What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (2024)

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Eye contact

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Facial expressions


Posture and gestures


Voice and speech


Proximity and orientation


Synchrony and mirroring


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Nonverbal communication and body language are essential aspects of interpersonal communication. They can convey a lot of information about your emotions, attitudes, intentions, and confidence. However, they can also reveal your insecurity or nervousness, which can affect how others perceive you and interact with you. In this article, you will learn about some common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness and how to avoid or manage them.

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  • Jalonni Weaver operations recruiter 👩🏽💻 • mental health advocate 🧠 • host of chit chats with lonni podcast 🎙️

    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (3) What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (4) 47

  • Shawne Bertrand Experienced Account Manager with Sales and Customer Success Experience

    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (6) What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (7) 11

  • Johnathan Overton Statesman, Forever Learning

    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (9) 6

What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (10) What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (11) What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (12)

1 Eye contact

Eye contact is one of the most important nonverbal cues of confidence and interest. It shows that you are paying attention, listening, and engaged in the conversation. However, if you avoid eye contact or look away frequently, you may appear insecure, anxious, or dishonest. On the other hand, if you stare too intensely or for too long, you may come across as aggressive, intrusive, or creepy. The key is to maintain a balanced and natural eye contact that matches the situation and the person you are talking to.

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2 Facial expressions

Facial expressions are another way of expressing your emotions and reactions nonverbally. They can indicate your happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, or disgust. However, they can also betray your insecurity or nervousness if you display inappropriate or inconsistent facial expressions. For example, if you smile nervously when you are talking about a serious or sensitive topic, you may seem insincere or disrespectful. If you frown or grimace when you are trying to be friendly or positive, you may seem unhappy or dissatisfied. The key is to align your facial expressions with your verbal messages and the context of the conversation.

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  • Bernard Cecire National Recruitment Manager at Maxim Healthcare Staffing


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    Though facial expressions can be very important clues to project one’s mindset, they can also be misinterpreted or even missed outright. Different people absorb different emotions in many different ways. Therefore, one should never solely rely on facial expressions as a method of conveying thoughts or feelings. Rather, facial expressions should be seen as a supplementary form of expression instead of reliable communication.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (21) 4

  • Michael Jaring Licensed Practical Nurse at The Edgewood Health Network Inc. (EHN)
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    Nonverbal cues are the most effective way to distinguish a persons intentions for agendas. As the old saying goes “actions speak louder than words.“ I feel that society plays a big part. That we are not good enough because of a certain standards that the society have put out. For instance, for how many years I’ve seen on TV and magazines that men should look good if they have abs or look like Abercrombie and Fitch model or with women that they should look thin to be pretty. So people learn on how to defend themselves by either isolating themselves or the opposite being out and bullypeople so that they feel worse than them. I truly believe that there’s no one that can help a person who has so many insecurities, but the person himself.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (30) 2


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3 Posture and gestures

Posture and gestures are another way of communicating your confidence and competence nonverbally. They can show your openness, interest, enthusiasm, and assertiveness. However, they can also expose your insecurity or nervousness if you adopt closed, defensive, or submissive postures and gestures. For example, if you cross your arms or legs, hunch your shoulders, or lower your head, you may seem insecure, defensive, or uninterested. If you fidget, twitch, or touch your face, hair, or clothes, you may seem nervous, restless, or distracted. The key is to use open, relaxed, and confident postures and gestures that match your verbal messages and the context of the conversation.

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  • Akaash Balaji Business Analyst | MBA - IIT Madras | Sri Ramachandra Medical University
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    Posture can be an added value tool, but it solely depends on the decorum & ambience of the place where you are paced at, but i disagree gesture may not, as it's a form of expressive tool to ease out nervousness & convey something more effortlessly.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (39) 1

  • Heidi Threlfo Kaitiakitanga - Supervision and Support- Ecoartist- Story Sharer
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    Moving your body smoothly and with purpose displays confidence and leadership. This takes practice to be fully aware of your posture and relaxing your body when you're nervous. These are body awareness skills that are tied to breath, psychology and emotional openness.


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4 Voice and speech

Voice and speech are another way of communicating your confidence and credibility nonverbally. They can show your clarity, fluency, tone, volume, and pace of speaking. However, they can also reveal your insecurity or nervousness if you speak too softly, too loudly, too fast, too slow, or with too many fillers, pauses, or hesitations. For example, if you speak too softly, you may seem insecure, timid, or unsure. If you speak too loudly, you may seem aggressive, rude, or overbearing. If you speak too fast, you may seem nervous, anxious, or impatient. If you speak too slow, you may seem bored, uninterested, or unprepared. The key is to speak with a clear, fluent, moderate, and appropriate voice and speech that match your verbal messages and the context of the conversation.

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  • Jalonni Weaver operations recruiter 👩🏽💻 • mental health advocate 🧠 • host of chit chats with lonni podcast 🎙️
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    I agree with this some people may not want to speak up or they may stutter when they speak because they are nervous. I know in my experience I say "umm" and "like" a lot when I'm speaking in front of an audience or I catch myself speaking super fast so I can get done presenting quicker due to me being nervous.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (57) What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (58) 47

  • Shawne Bertrand Experienced Account Manager with Sales and Customer Success Experience
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    As an individual who's voice fluctuates and takes a moment to even out, I say that if you choose to judge someone harshly based upon how their voice carries, whether it be with clarity or somewhat garbled at times, you may be missing out on getting to know a wonderful human being as a friend, a co-worker or a team member.

  • Larunce Pipkin 🛑Breathe Now, Let's eliminate the effects of past Trauma on your LIFE! | 𝐒𝐑𝐋𝐏 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓 | Hypno-Regression Weight Loss Transformation | Best Selling Author
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    Voice and speech are much more than the vehicles for our words. They reveal- YOU! Are you seen as the embodiment of insecurity, tiptoeing around your thoughts and unsure of your stance. Or are you creating an aggression that was never intended. These vocal missteps, too soft or too loud, too fast or too slow, can transform you into a nervous wreck or an apathetic bore.The solution is not to fit into a cookie-cutter mold of vocal perfection. Instead, embrace "you," authentically. See your vocal variations as a picture you are painting for the audience. Speaking softly to emphasize thoughtfulness, not insecurity. Speaking loudly to show passion, not aggression. Fast speech could be enthusiasm, and slow speech, reflection.The key-make it YOU!


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (77) 5

  • Sheila Rowe Child and Youth Care Counsellor
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    If you have an attractive voice, people tend to attribute other positive characteristics to you. Research highlights that those with attractive voices are believed to be warmer, more likable, and more honest. Those with confident voices are believed to be more dominant and are perceived to be higher achievers. Strengthening your voice can help you with your speech, but it can also help you in other parts of your life. A strong voice will help you in your job interviews, in meetings, and in interpersonal relationships.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (86) 1


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5 Proximity and orientation

Proximity and orientation are another way of communicating your confidence and comfort nonverbally. They can show your level of intimacy, involvement, and attention with the person or group you are talking to. However, they can also indicate your insecurity or nervousness if you stand too close, too far, or at an awkward angle. For example, if you stand too close, you may seem intrusive, clingy, or desperate. If you stand too far, you may seem aloof, distant, or disengaged. If you stand at an angle that blocks or excludes others, you may seem rude, hostile, or uncooperative. The key is to stand at a comfortable and appropriate distance and angle that match the situation and the person or group you are talking to.

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    Common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness:Avoiding Eye Contact: Shifting gaze, looking down, or avoiding direct eye contact.Fidgeting: Restless movements, such as tapping fingers, shaking legs, or playing with objects.Tense Posture: Stiff or hunched posture, shoulders pulled in, and limited body movement.Nervous Habits: Biting nails, playing with hair, or pacing back and forth.Voice Changes: Speaking too quickly, stuttering, or having a shaky or soft voice.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (95) What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (96) 3


6 Synchrony and mirroring

Synchrony and mirroring are another way of communicating your confidence and rapport nonverbally. They can show your empathy, understanding, and agreement with the person or group you are talking to. However, they can also reflect your insecurity or nervousness if you are out of sync or overdo the mirroring. For example, if you are out of sync, you may seem uninterested, bored, or confused. If you overdo the mirroring, you may seem insecure, imitative, or manipulative. The key is to be in sync and mirror subtly and naturally the nonverbal cues of the person or group you are talking to.

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    Excessive Perspiration: Sweating, particularly in stressful situations.Microexpressions: Brief facial expressions that reveal anxiety, like a fleeting frown or lip bite.Lack of Gestures: Limited use of hand gestures or awkward, unnatural movements.Inconsistent Expressions: Contradictory nonverbal cues, such as smiling while anxious.Rigid Facial Muscles: Facial tension or stiffness, often around the mouth and forehead.Awareness of these cues can help you manage and overcome feelings of insecurity or nervousness, improving your communication and interactions with others.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (105) 1


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Going blank on stage This is another way in which nervousness can manifest. While there are many potential reasons for this, my personal experience with this has been when I don’t have enough sleep prior to my presentation, also when I’m anxious. Here are couple of things that have helped me. 1. Getting a good sleep prior to any public speaking engagement.2. Breathing exercises + a guided medication really helps in calming my nerves.3. Affirmations: This has really been helpful especially when doing it in front of the mirror. I would search up YouTube for appropriate motivation depending on the situation. 4. Practicing: Arriving the venue earlier to practice and get familiar with the stage also gives some bit of calm.


    What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (114) 3

  • Etoile J. Executive Recruiter @ IFG Chicago
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    When judging candidates (or anyone) on their nonverbal cues, I think it's important to keep in mind DEI values. Some neurodivergent candidates might have a hard time keeping eye contact, portraying confidence in a societally accepted manner (like a strong handshake), or mirroring facial or body expressions appropriately-- all things that can come off as nervousness, but don't necessarily correlate to their emotions, attitudes, intentions, or confidence. We are in a modern age and I believe we should remind ourselves that not all people are the same. We should keep in mind that confidence can look different for different people, and action is really the only true indicator of one's value at work.


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Interpersonal Communication What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (124)

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What are common nonverbal cues of insecurity or nervousness? (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.