Uta (One Piece) (2024)

Uta (One Piece) (1)

Uta (One Piece) (2)

This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Uta is the main antagonist in the movie One Piece Film: Red and a supporting character in the Uta's Past Arc of the anime. She is the adoptive daughter of one of the Four Emperors Red-Haired Shanks, and is considered to be the world's most famous Diva.

She was voiced by Kaori Nazuka. While singing, she is voiced by Ado in Japanese and AmaLee in English.


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Biography
  • 3 Appearance
  • 4 Relationships
  • 5 Powers and Abilities
    • 5.1 Weapon and Armour
    • 5.2 Devil Fruit
      • 5.2.1 New Genesis
      • 5.2.2 I'm Invincible
      • 5.2.3 Where the wind blows
      • 5.2.4 Backlight
      • 5.2.5 The World's Continuation
      • 5.2.6 Fleeting Lullaby
      • 5.2.7 Tot Musica
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 External Links
  • 9 Navigation


Upon first meeting one another, Luffy tells the Red Haired Pirates to go away from his village with an aggressive tone. Uta then asks if he intends to fight them before Shanks reminds her that they weren’t there to start a fight.

She is proud to be the daughter of Captain Shanks, and introduced herself as such when first meeting Luffy. She also loves every member of the Red Hair Pirates as they all care deeply for her, overlooking many of their weird idiosyncrasies. Uta loves singing for others and cares for her appearance greatly. She is socially aware of her audience and is able to excite her crowd easily, including the likes of Benn Beckman who is known to be stoic.

A young Uta is shown to be jealous and competitive of Luffy due to his close proximity to Shanks, wanting to attract her father's attention. She is rather precocious for her age, having explored and seen much of the world with the Red Hair Pirates, however, she is not against acting her age as seen when acquiescing Luffy's requests for them to play games.

As an adult, she has matured much from when we saw her as a child and was unrestrained in hugging Luffy when he suddenly appeared and re-introduced himself, much to the surprise of the audience. She cares deeply for her childhood friend, telling him that it would be safer if he stops being a pirate due to her own bad experiences with them. She was extremely glad his friends were satisfied with her hospitality and even offered an eating competition with Luffy for old time's sake.

She is extremely hardworking when composing her songs, making great efforts to ensure the lyrics speaks to the audience, whether it be upbeat or poignant, she is able to convey every emotion of the spectrum. She was unimpressed and unafraid when Admiral Fujitora and Vice-admiral Momonga cornered her and had machines to block her voice, She even sat down when they were threatening her and surprised them by using those under her control to attack them.

Uta believes that through music, it is timeless and can transcend all barriers, similar to how Shanks feels music and pirating are inseparable. She frequently get mails from fans, and answers as many of them as possible. Many people have shared how Pirates have ruined and robbed their lives, compelling Uta to create a New Genesis so everyone could be happy. One fan once told her that their family were killed and raided by pirates, motivating her to sing so that people can escape their pain at least temporarily.

After eating the sleepless mushroom, Uta was unable to control her feelings due to its effects and began lashing out indiscriminately. She was horrified when the marines started killing innocent civilians, saying it was a necessary sacrifice. She tearfully ran over to a shot victim attempting to save him and promised that the New Genesis was beginning so he had to live to see it.


During the events of the movie and in the current timeline, Uta is 21 years old and 2 years older than Luffy.

20 years ago, a 19-year-old Shanks and the newly established Red Hair Pirates brought in baby Uta on board their ship. Recalling how he was found by the Roger Pirates as a infant, Shanks took her in and began to sing to the 1-year-old Uta to soothe her tears, in turn, this helped fostered her love for singing.

12 years ago, a 9-year-old Uta met a 7-year-old Luffy for the first time. They eventually became close friends and agreed that they found each other interesting. She was present when Shanks told Luffy the momentous task of finding the One Piece, the most sought-after treasure in the seven seas.

Uta was performing on Elegia 12 years ago. All the virtuoso musicians there knew she would leave with the Red Hair Pirates soon and kept asking her to sing song after song to delay her departure. But because of that, Tot Musica was awakened and possessed Uta's body, in turn, causing complete annihilation on the island. The red hair pirates successfully defeated it because she was still young but the damage was already done. Marines started enclosing the island, causing Shanks to take the blame and telling Gordon not to tell the truth to Uta.

For 10 long years, Uta lived a lonely life in Elegia, being unable to see the outside world and having to make do with dilapidated buildings. It was only until 2 years ago when a transponder snail arrived on the island and could she share her voice. Her fanbase began growing as they shared their stories. Uta began crying as she heard how her voice made people want to live another day and helped the very sick to recover. Motivation and purpose had once again come back to Uta.

More people began pressuring her to become their savior. From a hobby, it became something like an obligation for the teenager. She began learning about the horrible tragedies of the Great age of Pirates, the indescribable sufferings, and her powerlessness to help when people shared it to her. She then resolved to sacrifice herself if it meant it could ease their suffering by creating a New Genesis.

It is believed that her voice can change the world. Her voice can either bring eternal happiness or endless imprisonment, according to the first video teaser. According to the World Nobles, Uta and Shanks were implied to be from the prestigious Farland family, a bloodline highly regarded even amongst the Celestial Dragons.

In terms of popularity, Uta is widely known to be the greatest diva in the world of One Piece, so much so that Soul King Brook wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to her. It was said that she only began singing publicly 2 years ago. The age of her fans spans all ages from toddlers to the elderly and across all the seas. No matter the species including Mermaids, they would undoubtedly be enchanted by her after listening to her just once. All 9 of the straw hats knows of her and were ecstatic at the prospect of seeing her concert live. A year later, she found out the truth of the Tot Musica incident, but it was too late to stop it.

Her influence and reputation were implied to eclipse any of the four emperors, and could potentially overthrow the World Government spanning the marines, cipher pol, and hundreds of nations. She threatened them live that none of them should bother interrupting her concert nor disrupt the people's enjoyment, otherwise she'll be forced to break their minds.

Fearing that her revolution may be greater than the Revolutionary Army led by Dragon, they ordered her execution before she could proceed despite knowing the risks of assassinating a well-known celebrity. Due to her publicity, many bandits and pirates would attempt to kidnap her for money. Their desire was further augmented after learning that she was the daughter of Shanks. They quickly regretted making such a decision after seeing her powers first hand and having being a made a show of by Uta to her audience.

Most of her fans vehemently abhor pirates as much or more than the world nobles, thus, they were horrified to find out she was the daughter of the infamous Shanks and friends with the Yonko Luffy after the latter carelessly blurted the information out.

Uta survived the previous Elegia incident which was well-known even during Brook's younger days and considered a thing of legends by Robin.


Uta is a tall, young, and beautiful 21-year-old young lady. She has purple eyes with her left side being perpetually shrouded by her white bangs. Her trademark would be her hair colour. Similar to her father, Uta has Red Hair on one side, with the other side being white, each being perfectly symmetric and meeting in the middle. Her hair is neatly arranged and has two circular braids. When excited, they would shoot up like bunny ears.

She also has a pair of feather wings at her back, the left side is white while the right side is pink. When summoning her most powerful weapon, her wings would turn Black, reflecting her emotions. She has incredible dressing sense and loves cute things. She also has a pair of glasses eerily similar to Doflamingo, further supporting that she comes from a lineage of the World Nobles.

As a child, she was described to be extremely cute and would be the main focus in the room.


Shanks: Uta is the daughter of Shanks, unbeknownst to the One Piece World at large. She reminded him of himself when he was brought in by Roger and Rayleigh 38 years ago, and thus, he formed an immediate connection with her that goes beyond blood. When she was growing up, they were very close and cares deeply for one another. She is extremely proud of him as her father and constantly seeks his attention and affection. Shanks would regularly shower her with praise and special treatment, enjoying all of her songs and encouraging her interests. Her position in his crew was said to be especially special and irreplaceable due to being their first and only musician.

She reveals to Luffy that she calls him Shanks instead of father as he is both a father and captain she admires deeply, thus, she is in a special position of being the only person to be able to call him by either name, finding it a cool and endearing position to be in.

She was extremely depressed, lost and frustrated when Shanks suddenly left her behind without providing her a reason. In truth, he wanted to protect her from being hunted by the World for being his child, while also allowing her to achieve her dream. He went on to take all the blame for destroying a Kingdom, incurring the wrath of the World government despite Uta being the one who unknowingly unleashed Tot Musica when she was a child. He entrusted Uta to Gordon, telling the King to make his daughter the World's best singer in exchange of him taking the blame for the destruction of the island.

With that, he tells Uta in his heart that no matter what happens, she is forever his daughter and nothing will ever change that, even if they are separated. As they left, Shanks was crying and smiling at the same time, alongside his entire crew. He tells the young Uta to smile as he raised a toast of juice to her, declaring that the new life of the Red hair Pirates musician is just beginning. He couldn’t bear to look behind leading to Uta only seeing him look ahead with chests surrounding them, painting the picture that they caused the havoc which was what Shanks wanted.

He went on to dishonestly tell Luffy that Uta left them to became a singer. Luffy then berated him for lying, saying Uta loves the Red Hair Pirates too much to leave them. Shanks kept silent and looked broken-hearted afterwards, reflecting upon Luffy's words.

In the movie, he came to listen to her concert live and saved her from the Marines and Big Mom Pirates. He willingly took the brunt of her restrained anger at the perceived betrayal, neglect and abandonment she felt when he left her as a child. Even when facing her anger, Shanks could only smile at the prospect of finally getting the chance to meet his daughter again. Despite taking punches and having vitriolic words thrown at him, he couldn’t dispel the happiness of finally reuniting with Uta and maintained his smile. When the marines started killing the civilians causing Uta to cry, Shanks changed his demeanour and attacked Kizaru, warning him not to interrupt when they’re settling a domestic dispute.

When they defeated Toto Musica and got back his daughter, Uta mentioned how she longed to see him again. Despite everyone still being trapped, Shanks was prepared to choose her life over theirs. He continuously pushed her to drink the antidote and tells her to stop exerting herself, but he was shocked when she threw away the potion. At her last moment, Uta restates that she’s Uta, the Red Hair Pirates musician once again as she sang one final song to free everyone. Respecting her decision, he was proud yet solemn at her decision as he held her hand, supporting her in her final journey. Noticeably, Shanks was the closest and nearest person to her at her last leg.

He was extremely angry at Admiral Kizaru and Fujitora when they still intended to capture her, causing him to emit a large and minacious amount of Conquerors Haki, forcing even Vice-Admiral Momonga on his knees and demonstrating his bloodlust was real. He then reiterates how she is his daughter and that he would do anything to protect her from any and all harm, causing her to weep in his arms. Shanks went on to threaten everyone that was present, both marines and pirates alike that if they ever even entertain the thought of hurting his precious daughter, they should be prepared to die by their hands. A stark difference compared to the pacifistic and happy-go-lucky demeanour Shanks usually carries.

At the end, he brought her back on board his ship once again as they went on another voyage together.

Monkey D. Luffy: They are childhood friends and are in good relations with one another. When Uta was in windmill village, they had 183 competitions together and was described to be cute for one another. When the Red Hair Pirates returned, Luffy wanted to hear Uta sing and talk about her adventure again but they were seen without her, Luffy immediately began thinking of the worst and cries asking if something had happened to her. Luffy went on to shout at Shanks that Uta loves them deeply and would never willingly choose to leave them, He calls his role model a liar when he was told that Uta left them to become a singer, running away soon after, saying he’s done with them.

When Luffy first wanted a crew, he thought back to Uta and immediately wished to have a musician on board. Uta taught Luffy that there is nothing unbecoming or 'cheaty' when becoming a pirates, helping him shape his philosophy about piracy later on.

When they reunited, Uta didn't recognize him immediately until realizing his identity and quickly hugs him as Luffy excitedly greets her and returns her embrace. Luffy then merrily introduce everyone that she is Shank's daughter and that they were friends since childhood. He was extremely euphoric and cheered loudly during her performance, rushing in to protect her when the Big Mom Pirates attempted to abduct her. When Luffy reiterated his dream, Uta advises Luffy to stop being a pirate as it leads to much hardship in the end. She then invited him to compete in eating with her, making Luffy feel nostalgic. Luffy is one of the only person, Uta isn’t afraid of being in close physical contact with.

When Uta pleaded for him to not leave, Luffy was genuinely happy she is flourishing, but he too wanted to accomplish his dream that he has shared before. Despite capturing his crewmates, Luffy still chose not to fight Uta, something unseen before in Luffy who placed his crew above all. He knew she was only wanting to elicit a reaction out of him and chose not to fall for it. He did the bare minimum to protect himself and continued to use words against her. When they both found out Shanks truth, Luffy was happy that she could reconcile with him. Luffy also saw Uta was still wearing his clumsily drawn logo when they were kids, which bought back their promise of creating a New Genesis together.

She was on the verge of breaking down when she was being pressured to kill her childhood friend and eventually refuses to go through with it. Luffy was aware of the decision Uta made at the end, causing him to be stoic and quiet throughout. Uta would then attempt to lighten the mood by saying he’s taller than her now. She recreates the straw hat, and tells Luffy that it's important to her too, and that he will one day be someone to achieve his dream. Luffy could only look down the entire time, looking crestfallen.

Red Haired Pirates: They are all extremely protective of her and treats her as though she was their own child. Due to their long history taking much of her adolescence years, their bond is still strong as she admits caring for them all despite their weird antiques. They would set up the stage whenever she performs and cheer her on from behind, being the most vocal of supporters, causing her to be embarrassed yet happy.

When they were forced to separate from Uta after a tragic event, all of them were crestfallen and dejected. They were all crying while sending her a toast, saying their musician has a new life that's beginning. None of them exuded the jovial energy they are known for, causing even a young Luffy to know that something happened to Uta. Ben beckman kept Kizaru in check by making sure he didn’t kill anyone, saying Uta is the crew's daughter and he won’t allow her to take anymore blame. Seeing Uta deciding to exert herself to save everyone, they bowed their heads out of respect and sadness for her.

The entire crew assembled and was ready to face off to the death against the Marines when they were targeting her. It wasn’t just because she was their Captain's daughter, but it was also because each of them knows and wants to save her. As Benn Beckman put it, she is an irreplaceable and indispensable member of the Red Hair Pirates. They went on to form a defensive barrier around her, ready to face off against two admirals, but their Captain was able to intimidate them off. At the end, they took her on board the ship once again, setting sail on one more voyage.

Gordon: The previous King of Elegia, known for being the World's capital of music, and the person who raised Uta when Shanks had to leave her behind. He vows to his title as King of the Music Country to make her the World's Best SInger.

Growing up, Uta was really lonely but hid it all behind a smile. Gordon saw through it and wanted to raise her to be the world greatest singer. Her eyes always seemed lonely but he did his best as he taught her the way of music. He pleaded for Luffy to stop Uta from sacrificing himself, thinking he’s the only one that could save her now. He also couldn’t bear to see her lose her best friend and threw himself onto the projectile targeted at Luffy.

He cried for Uta saying he has failed her, and because of his pride, he couldn’t bear to burn the Tot Musica piece. He went on to beg her to solely take her anger out on him alone and begged the others to save her. With the monster possessing her, she had no one to turn to for help. She brought everyone happiness at the expense of her own, this was something Gordon did not want as he pleaded for her to come back on the good side.

Powers and Abilities[]

Uta is a great singer and was described to be "otherwordly" in her talent. As the only child of Red Hair Shanks, there is a degree of fear and reverence to that title, based on both her pedigree and her own powers. She earned recognition from two Emperors of the Sea Luffy and Shanks in relation to how powerful she got over the years. Another Emperor, Big Mom was determined to add Uta to her collection and tasked her entire fleet to capture the idol by any means necessary, which only ended in failure.

On the side of the world government, the Gorosei designated her with the most dangerous threat level possible, tasking three admirals when including Fleet Admiral Akainu to eradicate her due to her potential to control the world through just her voice. Akainu went on to consign all 30 available fleets of marine ships, way more than even a Buster Call to ensure she perishes. She is one of the few people in history that the highest ranking world nobles felt was too powerful to be kept alive, and needed her to be extinguished to feel reassured. The only other person being Rocks D. Xebec.

A World Noble, Saint Charlos immediately placed a One Billion Berry Bounty on her and was adamant in capturing her no matter the cost, making her the person with the highest first bounty right from the onset.

Weapon and Armour[]

In combat, Uta wields a drill that acts as a spear and sword against enemies as well as a Gold Shield. Combined with her flight, she is able to propel herself and stab people at blazing speed. She is equipped with a layer of Gold Protection and is shown to be extremely dexterous in wielding her weapons. She can summon spear drills from thin air and direct them against her opponents at incredible speeds.

She can summon minions armed with spears which multiplies after being defeated. She also has the ability to de-age and reduce the size of people as she did with Bepo. Furthermore, she can also give inanimate objects lives and personalities as she did with the Sunny, changing the ship into an entirely new sentient being.

On the outside world, she can use the real bodies of those unconscious in her realm to attack her enemies. Those under her control are able to use all their techniques without needing any exertion on Uta's part to direct them.

Devil Fruit[]

Uta ate the Uta Uta no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to transport people's consciousnesses to a virtual space called the "Uta World" by singing. Within Uta World, she is essentially omnipotent and is able to do whatever she wants. She was able to easily restrain the Big Mom Pirates including the likes of Katakuri, Oven, Brulee and more with only one hand.

To finally break out of her world, it took the combination of three Yonko crews using their strongest moves and in conjunction with one another to successfully escape. The Straw Hat Pirates, Big Mom Pirates and Red Hair Pirates as well as many other strong marines and renowned pirates had to work together in tandem to break free of her control.

The only way to leave her world is only if she allows it or when she falls asleep. Even if Uta dies, those affected will only served to be trapped in her realm forever with no chance of escape. The government suspects that 70% of the world population was under her control after listening to her songs. Once a person is trapped, their bodies would be asleep in the real world while their minds will be transferred to the Uta world. She has complete dominion over the mind and body of those trapped in both the real world and the Uta world.

To protect oneself, it is possible to wear protective gears that shuts one's eyes and ears from Uta, however, she knows this and has many moves to make up for this vulnerability.

New Genesis[]

A pop song sung by Uta in which she creates a fantasy realm whereby she is omnipotent. She can create solid, liquid or gas matters out of thin air, and can hear anything inside. The substances created does not confine to the rules of physics and laws of reality, making it seem like she is a God. The outside world can see what happens inside through transponder snails when Uta allows it. This was what Big Mom and the Gorosei were doing. The former describing her ability to be terrifying and something she wants at all cost.

I'm Invincible[]

A fast and excitable song sung by Uta when she’s fighting. She clads herself in gold armour, summons a golden spear and is able to fly in this state. From the tip of her spear, she creates bubbles of energy that can force back Oven and Luffy. Using her fingers, she produces musical notes that deftly wraps up the Big Mom Pirates and bandits. She then spins them around and throw them after tangling them onto a web that was impossible for them to break out of. She defeated them faster than the 9 strawhat commanders could, earning praise from Luffy that she’s become incredibly strong.

Where the wind blows[]

A poignant, slow and soothing song sung by Uta which provides catharsis and energy recovery to listeners.


A song that is more metal which conveys her anguish and rage. Her wings are then expanded widely. Through this, she summon multiple minions equipped with spears who can fly at her opponents. They act as her extended eyes and earns spanning a wide area. She also unleashes multiple musical notes to capture her enemies. She can then share images of people's memories with others, as she did with the strawhats when they saw all the horrible things done by pirates to the common people. Bartolomeo admits that she was too strong for him as he protected Luffy and were both saved by Law.

The World's Continuation[]

A sad and slow song she created for Luffy when she thinks back to the fun times they had when they were kids. She sings it whenever she feels lonely and how she want those more carefree times to be back.

Fleeting Lullaby[]

A song more in-tune to hip-hop. Uta controls the real bodies of those affected in her realm, and uses them to attack her enemies in the real world. Those controlled can utilise all their abilities and are free to attack in whichever way is most effective. They can freely use their Devil fruits, Haki, and Rokushikki techniques not needing Uta to divert any attention to them. Coby was used to fight against Fujitora using this branch of power.

Tot Musica[]

A powerful being birthed from the negative emotions of people, with the epithet of Devil King. It was summoned by Uta and was said to rival the power of the three ancient weapons. Her wings turns black and has a dark aura surrounding them. It was so powerful that it had to be sealed in the Island of Elegia. When it was awakened, it caused Admiral Kizaru and Fujitora to despair that nothing could possibly be done to stop it. The Gorosei went on to remark how with this, the connection between the Uta world and the real world had been established irrespective of whether her voice can reach them, causing them to sweat.

Her shout was powerful enough to completely shatter Bartolomeo's barrier and Law's room that was enclosing her when she invoked the Devil King. The barrier was something that could remain scratch-less even after withstanding Elizabello's King Punch rumoured to be strong enough to take down one of the Four Emperors, while the latter was suppose to be able to keep noises encased. Considered the most powerful asset in her arsenal, it easily dispelled two of the most defensive abilities in the series.

She went on to shoot red projectiles that tracks people and continues to target others even after it makes contact.

It took the combined effort of Gear 5 Luffy and enraged Shanks using their strongest moves to take down Tot Musica.


Uta (One Piece) (3)

One Piece Film Red Poster Visual.

Uta (One Piece) (4)

Uta's first anime appearance.

Uta (One Piece) (5)

Young Uta's first anime appearance.

Uta (One Piece) (6)

Young Uta smiles.

Uta (One Piece) (7)

Young Uta meeting Young Luffy.

Uta (One Piece) (8)

Young Uta singing in Partys Bar.

Uta (One Piece) (9)

Young Uta crying.

Uta (One Piece) (10)

Young Uta smiling.

Uta (One Piece) (11)

Uta looking ahead at her dream.

Uta (One Piece) (12)

One Piece episode 1037 end card featuring with Uta in Halloween 2022.

Uta (One Piece) (13)

Uta with her jacket on

Uta (One Piece) (14)


External Links[]


Uta (One Piece) (15) Heroes

Four Emperors
Shanks |Edward Newgate† |Monkey D. Luffy

New World
Pirate Crews
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami (Zeus) | Usopp |Sanji |Tony Tony Chopper |Nico Robin |Franky |Brook |Jinbe

Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Representatives: Cavendish |Bartolomeo |Sai |Ideo |Leo |Hajrudin |Orlumbus
Crew Members: Suleiman | Gambia |Boo |Baby 5 |Chinjao |Blue Gilly |Abdullah |Jeet |Bomba |Rampo |Bian |Kabu |Inhel |Cotton |Wicca |Baxcon |Daikon |Flapper |Bobomba |Maujii |Nubon |Pellini |Chao |Stansen |Road |Goldberg |Gerd |Columbus

Whitebeard Pirates
Edward Newgate † |Marco |Portgas D. Ace † |Kozuki Oden † |Jozu |Vista |Blamenco |Rakuyo |Namur | Blenheim |Curiel |Kingdew |Haruta |Atmos |Speed Jiru |Fossa |Izo |Little Oars Jr. |Kozuki Toki

Red Haired Pirates
Shanks |Benn Beckman
Senior Officers: Lucky Roo |Yasopp |Limejuice |Bonk Punch |Monster |Building Snake |Hongo |Gab
Others: Rockstar |Uta

Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law |Bepo |Jean Bart |Penguin |Shachi |Ikkaku |Uni |Clione |Hakugan

Kuja Tribe
Boa Hanco*ck |Boa Sandersonia |Boa Marigold |Gloriosa ‡ |Shakuyaku ‡ |Ran |Cosmos |Daisy |Rindo |Blue Fan |Marguerite |Sweet Pea |Aphelandra |Poppy |Kikyo |Belladonna |Nerine |Pansy |Enishida |Dahlia

Roger Pirates
Gol D. Roger † |Silvers Rayleigh |Scopper Gaban |Crocus |Shanks |Kozuki Oden † |Kozuki Toki † |Inuarashi |Nekomamushi

Giant Warrior Pirates
Dorry |Brogy |Kashii |Oimo |

Others Groups
Kozuki Clan
Kozuki Oden † |Kozuki Toki † |Kozuki Momonosuke |Kozuki Hiyori |Tama |Shinobu |Kozuki Sukiyaki
Nine Red Scabbards: Kin'emon |Inuarashi |Nekomamushi |Raizo |Kawamatsu |Ashura Doji † |Denjiro |Kikunojo

Mink Tribe
Inuarashi |Nekomamushi |Carrot |Wanda |Pedro † |Zepo |Shishilian |Concelot |Giovanni |Bepo |Lindbergh

Revolutionary Army
Monkey D. Dragon |Sabo
Commanders: Emporio Ivankov |Karasu |Belo Betty |Morley |Lindbergh
Officers: Bartholomew Kuma |Koala |Inazuma | Jiron |Ahiru |Ushiano |Gambo
Others: Ginny |Hack |Terry Gilteo |Bunny Joe

World Government
Admirals: Borsalino |Issho |Kuzan
Vice Admirals:Monkey D. Garp |Tsuru |Smoker |T Bone
SWORD: X Drake |Koby |Helmeppo |Prince Grus |Hibari |Kujaku
Others:Sengoku |Tashigi |Donquixote Rosinante †|Regis |Hina |Isuka

Seven Warlord of the Sea
Bartholomew Kuma ‡ |Boa Hanco*ck ‡ |Jinbe ‡ |Trafalgar D. Water Law

Special Science Group
Vegapunk |Sentomaru |Stussy
Satellites:Shaka | Lilith | Edison | Pythagoras | Atlas

Impel Down
Magellan |Bentham

Riku Dold III |Viola |Scarlett † |Rebecca |Kyros

Nefertari Vivi |Nefertari Cobra

Ryugu Kingdom
King Neptune |Otohime † |f*ckaboshi |Manboshi |Shirahoshi

Donquixote Family
Donquixote Homing † |Donquixote Rosinante †|Donquixote Mjosgard

Shakuyaku |Hatchan |Yamato |Vinsmoke Reiju |Jewelry Bonney |Portgas D. Rouge † |Hiriluk |Jaguar D. Saul |Clover |Paulie |Iceburg |Kappa |Apis |Kaya |Nojiko |Seira |Hiramera |Mero |Nika |Trafalgar Lami † |Mousse † |Takao |Russian † |Johnny |Kobato |Desire |Luca |Ann |Livia † |Amanda |Ever |Carina |Uta |Shimotsuki Ryuma

See Also
One Piece Live-Action Heroes

Uta (One Piece) (2024)


What did Uta say to Luffy in the end? ›

Uta freezes up for a moment and starts shaking, but she tries to regain her composure as she asks Luffy to stop being a pirate. She says he and his crew can all just hang out with her on this island and share in the joy for all of eternity.

Is Uta's death canon? ›

But then, from the same source, mangaka Eiichiro Oda said that Uta was not necessarily dead. Here's the other complete mindf*ck: One Piece Film: Red does not depict canon events. But Uta's existence is canon.

Why did Uta turn bad One Piece? ›

Uta was lied to by Gordon that Shanks destroyed Elegia, which filled her with rage and hatred. Said emotions would torment her for years due to Tot Musica's influence over her to the point of a mental breakdown amidst incident.

Is Uta really Shanks' daughter? ›

Uta is a world-famous singer or "diva" (歌姫, Utahime?) and the adopted daughter of the Emperor Red-Haired Shanks who was also a musician in his crew until he left her while she was still a child.

Did Uta love Luffy? ›

In the special volume "4/4: Uta", in the section about Uta's "Love story" (with Japanese romantic word of love) it was confirmed that Uta's favorite kind of person romantically is the exact description of Luffy, with it being "someone childish, but whom you could place your trust unconditionately if needed".

Why did Uta rip Luffy's straw hat? ›

In Uta World, she tried to use it to convince him to stop being Pirate King and to stay with her in Uta World and when she failed to do so, she ripped it in front of his eyes and turned it into a music note.

Did Uta died at the end? ›

Anyway, the ending of the movie does suggest that Uta did die, since there's a "coffin-looking" thing in the middle of the crew with their Jolly roger on the top, also the fact that Uta did not take the medicine from Shanks and her voice was very weak with her last song.

Who killed Uta? ›

Uta (うた, Uta?) was the wife of Yoriichi Tsugikuni. She was killed by a demon while pregnant with her first child.

Does Uta hate Luffy? ›

A young Uta is shown to be jealous and competitive of Luffy due to his close proximity to Shanks, wanting to attract her father's attention.

Why did Shanks lie to Luffy about Uta? ›

The main reason why Shanks decided to leave Uta in Gordon's hands was to spare her the guilt of knowing what her singing ability had led to. He went as far as to take the blame for the massacre himself, knowing it would stain his reputation not only with the world but also with Uta.

What did Shanks do to betray Luffy? ›

Fans already speculated that when Shanks stole the Devil Fruit from the World Government he knew that it was actually a much more powerful and dangerous one, and the manga clearly confirmed it, changing One Piece's relationship between Luffy and Shanks forever.

Who is Uta's biological father? ›

Shanks And Uta

As revealed in the trailer for the movie, Uta is Shanks's daughter, and thus holds tremendous importance to him. She was found by Shanks and his crew in a treasure chest long ago and was then raised by him for quite a few years.

Who is Uta to Luffy? ›

Uta was the musician on Shanks' crew for a while, during which time she met a young Luffy in Foosha Village, until Red Hair was forced to abandon her on Elegia Island. This sparked Uta's hatred for pirates, and her desire to start a "new era" using the dangerous powers of the Uta Uta no Mi Devil Fruit.

Why does Uta hate Shanks? ›

Uta, the world-famous singer, hates pirates and the Great Pirate Era because she was abandoned by her adoptive father, the infamous captain Red-Haired Shanks.

What happened to Uta at the end? ›

As we learned in the movie, anyone affected by her singing wakes up again after she goes to sleep. Looking closely at the last shot of the Red Hair Pirates crew, they are all surrounding what looks to be a casket with their Jolly Roger flag draped over it. It's pretty clear that Uta has passed away.

Was nami jealous when uta hugged Luffy? ›

nami was really jealous at uta.. because uta and luffy was so close..that last time uta hugged luffy nami was really jealous ⚠️ #onepiece #redfilmonepiece #redfilm #namionepiece #luffyonepiece #utaonepiece #fypシ #fyp #foryoupage #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #viral #TikTokAwardsPH2022.

What happened to Uta when Luffy was a kid? ›

Uta was the musician on Shanks' crew for a while, during which time she met a young Luffy in Foosha Village, until Red Hair was forced to abandon her on Elegia Island. This sparked Uta's hatred for pirates, and her desire to start a "new era" using the dangerous powers of the Uta Uta no Mi Devil Fruit.

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