Ultra Beasts (2024)

Ultra Beasts (1)

The Ultra Beasts(Japanese:ウルトラビースト,Hepburn:Urutora Biisuto) are a group of Extradimensonal Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. They were revealed on September 6, 2016.

They are creatures native to a vastly different dimension to the world of the games—the Ultra Space—causing them to develop as very strange, and often very strong. While the Ultra Beasts normally stay within Ultra Space, they can on occasion become stranded outside of it due to the formation of an Ultra Wormhole that leaves them unable to return. This can prove to be dangerous for anyone nearby, as the disorientation involved can often cause them to become violent. As they are technically not considered Pokémon, they cannot be captured reliably with Pokéballs. Hence the creation of the Beast Ball.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Known Ultra Beasts
    • 2.1 UB-01 Symbiont
    • 2.2 UB-02
      • 2.2.1 UB-02 Absorption
      • 2.2.2 UB-02 Beauty
    • 2.3 UB-03 Lightning
    • 2.4 UB-04
      • 2.4.1 UB-04 Blade
      • 2.4.2 UB-04 Blaster
    • 2.5 UB-05 Glutton
    • 2.6 UB Burst
    • 2.7 UB Assembly
    • 2.8 UB Adhesive
    • 2.9 UB Stinger
  • 3 Anime
    • 3.1 Main
    • 3.2 Recurring
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Gallery
    • 5.1 Anime


In the Alola region, rumors are flying about mysterious creatures known as Ultra Beasts. Ultra Beasts possess mighty powers and could pose a threat to humans and Pokémon, so they are feared. It appears that the Aether Foundation is also conducting research on these Ultra Beasts.

Known Ultra Beasts[]

A total of seven Ultra Beast species appear in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, each of them called by a code name in addition to a real name. In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon four new Ultra Beasts were revealed.

UB-01 Symbiont[]

Ultra Beasts (2)

Main article: Nihilego

UB-01 Symbiont (Japanese: UB01 PARASITE) is the first Ultra Beast shown. It was revealed on September 6, 2016.

UB-01's body is composed of a glass-like substance. However, it's constantly changing shapes, never settling on one.

While evidence of something like a survival instinct can be observed in UB-01, no one knows whether it has a will of its own or any emotions. It's said that, for some reason, its movements resemble those of a young girl. Nihilego has a neurotoxin that inhibits the actions of the host rather than possession, making them stronger, more violent, but also reckless and oblivious of their actions. This probably isn't intentionally symbiotic as the goal of this is for the intoxicated to attack and destroy those that could be a hindrance to the Nihilego or its nest, such as predators or competitors; most likely other types of UB's.

UB-01 Symbiont originates from a world called Ultra Deep Sea.

Ultra Beasts (3)

UB-01 Symbiont coming out of an Ultra Wormhole.

Ultra Beasts (4)

UB-01 Symbiont merged with Lusamine

Ultra Beasts (5)

UB-01 Symbiont's Ultra Space


UB-02 has two known forms: UB-02 Absorption (Buzzwole) and UB-02 Beauty (Pheromosa).UB-02 (Japanese: UB02) is the second Ultra Beast shown. It was revealed on September 12, 2016, through the September issue of CoroCoro magazine.

UB-02 Absorption[]

Ultra Beasts (6)

Main article: Buzzwole

UB-02 Absorption (Japanese: UB02 EXPANSION) was revealed on September 12, 2016, by some CoroCoro scans and officially two days later. It is exclusive to Pokémon Sun. At some point of the story, it battles Hala and Tapu Koko.

The extent of its strength is unknown. Its entire body is covered with bulging, powerful muscles. The full force of a punch powered by these muscles would be off the charts as it is able to pulverize a dump truck with a single punch. Its distinctively long mouth is said to be harder than diamonds. When absorbing a target's energy, it causes its own muscles to grow exponentially fast. Its flexing is thought to be a way of communicating. Buzzwole appears to use its arms as its primary weapon, probably due to it being the most powerful part of its body.

UB-02 Absorption originates from a world called Ultra Jungle.

Ultra Beasts (7)

UB-02 Absorption coming from the sky.

Ultra Beasts (8)

Tapu Koko vs UB-02 Absorption.

Ultra Beasts (9)

UB-02 Absorption's Ultra Space.

UB-02 Beauty[]

Ultra Beasts (10)

Main article: Pheromosa

UB-02 Beauty (Japanese: UB02 BEAUTY) was revealed on September 12, 2016, by some CoroCoro scans and officially two days later. It is exclusive to Pokémon Moon. At some point of the story, it battles Hala and Tapu Koko.

Its narrow, graceful legs allow it to accelerate with such explosive speed that people claim it can dodge lightning! It is said that any Pokémon that sees UB-02 Beauty, regardless of its own gender, will become infatuated with it and lose the will to battle. The exact reason for this reaction—whether it's an unidentified pheromone exuded by UB-02 Beauty or a hypnotic effect induced by its appearance—has not been determined. In terms of attacking, it seems to use prefer legs most of the time, most likely due to its insane speeds topped with legs.

UB-02 Beauty originates from a world called Ultra Desert.

UB-03 Lightning[]

Ultra Beasts (14)

Main article: Xurkitree

UB-03 Lightning (Japanese: UB03 LIGHTNING) was revealed on November 14, 2016.

It raided a power plant, so people think it energizes itself with electricity. Astonishing electric shocks emanate from its entire body, according to witnesses. When it is low on energy, it will absorb electricity from the ground and enter a temporary tree-like state. Xurkitree has an organ that can produce energy, allowing it to discharge up to around one million volts of electricity at once.

UB-03 Lightning originates from a world called Ultra Plant.

Ultra Beasts (15)

UB-03 Lightning's Ultra Space.


UB-04 Blade[]

Ultra Beasts (16)

Main article: Kartana

UB-04 Blade (Japanese: UB04 SLASH) was revealed by some CoroCoro scans on November 11, 2016. It is exclusive to Pokémon Sun.

It was observed cutting down a gigantic steel tower with one stroke of its blade. It seems not to attack enemies on its own, but its sharp body is a dangerous weapon in itself. It is very dangerous as every edge of its body is impossibly sharp, making it able to cut almost everything, an opponent included. Attacking would probably result in being cut down as Kartana could just move to a position in which the opponent attacks a sharp edge. It can easily avoid attacks by floating away, however. Due to it's ultra-thin body (And probably being made of paper), it is highly susceptible to fire and moisture.

UB-04 Blade originates from a world called Ultra Forest.

Ultra Beasts (17)

UB-04 Blade's Ultra Space

UB-04 Blaster[]

Ultra Beasts (18)

Main article: Celesteela

UB-04 Blaster (Japanese: UB04 BLASTER) was revealed by some CoroCoro scans on November 11, 2016. It is exclusive to Pokémon Moon.

Celesteela's most distinctive feature is its gas it stores within its arms. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms and observed it flying across the sky at high speed. It is stated that this flammable gas could burn/melt anything.

UB-04 Blaster originates from a world called Ultra Crater.

Ultra Beasts (19)

UB-04 Blaster's Ultra Space.

UB-05 Glutton[]

Ultra Beasts (20)

Main article: Guzzlord

UB-05 Glutton (Japanese: UB05 GLUTTONY) was revealed by some CoroCoro scans on November 11, 2016, and officially four days later.

This beast has an astounding appetite, and it will completely devour anything in front of its eyes. It's said that it devours not only objects, but the ground, rivers, and even the seas.

Despite the abnormal amounts that this beast consumes, it's said that it doesn't produce any waste products. It's possible that it's completely converting everything it eats into energy to sustain itself, but the true details remain unknown.

UB-05 Glutton originates from a world called Ultra Ruin.

UB Burst[]

Ultra Beasts (22)

Main article: Blacephalon

"UB Burst" (Japanese: UB BURST) was revealed on September 13, 2017. It is exclusive for Pokémon Ultra Sun.

UB Burst tricks targets into letting their guard down as it draws near with its funny gait, swaying this way and that—then shocks them by blowing up its own head without warning. Before its targets can recover their senses, it steals their vitality, which it's said to use as a source of energy.

Its head is made up of a collection of curious sparks, and it appears to have the ability to freely remove its own head and make it explode.

Ultra Beasts (23)

Ultra Beasts (24)

UB Assembly[]

Ultra Beasts (25)

Main article: Stakataka

"UB Assembly" (Japanese: UB LAY) was revealed on September 13, 2017. It is exclusive for Pokémon Ultra Moon.

While UB Assembly may appear to be made up of stones stacked atop one another, apparently each “stone” is in fact a separate life-form, and this UB is made up of an assemblage of these life-forms.

When confronting another, or when feeling particularly enraged, the eyes on each of these stones begin to glow red.

UB Adhesive[]

Ultra Beasts (26)

Main article: Poipole

"UB Adhesive" (Japanese: UB STICKY) was revealed on October 5, 2017.

UB Adhesive displays many emotions, and it's said to be able to understand human speech if it spends enough time together with them.

Its large head is filled with venom, and it fires this venom from the poisonous needles on top of it.

UB Adhesive originates from Ultra Megalopolis, where it is popular as a Starter Pokémon.

UB Stinger[]

Ultra Beasts (27)

Main article: Naganadel

"UB Stinger" (Japanese: UB Stinger) is the evolution of UB Adhesive.

UB Stinger has stingers on its lower body and each shoulder. The powerful poison it fires from the largest stinger, on the end of its abdomen, can travel over a staggering six miles, It may look like a huge stomach, but Naganadel's abdomen contains its brain and hundreds of liters of poisonous liquid. This poisonous liquid is peculiar, being both highly adhesive and luminescent. The stingers that attach to its abdomen are directly connected to its brain. As a result, it hates to have these stingers touched. It will furiously attack anyone who touches them.

UB Stinger's homeworld, similar to its pre-evolution, is Ultra Megalopolis.


  • Ultra Beasts (28)


  • Ultra Beasts (29)

    Ash's Poipole

  • Ultra Beasts (30)


  • Ultra Beasts (31)


  • Ultra Beasts (32)


  • Ultra Beasts (33)


  • Ultra Beasts (34)

    Ash's Naganadel.




Ultra Beasts (35)


  • All the Ultra Beasts share a distinctive metallic hum in their cries.
  • All Ultra Beasts' base stats and all the levels at which they learn moves are prime numbers.
    • The only exception is Naganadel, as it has a Speed stat of 121. 121 is, however, 11 squared.
  • The only Ultra Beasts to share a type combination are Buzzwole and Pheromosa. They are both Bug/Fighting-type Pokémon.
  • Kartana and Celesteela, the respective exclusives of Sun and Moon, are complete opposites. Kartana is one of the lightest Pokémon (at 0.2 lbs.), making it the lightest Ultra Beast, while Celesteela is one of the heaviest Pokémon (at 2204.4 lbs.), making it the heaviest Ultra Beast. Likewise, Kartana is the smallest Ultra Beast (at 1'00") and Celesteela the largest (at 30'02").
  • Despite not being considered Legendary Pokémon, they share some similarities with them. For instance, they are in the Undiscovered Egg Group, they are genderless, their Pokédex backgrounds have different colors, have special battle music, have at least 3 IVs of 31, have BST's of 570 (not including Poipole and Naganadel), and are all scripted encounters (meaning they do not disappear until caught) or gifts from in-game trainers.
  • Despite them being Pokémon in the anime, Meowth can't understand what the Ultra Beasts are saying, possibly because to their alien-like nature.
  • The first seven Ultra Beasts may be based on the Seven Deadly Sins.
  • Poipole is the only Ultra Beast that is capable of evolving.
  • There are currently no Normal, Ground, Water, Psychic, Ice, or Fairy-type Ultra Beasts.
  • The concept of Ultra Beasts was based on the concept of invasive species.
    • Their designs also seem to incorporate opposite concepts, such as Buzzwole combining small and large and Pheromosa combining filth and beauty.
  • Master Balls will not work on Ultra Beasts, despite them "guaranteed to catch any wild Pokémon without fail".


Ultra Beasts (36)

Ultra Beasts (37)

Ultra Beasts (38)

Ultra Beasts (39)

Ultra Beasts (40)

Ultra Beasts (41)

Ultra Beasts (42)

Ultra Beasts (43)

Ultra Beasts (44)

Ultra Beasts (45)

Ultra Beasts (46)


Ultra Beasts (47)

Ultra Beasts (48)

Ultra Beasts (49)

Ultra Beasts (50)

Ultra Beasts (51)

Ultra Beasts (52)

Shiny Guzzlord in the anime series.

v · d · eUltra Beasts
Ultra Beasts (2024)


Ultra Beasts? ›

Nihilego takes the crown for the most dangerous and evil Ultra Beast because it can, theoretically, assume the form of any and all prior competitors. Picture a Buzzwole infested by Nihilego.

What is the strongest Ultra Beasts in Pokémon? ›

Nihilego takes the crown for the most dangerous and evil Ultra Beast because it can, theoretically, assume the form of any and all prior competitors. Picture a Buzzwole infested by Nihilego.

What are Ultra Beasts? ›

If you're not familiar with them, Ultra Beasts are extradimensional Pokémon that come from Ultra Space through Ultra Wormholes, and were first introduced during the main series of games in Sun and Moon. Just like in Sun and Moon, Nihilego was the first Ultra Beast to appear in Pokémon Go.

Are Ultra Beasts worth it? ›

While only a few of these critters have competitive viability, each can have its fair share of usage in the game's Raid Battles. While Pheromosa, Kartana, and Xurkitree may not be the best Ultra Beasts to bring in the Ultra or Master League, they are some of the highest damage-dealers players can have for Raid Battles.

Are Ultra Beasts actually Pokémon? ›

The Ultra Beasts (ウルトラビースト, Urutora Biisuto?, trans. Urutora Biisuto) are a group of Extradimensonal Pokémon introduced in Generation VII.

Is Guzzlord the weakest Ultra Beast? ›

This unfortunately does not stop it from being the worst Ultra Beast when it comes to competitive play. Guzzlord's Dark-Dragon dual-typing is one of the weakest in Pokémon because it is four-times weak to Fairy attacks, which essentially prevents the all-consuming monster from ever being useful in the current meta.

Is there a legendary Ultra Beast? ›

They're not Legendaries or Mythicals, but they're definitely not your average Pokemon. To make things even stranger, the canon says they're not Legendaries, but previous game code does. This led many to consider them "Sub Legendaries", a middle-ground classification that seemed to fit them more than any other label.

Is Eternatus an Ultra Beast? ›

Due to its existence from space and its eldritch appearance, some speculate that Eternatus is an Ultra Beast, although this rumor has not been confirmed.

Is Type: Null a legendary? ›

Despite these differences, Type: Null remains similar enough to other Legendaries to be classified as one. For instance, it is genderless, just like all other Legendaries. It also remains extremely rare and does not exist in the wild.

How many Ultra Beasts exist in total? ›

List of Ultra Beasts. There are currently eleven known Ultra Beasts.

What is the Ultra Beast weakness? ›

This Ultra Beast is a Rock- and Poison-type, which means that Nihilego is weak to Ground-, Psychic-, Water-, and Steel-type moves. It is double weak against Ground-type moves.

Is Guzzlord a legendary? ›

Well, Guzzlord is just an ultrabeast and not a legendary anyways.

Is Necrozma a legendary? ›

While it at first looks to be one of the Ultra Beasts, Necrozma is actually considered a legendary Pokemon.

Do Ultra Beasts have Shinies? ›

Perhaps the only thing rarer than an Ultra Beast is their shiny variation, as these versions will likely necessitate dozens of encounters before you finally come face to face with some shiny Ultra Beasts.

Is Nihilego a legendary? ›

Nihilego is considered a special type of legendary Pokémon known as Ultra Beasts.

Can Ultra Beasts have eggs? ›

Ultra Beasts are a group of extra-dimensional Pokémon originating from Ultra Space. They cannot be obtained by catching them in the wild nor hatching from Eggs.

Is Buzzwole stronger than Machamp? ›

One of Buzzwole's best feats is overpowering a Machamp.

Who is stronger Pheromosa or Buzzwole? ›

With an easily made plan to wall what little offense Pheromosa could mount, Buzzwole practically taunts Pheromosa into battles that it would almost assuredly win. The only thing that would make it easier is if Pheromosa never showed up at all.

Which Ultra Beasts can evolve? ›

Ultra Beasts differ from traditional Pokemon in many ways. For example, most Ultra Beasts don't evolve, with the exception of one. Poiple, a Poison-type Ultra Beast introduced in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, can evolve into Poison/Dragon-type Naganadel when it levels up while knowing the move Dragon Pulse.

Which Ultra Beast does Ash have? ›

Naganadel was a Pokémon Ash caught in the Alola Region and his only Ultra Beast he kept with him for a long time before it returned to its homeworld after Ultra Necrozma restored its world.

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