Where is Chuck Liddell's house? (2024)

Chuck Liddell was the UFC's biggest star for a long period of time, keeping the company afloat during its worst days. 'The Iceman' has made the most of a successful MMA career and that reflects in his lifestyle.

While Chuck Liddell owns several properties, he primarily resides in his Hidden Hills house in Calabasas, California. The former UFC light heavyweight champion purchased the property for a whopping $2.6 million in 2012.

Chuck Liddell's Hidden Hills estate has five bedrooms, five baths and sprawls across 5,923 sq. ft. The mansion also has a pool, spa, library, vaulted ceilings and a full-sized basketball court.

Before moving to Southern California, Chuck Liddell used to live in San Luis Obispo. His property was featured on MTV Cribs. The 4,600-foot home was built in 1965. It boasts five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a gourmet kitchen, and an oversized, in-ground pool with a spa, rock slide and waterfall.

Liddell bought the property in 2006 for $1.275 million. He later sold it for $1.2 million in 2011 due to the real estate dip. Chuck Liddell also had two other homes for sale in San Luis Obispo during that period.

Chuck Liddell had legal trouble after selling a house

Chuck Liddell even had some legal trouble after selling his Atascadero home. Liddell sold the house to Kenneth and Hayley Smith in 2015. A lawsuit was filed against the former UFC champion after the Smiths discovered a preexisting water leak in a laundry room that shared a wall with their 9-year-old daughter's bedroom.

The lawsuit alleged that the couple's young daughter suffered mysterious nosebleeds, sore throats and other health problems after moving into a bedroom 'riddled with mold.' The lawsuit was filed against Chuck Liddell, his real estate agent Dustin Ward and San Diego-based mortgage company 4 USA Loans Inc.

The lawsuit included allegations of breach of contract, breach of implied habitability, negligence, fraudulent concealment trespass, civil conspiracy, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress among others.

Chuck Liddell later settled the lawsuit in 2019 by paying a hefty amount of $70,000. The terms of the settlement included $31,500 each for the couple and $7,000 for their daughter.

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Where is Chuck Liddell's house? (2024)


Where does Chuck Liddell currently live? ›

While Chuck Liddell owns several properties, he primarily resides in his Hidden Hills house in Calabasas, California.

How much money is Chuck Liddell worth? ›

According to CelebrityNetWorth, Chuck Liddell has a net worth in 2023 of around $12 Million US Dollars.

Was Chuck Liddell a good fighter? ›

Liddell had a 30-fight career spanning 20 years. In his prime, he was considered one of, if not the post dangerous fighter on the UFC roster. He defended the 205-pound championship four times and holds wins over Randy Couture, Vitor Belfort, Alistair Overeem, Wanderlei Silva, Tito Oritz, among others.

What is Chuck Liddell doing now? ›

UFC legend 'can't remember stuff and gets stuck on speech' Former light heavyweight champion and UFC hall-of-famer Chuck Liddell split from his wife Heidi last fall and is currently fighting for custody of their children.

Why did Chuck Liddell lose his chin? ›

It was one of themost brutal knockouts ever. There is no way Chuck's chin ever recovered from that. Something in Chuck Liddell's head was knocked loose by Rashad Evans that night. Chuck has gone from having an iron chin to having a chin made of gummy bears and fine china.

Where do Diaz brothers live? ›

Located in Stockton, California and home to some of the best fighters in the world including the pride of 209, Nate and Nick Diaz.

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In 2021, McGregor topped Forbes's list of rich athletes thanks to selling his wildly successful Proper Twelve Irish Whiskey business to Proximo Spirits for $600m.

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1. Conor McGregor ($200 million) It's no secret that Conor McGregor is not only number one on the list of the richest UFC fighters, but one of the richest athletes in the world. For his last fight with Cowboy Cerrone, he was guaranteed $3 million just to show up.

How much did Chuck Liddell make per fight? ›

Chuck Liddell's highest career earnings came near the end of his career when he was paid around $500,000 for every fight.

Are Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz friends? ›

Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz might not have had the fiery hatred of one another that fueled their early career, but there was no love lost. “People always talk to me like I hate him or something. I don't hate the guy,” Liddell said in a 2019 interview. “I don't care enough about him to hate him actually.

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White had a close friendship with Liddell, as he used to manage the light-heavyweight's career. But after his school friends Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta bought the UFC in 2001, he was made the company's president.

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Randy Couture UFC 52: Couture vs. Liddell 2. This was arguably the biggest match in the history of the UFC. The fight came after the first season of The Ultimate Fighter in which both fighters coached teams of rookies.

How much did Chuck Liddell make for Tito 3? ›

Chuck Liddell: $250,000 (no win bonus) Tito Ortiz: $200,000 (no win bonus) Tom Lawlor: $25,000 (no win bonus) Deron Winn: $5,000 ($5,000 win bonus)

How much did Chuck Liddell weigh? ›

Who did Chuck Liddell fight 3 times? ›

"The Huntington Beach Bad Boy" Tito Ortiz is a trilogy of mixed martial arts fights between Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz; two that took place in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and one in the Golden Boy Promotions MMA promotion. All three fights have ended in a knockout in the Light Heavyweight Division.

Was Chuck Liddell a good striker? ›

Chuck Liddell

"The Iceman" is rightfully remembered as one of the best and most imposing strikers in MMA.

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Nick Diaz and Nate Diaz: Net worth comparison

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Nick has a net worth of $3 million and Nate has a net worth of over $8 million as of 2022. Besides fighting, the brothers have other sources of income as well.

How much money is Nate Diaz worth? ›

Nate Diaz: In the United States, the well-known MMA fighter “Nate Diaz” is worth $10 million. Wikipedia, Forbes, and Bloomberg all put Nate Diaz's estimated net worth at around $10 million, making him the highest-paid American MMA fighter of all time.

Is Nate Diaz A Vegan? ›

Nate Diaz was one the first UFC fighters to embrace a plant-based lifestyle. The 37-year-old welterweight fighter said he cut all meat out of his diet when he was 18 years old, and while he eats fish during his off time, when he is training for fights he exclusively eats vegan, he told Men's Journal.

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Who is the number one richest actor in the world? Currently, Jami Gertz is the richest actor in the world with a net worth of $3 billion.

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List of richest boxers
  • Manny Pacquiao: $220 million.
  • Oscar de la Hoya: $200 million.
  • Canelo Alvarez: $140 million.
Mar 5, 2023

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Wrestling is physically demanding and requires a lot of strength, technique, and energy. It's divided into amateur and professional levels, with professional wrestling being one of the highest-paying combat sports. Top wrestlers can earn millions in salaries, endorsem*nts, and other payments.

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Celebrity owners of UFC include movie stars Stallone, Affleck, Wahlberg plus tennis aces Sharapova and Williams sisters. IN 2016, UFC president Dana White and his co-business partners who set up the fighting championship sold a majority stake in the promotion company for £3.2billion.

How much did Dana White make selling UFC? ›

He owned 9% of the company in time for it to be sold off to a consortium of investors led by WME-IMG for just over $4 billion in 2016. Since that sale, Dana White has continued to be president of the UFC and has a net worth of about $500 million as of 2019.

Can Chuck Liddell still fight? ›

Chuck Liddell is done fighting, but will “never say never” to a return. “The Iceman” already made one ill-advised return from retirement in 2018 after eight years away, suffering a forgettable first-round knockout loss to longtime rival, Tito Ortiz. In 2023, there's no thought of coming back ...

What was the biggest money fight in UFC history? ›

1. UFC 229: Nurmagomedov vs. McGregor: 2,400,000 PPV Buys - $180 million.

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Charles David Liddell is an American former mixed martial artist who was the UFC Light Heavyweight Champion. Liddell had 23 fights in the UFC. He is widely credited with helping bring MMA into the mainstream of American sports and entertainment.

Did Chuck Liddell do karate? ›

Chuck Liddell has a solid background in both collegiate wrestling and kickboxing, and has trained in both Koei Kan karate and Kempo Karate. Although he primarily wins by standing up, he has used his wrestling skills many times to prevent from being taken down.

Why did Tito Ortiz leave Ultimate Fighter? ›

"I was having trouble training, hitting mitts, and wrestling on The Ultimate Fighter. That's why they pretty much fired me," Ortiz discussed. "What I can do? I have to get the surgery so I can get back and fight again."

Is Tito Ortiz a Republican? ›

Image of Is Tito Ortiz a Republican?
The Republican Party, also referred to as the GOP, is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. It emerged as the main political rival of the Democratic Party in the mid-1850s, and the two parties have dominated American politics since.

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White told Sports Illustrated: "Brock and I have a great relationship, and we always have, but I don't think Brock wants to fight anymore. "Brock's made a lot of money. He came into the UFC and won the heavyweight title.

Who is Dana White favorite fighter? ›

"Jon Jones, Anderson Silva, Ronda Rousey, Conor McGregor, GSP," White said. "There's so many other people that should be on there — Usman should be on there... Whatever you think about Jon, it's hard not to call him the GOAT."

Who does Dana White think is the goat? ›

Jones hadn't competed in more than three years, which makes his title win even more impressive. White thinks Jones is the greatest of all time, and he's glad “Bones” committed to a return to the octagon. “There's no doubt that Jon is special,” White said. “He's the greatest of all time.

What does Chuck Liddell tattoo say? ›

Chuck Liddell explains what the tattoo on the side of his head translates to in English: “Place of peace and prosperity” Frank Mir enshrined his dedicated to his wife, Jennifer Mir, with a tattoo on is stomach.

Who has taken the most punches in UFC history? ›

Depending on the experience and skill of the contestants, strikes may be dodged, diverted or blocked in any manner. As of March 2022, Max Holloway holds the record for most strikes landed, meaning he managed to hit his opponent, throughout the entire UFC with 3056 landed strikes.

Who has fought the most in UFC history? ›

The most UFC fights is 42, achieved by Jim Miller (USA) between 18 October 2008 and 4 June 2023. Miller extended his record with a 23-second demolition of Jesse Butler at UFC Vegas 74. It was his 25th victory in UFC – also a promotion record.

How much did Oscar De La Hoya pay Chuck Liddell? ›

De La Hoya “said, 'Chuck Liddell made $200,000 when he fought Tito Ortiz and that pay-per-view did 1.5 million homes. Who kept the rest of the money? '” White said. “Well, let me set the record straight.

What's the record between Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell? ›

The two have fought a total three times. In their first fight at UFC 47 in 2004, Liddell became the first man to knock out Ortiz with a blistering barrage of punches. In the rematch at UFC 66 in 2006, Liddell again finished Ortiz to defend his light heavyweight crown.

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Covington reportedly made $532,000 for the fight. Against Usman at UFC 261, Masvidal was estimated to make about $532,000.

How much does Chuck Liddell make a year? ›

Chuck Liddell Net Worth
NameChuck Liddell
Net Worth (2023)$15 Million
ProfessionAmerican mixed martial artist
Monthly Income And Salary$83,000 +
Yearly Income And Salary$1 Million +
1 more row
Jun 6, 2023

How old was Chuck Liddell in his last fight? ›

Wednesday afternoon marked the end of an era in UFC and mixed martial arts history, as Hall of Famer and former light heavyweight champion Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell announced his retirement from the sport at the age of 41.

What did Chuck Liddell train in? ›

Liddell began training in Koei-Kan karate when he was 12 years old, though he's best known for his association with the Kempo Karate style taught by John Hackleman. Hackleman's style relies less on katas than “natural fighting techniques and conditioning,” according to its inventor.

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Personal life. Gane and his wife have two daughters. They live in Nogent-sur-Marne, in the eastern suburbs of Paris.

Is Chuck Liddell still with his wife? ›

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, back in October 2021, Chuck filed for divorce from his wife Heidi after 10 years of marriage. The split came days after he was taken into custody for domestic violence after cops showed up to the couple's Hidden Hills mansion.

How many kids does Chuck Liddell have? ›

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Chuck Liddell may be suffering from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) according to his estranged wife. According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Liddell and his wife, Heidi, are engaged in a custody battle over their two children.

Where does Ngannou live? ›

Francis Ngannou
ResidenceLas Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
NationalityCameroonian French
Height6 ft 4 in (193 cm)
Weight257 lb (117 kg; 18 st 5 lb)
20 more rows

Why did Francis Ngannou leave UFC? ›

I've been seeking for a value, and I think that's why the UFC at some point said they would give up their right to match, because they understood that at that point, it wasn't going to be about money. If it's about money, the UFC could beat everybody out there when they want, but it's about the terms.”

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Whilst Adesanya usually makes the trip to the United States for most of his fights, he actually resides in Auckland, New Zealand.

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How tall is Chuck Liddell? ›

How many times did Chuck Liddell fight Tito? ›

"The Huntington Beach Bad Boy" Tito Ortiz is a trilogy of mixed martial arts fights between Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz; two that took place in the Ultimate Fighting Championship and one in the Golden Boy Promotions MMA promotion. All three fights have ended in a knockout in the Light Heavyweight Division.

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