Which biome has the richest biodiversity? (2024)


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Tropical Rainforest

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The correct option is C Tropical forest
Tropical forest has the richest biodiversity because of its high precipitation and warm weather. Many different types of plants and animals are found in this type of forest.

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Which biome has the richest biodiversity? (2024)


Which biome has the richest biodiversity? ›

Tropical forests have the highest biodiversity and primary productivity of any of the terrestrial biomes. Net primary productivity ranges from 2–3 kg m-2 y-1 or higher.

Which biome has the highest biodiversity? ›

Tropical forest has the richest biodiversity because of its high precipitation and warm weather. Many different types of plants and animals are found in this type of forest.

Which is the richest biodiversity? ›

Brazil. It is the country with the greatest biodiversity of flora and fauna on the planet. Brazil has the highest number of species of known mammals and freshwater fish, and more than 50,000 species of trees and bushes, it takes first place in plant diversity.

What is the richest biome? ›

Complete answer: - Tropical rainforests are the richest biomes for flora and fauna due to their environment that supports a large diversity of species. - Tropical rainforests are found in areas on and around the equator.

What area has the highest biodiversity? ›

The Amazon Rainforest

Containing a third of all known plant and animal species in the world, the Amazon deserves the top spot when it comes to the most biodiverse places in the world. This sprawling stretch of wilderness spans the width of South America, dominating countries including Brazil, Colombia and Peru.

What biome has the greatest biodiversity and why? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The tropical rainforest biome has the greatest biodiversity. This biome has the most species of any other, and high numbers of most species. This is due to the climate found in this biome. It has high annual rainfall, warm temperatures, and plenty of sunlight.

Which biome has the highest biodiversity and the lowest? ›

Tropical forests are widely considered to have the greatest species diversity of the terrestrial biomes and the tundra biome has the least.

In what biome is biodiversity the lowest? ›

The tundra is the biome with the least biodiversity.

In which biome is the highest biodiversity found in Quizlet? ›

Which biome has the most biodiversity? the rainforest because it is located near the equator and has a perfect climate for a variety of organisms. How does biodiversity contribute to life?

Which forest is famous for richest biodiversity? ›

Tropical rainforest, Tropical rain forest types of forests exhibits highest bio-diversity.

Is rainforest the richest ecosystem? ›

Tropical rainforests are the most biologically diverse terrestrial ecosystems in the world. The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest tropical rainforest. It is home to around 40,000 plant species, nearly 1,300 bird species, 3,000 types of fish, 427 species of mammals, and 2.5 million different insects.

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Temperate forests and temperate grasslands have thick, fertile soils. In contrast to temperate forest and temperate grassland biomes, desert biomes tend to have thin, sandy, less-fertile soil.

Which biome has the highest biodiversity quizlet? ›

Which biome has the most biodiversity? the rainforest because it is located near the equator and has a perfect climate for a variety of organisms. How does biodiversity contribute to life?

Why do biomes have high biodiversity? ›

These areas have a wide variety of plant and animal species due to the consistently warm temperatures, high humidity, and abundant rainfall, creating ideal conditions for diverse life forms to thrive. Conversely, the biome with the lowest biodiversity is often considered to be deserts.

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