What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (2024)

Monitoring is one of the reasons that enterprises become users of Mobile Device Management software. There are several benefits:

  • Detect any abnormal user behavior and take immediate actions remotely.
  • Inspect poor working devices at once and maintain them remotely.
  • Better control access and usage of devices to improve work efficiency.
  • Check location to prevent device loss.

True, benefits go far beyond these. In this article, we will go deep into the monitoring system, including available monitored items and how to use it.

Monitor Device with MDM

  • Part 1 : What is MDM and its Monitoring System?
  • Part 2 : Is it Legal to Have MDM Monitoring Employee's Device?
  • Part 3 : What can MDM Solutions Monitor?
  • Part 4 : How to Use MDM Monitoring?
  • Part 5 : How to Manage Employee Devices with MDM and Avoid Offending?

Part 1 : What is MDM and its Monitoring System?

Mobile Device Management is a necessary initiative if companies have their own work-used devices or that adopt bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and company-owned personal enable (COPE) device policy. By means of MDM software or EMM/UEM providers, organizations are allowed to manage all devices in a central system.

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (1)

Monitoring system is an important part of the management mechanism in order to protect company resources. After enrolling in an MDM console, a device is under the admin's observation.

MDM monitoring system usually works together with other features for device security, for example:

  • Remote control - lock, wipe, or troubleshoot devices remotely
  • Policy - setup rules to allow or disallow system settings
  • Alerts & workflow - preset triggers and implement automated actions
  • Geofencing - track location in real-time

With the mentioned features, the admin can easily apply remote monitoring management to endpoints whether mobile devices or dedicated devices.

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What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (2)

Part 2 : Is it Legal to Have MDM Monitoring Employee's Device?

Privacy issues are frequently related to MDM monitoring, in particular when the organization uses MDM on personal phone for work.

It's worth knowing that a Mobile Device Management tool does have the capability to get equipment-related data like OS details and app details by accessing the device. But, it does not mean that the organization has unlimited power to view the device user's secret.

To get data or use monitoring features require permission from device owners in advance. Without the user's approval, the MDM software is not allowed to collect information.

Furthermore, it's unable to gain permission secretly. Because the MDM software must comply with app developer policies.

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (3)

Take Android and Apple for instance.

As Android developer policy center states, "....must be transparent in how you handle user data. ...the access, collection, use, handling, and sharing of user data from your app, and limiting the use of the data to the policy compliant purposes disclosed. " (Read more about Privacy, Deception and Device Abuse)

Apple also illustrates how apps can access private data, "must request permission to access: Personal data, including location, health, financial, contact, and other personally identifying information; Device capabilities like camera and microphone..." (Read more about Accessing private data)

Part 3 : What can MDM Solutions Monitor?

In short, the mobile device management solution can see and can't see the following items.

What MDM can see:

Phone model; OS version; device info such as battery and RAM; app name and version; device location; etc.

What MDM can't see:

Personal text; email; files (including photos); browser history; app account and content; contacts; financial and payment information; authentication information; etc.

Note : To relax privacy concerns, if you're using BYOD devices with GMS (Google Mobile Services), the MDM tool can access the work profile only without intervening personal zone.

More specifically, the MDM monitoring system is mainly used for checking device status, network status and usage, traffic-consuming conditions on apps, user logs, and preset policies working status.

Then, how does the monitoring system work on the mentioned aspects?


In the Monitor dashboard, you can see the online status, network status, battery capacity, MDM software version, and others.

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (4)

Network monitoring is available to check how many devices are using WiFi and Cellular, signal quality, and daily data usage.

Besides, the MDM tool is also available to track device location but requires online devices. As for screen monitoring, it will need permission to access camera and is often used in unattended devices.

Other details that an MDM can monitor on devices: available storage, battery temperature, permission condition, external HDMI/SD card status, etc.

With the provided info, companies can find if there's an unusual circ*mstance then remote control and troubleshoot the equipment.


After enrolling the device to the MDM console, the app info shows as follows:

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (5)

MDM solutions can view the installed app names, versions, and last update time. They can monitor the traffic usage of each app as well.


The Mobile Device Management tool will monitor user activity if he is invited.

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (6)


If a device is applied with Kiosk Mode or has used Policy, the status can be viewed in Monitor dashboard. This can prevent the device from exiting the setting accidentally.

Part 4 : How to Use MDM Monitoring?

Using an MDM monitoring system involves different steps for different actions. You need to follow it up for a smooth running of your requirements. So,

1. Add Devices to MDM Console

When you add up the device to the automated monitoring system MDM, you need to grant Biz Daemon (software for devices being controlled by AirDroid MDM) some special permissions so that you can monitor and remote control the device.

These accessibilities need to activate: file and media; microphone; camera; location; and so on.

Device user can change permission easily by visiting Biz Daemon anytime after deployment.

2. View Device Details in the Dashboard

Go to the dashboard and check the info. Here you can monitor the device status, network, location, and screen.

3. View Data Usage, App Info and User Activity in Report

Go to the Devices bar, select workbench, and move to the reports bar. You can choose one to check related details.

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (7)

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Part 5 : How to Manage Employee Devices with MDM and Avoid Offending?

Companies can manage employee devices while still respecting their privacy. With clear communication and careful configuration, companies can ensure data security while minimizing any potential offenses caused by MDM monitoring.

1. Assign company-owned work-used mobile devices to employees so the company can fully control the device and how they're used. This is a great way to ensure that confidential company data and sensitive information are safe and secure.

2. For personal devices that use in the workplace, use Mobile Device Management (MDM) software that only has access to the employee's work account. This can help balance the need for data security with privacy concerns.

3. Make sure to communicate to employees what information the company may access and why. This will help ensure that employees are aware of their privacy rights and minimize any potential offense caused by the implementation of MDM. A guideline is necessary before connecting devices to the organization.

4. If the admin has to remote control a device, for example, to delete data, he should inform the user in advance and explain.


Can MDM track location?

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (8)


Yes, MDM can track a device's location. However, this feature is only active when the device is online, and will need to ask for permission in advance.

Can MDM track browsing history?

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (9)


No, not generally. Most MDM solutions only track and monitor the apps installed on a device, not its web browsing history.

How to monitor app traffic through MDM?

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (10)


You can monitor traffic by setting up policies and altering rules in Data Usage Report and Alter & Workflow. Once an app is used beyond the set traffic range, you will receive a notification.

What is the requirement for using MDM?

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (11)


Some general requirements include a compatible device OS, device type, and security protocols. So, before going for an MDM solution, ensure that you're using the right tool that is compatible with the devices you want to manage.

What can MDM Monitor? Detailed Guide to Use MDM Monitoring (2024)


What can MDM see? ›

MDM software collects various hardware and software information on devices, which helps companies monitor and track company-owned and BYOD devices. You can, for example, view ownership information, installed configurations and applications, warranty and security status, and current location, among other data.

What can employers see with MDM? ›

Devices inventory with make, model, operating system, and software and hardware status. Device location, installed apps, battery life, network connectivity, device usage (calls, texts, emails, browsing history), and company application and data use.

Would you please explain what is MDM and why do we use IT for? ›

What is Mobile Device Management (MDM)? Mobile Device Management is any software that allows IT to automate, control, and secure administrative policies on laptops, smartphones, tablets, or any other device connected to an organization's network.

What is MDM guide? ›

Mobile device management solutions enable IT teams to provide more hands-on remote maintenance and management support for device users. This includes getting device information in real time, making changes to device configurations like VPN and Wi-Fi, and managing system updates.

Can MDM monitor text messages? ›

Regardless of your deployment model, the MDM framework can never access personal information, including email, messages, and browser history.

What does MDM give access to? ›

MDM lets you securely and wirelessly configure devices by sending profiles and commands to the device, whether they're owned by the user or your organization. MDM capabilities include updating software and device settings, monitoring compliance with organizational policies, and remotely wiping or locking devices.

What is the main goal of MDM? ›

Master data management (MDM) is all about managing master data. The goal is to store all business-relevant enterprise data in a uniform manner to ensure that an organization's information can be used consistently.

What does MDM allow us to achieve? ›

MDM means mobile device management, which is a type of software that enables organizations to monitor, manage, and secure their employees' mobile devices. Businesses can use MDM to secure corporate networks and enable employees to work using their own personal devices.

What does MDM solve? ›

As a technology, MDM solutions automate how business-critical data is governed, managed, and shared throughout applications used by lines of business, brands, departments, and organizations. MDM applies data integration, reconciliation, enrichment, quality, and governance to create master records.

Why should you use an MDM? ›

MDM keeps your business data protected and ensures your company retains control over confidential information. If a mobile device is lost or stolen, MDM can remotely lock and wipe all data. Remote locking and wiping capabilities enable companies to keep devices and data secure.

What is simple MDM used for? ›

SimpleMDM simplifies the management and security of Apple devices. It allows administrators to create and provision new accounts, enroll new devices, and install apps in bulk to Apple iOS and macOS devices.

What is included in MDM? ›

Medical Decision-Making FAQs

MDM is the reflection of complexity in establishing a diagnosis, assessing the status of a condition and/or selecting a management option. The revised MDM table focuses on the cognitive work related to the diagnosis and assessment of a patient's condition.

Can MDM track location history? ›

Device Location History: Beyond just knowing where a device is now, MDM tools can track where it's been. This historical data can be invaluable, offering insights into usage patterns, identifying potential security risks, and helping recover lost or stolen devices by retracing their movements.

Can MDM view screen? ›

As for screen monitoring, it will need permission to access camera and is often used in unattended devices. Other details that an MDM can monitor on devices: available storage, battery temperature, permission condition, external HDMI/SD card status, etc.

Can MDM see your photos? ›

MDM & Photos in the Photo app

No MDM protocol exists which can remotely view, modify or delete photos in the Photos app, as well as in iCloud Photos. At the same time, MDM administrators can disable the iCloud Photos feature.

Can employer see what I do on my personal iPhone? ›

An employer can also track your personal phone under certain circ*mstances. First, the company has to receive consent from the employee allowing the employer to monitor their personal device. An employer may also monitor an employee's personal phone if they're using company-provided apps like Slack.

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