What Is the Common Good in Political Science? Definition and Examples (2024)

“Common good” in political science refers to anything that benefits and is naturally shared by all members of a given community, compared to things that benefit the private good of individuals or sectors of society. In some cases, securing things serving the common good requires collective action and participation in the political process.

Key Takeaways: The Common Good

  • The “common good” refers to those facilities or institutions that benefit all members of a given community.
  • The common good contrasts with those things that benefit only specific individuals or parts of the community.
  • Examples of elements making up the common good include basic rights and freedoms, police and fire departments, national defense, courts of law, highways, public schools, safe food and water, and natural resources.
  • In most cases, providing the elements of the common good requires a degree of individual sacrifice such as the payment of new or higher taxes.
  • Today, many impactful social problems are caused by the lack or failure of essential elements of the common good.

Common Good Definition

As normally used today, the phrase “common good” refers to those facilities or institutions that all or most members of a community agree are necessary to satisfy certain interests they have in common. A few of the things making up the common good in a modern democracy might include basic rights and freedoms, a transportation system, cultural institutions, police and public safety, a judicial system, an electoral system, public education, clean air and water, safe and ample food supply, and national defense. For example, people might say, “The new bridge will serve the common good,” or “We will all profit from the new convention center.” Because the systems and facilities of the common good impact all members of the society, it stands to reason that most social problems are in some way tied to how well or poorly these systems and facilities are working.

From an economic and philosophical standpoint, it is assumed that providing for the common good will require a degree of sacrifice by many members of the society. Such sacrifice often comes in the form of paying higher taxes or costs of industrial production. In an article on economic and social problems in American society, Newsweek columnist Robert J. Samuelson once wrote, “We face a choice between a society where people accept modest sacrifices for a common goal or a more contentious society where groups selfishly protect their own benefits.” Many times, achieving the common good in modern societies requires overcoming the human tendency to “look out for Number One first.”


Despite its increasing importance in modern society, the concept of the common good was first mentioned over two thousand years ago in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero. As early as the second century AD, Catholic religious tradition defined the common good as “the sum of those conditions of social life which allow social groups and their individual members relatively thorough and ready access to their own fulfillment.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau in 'The Social Contract'

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In his 1762 book The Social Contract, Swiss philosopher, writer, and political theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau argues that in successful societies, the “general will” of the people will always be directed toward achieving the collectively agreed common good. Rousseau contrasts the will of all—the total of the desires of each individual—with the general will—the “one will which is directed towards their common preservation and general well-being.” Rousseau further contends that political authority, in the form of laws, will be viewed as legitimate and enforceable only if it is applied according to the general will of the people and directed toward their common good.

Adam Smith in 'Wealth of Nations'

Scottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith, in his classic 1776 book Wealth of Nations, argues that in systems of “natural liberty” where people are allowed through the “invisible hand” of a free-market economy to pursue their own self-interest, “Individual ambition serves the common good.” In saying this, Smith contends that “universal opulence which extends itself to the lowest ranks of the people,” will ultimately result in the advancement of the common good.

John Rawls in 'Theory of Justice'

Much like Aristotle, American moral and political philosopher John Rawls considered the public common good to be the heart of a healthy moral, economic, and political system. In his 1971 book Theory of Justice, Rawls defines the common good as “certain general conditions that are … equally to everyone’s advantage.” In this context, Rawls equates the common good to the combination of equally shared social conditions, such as basic liberties and fair economic opportunity, that come with citizenship.

Like Adam Smith, Rawls further contends that for the common good to be realized, the society bears a shared responsibility to ensure that the well-being of the least economically advantaged class is maintained. Indeed, his Second Principle of Justice provides that for the common good to be persevered, all social and economic inequalities must be prioritized so that they are “of the greatest benefit to the least-advantaged members of society,” and that policymaking “offices and positions must be open to everyone under conditions of fair equality of opportunity.”

Practical Modern Examples

Achieving a common good has always required a degree of individual sacrifice. Today, the trade-offs and sacrifices necessary for the common good often involve paying taxes, accepting personal inconvenience, or giving up certain long-held cultural beliefs and privileges. While occasionally offered voluntarily, these sacrifices and trade-offs are usually incorporated into laws and public policy. Some modern examples of the common good and the sacrifices involved in achieving them include:

Public Infrastructure Improvement

What Is the Common Good in Political Science? Definition and Examples (2)

More often than not, public infrastructure improvements—such as safer and more convenient highways and public transportation facilities; new water, sewer, and power lines; dams and reservoirs; and cultural facilities—requires the payment of new or increased taxes. Additionally, eminent domain laws give the government the right to seize private property, in exchange for just compensation, when the property is needed for infrastructure facilities serving the common good like public schools, parks, transit operations, and public utilities. In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Kelo v. City of New London, expanded the reach of eminent domain to allow governments to seize private property to be used for the redevelopment or revitalization of economically depressed areas. In this decision, the Court further defined the term “public use” to describe public benefit or general welfare, long considered elements of the common good.

Civil Rights and Racial Equality

What Is the Common Good in Political Science? Definition and Examples (3)

In the realm of sacrificing assumed privileges and deeply-seated cultural beliefs for the common good, few examples stand out like the struggle for racial equality and civil rights in the United States. Even after the Civil War, and the end of the enslavement of Black people through the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, implementing the cultural sacrifices demanded by the civil rights movement of the 1960s did not come without extensive government intervention. Rarely occurring voluntarily, surrendering long-held vestiges of “white privilege” required the force of law applied on a historic scale, including the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Environmental Quality

Today there is little debate that clean air and water, along with an abundance of natural resources, benefit the common good. However, the process of ensuring environmental quality has historically and is likely to continue to require government intervention coupled with individual sacrifice. Since the early 1960s, Americans have expressed increasing concern over the detrimental impact of industrial growth on the environment. These concerns were addressed through the hard-fought passage of a series of laws including the Clean Air Act of 1963; the Clean Water Act of 1972; the Endangered Species Act of 1973; and the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. Applying these laws and the hundreds of often controversial federal regulations necessary to enforce them results in considerable economic sacrifice on the part of the industrial sector. For example, automobile manufactures have been forced to comply with a series of costly fuel economy and air pollution regulations. Yet, environmentalists argue that the government bears a societal obligation to protect the natural environment for the common good, even if doing so requires the sacrifice of some economic growth.

Sources and Further Reference

  • Velasquez, Manuel, et al. “The Common Good.” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, August 2, 2014, https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/the-common-good/.
  • Skousen, Mark. “It All Started with Adam.” Foundation for Economic Education, May 1, 2001, https://fee.org/articles/it-all-started-with-adam/.
  • Samuelson, Robert J. “How Our American Dream Unraveled.” Newsweek, March 1, 1992, https://www.newsweek.com/how-our-american-dream-unraveled-195900.
  • Tierney, William G. “Governance and the Public Good.” State University of New York Press, 2006, https://muse.jhu.edu/book/5104.
  • Reich, Robert B. “The Common Good.” Knopf, February 20, 2018, ISBN: 978-0525520498
  • Rawls, John. “Theory of Justice.” Harvard University Press, 1971, ISBN: 0674000781.
What Is the Common Good in Political Science? Definition and Examples (2024)


What Is the Common Good in Political Science? Definition and Examples? ›

In ordinary political discourse, the “common good” refers to those facilities—whether material, cultural or institutional—that the members of a community provide to all members in order to fulfill a relational obligation they all have to care for certain interests that they have in common.

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A common good is anything that benefits the entire society. The bus, the roads, and the school are all common goods because they benefit all of society and everyone has access to them.

What are real world examples of the common good? ›

Examples of particular common goods or parts of the common good include an accessible and affordable public health care system, an effective system of public safety and security, peace among the nations of the world, a just legal and political system, an unpolluted natural environment, and a flourishing economic system ...

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common good. the belief that people should work for social and political changes that benefit everyone. Progressive Movement. a movement to solve various social, economic, and political problems through government action.

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The Catechism neatly sums all this up by naming three essential elements of the common good in our age (CCC 1906, emphasis original): respect for the person, the well-being and development of the “group” or social community of which the person is a member, and peace.

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Examples of public goods include fresh air, knowledge, national defense, street lighting, etc. Common resources are defined as products or resources that are non-excludable but rival. That means virtually anyone can use them.

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Examples of common in a Sentence

Adjective They have a common ancestor. The people on the island have a sense of common identity.

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In a family, for instance, the family home is part of the common good because the familial bond requires members to take care of the home as part of a shared effort to care for one another's interests in shelter and safety.

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The common good is reached when we work together to improve the wellbeing of people in our society and the wider world. In line with Catholic Social Teaching, the rights of the individual to personal possessions and community resources must be balanced with the needs of the disadvantaged and dispossessed.

Which of the following is an example of a common good? ›

Examples of elements making up the common good include basic rights and freedoms, police and fire departments, national defense, courts of law, highways, public schools, safe food and water, and natural resources.

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In philosophy, economics, and political science, the common good (also commonwealth, general welfare, or public benefit) is either what is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community, or alternatively, what is achieved by citizenship, collective action, and active participation in the realm of ...

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Common goods (also called common-pool resources) are defined in economics as goods that are rivalrous and non-excludable.

What is the common good in simple terms? ›

common good, that which benefits society as a whole, in contrast to the private good of individuals and sections of society.

What is the common good for kids? ›

The principle of the Common Good is introduced by highlighting the intrinsic human need for and value of friendship and community. This may also integrate well into the establishment of classroom or school rules and school values. Students explore connections to other people.

Why is common good important? ›

The "common good" is at the core of any situation where two or more people form a partnership, group or country. The reason many organizations exist is to provide a common defense, mass-transit, public safety, public health and many other functions.

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He spoke of ' putting the common good ahead of individual interests'. We are seen as champions not of the common good but of self-interest. Selfish individuals can be key to the common good, scientists have found. A simple measure is identified that serves the common good.

What does common good mean for kids? ›

The “common good” has been around since the time of Greek philosophers – the idea that if we all cooperate and work together, we can make the world a better place. And that is what you do so passionately with your children. You come together as a family and with friends, to make a difference in the world.

What is common good according to the Bible? ›

The common good is the conditions necessary for everyone to thrive; it's not a utopian ideal or something to be imposed by one group on another. The common good promotes the person, relationships, participation and stewardship. It insists that everyone is included, no one is left behind.

What is the definition of common good in the Catholic Church? ›

The Catechism, following Pope John XXIII in Mater et Magistra and Vatican II, defines the common good as: “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.”

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