Can you claim life insurance years later?
There's no deadline for filing a life insurance death benefit claim — that's good news if you're concerned about how long after death you have to collect life insurance.
Depending on your state's laws, you may be able to request that your insurance company backdate a life insurance policy, typically up to 6 months. However, it will be up to your insurance company to decide if they're willing to do it.
The Three-Year Rule
When transferring ownership of life insurance policies, the three-year rule applies. Under this IRS rule, the transfer must: (1) take place within three years before the original owner's death and (2) be made without any consideration.
Unfortunately, there's no set timeframe for life insurance payouts. Providing you make your claim within the notification period set out in the policy, most insurers will aim to process your claim and make the payment as soon as they can.
There's no deadline for filing a life insurance death benefit claim — that's good news if you're concerned about how long after death you have to collect life insurance.
The beneficiaries will never receive payment if they do not claim the life insurance benefits. The money can remain with the life insurance company for a certain period, but as you will see below, the life insurance company does not keep the money forever.
The 7-pay test is what the IRS uses to verify whether a cash value life insurance policy has been overfunded. These policies typically have an annual limit on how much you can pay into the account. This limit is based on the amount of premiums it takes for the policy to be fully paid up in the first seven years.
How Long Do You Have to Pay Into a Life Insurance Policy Before It Pays Out? Life insurance will pay out upon the death of the insured as soon as it is in force with the first premium payment.
An incontestable clause states that after a policy has been in force for a certain amount of time (usually two years), it cannot be challenged by an insurer on any grounds unless there is definite proof of fraud at that time.
Life insurance claims may be denied for policy delinquency, material misrepresentation, contestable circumstances or documentation failure. Misrepresentations may include lying about medical history, occupation and hobbies.
What voids a life insurance policy?
If you pass during the contestability period and the insurer determines you misrepresented yourself, or provided any false information to your life insurance company, it could completely void your coverage and no death benefits will be paid.
Some policies will have a surrender fee in the case of cashing out an entire policy, while others may charge fees for partial surrenders. Other than that, there are no additional penalties or fees. The surrender fee is usually 10% to 20% but it can be as high as 35% to 40%. Check your policy contract.

Before providing you with a coverage quote, most insurance companies will take the last five years of your driving record into account. They'll consider traffic citations, vehicular crimes and accident reports. In most cases, you'll be “penalized” for accidents for which you were deemed to be at fault.
What is return of premium life insurance? A return of premium (ROP) life insurance rider is an optional add-on to a term life policy that, if you outlive the policy term, pays you all or some of the money you spent on policy payments.
Legal Issues – Insurance policies are legal contracts, but backdating a policy is a fraudulent activity with its own lawful issues. Also, backdating an auto insurance policy in California is a federal fraud offense.
In summary, when there's unclaimed inheritance in a Will, the inheritance is passed on to the next-in-line kin per the state's succession rules. If the court cannot identify a rightful heir, the assets and property are absorbed by the state.
What does life insurance not cover? Life insurance exclusions often include deaths from undisclosed pre-existing conditions, certain risky activities, fraud and intentional illegal acts.
Whole life insurance policies may be easier to obtain than term life insurance, even when you're older. Many life insurance companies sell new policies to applicants up to age 85 or 90. Your need for life insurance may be less if you don't have any debt or dependents who rely on your income.
There generally isn't a time limit on how long you have to claim life insurance benefits. As a beneficiary, you do not have to worry about filing a claim too late after the death of the policy holder.
After an insurance company learns of a policyholder's death, the law requires the insurer to try to find the beneficiaries of the policy. But in cases where the company can't locate beneficiaries in a certain period, every state requires the company to turn over the unclaimed life insurance proceeds to the state.
Who gets the money if there is no beneficiary?
What happens to life insurance with no beneficiaries? Most life insurance companies require you to name at least one beneficiary. If beneficiaries are not named, the life insurance proceeds will go to your estate. If you don't have a will, your estate, including the death benefit, may need to go through probate court.
Life insurance is no longer needed for many people once they reach their 60s or 70s. At this point they have retired, their kids have grown up, and they've paid off their mortgage and other debts.
So when coverage expires, your life insurance protection is gone -- and even though you've been paying premiums for 20 years, there's no residual value.
The key reasons life insurance may not pay out include if the policy has expired, lapsed due to unpaid premiums, the insured was untruthful on the application, the insured died from illegal activities, suicide, homicide, or during the waiting period.
For example, applicants might lie about their age, income, weight, medical conditions, family medical history or occupation. It's also relatively common for applicants to lie about their alcohol or drug use.