What it means to buy a company's stock (video) | Khan Academy (2024)

Video transcript

Voiceover: Let's talk alittle bit about what it means to own shares or stock in a company, so shares or stock. I think we all have a general sense, but what I want to do in this video is make it a little bit more tangible to really understandexactly what you're buying when you buy a share of stock. So the general sense, and this is exactly what it really is, is when you buy stock or you buy shares, you're essentially becoming a partial or a part owner of the company. Part owner of company. Just to contrast this with bonds because they're often kind of used in the same phrasing, "Oh, I'm gonna go buysome stocks or bonds," or "I deal with stocks and bonds." Bonds. Bonds, you become partlender to the company. Part lender to the company. So, for example, if you buy a, well, I'll just say a face value bond of, let's say, it's $10. Let's say it's $1,000, and there's 1,000 people who do that. Each of you all are lending$1,000 to the company and since there's 1,000 of you, you're lending $1 million to the company. I'm not going to go into detail in that because the focus of thisis going to be stock, but it's good to keep in mind that they're very different things. Here, you're owning the company. Here, you're lending to the company. So just to make this alittle bit more tangible of exactly what we're owning, let me draw a simple balance sheet for some company X. So this is Company ... Let me do a new color. Let's say we're dealingwith Company X right here, and let's say if we lookedat Company X's assets, and when we talk about assets, it really is the same thing that we mean in the real world, or in our everyday life when we talk about assets. The things that have value. Things that are going to give us some type of future benefit. A house is an asset because it gives us the future benefit ofbeing able to live in it and protecting us fromcold weather and rain. Cars are assets because they give, provide us some transportation. Cash is an asset becauseit can be exchanged for things we need in the future. All of these ... A loan to someone else is an asset because in the future, they will pay us back. A loan to me is a liability, which we'll talk about in a second, but anyway, let's just inthe very abstract sense, say this is Company X's assets. Let's say that they're worth $100 million. $100 million, and I'm not going to go into exactly how this number is determined or who's determining it, or who's saying this is 100 million, but let's just say this is, we agree that this is how much their land and their patents and their copyrights and their cash and their buildings and everything else they have is worth. All of the things thatwill generate future value. Now, let's say that Company X has also borrowed some money, and maybe they borrowedit by issuing bonds, which I will not go into detail on. Let's say they borrowed some money, and so they owe some people collectively $80 million. $80 million. This could have been a straight debt from a bank, or this could have been via a bond issue. They might have issued, maybe they issued a million bonds, where each of those essentially represent a debt of $80. I won't go into that too much, but I think you getthe idea of what I mean of part lender, but this is debt. $80 million of debt right here. Let's say that's all of their liabilities. There are other liabilitiesother than debt, but for simplicity, let's say that's their only liability and debt tends to be the biggest. Now, what's left for the owners? A good way to think about that is what would happen ifthis company were sold and the debt paid off. So, if the company were sold and these assets reallyare able to be sold for $100 million, you get $100 million. You'd have to pay the debt holders, you'd have to pay off the debt first, so you'd have 100 minus 80, you'd have $20 millionleft for the owners. I'll do that in this other green color. So you'd have $20 million left. $20 million left, and this is called the equity, or the owner's equity. Owner's equity. This is completely the same idea as when people talk abouthaving equity in a house. If I have a $300,000 house, and I still have $200,000left on the mortgage, then I have $100,000 in equity. It's completely analogous. You can see, very simply, that assets. I'll write this down. You're getting a little bit of an introduction to accounting right here, but assets are going toalways be equal to liabilities plus equity. Because essentially, oryou can view it this way: If you subtract liabilitiesfrom both sides, assets minus liabilitiesis equal to equity. This might be a little bit more intuitive. What we have leftoveris always what we own minus what we owe. That is what the owners have. Now, when we say that I'mpart-owner of a company, that means that I have apiece of this pie right here. This is what I am apart-owner of, the equity. So, for example, if we have, if there are 2 million shares, so Company X, let's saythey have 2 million shares, and let's say that the equity is really worth $20 million. How much is each share worth if we believe all of these numbers? Well, we have $20 million of equity, 20 million of equitydivided by 2 million shares, divided by 2 million shares, which gets us $10 of equity per share. If we believe all of these numbers, and we know that CompanyX has 2 million shares, then we would say thateach share is worth $10, and if we like these numbers and if someone is willingto sell us a share for less than that, we would buy it. If someone was willingto pay more than that, maybe we would sell it. Just to make all of this alittle bit more tangible, let's look at an actualexample of a company to show you that I'm notmaking all of this stuff up. I got this off of yourtraditional financial sources. This is actually from the filings of this unnamed company, and you'll get extra bonus points if you figure out what this company is, and this is their actualstock-trading activity, and I just want to draw the same diagram that I drew up here, the same diagram that I drew up here, to really, on this company, so you can kind of see that this actually happens in the real world, so first let's draw their assets. Let's say this is Company X, and let's say these areits assets right there. Its assets. Let's go to its balance sheet. This is actually what they reported. This is June 30th, well, we want to takethe more recent date. They're just trying to compare to what they had before. Let's look at these, this is some time ago, but it doesn't matter. We're learning. This is, we're not trying to decide whether we want toinvest in this right now. This is a very old financial statement, but let's just look atwhat they're saying. They have our total assets here. 30 million, I'll just do in round numbers. $30 million right there, so $30 million. You might be curious about, "Hey, what's all thiscurrent asset business?" Those are things that are either cash or that can be turned into cash within the next year. So, for example, accounts receivable. That's money that othermaybe vendors owe them, that they're going to pay very soon. Inventories, these arethings that they have maybe in the warehouse that they can sell and turn into cash very quickly. Other current assets, maybe that's stock or some other type ofinvestment that they could sell and turn into cash. So they have 18 million of current assets, that's things that they canturn into cash very easily and very quickly, definitely within the next year. Then you have some property,plant and equipment. this is kind of that landand buildings and machinery that I talked about, and then who knows whatthese other assets are. Maybe those are trademarks or patents, or who knows what they are? But all in all, they have$30 million of assets. Now let's go to the liabilities. They have some current liabilities, 16 million. Current liabilities, just so you know, those are liabilities. These are things thatthey have to pay in cash within the next year. It could be debt, it could be payables. They have to pay some other vendors. Who knows what it is? But you can kind of viewit as debt on some level, maybe debt that you haveto pay in the next year. Then the have long-termdebt of 5.5 million. If you add these two up, you get pretty close to about 22 million, so just for simplicity, I'llput it over here as 22 million. So this company has 22million in liabilities. 22 million liabilities. These are their assets, just to get all the labeling right. So what's left for equity? We'll just draw it on this simple diagram. We have 8 million left for equity. 8 million left for equity, and actually, they did thecalculation here for us. The exact number is 8.39or 8.4 million in equity, but this is a nice roundnumber for us to show. This is real-world stuffthat we're dealing with, and if you wanted to know, kind of, if you believe these numbers, if you believe that this company's assets really are worth $30 million, what should you pay for it? Well, then you're going to divide by the total number of shares, and you'll see this insome financial statements, and I won't go into the details of the difference betweenbasic and diluted, but the numbers are very, very close, so we don't have toworry about it too much. But let's just say thatthis company has 2.7, looks like 2.78 million shares. So if the book value is 8.396. I mean, I wrote 8 here, how much should each of these shares, how much should each of these, and when I say book value, I mean these are their books. According to their books, the equity is worth 8.4 million. If we really believe that theequity's worth 8.4 million, how much should each share be worth? Well, we'll just divide 8.4 million, we'll just have to divide 8.4 million, 8.4 million. This is actually an 8.4. I wrote 8 there for simpicity. Divided by the numberof shares, 2.78 million. So that's a million, and that's a million, and I'll get a calculatorout for this one right here. So, let's see, we'rehere doing 8.4 million divided by 2.78 million shares. So according, if we believe these numbers,if we believe the books, the book value of the shares is about $3.02 per share, so this is $3.02 per share, book value per share. That's what we should bewilling to pay for this, or what we think a fair price per share of this company is if we think these assets arereally worth $30 million. Now, what are people actually paying for these shares? Well, that's, we look at this information right here, and we see that the lasttrade here was for $2.58, so people are paying a discount to the number we just calculated, so the only reason why people are paying less than that, or someone's willing tosell for less than $3, is that someone out there, especially the person selling, thinks that this company really, the assets of this company really aren't worth $30 million. He or she thinks of theassets of this company are worth less than $30 million, and maybe they think thatthe company's prospects aren't as good. They're product isn't, the sales are going to go down. Who knows? Maybe the person buying it, maybe they think it is worth $3 a share, and that's why they'rewilling to pay $2.58 for it because they think it's going to go up. Just so that we get someof the other details that we see here, this bid, this bid right here. This is what someone has explicitly said that they're willing to pay for a share. The ask is what someonehas explicitly said they're willing to sell a share for. This 52-week range is the range of prices that the shares have sold, so in the past year, these shares sold for as low as $1.20, and that was actually a great deal because they went up, even now, where they're selling at $2.58. the average volume right here, this is the number of shares sold per day, exchanged per day. The market cap, right here, you've probably heard that word before. That's essentially the market's sense of what this number really is. We're saying that thebooks of this company are saying this companyis worth $8 million, but the market cap is saying what the equity of the company is worth in the market's mind, and to get that number, they're taking the $2.58. they're taking the $2.58times the number of shares. Times the 2.78 million shares. If we do that, we're going to get, let's see, 2.58 times2.78 is equal to exactly, well, it's a littledifferent than what they had. Maybe it's a little round-off error, but roughly 7 million in market cap. Like I said before, themarket is not paying $3. It's paying $2.58, and so the market issaying that the equity, this piece right hereis closer to 7 million, even though the books are saying that this number righthere is above 8 million. Well, anyway, hopefullythat was a little bit useful and gives you a little bit of a sense of what it actually means to buy shares in a company.

What it means to buy a company's stock (video) | Khan Academy (2024)


What it means to buy a company's stock (video) | Khan Academy? ›

If you buy a company's stock, you become a part owner and you'll generally make money if the company does well—or lose money if it doesn't. Depending on how established the company is, most of the money you make will come either through increases in share price or through dividend payments.

What does it mean to buy a company's stock? ›

If you buy a company's stock, you become a part owner and you'll generally make money if the company does well—or lose money if it doesn't. Depending on how established the company is, most of the money you make will come either through increases in share price or through dividend payments.

What happens if you buy a company's stock? ›

When you buy a company's stock, you're purchasing a small piece of that company, called a share. Investors purchase stocks in companies they think will go up in value. If that happens, the company's stock increases in value as well.

What does it mean to own stock in a company brainpop? ›

If you own stock in a company, it means that you? Answer: Share in the money the company makes or loses.

Is buying company stock a good idea? ›

You might want to consult a professional about what the right mix of investments is for you. The bottom line: Owning company stock might allow employees to share in the financial success of a company, but it also carries the risk that your employer's financial problems will become your financial problems.

Why do people buy a company's stock? ›

Stocks offer investors the greatest potential for growth (capital appreciation) over the long haul. Investors willing to stick with stocks over long periods of time, say 15 years, generally have been rewarded with strong, positive returns.

Why would a person want to buy stock in a company? ›

An increase in the valuation of company earnings or other assets, measured by the price-to-earnings ratio, is a third. When you buy stock in a company, you are basically buying a small part, or share, of that company. Your sliver of ownership entitles you to a relative share of the company's profits — and its losses.

Does a company make money when you buy their stock? ›

For companies, money comes from the payments they receive when investors first buy their shares. This cash infusion can help companies in a variety of ways, such as helping to pay off existing debt and funding growth plans they can't—or don't want to—finance with new loans.

Do you get paid if you own stock in a company? ›

A stock dividend is a payment to shareholders that consists of additional shares rather than cash. The distributions are paid in fractions per existing share. For example, if a company issues a stock dividend of 5%, it will pay 0.05 shares for every share owned by a shareholder.

How do you get paid from stocks? ›

Collecting dividends—Many stocks pay dividends, a distribution of the company's profits per share. Typically issued each quarter, they're an extra reward for shareholders, usually paid in cash but sometimes in additional shares of stock.

What does it mean to own stock in a company you work for? ›

An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) is an employee benefit plan that gives workers ownership interest in the company in the form of shares of stock. ESOPs encourage employees to give their all as the company's success translates into financial rewards.

Why CEOs buy their own stock? ›

CEOs sitting at the helm of affairs with informational advantage are often tempted to buy or sell shares of their company ahead of events with potential impact on stock prices. CEOs doing illegal forms of insider trading has become common over the past several years.

When you own stock you own a share of a company? ›

stocks. When you own stock, you own a part of the company. There are no guarantees of profits, or even that you will get your original investment back, but you might make money in two ways. First, the price of the stock can rise if the company does well and other investors want to buy the stock.

What should I do with company stock? ›

In a perfect world, we would recommend selling your company stock and reinvesting in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds. This allows you to capture the value gained in your company shares and avoid the risk of undue future volatility.

What happens to company stock when you leave? ›

Companies usually tie earning equity to tenure (a process called vesting). In most cases, you have to stay for at least a year to vest any equity (your grant may call this a “one-year cliff”). When you leave, you are only entitled to the portion of that equity that has vested as of the date of your departure.

What are the disadvantages of buying stocks? ›

Disadvantages of Investing in Stocks

Stock markets are known for their unpredictability. Prices can fluctuate rapidly, influenced by a myriad of factors such as economic events, company performance or global crises. This volatility can be nerve-wracking for investors, especially those with a low risk tolerance.

What are the risks involved with buying one company's stock? ›

The potential risks of investing in stocks include: Share prices for a company falling, even to zero. If the company goes broke, you may be the last to be paid, so you may not get your money back. The value of your shares will go up and down, and the dividend may vary.

How much money can you make from stocks in a month? ›

Well, there is no limit to how much you can make from stocks in a month. The money you can make by trading can run into thousands, lakhs, or even higher. A few key things that intraday profits depend on: How much capital are you putting in the markets daily?

How does buying shares in a company benefit an investor? ›

Many companies issue common stock, which is divided into shares. These are generally called common shares. These provide the purchasers—called shareholders—with a residual claim on the company and its profits, providing potential investment growth through both capital gains and dividends.

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