know how this glossy industry operates. Unfortunately, it’s not yachts, nightclubs, or champagne. Some investment bankers work more than 100 hours per week, and the work itself is very stressful. So, what exactly is investment banking? Why is it so profitable? How is it different from a commercial bank?

Let’s go back in time to discover how it all started before we describe how an investment bank operates. Commercial banks began doing the tasks that we now associate with investment banks in the United States in the early 19th century. However, everything changed during the Civil War. Jay Cooke, a financier from Philadelphia, is where the story of investment banking starts. Cooke founded the first investment bank ever in 1861 to aid in funding the war activities of the federal government. As a result, the US government was the company’s first client. Back then, the government had to issue bonds to raise money for the country’s fast-expanding economy and infrastructure development initiatives like building the railways. Bonds are commonly utilized to finance projects since they function similarly to I.O.U.s between lenders and borrowers. In many instances, investment banks would buy these bonds and resell them to individual investors for a profit even if other parties are engaged. Investment banks still do the same nowadays. Where those enormous sums of money come from is the question. The business plan is, in fact, quite straightforward.

Investment banks buy securities, or assets with monetary worth, and then resell them to third parties for a fee. This procedure is referred to as underwriting. Why don’t customers and investors save their money and complete the transaction themselves? The fact that the middleman is in charge of delivering the securities is one of the main benefits of engaging in this type of transaction. They will have to preserve certain securities if they are unable to locate sufficient investors. Investment bankers are essentially risk-taking intermediaries between clients and investors when you think of it like way. Now, investment banks are not the only ones who do this.

Commercial Banks vs. Investment Banks-

Commercial banks likewise assume the risk, but the distinction here is that they work with people and small to medium-sized businesses, lending out lesser amounts for things like individual mortgages and small-business loans. They generate their revenue through the interest they charge. Investment banks, on the other hand, assume far greater risks as they work with large corporations and start-ups that are high risk and serve as a conduit between businesses and investors. They stand to gain significant revenue from the procedures. In principle, everything here is fantastic. However, let’s be honest: investment banking does not have a good reputation. The 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis, which affected everyone, was one of the worst tragedies in history. Many borrowers found themselves unable to repay their loans after the housing bubble burst. Many financial institutions failed as a result of the sharp increase in foreclosures. Twenty of the top 25 subprime mortgage lenders shut down, stopped making loans, or were acquired to stay out of bankruptcy as more homeowners started to default. Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, two investment banks, filed for bankruptcy. The U.S. was experiencing a recession by the end of 2008. Because of the most recent financial catastrophe since the Great Depression, you must be thinking that investment banking is bad and that you can get by without it. However, that is not the case. Despite all its flaws, investment banking helped a lot in development.

In conclusion, investment banking has been a profession for centuries, however, it has changed over time. In the beginning, financing companies that wanted to raise funds to grow or expand operations was investment banks’ main focus.

Advancements in technology and sophisticated financial products led to investment banks offering comprehensive services like merger and acquisition advice, capital markets advice, and equity underwriting by the 1960s.

How Do Investment Banks Operate?

Investment banking works by bringing together businesses trying to raise funds and investors eager to purchase the securities or other instruments being offered. An investment bank will assist a firm in issuing shares of stock when it becomes public or becomes so, and will later facilitate the open market selling of those shares.

The same procedure is followed when a business wants to issue debt in the form of bonds or loans. In the process, the investment bank will serve as a middleman, helping to organize the debt offering and establishing a trading platform for both buyers and sellers.

Also Read,

  • Financial Modeling vs Investment Banking
  • Guide To Investment Banking
  • Financial Services vs Investment Banking
  • Investment Banking Business Models
  • Career Opportunities In Investment Banking
  • Investment Banking Industry

Career Opportunities in Investment Banking:

The job market is improving for people interested in a career in investment banking. With the right credentials, connections, and experience, individuals can land several high-paying jobs in this sector. Strong analytical capabilities and market knowledge will be in high demand for investment bankers.

Investment banking is a rewarding career path for those with a passion for money and financial services. Depending on education and experience, an investment banker’s compensation in India can change.

In general, a recent investment banking graduate with no prior work experience should anticipate earning between $20,000 and $25,000 per month. After a few years of experience, the pay may go to 50,000 or even more per month, depending on the company and the position. The average monthly salary for seasoned investment bankers in India, according to Ambition Box, ranges from 75,000 to 2 lakhs. Senior executives may earn up to 5 lakhs per month in compensation. Additionally typical among Indian investment bankers are bonuses, stock options, and other incentives.

As a result of technology improvements, investment banks are utilizing AI-driven solutions for analysis and advice more and more. This has expanded the opportunities available to people with specialized technological skills.

Progression in a Career in Investment Banking:

In every organization the posts /titles/levels which are assigned might differ, the following positions typically accompany professional advancement in investment banking:


Interns assist analysts and associates in their daily tasks because the goal of an internship is to learn and gain experience. Alongside an analyst, some interns could assist in developing presentations or financial models.


An analyst assists managers in their efforts to gain clients and close sales by handling a lot of presentation and Excel work. Before getting a promotion or leaving investment banking, analysts often stay in this position for two to three years.


An associate performs comparable tasks to those of an analyst but is given extra authority (and pressure) to make sure everything goes according to plan. To improve their chances of advancement or going into a more specialized area of finance, associates frequently pursue their MBA as well.

Vice Presidents

Vice presidents are in charge of more tasks and interact with customers more frequently. In addition to selling potential clients and managing negotiations, they must manage their time between working with clients and overseeing the analysts and colleagues who report to them. VPs may be promoted or recruited to a more specialized role in finance, such as hedge fund management, after three to four years of exceptional performance.

Managing Directors

The team is led by managing directors, whose sole responsibility is to increase profits for both the bank and its clients. Every day, they invest their time in gaining, keeping, and developing new client relationships. The managing director gives tasks to the lower-level employees and must ensure that everything is flawless to maintain the clients’ satisfaction.

Who is an Investment Banker?

They serve as consultants for the purchase and sale of securities and assist businesses in obtaining funding through initial public offerings (IPOs).

Entry-level and executive positions are both commonly referred to as “investment banker” positions. At all levels, these professionals put in a lot of pressure while working hard and long hours. Data-driven, career-focused, analytical, self-assured, and committed to assisting their clients in succeeding are the qualities that make persons for this position most fit.

The Aptitudes Required for Employment in Investment Banking:

  • A good awareness of the financial markets and current developments is necessary.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, and problem-solving abilities are necessary.
  • It is necessary to have a strong understanding of accounting concepts, financial modelling, and capital markets.
  • Highly developed interpersonal skills are necessary for effective interactions with clients and coworkers
  • The usage of specialist software and superior computer abilities are valuable assets.
  • A person in charge of tough projects from start to finish who has previous project management expertise.
  • Aperson with great networking abilities who can build relationships with industry leaders and potential investors.

Investment bankers are essential to the success of mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, and complex financial transactions for corporate customers. Here are the top 10 reasons why investment banking is a great career choice for you.

10 Reasons to Start Your Career as an Investment Banker:

Joining an investment bank today is quite prestigious and reputable. When people look at you, they realize that you are a very intelligent and persuasive person. To land a job at an investment bank, this person put forth a lot of effort. It has a good reputation and offers a solid platform for learning and two opportunities for career advancement. You will therefore gain a lot of knowledge once you work for an investment bank. A lot of hard and soft skills are developed as a result of being forced into a situation head-first. For example, you learn how to use Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and other programs. Your interpersonal, communication, presentation, teamwork, and other abilities are all developed at the same time. You thereby have a well-rounded experience. You can go and apply to new roles, companies, industries, and jobs after working for a year or two. Since people are aware that working for an investment bank is challenging, you have earned experience and developed as a person, and now that others are aware of this, you are quite appealing to other firms and industries. It demands a serious effort.

Top 10 Reasons Why Investment Banking is a Great Career for You (4)

Investment banking is one of the economic areas with the fastest growth. Due to this sector’s growing prominence in the industry, a lot more people are eager and prepared to join and be a part of it. But are you aware of the many benefits you will be able to enjoy once you work in the investment banking sector? I’ll list a couple of them for you below:

1. Exposure to a Wide Range of Educational Opportunities:

Investment bankers acquire useful skills that will be helpful to them in their future positions as financial advisors or analysts. Additionally, they acquire beneficial skills like research, analysis, problem-solving, and communication that apply to a variety of businesses.

2. High Income:

The investment banking option is best suited to those people who are money-minded. They want to earn more and more. The pay in this sector is excellent which enables anyone to pay off their billsquitet easily. If money is what you are looking for then the investment banking sector is the perfect choice as they often provide high salaries with bonuses which are extremely attractive for individuals.

3. Endurance:

Few people would consider having a nonexistent social life, sleepless evenings, and busy weekends as positives. The good news is that things can only get better after working more than 90 hours per week. Although it is a rosy perspective, it is accurate. Anything short of bodily collapse will seem like a holiday after you experience utter fatigue.

4. Savvy Networking:

As soon as you join the investment banking sector, whether you are a graduate a freshman or a student you get exposed to smart people or experienced professionals and from that you are going to learn so many great things like making great networks, making great connections and learning from the best of the best. Being around smart people is going to convert into smarter and thinking in a way that’s going to make people do the right things.

5. Potential for Development:

The financial industry is full of development opportunities. By accepting more responsibility and showing their skills, employees can advance in a hierarchical company like bank. In addition, training and development programs are routinely offered by banks to assist employees in acquiring the skills necessary for professional advancement. People can transition between professions and divisions to get new experiences and skills. The banking industry also frequently offers a wide array of career options. Employees can frequently be allocated to international positions, which can broaden their perspectives and provide them with valuable experience.

Recommend Read,

6. Working with valuation and financial models:

Early in your career, investment banking gives you the chance to develop expertise in creating extensive, intricate financial models. Bankers may not be terrific investors, but they do spend a lot of time on valuation work, which can be a great way to start your career.

7. Prominent transactions:

Bankers work on confidential projects they are made public, they appear on the front page of the business publications.

8. Sense of Urgency:

Banking usually prioritizes timeliness and frequently responds to emails more than 10 minutes after they are sent. This sense of urgency is uncommon, and new coworkers may be taken aback by the poor reaction times after you leave the company.

9. Tremendous difficulty and a long learning curve:

It will help you stand out as a candidate for jobs if you can acknowledge that IB requires exceptionally long hours and that you’re truly inspired by the task. It can be beneficial to give instances from your own experience, such as when you were a professional musician, or athlete, or participated in another extraordinarily difficult activity (like climbing Mount Everest).

10. Time management:

Bankers must learn to make the most of every hour to optimize their leisure time. At the end of the day, they usually receive new duties, thus time management is crucial. When there is an hour delay, they must take all precautions to avoid obstacles, including walking outside for personal care.

The Following Benefits Also Come With This Line of Work:

  • Working at an investment bank may open doors or offer access to a wide range of potential clients. Investment bankers can work with a variety of companies, from little startups to huge multinationals.

  • The two benefits of working in investment banking are the chance to travel the world and the incredible employment flexibility. Investment bankers frequently travel to various locations to conduct research or meet with customers, which adds an interesting and fun element to the business.

  • Last but not least, given the intense competition in the investment banking sector, those who succeed will undoubtedly stand out from their peers and have successful careers in finance.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding 10 Reasons Why Investment Banking is a Great Career for You:

Q1. How long does it take to become an investment banker?

At least four years must be spent attaining a bachelor’s degree, and additional time must be spent studying for and obtaining FINRA licensure. Investment bankers who work at the mid-level and advanced levels often hold master’s degrees, which can take an additional two years to complete. So, to become an investment banker, you may need to put in seven or more years.

Q2. What qualifications are required to work in investment banking?

Skills and qualifications for investment bankers:

  • strong interpersonal, networking, and communication abilities.
  • Working in a fast-paced atmosphere is a must.
  • competent in analysis and research.
  • strong presentation abilities.
  • the capacity to handle tasks and time.
  • understanding of pertinent securities and M&A regulations.

Q3. Is it challenging to work in investment banking?

Yes, it is possible. The majority of investment firms look for applicants from elite universities, which frequently have expensive tuition, tough admissions requirements, and demanding coursework. However, bachelor’s degree holders from any institution can still find entry-level employment in investment banking.

Final Comments Over 10 Reasons Why Investment Banking is a Great Career for You:

We’ve now covered all 10 reasons why investment banking is a great career for you. We’ve attempted to answer all of your potential investment banking-related queries in this article.

The investment banking industry may prove to be rewarding for those who meet the requisites, and have the necessary education, experience, and contacts. Anyone interested in working in investment banking can find employment as a financial analyst, venture capitalist, private equity manager, or investment advisor. You may succeed in this fast-paced industry when you put in the time and effort necessary to obtain the appropriate abilities.

Working in investment banking can be tough and rewarding for those who have a passion for finance. Working with clients from many sectors and in-depth product and financial market knowledge are the two primary opportunities for the sector. The investment banking sector is likewise very cutthroat and provides tremendous chances for compensation and career advancement. The investment banking industry is tremendously competitive in addition to providing excellent income and career prospects. Anyone considering a career in investment banking should have a clear understanding of the opportunities and challenges the industry presents, as well as the knowledge and skills needed. I think you’ll look back on it as a great choice as you continue to grow professionally in a global economy.

strong interpersonal, networking, and communication abilities.Working in a fast-paced atmosphere is a must.competent in analysis and research.strong presentation abilities.the capacity to handle tasks and time.understanding of pertinent securities and M&A regulations." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Is it challenging to work in investment banking?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, it is possible. The majority of investment firms look for applicants from elite universities, which frequently have expensive tuition, tough admissions requirements, and demanding coursework. However, bachelor's degree holders from any institution can still find entry-level employment in investment banking." } }]}

Top 10 Reasons Why Investment Banking is a Great Career for You (2024)
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