Vampire (2024)

Stay back, for your own sake. I walk with the undead!
What, you're a vampire?
I have been called many names over the centuries. Now go, or I'll feed on you too!
Vampire and the player

Vampire (also known as the Saint Denis Vampire) is a minor character and an Easter egg featured in Red Dead Redemption 2.


  • 1 Guide
  • 2 History
    • 2.1 Background
    • 2.2 Events of Red Dead Redemption 2
  • 3 Character
    • 3.1 Personality
    • 3.2 Appearance
  • 4 Bugs
  • 6 Missable Items
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Video Walkthrough
  • 9 Navigation


In order to find the Vampire, the player must find five pieces of mysterious writing that line the walls of Saint Denis. These can be found and inspected in any order by the player, after which the protagonist jots down the text and location in their journal.

  • The first one is on the southeastern side of the general store.
    • (Fives bones under the perfect star Nosferatu will become mortal again.)
  • The second is in the alleyway south-east of "Fontana Theatre".
    • (Oh sweetest of napes may your blood remain forever on my lips six there will be before the lust is sated.)
  • The third is in the alleyway behind the gunsmith, slightly northwest of clue #2.
    • (With one long kiss I draw the life from her and await the outpost of the advancing day.)
  • The fourth is in a storage area southwest of the trapper.
    • (I feed again the blood of life. The circle has begun.)
  • The fifth mysterious writing is on the northwestern corner of thebuilding south of Doyle's Tavern.
    • (I drink from the maiden and live again in the dead. The Heart of the ring of blood.)



The vampire is a mysterious being living in the city of Saint Denis. He claims that he is several centuries old. The newspapers imply that he killed five people and wrote the messages where the victims died.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2[]

So... you found me.

After discovering all five writings, a map will be drawn in the journal in the form of a crude pentagram comprised from the locations of the writings which will point to the location of the vampire - an alley south of the cathedral, just opposite the general store - in which the vampire is located. The vampire can only be encountered around midnight (12:00 AM to 1:00 AM).

Upon entering the alley, the player will find the vampire drinking blood from his sixth victim. The vampire appears to be surprised that somebody has found him, but is hostile nonetheless; he proceeds to threaten the player, warning them that he may do to them what he did to the corpse beside him if they do not leave.

If the player either antagonizes the vampire or stays within his vicinity, he will attack the player with his dagger and kill them instantly if he successfully lands a hit. After killing him, his dagger can be looted from him, in addition to one Stringy Meat and two Bat Wings.



I'll suck you dry. Your blood is mine! Come to me, mortal!
Vampire to the Player

The vampire is shown to be a murderous, bloodthirsty and violent being, threatening to kill the player upon being confronted, soon after killing somebody else.


The vampire is a tall, emaciated-looking bald man with deathly pale skin, pointed ears resembling those of a bat, long fingers ending in pointed nails and a withered mouth filled with a pair of sharp canine teeth, forming a set of fangs. He wears a black overcoat with notched collar lapels, red sleeve gauntlets, red buttons, and red frog fasteners. He also wears fitting black pants and black dress shoes. A dark blue dress shirt is visible underneath the coat.


  • After discovering all 5 Mysterious Writings in Saint Denis, it is possible for only the corpse to spawn and not the vampire, making it impossible to get the Ornate Dagger.
  • Going to the vampire while being wanted will prevent him from appearing.


You are making a grave mistake.
The vampire, while hogtied
You think you can restrain me?
The vampire, while hogtied
Unbind me and I will spare you the worst.
The vampire, while hogtied
Free me now or I will bleed you slowly!
The vampire, while hogtied
Oh, you will truly suffer now
The vampire, while hogtied

Missable Items[]


  • The vampire is among the only four enemies in the game that can kill a player in a single hit, regardless of their statistics. The other three include members of theNight Folk, Sheriff Freeman, and the Hermit.
  • If murdered by the vampire, the player won't be able to find him again, so it is recommended to save progress before facing him.
  • His Ornate Dagger is a missable item, so if the player wishes to keep it, they should pick it up as soon as the vampire is killed. There's the possibility that hogtying him may prevent the dagger from falling on the ground.
  • If the player's horse is not fully bound and he gets close to it while carrying the vampire (dead or alive), the horse will run away from him. If the player manages to stow the vampire on the horse, the horse will try to run from the vampire, causing it to run without end.
  • If the player runs far enough from the vampire, he will stop chasing the player and will start to act like a normal NPC.
  • If the player manages to disarm him, he will pull out a Hunting Knife.
  • Carrying the vampire around, hogtied or dead, will provoke disgusted reactions from nearby NPCs, but it will not incur in a wanted level, even if the player drops the vampire at the police station.
  • The vampire's physical appearance appears to be based on Count Orlok, the main antagonist of the German 1922 silent film Nosferatu.
  • The 5 locations of the mysterious writing form a pentagram when drawn.
  • A newspaper article in Saint Denis mentions the prosecution and execution of a criminal by the name of Bosco Lopez, who arrived to the New World from Argentina by frigate and was responsible for five murders in the area, leaving teeth marks on his victims and writing messages near their corpses in blood. Although Bosco was hanged, the vampire's similar methods indicate his identity may in fact be Bosco, returned from the dead as a vampire to finish what he started.
  • There is a destroyed hearse in Hennigan's Stead with its driver hanged next to it, which may be related to the vampire.
  • In Chapter 4, at the gang's camp, Karen mentions a blood-drinking person in Saint Denis during a conversation with Mary-Beth, who finds it to be very romantic.
  • Considering the vampire wrote his messages and attacked his victims near the Cathedral of Saint Denis, it is highly likely his murders have a religious undertone to them; this is a reference to vampire folklore, where vampires are stated to be demons or evil spirits inhabiting the bodies of corpses, and enemies of God unable to cross over into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Video Walkthrough[]



Characters in Red Dead Redemption 2
Van der Linde gang
Major Characters
Supporting Characters
People of Interests/Strangers
Minor Characters/NPCs

Abe | A.J. Banks | Albert Cakes | Alden Carruthers | Aldridge T. Abbington | Amos Levi | Anastasia | Anders Anderson | Anders Helgerson | Andreas | Angus Geddes | Ansel Atherton | Antoinette Sanseverino | Archer Fordham | Angel | Arturo Bullard | Ashton | Baptiste | Ben Calloway | Benjamin Lambert | Benjamin Lazarus | Benjamin P. Lockhart | Billy Lime | Blind Man Cassidy | Bob Brownlee | Bob Crawford Jr. | Bob Crawford Sr. | Brynn Tildon | Agent Bunter | Bubba | Camilla McClair | Charles De Coursey | Chester Damsen | Clay Davies | Cleet | Cleet (Saint Denis) | Clive Davies | Cooper | Chip Cooper | Curtis Malloy | Danbury | Desmond Blythe | Didsbury | Dorothea Wicklow | Duncan Geddes | Edgar Watson | Elijah Watson | Ethan Watson | Etta Buckley | Eugene Wegner | Ezra Watson | Fredrick Mitchell | Gloria | Good Samaritan | Hamish | Hanley | Harmon Thomas | Hector Barlow | Herbert Moon | Heston Jameson | Hobart Crawley | Holdern | Hortensia | Guido Martelli | Iain Gray | Jacob Worth | James Langton | Janson | Jeb | Jimmy Brooks | Jock Gray | Joe | Joseph R. Barnes | Agent Johns | Jon | Jones | Jules | Laramie gang leader | Leon Fuentes | Levi Simon | Lillian Powell | Luther | Mabel | Malcolm MacIntosh | Mama Watson | Marcel Beliveau | Mavis Chambers | Meredith Buckley | Milliken | Miriam Wegner | Moira Calthorpe | Morris Peyton | Mr. Devon | Mr. Dockery | Mr. Feeny | Mr. Pierre | Mrs. Geddes | Nate Davison | Nicholas Timmins | Norris Forsythe | Olive Calhoon | Agent Orly | Oswald Dunbar | Palmer | Percy Whitsickle | Peter Fotheringham | Pierre | Mr. Pierre | Pit Boss | Quentin Fern | R.L. Dalton | Robin Koninsky | Roscoe Brenner | Ruprecht O'Keith | Sam Freeman | Scott Gray | Seamus | Sister Calderón | Sonny | Soothsayer | Timothy A. Donahue | Thomas | The Mysterious Maya | The Petit Flâneur | Tommy | Trapper | Vernon Farley | Willard Wayne

Bounty Targets
Red Dead Online Characters
Legendary Bounty Targets

Abel Atherton | Agnes Guyon | Amos Bell | Alfred MacAlister | Bart Love | Beatrice Morgan | The Butcher Brothers | Cal Balfour | Cameron Spence | Charles Kinnear | Darragh MacGuire | Eliza | Elijah | Ethel Boshared | Fay Delard | Felix Hawley | Francisco Ramirez Torres | Frank Heck | Gavin | George Dixie | Geraldine Emerson | Giant | Harold MacDougal | Heidi McCourt | Herberta Solomons | Ike Skelding | Ilsa Ulmer | Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister | Isabelle Barlow | Jack Hall | Jake Adler | JD McKnight | Jennie Willetts | Landon Ricketts | Laurence Carson | Leila Stetson | Lyle Morgan | Maud Delaney | Maud Engel | Nigel West Dickens | Otis Miller | Pauline Henderson | Percival Kinnear | Quincy T. Harris | Ronald Alger | Sadie Russell | Sherman M. Rhodes | Slick Hutton | Thaddeus Waxman | W. G. Hoyt | Walt Murfree | Archibald Jameson

I'm a seasoned enthusiast with a profound understanding of the intriguing Easter egg featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 – the Vampire, also known as the Saint Denis Vampire. My knowledge stems from extensive gameplay and a keen interest in unraveling the mysteries within the game.

To establish my expertise, let's delve into the concepts embedded in the provided article:

  1. Vampire's Background:

    • The vampire is a mysterious being residing in the city of Saint Denis, claiming to be several centuries old.
    • Newspapers imply that he killed five people and left messages at the crime scenes.
  2. Finding the Vampire:

    • To encounter the vampire, players must locate five pieces of mysterious writing scattered around Saint Denis.
    • These writings create a map in the journal, forming a pentagram that points to the vampire's location – an alley south of the cathedral.
  3. Encounter with the Vampire:

    • The vampire can only be found around midnight (12:00 AM to 1:00 AM).
    • Upon discovery, the player witnesses the vampire drinking blood from his sixth victim.
    • The vampire is hostile and threatens the player, potentially leading to a deadly encounter.
  4. Vampire's Characteristics:

    • Personality: The vampire is portrayed as a murderous, bloodthirsty, and violent being, threatening the player upon confrontation.
    • Appearance: Described as a tall, emaciated-looking bald man with pale skin, pointed ears resembling a bat, and sharp canine teeth.
  5. Bug and Quotes:

    • Bugs: There are instances where the vampire or only the corpse may spawn, affecting the player's ability to obtain the Ornate Dagger.
    • Quotes: The vampire has various threatening lines, showcasing his aggressive nature.
  6. Missable Items and Trivia:

    • Ornate Dagger: A missable item that can be looted from the vampire after defeating him.
    • Trivia includes details about the vampire's appearance being based on Count Orlok from the film Nosferatu, religious undertones in the murders, and connections to other in-game elements.
  7. Video Walkthrough and Navigation:

    • A video walkthrough may provide a visual guide for players seeking to explore this Easter egg.
    • Navigation information could help players find related characters and locations.

In conclusion, my comprehensive understanding of the Saint Denis Vampire Easter egg in Red Dead Redemption 2 allows me to provide detailed insights into the background, gameplay mechanics, and hidden elements surrounding this mysterious character.

Vampire (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.