Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (2024)

Table of Contents


Earlier we have seen how to integrate external signals in Growlonix via Telegram bot and Email Alerts

In this article we are going to look at how to integrate custom signals using webhook which is the most efficient method out of all the 3 modes of signal connection. This is because there is no third party server involved as in the case of email and telegram causing minor delay and an additional hop in the whole process. This method of connection can be used to automate alerts from Tradingview as well as any other app or your own code (if you are a developer) can be used to trigger trades.

Just like other methods of signal automation. This method also requires 3 steps.

  1. Create Signal Template in Growlonix
  2. Configure Trigger
  3. Send data to webhook URL from Tradingview or any other app.

1. Create Signal Template

Most common used template is Custom-OSO where a signal contains entry price, profit targets, and stop loss price. Other templates could be Market buy, market Sell, or any of the available order types as per the requirement.

Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (1)

Primary Order– Here in Stop Buy I have entered 0.002 BTC per trade as buy amount. So whenever a new signal is detected bot will buy that signal coin equivalent to 0.002 BTC. I have entered a random stop price which will later be replaced with buy price mentioned in signal. (Stop price should be less than current price for LTE)

Secondary Order– I have selected OCO sell as my secondary order. Click on Auto-Vol at the bottom of form to automatically populate sell volume based on buy volume. Enter some random value in stop loss stop price (less than current price), then enter any random value in take profit stop price (greater than current price). These prices will later be replaced with actual prices from signal.

2. Configure Trigger options

In the primary order click on Triggers button which will open up Trigger configuration form as shown below.

Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (2)
  • Select trigger type as Webhook
  • In Configuration type dropdown select “Generate new provider” if you are setting up a new signal configuration. you can also use “Enter existing provider” if you wish to copy same signals in multiple accounts.
  • Enter any value in signal name field and click on save. System will auto generate two values which will be shown later how to use. First is provider Id and second is authentication key. Provider id is only needed if you wish to copy same signal in multiple accounts otherwise it can be ignored. Authentication key has to be passed as a json key value pair in the webhook request payload. we will demonstrate in later steps.
Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (3)

Signal Count field denotes for how many signals to use this trigger config. you can put fairly large number like 10000 to continuously keep opening trades based on same config. Fill other trigger parameters as per need or you can keep them empty. Hover on i icon to see help text along side each input box.

3. Send data to webhook

This section will describe how you can prepare different combination of json parameters to achieve different results. and will also guide how to connect tradingview.

Webhook Signal API format:

Request Type : POST

URL : https://www.Growlonix.com/api/signal

HEADER: “Content-Type: application/json”

Request Payload:

{ "key": "XXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX", "exchange_name": "binance", // tradingview variable {{exchange}} "market": "USDT/AAVE", // tradingview variable {{ticker}} "action": "create", // possible value - create,edit,close,cancel,exit "algorithm": "day_trade", "buyTarget": "-20%, -31%, -41%", "buyTargetWeight": "25, 24, 51", "takeProfit": "12%, 21%, 33%", "takeProfitWeight": "51, 30, 29", "stopLoss": "-30%", "tsbTrailing" : 0.3, "tslTrailing" : 0.4, "sbTrailing" : 0.251, "tpTrailing" : 0.351, "slTrailing" : 0.3, "clientSignalId": "1237877676567910150" }

“key” : replace this with authentication key that you copied/saved in previous step.

“clientSignalId” : (optional) random number given by user to be used later to perform action on trades opened by this particular signal

“algorithm” : This field can be used to configure multiple strategies. While setting up trigger template there is a field containsAny and containsAll. Those two fields are used to only accept signal if it contains a set of whitelisted keywords. For example. put containsAny = “swing trades”. now signal must contain this keyword in order to execute any action. So we must pass this in our JSON as algorithm = “swing trades” for it to trigger the configured trades.

JSON keys marked in bold in above example are mandatory fields. (key, exchange_name, market, action)

There is no need to pass all the values given above. You only need to pass the keys you are using other than mandatory fields

Success response:

{ "success": true, "data": "Signal Successfully Processed", "id": "61179b5eb188730584f968d5"}

Error response:

{ "status": false, "msg": "Invalid Signal Provider"}

Tradingview alert setup:

Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (4)

While creating alert in tradingview. Put https://www.growlonix.com/api/signal in webhook URL field. and Put JSON from previous step in Message box. It is marked with red arrow in above pic.

Examples of common use cases:

Create Orders Signal

This is used to open trades for all users who has configured trigger template and configured your webhook signal provider.

Trailing Stop Buy + Take profit

{"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "create","tsbTrailing" : 0.3,"takeProfit": "380,401","takeProfitWeight": "50,50","tslTrailing" : 0.4,"clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

Stop Buy + OCO Sell

{"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "create","buyTarget" : "380,385", // "-1%,-3%","buyTargetWeight": "50,50","sbTrailing" : 0.251,"takeProfit": "400,420", // "3%,5%""takeProfitWeight": "50,50","tpTrailing" : 0.351,"stopLoss": "350", // "-10%""slTrailing" : 0.3,"clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

This signal format is same as create signal format and can be used to update any or all of the supported fields. One thing worth noting here is you must pass same slientSignalId in update call that you sent in create signal api.

Update Orders Signal

In case of any order having multiple targets. When you are sending update target info then it must contain price of already filled targets for that order. You can only change targets which are not yet filled.

Trailing Stop Buy + Take profit

{"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "edit","tsbTrailing" : 0.3,"takeProfit": "380,401","takeProfitWeight": "50,50","tslTrailing" : 0.4,"clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

Stop Buy + OCO Sell

{"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "edit","buyTarget" : "380,385","buyTargetWeight": "50,50","sbTrailing" : 0.251,"takeProfit": "400,420","takeProfitWeight": "50,50","tpTrailing" : 0.351,"stopLoss": "350","slTrailing" : 0.3,"clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

This action can be used to cancel the entire trade group but only applicable if primary order is not yet filled. In case primary order is already filled then cancel signal will be ignored.

Cancel Orders Signal

 {"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "cancel","clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

This action can be used to force exit the secondary order in case primary order is already filled and secondary order is OPEN state. If primary order is not yet filled then this signal will be ignored.

Exit Orders Signal

 {"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "exit","clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

This is a combination of “exit” and “cancel” both the actions in either or condition.
If the primary order is still pending then the entire trade group will be cancelled. If primary is filled and secondary order is Open then it will force exit the secondary order.

Close Orders Signal

 {"api_key": "sensitive_info","exchange_name": "binance","market": "USDT/BNB","action": "close","clientSignalId": "12378776_any_random_number"}

Our system identifies which trade to edit,close,exit,cancel based on clientSignalId from create signal. If multiple create signal has same clientSignalId then all other actions will be performed on last opened trade having same clientSignalId and matching coin pair.

Debug execution issues

First step to debug any signal related issue is click on logs button inside the triggers table corresponding to the trigger setup you are trying to debug.

Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (5)

Once the signal logs page opens. It will contain last 1000 signals received. Have a look at identified info column to cross check which info has been picked successfully by the system.

Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (6)

If you are a channel admin and have large user base contact us for more info about whitelabeled bot solutions that we offer and other admin features for Signal admin.

For any query do reach out to us on our support mail.

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    Webhook Signal Automation – Tradingview Custom Strategies (2024)


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    PineScript is the coding language used to create strategies and indicators in TradingView. Once you have strategies in PineScript, you can backtest and automate alerts for them. Specific webhook formatting and instructions for this are found in the TradeRelay documentation.

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    To create a strategy alert, you can:
    1. Use the “Add Alert” button on the “Strategy Tester” panel:
    2. Use the strategy's drop-down menu:
    3. Select your strategy from the Create Alert dialog:

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    Once you write 'Webhook', you will receive a URL & unique message that refers solely to this webhook condition. Copy them into the required fields on the trading-view alert interface when defining the webhook. Now, when the alert triggers, your strategy condition related to this webhook will be triggered.

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    To get started, you have to go to Wall Of Traders, then click on Smart Trading and then on TradingView Signal. Then copy the Webhook URL, along with the message. Now create your trade (Take Profit, Stop Loss). Don't forget to click each time, which will allow you to create a bot and not just an alert.

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    What is the webhook URL in TradingView? ›

    What is Webhook? A Webhook lets you send a POST request to a specific URL when an alert is triggered. This feature can be enabled when creating or editing an alert on TradingView (or other third party platform).

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    3 steps to go from indicator to TradingView strategy
    1. Replace the study() function with the strategy() function.
    2. Create entry orders with the strategy. entry() function. ...
    3. Create exit orders based on when our original indicator script triggered its alerts. To close a market position we have two options:
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    How do I send a signal from TradingView? ›

    III. Create an alert on the TradingView.com website.
    1. Choose the pair and the exchange. ...
    2. Add to the chart indicators and adjust them according to your needs and wishes.
    3. Open an Alert settings. ...
    4. Adjust the Conditions to trigger the alert. ...
    5. Enable Webhooks (valid only for DCA bots) ...
    6. Name an alert and paste the message.

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    you can run no more than 100 price alerts and no more than 100 technical ones (in this case, you can run 200 alerts in total).

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    The current limits for active alerts are as follows:

    Specifically, users on the Premium plan can enjoy up to 400 price alerts and 400 technical alerts. Now, you might be wondering about the distinction between price and technical alerts.

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    You will find that only one alert is allowed with TradingView's free Basic account. Whereas, Essential, Plus, and Premium have 20, 100, and 400 alerts, respectively.

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    It will normally take about 2-8 seconds before the webhook message is sent.

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    Setting up TradingView Webhook URLs: Open TradingView's alert settings and enter the webhook URL that you obtained from your external system. This URL works as the endpoint where TradingView will deliver notifications when activated.

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    TradingView data APIs are virtual databases with information about stock prices and historical performances. When an application makes a TradingView API Get Price request, the program can use this information to graph the stock's activity on a chart and help develop a trading strategy.

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    Steps on how to create a trading strategy.
    1. Establish the time frame. ...
    2. Establish the indicators used for spotting the trend direction. ...
    3. Add an extra trend confirmation indicator. ...
    4. Add an ' action area' identification indicator. ...
    5. Establish entry rules. ...
    6. Establish exit rules.

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    Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to use TradingView for backtesting:
    1. Select the Market and Timeframe. ...
    2. Setup the Chart. ...
    3. Add Your Strategy Logic. ...
    4. Run the Backtest. ...
    5. Analyze the Results. ...
    6. Refine and Re-test the Strategy. ...
    7. Forward Test and Implement.
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    How do I send automated orders from TradingView? ›

    It is possible to seamlessly send buy/sell orders from TradingView to BOTS. This can be done by using the Webhook URL option in your TradingView alert box. You can also use strategy alerts to automate your trading. It is important to note that TradingView can only send signals to BOTS - but it cannot receive messages.

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    Tradingview, a leading online platform for charting and technical analysis, has integrated algorithmic trading capabilities, allowing traders to develop, test, and execute algorithmic trading strategies directly from the platform.

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