What are the rules for capitalization in a resume? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 20, 2024

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Capitalizing words in a resume can be tricky. You want to highlight your skills, achievements, and qualifications, but you also want to avoid overusing capital letters or breaking grammar rules. How do you know when to capitalize and when not to? Here are some general guidelines to help you write a resume that is clear, consistent, and professional.

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  • Dhara Joshi

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1 Job titles

When you mention your current or previous job titles, you should capitalize them only if they are part of a proper noun or a formal title. For example, you can write "I am the Director of Marketing at ABC Inc." or "I worked as a Project Manager for XYZ Ltd." However, if you use a job title as a common noun or a modifier, you should lowercase it. For example, you can write "I have five years of experience as a director of marketing" or "I managed several projects as a project manager."

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    As a Certified Professional with 20 years in Career Services, I have found that the best way to understand the topic of capitalization is to acknowledge the fact that resume grammar is not the same as regular grammar. To properly accentuate certain (essential) elements of your resume, it is useful to capitalize proper nouns, departments, companies, jog titles, technical programs, resume headings/partitions, and any other nouns that may be necessary to separate from other words in a sentence.


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  • Umar Hayyat ✪ Top 5% Status for Quality Contributions | Resume Writer | ATS Resume Writer | Certified Resume Writer | Executive Resume Writer | Tech Resume Writer | CV Writer | Boost Your Resume | Resume that speak louder than words
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    Hey there! When it comes to capitalizing in your resume, keep it simple and consistent. Capitalize proper nouns like your name, company names, and university titles. Also, start sentences with a capital letter, and don't forget job titles. Stay classy and capitalize on those opportunities! 😉


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2 Company names

You should always capitalize the names of companies, organizations, or institutions that you have worked for or are applying to. This shows respect and recognition for the entities that you are associated with. For example, you can write "I am currently employed by Google" or "I am interested in joining Amazon." However, you should not capitalize generic terms that describe the type of company, such as "a software company" or "a nonprofit organization."

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  • Alina Qasim Helping CEOs, Founders and Execs build their Personal Brand with high-quality Content and Strategy| LinkedIn Personal Brand Strategist and Ghostwriter

    Capitalize proper nouns in company names. Abbreviations and acronyms should be capitalized. Capitalize job titles within company names. Avoid capitalizing generic terms like "corporation”. Small or informal companies may vary in capitalization.Maintain consistency in capitalization for a polished resume. Check official sources if uncertain about capitalization rules.


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  • Neena Mody, CPRW Certified Professional Resume Writer ✍ Top Resume Writing Voice ✍ Resumes✍ LinkedIn Profiles ✍ Cover Letters ✍ Professional Bios ✍ Networking Business Cards
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    It is customary to capitalise names of companies, organisations, or institutions with which you have been affiliated or are seeking employment. This practice is a demonstration of respect and acknowledgement for these entities. Additionally, it is important to adhere to a company's specific nomenclature when capitalising, as exemplified by iTunes, where the 'T' is capitalised while the 'i' is not. This precision ensures accurate representation and alignment with the company's branding.


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3 Degrees and certifications

You should capitalize the names of academic degrees and professional certifications that you have earned or are pursuing. This demonstrates your level of education and expertise in your field. For example, you can write "I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science" or "I am a Certified Public Accountant." However, you should not capitalize the words "degree" or "certification" unless they are part of a specific title. For example, you can write "I have a degree in computer science" or "I have a certification in accounting."

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    At the start of your education entries, capitalize the degree you earned (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science). But like the name of a role, you don’t need to capitalize degrees if you’re mentioning them within a bullet or elsewhere (e.g., bachelor’s degree). You can also always use the abbreviated version, which gets the appropriate capital letters no matter where it appears (e.g., MA, JD, PhD).Similar rules apply to subjects and fields as to roles and degrees: When listing your education entries, you should capitalize the subject or field you studied. Here are a couple of examples:New York UniversityMA, English LiteratureUniversity of TexasBachelor of Science, Sociology


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    If degrees/certifications are part of the title then they should be capitalised otherwise there is no need to capitalise them. However, it is crucial to capitalise the actual names of the degrees, certifications, and also the institutions as well as professional bodies from where you have obtained those.


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  • Anto Matijevic ✅ Tonis Bewerbungshilfe 🚀 Mit Profi-Lebenslauf zum Traumjob
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    Akademische Abschlüsse und professionelle Zertifikate sind Meilensteine in deiner Karriere und verdienen es, hervorgehoben zu werden. Indem du sie groß schreibst, gibst du ihnen die Bedeutung und den Respekt, den sie verdienen. Es zeigt, dass du stolz auf deine Errungenschaften bist und diese ernst nimmst. Aber genau wie du sagst, allgemeinere Begriffe wie "Abschluss" oder "Zertifizierung" brauchen nicht unbedingt groß geschrieben zu werden, außer wenn sie Teil eines spezifischen Titels sind. Diese Unterscheidung hilft, die wichtigen Qualifikationen in deinem Lebenslauf hervorzuheben und macht es für den Leser einfacher, deine Qualifikationen auf einen Blick zu erfassen.



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4 Skills and keywords

You should capitalize the names of specific skills, tools, or keywords that are relevant to your industry or the job you are applying for. This helps you stand out from other candidates and show your proficiency and knowledge. For example, you can write "I have advanced skills in Python, SQL, and R" or "I am proficient in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and WordPress." However, you should not capitalize general skills or categories, such as "communication skills" or "technical skills."

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  • Alina Qasim Helping CEOs, Founders and Execs build their Personal Brand with high-quality Content and Strategy| LinkedIn Personal Brand Strategist and Ghostwriter
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    You should capitalize the names of specific skills, tools, or keywords that are relevant to your industry or the job you are applying for. This capitalization emphasizes their importance and ensures they stand out to recruiters who may be scanning your resume. For example, if you're in the field of software development, you might capitalize on skills like "Java programming," "Agile methodology," or "Python scripting." By doing so, you draw attention to your proficiency in these critical areas, and it becomes easier for potential employers to identify your qualifications.


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    This is interesting. I have seen a lot of resumes where skills is a new section altogether. In the event where you can making a new section named skills, please capitalise skill. Otherwise, no need to do it. But when it comes to the understanding of skills and keywords in general then they should be capitalised in all instances when you are starting a new sentences with them or when they are used as a proper noun or acronym in any sentence. The general skills, especially soft skills such as communication skills, leadership skills, team management skills, team leadership skills, et al. doesn't need to be capitalised.


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5 Headings and sections

You should capitalize the first word and any other important words in the headings and sections of your resume. This creates a clear and organized structure for your document and makes it easier for the reader to scan and find the information they need. For example, you can write "Summary", "Work Experience", "Education", or "Skills and Qualifications." However, you should not capitalize articles, conjunctions, or prepositions that are less than four letters, such as "the", "and", or "of."

By following these rules for capitalization in a resume, you can ensure that your resume is grammatically correct and professionally formatted. You can also avoid confusing or distracting the reader with inconsistent or excessive capitalization. Remember, your resume is your first impression to a potential employer, so make sure it is polished and impressive.

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  • Dhara Joshi
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    Capitalize your name, section headings (e.g., "Experience," "Education"), and the first word in each bullet point or sentence. Capitalize job titles when they precede a name but not when mentioned generically. Capitalize acronyms and abbreviations consistently. Capitalize proper nouns, company names, and institutions. Be consistent throughout the document to maintain a polished and professional appearance. Proper capitalization ensures clarity and adherence to standard writing conventions, contributing to a well-crafted and visually appealing resume.


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    I usually put headings in all caps. For example WORK EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION, etc.You can also just write Work Experience. I think in instances like this you can do what you like best.


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    When it comes to the headings and sections names then I personally prefer to see all caps. If you don't prefer to do all caps then don't forget to capitalise the initials of your headings/sections names. Remember to not capitalise articles, conjunctions, or prepositions that are less than four letters long. Example: a, an, the, and, of, et al. The rules of capitalisation is crucial to be followed meticulously so that your final version of the resume looks professionally formatted and well reviewed. You can't afford to make any mistake in the resume as employers are receiving 100s of resumes for each job opening. You don't want to miss out on a great opportunity because of these small errors which a lot of folks make.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    In a resume, capitalization should be used for proper nouns (for example, organizations and job titles) in addition to acronyms such as certifications (i.e., PMP). You may find it helpful to capitalize each resume section such as PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE or EDUCATION to make an impact.


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    Professional resumes must be properly capitalized. Capitalize proper nouns as required, such as your name, company names and specific positions (for example the position of Senior Marketing Manager). Sheets with headings such as Education and Work Experience should have capitalized main words. Acronyms (such as MBA, CEO) and specific degrees or certifications (“Bachelor of Science”) are capitalized. Capitalize the first word in sentences and all bullet points; professional titles (such as doctor, professor) before names only. Capitalization should be consistent to assure a refined and professional effect.


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What are the rules for capitalization in a resume? (2024)


What should you capitalize in a resume? ›

To properly accentuate certain (essential) elements of your resume, it is useful to capitalize proper nouns, departments, companies, jog titles, technical programs, resume headings/partitions, and any other nouns that may be necessary to separate from other words in a sentence.

Do you capitalize major and minor on a resume? ›

Generally speaking, degree names and fields of study should be capitalized in the education section of your resume but not in your resume summary. In your education section, use capitalization for: Degree names: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. Degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

What is the standard capitalization rule? ›

Always use a capital letter to start a sentence. Always use a capital letter at the beginning of a proper nouns. A proper noun is a specific person, place, or organisation. If you use a generic term in place of a proper noun, do not capitalise it, even if you are still referring to a specific person or organisation.

Which words should be capitalized? ›

Capitalize proper nouns
  • Names of people. ...
  • Names of places. ...
  • Names of companies and trademarks. ...
  • Capitalize honorary and professional titles. ...
  • Capitalize familial relationships. ...
  • Capitalize major words in a title. ...
  • Capitalize days, months, and (sometimes) seasons. ...
  • Capitalize holidays.
May 6, 2022

When not to capitalize job titles? ›

That's your quick and dirty tip: capitalize job titles when they come before a name and are an official title, and lowercase job titles when they come after a name or are merely descriptive.

Is a Bachelor's degree capitalized in a resume? ›

Academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used, such as Bachelor of Arts or Master of Social Work. General references, such as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, are not capitalized.

How do you put your major and minor on your resume? ›

There are a couple of different options to choose from. You can choose to list your minor on the same line as your degree and major by simply separating your major and minor with a comma. Or you can choose to list your minor on its own separate line underneath the line with your degree and major.

Should I put GPA on my resume? ›

You should include your GPA in the education section of your resume, listing that information as close to your degree as possible. It's crucial that you include the accurate number rather than adjust your GPA in the hopes that it will garner more attention. Your resume should tell the truth.

What is the golden rule of capitalization? ›

noun. 1. capitalized G&R : a rule of ethical conduct referring to Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: do to others as you would have them do to you. 2. : a guiding principle.

Which capitalization rule is correct? ›

Capitalizing titles differs depending on the style guide. However, the most common rule is this: Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs should be capitalized. Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should be left in lowercase (unless they are the first word).

What words not to capitalize? ›

The only words you don't capitalize are short prepositions (in, for, over, etc.), short conjunctions (and, or, etc.), and articles (a, an, the). "Is" is a verb. Verbs are always capitalized in title case.

Should I capitalize Excel in my resume? ›

Do you use Microsoft Excel? Adobe Photoshop? Make sure they're capitalized, whether they appear within a bullet or are listed in a skills section. I always look up the name of a software program to see how the company writes it, and then follow that.

Do you capitalize job titles in resume objective? ›

Always capitalize proper nouns. If a job title contains a proper noun, you should always capitalize it. Do not capitalize a job title if it is being used to describe a job.

What do you capitalize in writing skills? ›

When writing in English, there are certain words that we capitalize and others that we don't. To capitalize means that we use the uppercase form of a letter rather than the lower case. For example, the letter "P" is capitalized in the word "Provo"; however, it is lowercase in the word "popcorn".

What words should always be capitalized in titles? ›

According to most style guides, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are capitalized in titles of books, articles, and songs. You'd also capitalize the first word and (according to most guides) the last word of a title, regardless of what part of speech they are.

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