White Mask Varre | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)

White Mask Varré

White Mask Varre | Elden Ring Wiki (1)
Location Various Locations
Role Guide and Quest NPC
Voiced by Pip Torrens

White Mask Varréis an NPC in Elden Ring. White Mask Varré is encountered near the start of the game, right by The First Step Site of Grace, and will offer advice to the player. He can be found multiple times in different locations as the story progresses.

Oh yes... Tarnished, are we? Come to the Lands Between for the Elden Ring, hmm?
Of course you have. No shame in it.
Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless.

White Mask Varré Location inElden Ring

White Mask Varrécan be found in various locations throughout your adventure:

  1. He will be the very first NPC you speak to at the beginning of the game. Found in Limgrave, by The First Step Site of Grace. [Map Link]
  2. After obtaining any of the Great Runes, and talking to Eniafor the first timeat the Roundtable Hold, White Mask Varré can be found at Rose Church, on a large island in the southwest of Liurnia. [Map Link]
  • This NPCmoves to different locations
  • ThisNPC can be fought
  • If defeated, drops:
    • 500Runes
    • 6Festering Bloody Finger
  • If defeated in Mohgwyn Dynasty via invasion, drops:
    • 1 Furcalling Finger Remedy
    • 1 Rune Arc
    • 6 Festering Bloody Fingers, Varre's Bouquet(Return to invasion sign, and talk to him, after returning to your world.)

White Mask VarréQuestline: How to complete White Mask Varré's Quest

  • Awards you the Festering Bloody Fingerupon meeting him the second time at Rose Church.
    • You must have met the two fingers in the round table hold for him to move to the church.
  • After obtaining the item, players can choose to progress the questline in two ways:
    • With patch 1.06 a new invasion sign of the NPC Magnus the Beast Claw can be found inone of the ruined buildings inWritheblood Ruins, surrounded by a pack of bloodhounds. Once the NPC is defeated, the player can return to White MaskVarré at Rose Church to progress the quest.If you prefer to choose the next option of performing this step, you will not lose the opportunity to fight this NPC.
    • Invading other players using the Festering Bloody Finger three times (note: using Recusant Finger will NOT work). It is not required to defeat the invaded player; using Finger Severer rightafter invading the enemy world also counts.
  • After completing one of the tasks above, Varréwillask you to join his order with the Bloody Lord. If you agree, he will give you the Lord of Blood's Favor item, requesting you soak it in the blood of a maiden.
    • The closest possible corpse is located at the Church of Inhibition, at the top of the Frenzied Flame Village. [Map Link]
    • Another possibility is the corpse at the Chapel of Anticipation if you've unlocked the second belfry at theThe Four Belfries. [Map Link]
    • You can also kill Irina, who is the easiest to reach when she is at the entrance of the weeping peninsula. [Map Link]
    • You can also killHyetta who is initially located next to the Lake-Facing Cliffs, but doing so will end her questline.
  • Once you return with the blood-soaked Favor, he rewards with a reusable Bloody Finger. If you speak with him again, you will receive the Pureblood Knight's Medal that can lead to Mohgwyn's palace where you can fight Mohg, Lord of Blood. This is the earliest access toMohg boss fight. One can also access several rune farming spots quite early via this method. Killing Varré at this point does not rewardVarré's Bouquet, but it does reward 6 Festering Bloody Fingers.
  • An invasion sign can be found near the Mausoleum Dynasty Midpoint Site of Grace allowing you to fight White Mask Varré.
  • After defeating him, look back into the corridor where you found his invasion sign. His wounded body will be on the floor as he gasps for strength from Mohg. He will die after you exhaust his dialogue, and you can collect 6 Festering Bloody Fingers andVarré's Bouquet off his corpse.
  • Note:If killed, Varré cannot be respawned making his questline incompletable, although you can still reach Mohgwyn's palace with a hidden teleporter North-North-West of the Yelough Anix Tunnel in Consecrated Snowfield. [Map Link]

Dialogue inElden Ring:White Mask Varré


  • Oh yes... Tarnished, are we? Come to the Lands Between for the Elden Ring, hmm?
    Of course you have. No shame in it.
    Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless.
    Without guidance, without the strength of runes, and without an invitation to the Roundtable Hold...
    You are fated, it seems, to die in obscurity.
  • Luckily for you, however, there is one shining ray of hope for even the maidenless.
    Me. Varré. Take care to listen.
    Are you familiar with grace? The golden light that gives life to you Tarnished.
    You may also behold its golden rays pointing in a particular direction at times.
    That is the guidance of grace. The path that a Tarnished must travel.
    Mm, indeed. Grace's guidance holds the answers.
    It will lead you Tarnished to the path you are meant to follow.
    Even if it leads you to your grave.
  • Grace's guidance will reveal the path forward, most certainly.
    To Castle Stormveil, over on the cliff.
    The home of the decrepit demigod, Godrick the Grafted.
  • It's time you set off, I should think.
    To Castle Stormveil, on the cliff, where grace would guide you.
    If you seek the Elden Ring, maidenless as you are.

If attacked

  • Oh?
  • Do you even comprehend the gravity of this choice?
  • Very well. If you mistake kindness for frailty of heart, then perhaps a more physical lesson is in order!
  • (On player kill) You will die nameless, without ceremony.


  • What's the matter? Shouldn't you be off proving yourself, or some such? Then go on, take the hint and follow the guidance of grace. To castle Stormveil, on the cliff. And if, by chance you do find your way to the castle, you may receive a summons. To the famed Roundtable Keep...

After defeating Margit, The Fell Omen and accessing to Roundtable Hold

  • Ohh, well done, well done indeed.You made it through that entire mess, all the way to Stormveil.
    And off you trotted to the Roundtable Hold... My sincerest congratulations.
    But, how did you find the Roundtable?Oh, you don't have to say it.
    Before, the Roundtable was chock full of venerated warriors, but now, it's home to puff-chests and has-beens.
    I fear you've been terribly disappointed.I don't blame you.
    But still, the Roundtable has its perks.Why not earn a seat?
    Fly straight and true, so to speak.

§Choosing "I'll fly straight and true!"

  • Ahh, then you're interested? A wise choice indeed.
    To join the Roundtable proper, you must acquire a Great Rune,
    and request audience... with the Two Fingers, in the inner chamber.
    They are the purported masters of the grace that guides your kind, the Tarnished.
    Mm, yes, pay them a visit, so that you may see for yourself.
  • Challenge Godrick the Grafted, lord of Stormveil, to acquire a Great Rune.
    Decrepit, he may be, but a demigod he remains. And of course, an inheritor of a Great Rune.
    Worse yet, I hear old Godrick's acquired a ferocious new toy to graft...
    So. Prepare for the worst.

Choosing "I don't need a seat"

  • ... Yes, I see. Perhaps it's just as well. Besides, you are maidenless. One can only do so much with the materials provided. But then again, if you should realize the error of your ways, I'm always willing to hear you out.

Talking again, after choosing "I don't need a seat"

  • Oh, have you decided to have a go after all? At joining the round table proper?

Visit after

  • What's the matter?Aren't you supposed to be earning your place at the Roundtable Hold?
    Then you must face Godrick the Grafted, lord of Stormveil,for without a Great Rune,
    you will not be granted audience. With the Two Fingers, in the inner chamber.

Visit after killing Godrick or obtaining any other Great Rune

  • Ah, there you are. You claimed a Great Rune, and had your audience. With the Two Fingers, at the Roundtable Hold. What was your impression?

Choosing "They didn't seem right"

  • Ah-ha, your intuition serves you well. My doubts had been piling up, you see… The words of the Two Fingers cannot be trusted. Truly, naught but rambling, senile delusions. I believe, that when the Elden Ring was shattered, the Two Fingers were corrupted, their guidance; skewed. Even worse, the Fingers harbor no love for our kind. That's the part that irks the most.

Choosing "They were magnificent"

  • You don't say. Well, what a relief that must be. You may go, then. My work here is done. May the wisdom of the two fingers guide you.

Receiving the Fingers

  • Oh, I have a gift for you, something fit for only the wise. A means for circumventing the draw of the Two Fingers. Give it a try, won't you? And if it please you, may we meet again. I've high hopes for you. My lambkin. Be sure to try that finger I gave you. There's no reason to dither.

Visit at the Rose Church, after usingthe Finger three times.

  • Oh, lambkin, so pleased you're here. I'm glad you're enjoying my gift. Mmm, I knew from the very start. You have a taste for noble blood.
  • I wish to anoint you a proper inductee. A knight to serve Luminary Mohg, the Lord of Blood, and establish a new dynasty. Luminary Mohg has strength, vision, and of course, love. So, what do you say, my lambkin?

Choosing"Anoint me."

  • Mm, yes, who would have it any other way? Now, take this. For your final trial. Soak the cloth with a maiden's blood. Normally, this ritual would involve killing one's own maiden, and recanting the wisdom of the Two Fingers. But since you are maidenless, the blood of anyone's maiden will do.

Choosing "Refuse."

  • Oh my. Perhaps you misheard me. Nothing wrong with giving you a day or two. For your ears to clear out.

After returning with the blood-soaked Favor.

  • Ahh, my lambkin. You've completed your final trial. And with this, you are a formal inductee. A knight who will assist Luminary Mohg, the Lord of Blood, in the establishment of a new dynasty. Now, give me your finger. This noble blood will be an immutable badge of honor, once it settles. Inside of you.

Uponoffering finger.

  • Oh, good heavens. Clench your teeth, or something.

After receiving Bloody Finger.

  • Never forget that feeling of agony. For it is what binds you to Luminary Mogh, to all of us. Ha ha ha... You have the sweetest scream. My lambkin.

Talking again, after offering finger and receiving Bloody Finger.

  • Oh another thing. You should have this.

After receiving Pureblood Knight's Medal.

  • A medal granted by the new Mohgwyn dynasty.With the power to grant audience with Luminary Mohg.I've gone out of my way to provide one to you.But you mustn't use it just yet.
  • The meeting must wait until the Mohgwyn dynasty commences.Luminary Mohg yet slumbers beside the Divinity.We must endure a little longer.

Talking again, after receiving Pureblood Knight's Medal but before using it.

  • Ahh, it is trying, but we must be patient.One day, you will be elevated, deservedly, basking in love.Right, my lambkin?Ha ha ha...

Upon invading himnear the Mausoleum Dynasty Midpoint grace.

  • You seek violence, heedless of my warning, though you have been raised to a knight of the dynasty? I am pained, to the very depths of my being. I'll ensure you regret this, my lambkin. Enjoy your miserable death.


  • You maidenless runt... Who do you think I am? <Groan>

When killed while invading him.

  • Why must I be... disgraced by this lowborn

Final dialogue when talked to after invading him

  • O... Luminary... Mohg...
    Please grant... the strength... you promised
    I have given... everything...
    Please... my lord...
  • Please, answer me... Luminary... Mohg.
    Bless the Mohgwyn Dynasty, with love!

Elden Ring Notes & Trivia for White Mask Varré

  • During combat, Varre uses Varre's Bouquet and a sacred seal, which he uses to cast Catch Flame, Bloodflame Blade, and Swarm of Flies.
  • He used to tell you to go die in a ditch. This was only said during the network test, and was removed from the final release of the game.

"Feel free to go off and die in a ditch somewhere."

  • Cannot be revived at Church of Vows, like most dead NPCs.
  • He wears the War Surgeon Set, which drops from one of the three Nameless White Mask invaders in Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.
  • The War Surgeon Set's description implies that Mohg originally had the surgeons abducted against their will; Varré included. It details that none of the other White Masks hehad taken were able to "tame the accursed blood", but that Varré was the exception. This could be related to Varré's deep loyalty to Mohg and his upcoming Dynasty.

White MaskVarré Image Gallery

White Mask Varre | Elden Ring Wiki (2)

Elden Ring NPCs

Abandoned Merchant Siofra RiverAeonian SpiritAeonian Swamp SpiritAlbinauric Village SpiritAlbusAshen SpiritBlackguard Big BoggartBlaiddBloody Finger Hunter YuraBoc the SeamsterBrother CorhynCarian Manor SpiritD's Twin BrotherD, Hunter of the DeadDeathtouched SpiritDiallosDung EaterEclipse SpiritEdgarEniaEnshaErdtree Sanctuary SpiritFiaFinger Maiden TherolinaFrenzied SpiritFrustrated SpiritGate Town Bridge SpiritGatekeeper GostocGideon OfnirGodwyn the GoldenGoldmaskGowryGrape SpiritGurranq Beast ClergymanHermit MerchantHyettaImprisoned MerchantIrinaIron Fist AlexanderIsolated Merchant Raya LucariaIsolated MerchantsJar BairnKenneth HaightKingsrealm SpiritKnight BernahlLaiedd SpiritLatennaLionel the LionheartedLiurnian Highway SpiritLiurnian Lake SpiritLost Snow SpiritMaster LusatMelinaMerchant KaleMillicentMillicent's SistersMiquellaMiriel Pastor of VowsMorne SpiritNepheli LouxNomadic Merchant Mohgwyn PalaceNomadic Merchant West Altus PlateauNomadic MerchantsPatchesPidia, Carian ServantPreceptor SeluvisPrimeval Sorcerer AzurQueen MarikaRanni the WitchRennaRennala, Queen of the Full Moon (NPC)RoderikaRyaRykardSanguine Noble (NPC)ShabririShaded Castle SpiritSiofra River SpiritSmithing Master HewgSorcerer RogierSorceress SellenStranded Graveyard SpiritStudy Hall SpiritTanithThe Great-JarThe Two FingersThopsThree FingersTower of Return SpiritTwin Maiden HusksTwo FingersVolcano Manor SpiritWandering Artist SpiritWar Counselor IjiWindmill SpiritWitch-Hunter Jerren

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White Mask Varre | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)
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